Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 9 of 16)

We Ran

Nine PAX moseyed through the streets of SOGA looking to get better.

The Pledge

The Route
Gaston Day School Rd which turns into Armstrong Park Rd
Left onto Perry
Right onto Lee
Left onto New Hope
Right onto Armstrong Park Dr
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd which turns back into Gaston Day School Rd
And back to The Pub

PT Test (whoops)
Christmas Party – 12/12

Prayer Requests
Breaker Breaker – family
Sargento’s M
Our Country

Prayer to take us out


That title get your attention? YHC had Q the day after the election in which all the talk was red vs blue. I thought the workout needed a blue vs red component to show that opposite sides could come together. The title comes from the name of a restaurant in St. Pauls, NC that YHC went to shortly after my M and I started dating. The restaurant is covered equally in UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC-Raleigh memorabilia. The goal of this workout was to show that we are still at a point where red and blue could still coexist.

530 post election day, let’s get going.

Quick disclaimer. Then, the pledge.


SSH x 15
LBCs x 15
Merkins x 15

Mosey to the parking lot at the maintenance shed at Martha River’s. At this point, it’s a little fuzzy, but I think we did squats or flutters (or something).

Mosey to the soccer field next to the playground.

First, we completed the Tar Heel portion of the workout with some Four Corners. Usually, Dean would implement this to slow the game down, but we used it to speed things up.

Run to corner 1, Merkins x 10
Run to corner 2, LBCs x 20
Run to corner 3, Squats x 30
Run to corner 4, Flutter Kicks x 40

Chilcutt plank for the 6

Run it in reverse.

Run to corner 1, Flutter Kicks x 40
Run to corner 2, Squats x 30
Run to corner 3, LBCs x 20
Run to corner 4, Merkins x 10

Chilcutt plank for the 6

One more round (best recollection on what we did on this round)

Run to corner 1, Moroccan Night Club x 10
Run to corner 2, BB Sit-ups x 20
Run to corner 3, Squats x 30
Run to corner 4, Flutter Kicks x 40

Most to the next field over.

Now for the Wolfpack portion with a little Wolfpack Grinder (stolen from Stroganoff, my apologies).

Run around the track to the other side of the field.
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Squats x 15
Run back around the track to the start.
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Squats x 15
Run around the track to the other side of the field.
CDDS x 15
Flutter Kicks x 15
Squats x 15
Run back around the track to the start.
CDDS x 15
Flutter Kicks x 15
Squats x 15

Mosey back to Snowball’s with a stop at random light posts for separate rounds of Merkins, LBCs, and Squats.

PT Test (which was yesterday)
F3 Shirt orders

Prayer Requests
Dry Rub – Father-in-law – colon cancer
Our nation
Flintstone – sister out of hospital
Breaker Breaker – aunt
Rockabilly – pneumonia
Hushpuppy and family

Prayer to take us out.

Día de la Pierna

The inspiration for this week’s Sandlot weinke came from Watt’s Up’s Q last week at The Sandlot. We shot dice, and the fate of the beat down was determined by the roll of the dice. First of all, it was a strong beat down that even my Strava app noted “This was harder than your usual effort”, but I also just liked the unknown factor of the outcome. During the workout, I mentioned that it reminded me of the UNO workout that I’d done before at Martha’s, and that I needed to bring the cards back out soon. As we were in the COT, Stinky Bird mentioned that he needed a Q for the following week. Since no one jumped right in, I broke the silence and said I’d take the Q. It was at that point that I already knew what we’d be doing the following week.

As I drove in, I saw Stroganoff and Time Frame getting in a little EC. The PAX started to roll in, and by 530, we had a good crowd for another Monday Gameday.

Start with The Pledge

SSH x 15
LBC x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey towards the park. Along the way, I nearly gave a poor lady a heart attack as we ran up on her. I thought she already knew we were closing in as I greeted her with a “Good morning.” Turns out, she did not.

Stop at the shed to gather the PAX.

Merkins x 10
Squats x 10

Mosey on the track around the baseball fields and up the path towards the building between the fields.

Let’s play UNO!

Deal a hand of 7 cards, face down, revealed one at a time. Each color is a different exercise with the count based on the number times 10 (I removed 6 through 9 including 0 out of mercy).

Red = Merkins (Rd 1), Hand Release Merkins (Rd 2), Diamond Merkins (Rd 3)
Yellow = Squats (Rd 1), Jump Squats (Rd 2), Imperial Walker Squats (Rd 3)
Green = LBC (Rd 1), Big Boy Sit-ups (Rd 2), Crunchy Frogs (Rd 3)
Blue = American Hammers (Rd 1), Dying Cockroaches (Rd 2), Flutter Kicks (Rd 3)
All Reverses = NUR around the building
All Skips = Lunge to a light along the path (increment by 1 for each skip) (and increment we did…)
All Draw 2’s = 2 8-count Body Builders
Draw 4’s = 4 8-count Body Builders
Wild Cards = Burpees x5

The cards were well shuffled, and YHC allowed Watt’s Up to cut the deck. Little did we know that the cards would decide that the PAX would get leg day out of the way early this week…

Round 1
Yellow Draw 2 = 2 8-count Body Builders
Draw 4 = 4 8-count Body Builders
Green 5 = 50 LBCs
Green 1 = 10 LBCs
Red Skip = Lunge to first light post in the walkway
Yellow Skip = Lunge to the second light post in the walkway
Draw 4 = 4 8-count Body Builders

Round 2
Red Reverse = NUR around the building
Yellow 2 = 20 Jump Squats
Green 1 = 10 Big Boy Sit-ups
Red 1 = 10 Hand Release Merkins
Blue Skip = Lunge to the third light post in the walkway
Blue 1 = 10 Dying Cockroaches
Draw 4 = 4 8-count Body Builders

Round 3
Red Skip = Lunge to the fourth light post in the walkway
Yellow 5 = 50 Imperial Walker Squats
Yellow Skip = Lunge to the fifth light post in the walkway
Red 5 = 50 Diamond Merkins
Green 3 = 30 Crunchy Frogs
Wild = 5 Burpees
Yellow 3 = 30 Imperial Walker Squats

Bonus Round – PAX picks the round for exercise
Yellow 2 = 20 Jump Squats
Red 2 = 20 Merkins
Blue 50 (really Red, but Watt’s Up and I agreed we saw Blue) = 50 Flutter Kicks (count each leg)

Mosey back to Snoball’s

One Round of Mary – Stroganoff led in 30 Flutter Kicks

Annihilation @ Gashouse – Gump Q – 8/29
Shoot’em up – 9/12
CSAUP – 9/19
JJ 5k – 9/26
Mt Mitchell Climb – 9/27
Iron PAX Challenge

Prayer Requests
EZ Rider family members
Roscoe and CMPD
Les Nessman’s wife
Short Sale
Allen Tate
Double Stuf’s dad

Prayer to take us out.

Thanks for the change to lead.

We Ran at The Pub

5 PAX posted for a mosey to Martha’s.

Stroganoff outran some ladies.

Roscoe got a late start after some EC and almost outran YHC.

Oompa ran all the way to Union.

Good work by all.

Annihilation, Mt. Mitchell, JJ5k…

Prayer Requests
Kids going back to school

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

Twenty Since the One Hundred

The day of the workout marked 20 weeks since the start and completion of the last relay race in the country outside of Gaston County, the Mortimer 100. To commemorate the event, the weinke would be focused on finding as many hills in order to start 2021 Mortimer training.

Imperial Walkers

Hipaa took Pain Lab Q; Boot Camp went off to HTFU

Mosey across the street to the library parking lot for a little baby hill to start with
Round of Jack Sprints
Up the hill 1/3 of the way, 5 Plank Jacks
Back down the hill, 5 Seal Jacks
Up the hill 2/3 of the way, 10 Plank Jacks
Back down the hill, 5 Seal Jacks
Up the hill to the end of the parking lot, 15 Plank Jacks
Back down the hill, 5 Seal Jacks

Mosey to the hill at First Pres
Partner up at bottom of hill near Boy Scout hut
Partner 1 runs up the hill
Partner 2 AMRAP exercise
Switch until both partners completed all 3 exercises
Round 1 – Merkins
Round 2 – Squats
Round 3 – LBCs

Mosey to the hill at the track next door at the school
Imperial Walker Squats at the top of the hill
Big Boy Sit-ups at the bottom of the hill

Mosey to the base of the entrance of Partners on New Hope
Round of Escalator
First stop
Hand Release Merkins
Second stop
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
Third stop
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Fourth stop
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers

Due to time crunch had to take the elevator down but at the bottom one more round of each exercise
Hand Release Merkins
Freddy Mercuries
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers

Mosey back

Stop in Parkwood parking lot for 10 LBCs

Mosey back to start

At this point, you’d think the announcements would be irrelevant but two are still upcoming.
Annihilation at Gashouse on 8/27 (Gump Q)
Mt Mitchell Hike 9/27

Prayers for the PAX and families of F3 Gastonia

Prayer to take us out

I always find it fascinating how God gives you the right message from his word when you need it. As I checked my phone after the workout, the daily verse notification had hit my phone.

Psalms 121:1-2
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Seemed ironic after a hill-themed workout that this verse with a message to lift our eyes to the hills would appear on my phone. It made be think of all the struggle, pain, hurt, and strife in our world right now, but through it all, God offers help, hope, and love. It’s up to us as a group of men to be leaders and spread that same love to our families, our friends, and our community. I think back to the sights we saw on the Mortimer of God’s creation. The same God that made those hills and mountains will provide a way for us to get through the hills and mountains in our own life. Just know that we are never alone, and I’m thankful to have you men as friends that lift me up and hold me accountable.

Running Backwards but not NUR’ing

Eleven PAX posted on a humid but otherwise great morning.

We said the pledge.

We ran everyone’s favorite route that always elicits groans when announced.

Out on Gaston Day which turns into Armstrong Park Rd, left onto Armstrong Park Dr, left onto New Hope Rd, right onto Lee St, left onto Perry St, right back onto Armstrong Park Rd, and then back to The Pub.

Mt Mitchell Hike – 9/27
F3 10 year anniversary event – savings extended a week (probably because I didn’t get it into this backblast in time, your welcome)
Annihilation at Gashouse 8/29 – Gump w/ Q
Smokey Mtn Relay at some point

Prayer Requests
SA and family
Family of daughter of Ace from Ace & TJ
Oompa’s back
Allen Tate
Short Sale

Prayer to take us out

Until next week…

The PAX did what?

We ran. Yes. That’s what the PAX did. We ran to Martha’s and back. Diablo Sambriches were spotted.

Before that, we said the pledge.

After that were announcements:

Annihilation was at Yank this past Sat. Will be at Gashouse in late August.
Sept 27 – Mt Mitchell hike
F3 10 year anniversary – Jan 2021 – see Breaker Breaker

and prayer requests:

Allen Tate’s shoulder
Our country
SA’s daughter
Police, fire, and medic

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

We Got to Mosey to Martha’s

In case you haven’t been paying attention lately, there is a lot going on in the world. YHC has been involved with a project with work that has added to the stress. Posting in the gloom has been an escape, even if only briefly, from the chaos in the world.

After what had seemed like an already long week, YHC showed up at The Pub on an otherwise wonderful Thursday morning to find several PAX already gathered with a couple more yet to arrive. With six of us ready to go, we said the pledge, and YHC called out the route for the mosey. As the route was laid out to Martha’s and back, YHC could tell that the proper energy from the Q was lacking. It seemed to be an attitude of we “have to run to Martha’s and back.” YHC caught himself and said for anyone still close enough to hear that we “get to run to Martha’s and back.” In my mind it was only one word, but it made a world of difference. Nobody was forcing us to do this. As we ran, YHC thought about the blessing we had to be out there running. Not running from danger, but running to make ourselves better. Running because our brothers were out there, and we didn’t want them to be out there alone. Sometimes it takes a 0530 mosey to help get your mind in the right space.

We all ran. We all pushed the rock. In some way, we all got better.

Annihilation at Folsom (whoops)
PT Test – Gashouse 7/18 – there are run/ruck/walk options
A couple of AOs looking for new Site Q leaders (including The Pub)

Prayer Requests
Our Nation
Clavin’s M
Sister Act’s 2.0
Round Up’s family

Prayer to take us out

In the days since the Mosey to Martha’s, one of my daily devotions was from Hebrews 12. Verse 1 talks of running with perseverance so it seems appropriate to include that in a BB from a running AO.

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

If you are reading this and going through a struggle right now, don’t give up. As these verses say, fix your eyes on Jesus. No matter how bleak the circumstance, don’t grow weary and don’t lose heart. You’ve got a God that loves you and a group of brothers that are there for you at any moment.

Until next time…

Getting Better

Interpret the title of this BB as you will. It could be that as AOs have opened back up that PAX are posting and getting in better physical and mental shape.

It could also mean that it only took one week to get the BB done instead of two weeks like the last one YHC did. We’re getting there. Maybe next time we’ll have it done before the weekend is over. Goals, folks. Goals.

We ran towards Martha’s. Actually, the rest of the PAX ran. YHC is coming off a brief stint on the IR so YHC walked.

Ville to Ville (whooops)

Prayer Requests
Clavin’s M
Whoopee’s 2.0
Sister Act’s 2.0
Anchorman’s move to SF

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Back to The Pub

We went nine weeks without having the shovel flag planted onsite at The Pub. So two weeks to get the first backblast out is nothing, right? Anyway, YHC apologizes for the delay.

Although The Pub Virtual Challenge was fun, it was great to be back in the gloom with the PAX.

To celebrate, we ran towards Martha’s. We thought we ran past Roscoe in the parking lot, turns out it was Radar.

Ville to Ville on 5/30

Prayer Requests
Brian Hicks – Slaw’s friend – heart attack
SA’s daughter
Def Leppard’s son
Clavin’s M
PAX looking for work

Prayer to take us out

Until next time.

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