Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 4 of 16)

Get on the Bus

Back to school time which means the 2nd annual Back to School Q. Not really that big of a deal actually, but here’s what we did…

Warm-up the bus
SSH IC x 15
LBCs IC x 15
Imperial Walkers IC x 15

Mosey down Riverwood

Stop by the neighborhood pool for Morrocan Night Clubs x 50 to symbolically wave bye to summer vacation.

Mosey to the base of Gastone’s Hill. Need to pick up the kids on the bus so stop at every mailbox on the way up and the way down for 3 squats.

Moesey to Dollar General parking lot. Stop for last minute school supplies as each PAX picked an exercise.

Maybelline – Peter Parker Merkins (don’t think he read Flintstone’s backblast)
Fountainhead – Merkins (maybe? or maybe something else?)
Winehouse – Superman Pull-ups
JJ – Calf Raises on the curb
Stubing – Hand-release Merkins

Now that we have all our supplies, mosey to the school parking lot.

First up, math and geometry. Escalating Four Core-ners.
Corner 1 – 10 Crunchy Frogs
Corner 2 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury,
Corner 3 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury, 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 Freddy Mercury, 30 LBCs, 40 Flutter Kicks

De-escalate with a slight twist
Corner 3 – 10 Freddy Mercury, 20 LBCs, 30 Flutter Kicks
Corner 2 – 10 LBCs, 20 Flutter Kicks
Corner 1 – 10 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the front of the cafeteria for lunch. Cherry Pickers x 50 (the only food related exercise I could think of quickly). Then, Drop the Cherries in the Basket x 50

Mosey along the wall to wait for the bus back
Dips x 15
Step Ups x 15
Derkins x 15
Dips x 10

Mosey back with a stop at the base of the hill to drop off the kids. Squats x 23 (think that’s the number of mailboxes up Gastone’s Hill)

Mosey back to the flag

The Pledge

3F lunch (yesterday)
F3 Dads Folsom Sat (8/19)
Crowder Hike (8/27)
Coconut Derby (9/3)
Conv Labor Day (9/4)

Prayer Requests
Maybelline’s grandfather
Stubing’s M, care for grandmother
Kids and teachers

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Golden Anniversary

YHC took the Q at Gashouse on Thursday, and by Friday night, the ideas for a weinke started forming. Early in the evening on Friday, YHC remembered that tomorrow was his parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. This seemed like an important event, but how would that be relevant to the PAX? Then, later that evening after enjoying the music of the Liquid Pleasure Band in Mt Holly, YHC found out that it was the 50th anniversary of Hip-Hop. Who knew? As someone who experienced high school and college in the 90’s, this seemed significant due to the quality of hip-hop music in the 90’s. But once again, how would this be relevant ot the PAX? The events may have been less important for a global reach, but numbers are important. And the number 50 seemed like the right direction for the weinke.

YHC arrived to the Schiele on Saturday morning to find Flintstone and Virus in what appeared to be a post-run state. Thought they’d got in some EC and would be joining the crowd. Turns out, they were taking a little break half-way through their 14 mile mosey. Good work men.

0700 and time to get going. Brief disclaimer.

SSH IC x 10
Low-Slow Squats x 10
Merkins IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
(That’s 50 in the warm-up in case you missed that)

The Pledge

Bootcamp moseyed off while Nutria took the Pain Lab crew.

Mosey to the steps at First Pres where I gave the Site Q the option of 5-10 or 10-5. After some explanation and deep, thoughtful consideration, Short Sale chose 5-10.
That meant 5 count of each exercise 10 times.
So 5 Squats at the bottom of the stairs, mosey up the stairs, 5 Big Boy Sit-ups, mosey back down the stairs.
Repeat that 10 times (Once again, that’s 50 of each exercise in case you aren’t keeping up).

Mosey to the parking lot of Parkwood. Earlier YHC had explained to the PAX about the relevance of the number 50 to which Short Sale responded if it was the anniversary of hip-hop, then why didn’t we have any music? This is what makes him the King of Q and YHC a mere peasant Q dealing out scraps to the PAX. Had the idea not formed at 9:30pm the night before, that idea may have come up but probably not. With only a phone in hand, YHC started playing the “50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop” playlist on Amazon music. This was extremely underwhelming, but YHC let it play nonetheless.

Here’s how the parking lot madness went…

Start in the middle of the 4 corners. Mosey to the first corner and complete 10 of the exercise. Then, return to the center for 1 burpee.
Mosey to the second corner (counter-clockwise) and complete another 10 of the same exercise. Then, return to the center for 1 burpee.
Repeat for all 4 corners. Once returning to the center, complete a final 10 of the same exercise and 1 burpee.
That made 50 of each exercise during a round.
Round 1 – SSH
Round 2 – Jump Squats
Round 3 – Flutters (Count both legs)
Round 4 – Hand-release Merkins
Round 5 – Calf Raises
Round 6 – LBCs
Round 7 – Air Presses
Round 8 – Lunges (Count both legs)
Round 9 – Crunchy Frogs
Round 10 – Mike Tysons

Once we completed round 6, time was running low. So we had to combine rounds 7-10. Instead of 1 burpee, we did 4 burpees to make sure we hit the count.
So that was 50 of each exercise and 50 total burpees.

With little time remaining, mosey back to the flag arriving at exactly the 1 hour mark.

PT Tests coming up; Classic next Weds @ Ricky Bobby
Kings to Crowder Ruck 8/27 (#1 in 3-part Ruck Series)
Coconut Derby 9/4 – the belt is on the line
Convergence on Labor Day (9/4) @ Caramount Park downtown

Prayer Requests
Nutria’s brother adoption

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time (shameless plug, which will be next Weds at The Labyrinth, 2nd Annual Back to School Q)…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Our story starts earlier in the week when YHC checked the Teamup app to see who had the Q Friday at Snooze and saw it was Nutria. Fast forward to the post-COT chat session after The Pub where YHC ran into Nutria. He had forgotten about the Q and his schedule wouldn’t allow him to be there. After a quick thought, YHC said he’d take it if nothing else to ensure he’d post on Friday. This would also continue the hijinx at the Snooze as to who the real Q would be once 0645 hit.

Forward once again to Friday morning where 3 PAX were standing in the circle as 0645 hit. Two of the three were already in on the hijinx so the small bit of shenanigans that could have been pulled off went off like a wet firework in a hurricane. Regardless, three posted to work so work we did. It went something like this…

Quick warm-up
SSH IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Imperial Walkers IC x 10

Mosey across the street and down the walking trail. We ended up at the back of the neighborhood and settled in at the bottom of a hill.
The plan was to partner for Dora 1,2,3, but the count would necessitate a threesome.
“1” PAX would run up the hill while the other “2” PAX would stay and AMRAP exercises. A round of exercises was completed when each PAX had run during that round.
“3” rounds of exercises: 1 – Merkins, 2 – Squats, 3 – SSH

Once this was complete mosey through the neighborhood to the elementary school parking lot
“4” Core-ners
Corner 1 – Crunchy Frogs x 10
Corner 2 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20
Corner 3 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20, LBCs x 30
Corner 4 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20, LBCs x 30, Flutter Kicks x 40
Back to Corner 3 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20, LBCs x 30
Back to Corner 2 – Crunchy Frogs x 10, Freddy Mercury’s x 20
Back to Corner 1 – Crunchy Frogs x 10

Mosey through the neighborhood with a section of lunges at one point ending up in the parking lot of Dynamo 31
For the “5”, triple nickle of Hand-Release Merkins and Jump Squats with partial bear crawl in-between.

Mosey back to the flag. A couple of minutes of Mary to finish out.

Ruck Trifecta (Details TBD) but #1 will be on 8/27 Crowder Ruck, Linwood Access, be on the lookout for more details
Slaw Annihilation at Folsom this Sat
2F lunch Pita Wheel Belmont
F3 Dads Folsom 7am 8/19
Convergence on Labor Day, site TBD but IYKYK
Coconut Derby 9/3

Prayer Requests

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

It Never Rains on The Pub

Over the years, that’s almost always been a true statement. It was tested this morning, but a light drizzle during part of the run and a clear COT would once again allow that to be factual.

With a strong crowd gathered, YHC called the route before the clock struck 0530. We’d mosey what YHC calls the Wachovia Route (the Wells Fargo Route backwards).


The Pledge

Some ran. Some stayed to Sammich.

Out on Gaston Day School Rd / Armstrong Park Rd
Left on Armstrong Park Dr
Left on New Hope Rd
Right on Lee St
Left on East Perry St
Right on Armstrong Park Rd / Gaston Day School Rd

Ruck Trifecta (Details TBD) but #1 will be on 8/27 Crowder Ruck, Linwood Access, be on the lookout for more details
Slaw Annihilation at Folsom this Sat
2F lunch Pita Wheel Belmont
F3 Dads Folsom 7am 8/19
Convergence on Labor Day, site TBD but IYKYK
Coconut Derby 9/3

Prayer Requests
Turtleman, pray for our brother as he continues to fight
Norwood surgery on 8/4
Balljoint’s aunt
Maybelline’s cousin
Tube’s M kidney stone

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Back From The River

This was YHC’s first post since returning from vacation. Posted twice in Shalotte at The River and brought back some of the fun I had there to share with the PAX

SSH IC x 12
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 11

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields where I believe we did some squats

Mosey to the lower end of the parking lot for 11s
Hand Release Merkins x 10 on one side
Big Boys x 1 on the other side
You know the deal, repeat until the counts were switched

Mosey to the playground
3 rounds of Pull-ups x 5

Mosey to the shelter and partner up
One partner does Step-ups to 250 while the other partner moseys to the turd shack and does 10 balls to the wall shoulder taps (count both sides)

Mosey to the curb at the end of the parking lot
Repeat, sort of. One partner does Step-ups to 250 while the other partner moseys to the turd shack for more shoulder taps

Mosey to the turd shack and wall sit with the PAX shoulder to shoulder. Start on one side with each PAX doing 10 air presses until it makes it to the other end.

Mosey back to the flag with a stop at each light pole for 5 squats.

F3 Lunch that already happened
George Strait in ATL in October
FIA Official Launch which was 7/22

Prayer Requests

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Five on the Fifth

Five PAX shook off the patriotic hangover from the Independence Day celebrations from the day prior, and here’s what happened.

SSH IC x 10
LBCs IC x 12
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
Morrocon Nightclubs IC x 20

Mosey down the street to the CaroMont Health parking lot (which was nice and freshly repaved)

10 Hand Release Merkins on the other side of the parking lot and mosey back for 1 jump squat
Rince and repeat until the counts were swapped

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill
Up the hill with a stop at every mailbox for 5 Mountain Climbers.
Mosey back down the hill

Mosey through the back entrance to Martha’s and over to the pull-up bar.
Seems like we used this more in the past so YHC wanted to bring this back.
Triple Nickle. There were 5 PAX (that’s one 5) who would each complete 5 pull-ups (that’s a second 5) for 5 rounds (and that’s three 5’s). While waiting, the other PAX would plank.

After this was complete, mosey to the open field for a round of 4 core-ners.
1st corner – 10 Big Boys
2nd corner – 20 Crunchy Frogs
3rd corner – 30 American Hammers (count 1 side)
4th corner – 40 Fluter Kicks (count 1 leg)

Mosey back towards the flag through the shortcut.
With inspiration from EZ Rider’s Q earlier in the week, the PAX had to stop and drop off the cargo we’d picked up during the 4 core-ners

10 Big Boys
20 Crunchy Frogs
30 American Hammers (count 1 side)
40 Fluter Kicks (count 1 leg)

Hustle back to the flag to finish just in time.

2nd F Lunch – 7/19 Pita Wheel in Dallas

Prayer Requests
Maybelline’s Cousin
Jackson Hall
Teens Westward Bound

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Wells Loop

YHC called a loop that hasn’t been called in a while. The Wells Fargo loop on a perfect morning for a mosey.

The Pledge

Gaston Day > Armstrong > E Perry > Lee > New Hope > Armstrong > Armstrong > Gaston Day

Snooze starts tomorrow! 0645 in McAdenville
PT Test – scan #mumblechatter for options
July 4th @ The Yank 0700

Prayer Requests
Families traveling
Hunchback, friend from high school passed away
Termite’s son

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Awkward Exercises & Bad Music

YHC is not a “let’s try something new” type of person. I usually like to stay within the routine. However, there are times when you have to try new things. YHC came across Vincent Biffle on Instagram who had over 743k followers and promised “at-home” abs in 20 minutes. After watching a few of his reels, YHC realized it was the same exercises we did in the gloom with a different name. So after copying a few of his sets, a weinke was formed. YHC knew that this could get monotonous so let’s get crazy and throw in some music. YHC had never Q’ed a circuit workout like this and based on memory had only used music one other time. This would not be a typically JJ Q.

Fast forward to 0530. Let’s get started…

Quick disclaimer
The Pledge

Warm-up (which was one of VB’s cardio workouts)
SSH IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Lunges 5 each leg
Merkins IC x 10
Elbow plank while two different PAX counted to 10

Mosey around Snoball’s and across the street to the bank parking lot.
The Thang
7 sets of 5 exercises
45 seconds of work with 15 seconds of rest, 1 minute between sets
For the 1 minute rest, we moseyed around the island in the parking lot

Set 1
Standing Climbers (sort of like Imperial Walkers but your knee stays straight instead of pulling in)
Imperial Hillbilly Walkers (it was about this time the insults started flying)
Standing oblique crunches with a toe touch (at this point, the insults were getting nastier)
SSH x Crunches (2 SSH then a standing crunch with each leg)
Butt Kickers

Sets 2 and 3
Forward and Reverse Lunges
Lateral Squat + Knee Drive
Squat Walkers
Close Feet Squats

Sets 4 and 5
Reverse Crunches
Bear Plank w/ Donkey Kick
Parker Peters + Fire Hydrant
Imperial Walker Squats

Set 6 and 7
Seal Jacks + Squats (2 and 2, repeat)
Run Punches
Squat Front Raises
Crunchy Frogs
Mountain Climbers

Mosey back to the flag

2nd F Lunch was this past Weds (Whoops)
Capt Stubing Q downtown on Friday coffee & doughnuts (Whoops again)
Memorial Day Murph – 0700, no 0530 bootcamp
Trail Run – get info from BOS

Prayer Requests
Flintstone’s parents
Jackson Hall
Razor’s friend, son passed 2 weeks before 9th birthday
Chris Hoss (sp?)

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Welcome to the Jungle

A month or more ago after a Sandlot workout, Flintstone approached YHC and the conversation went something like this:
FS: I want to start the Annihilation workout series back.
YHC: That’s a great idea.
FS: I want you to lead the first workout at Gashouse one Saturday.
YHC: That’s a terrible idea.

It didn’t take too much arm twisting and YHC agreed to lead the workout. Since then, YHC has been thinking of ways to draw up a weinke that would challenge the PAX but also one the Q could complete (If you can’t do it, don’t Q it.)

Fast forward to the eve of the event, and YHC found himself at the Guns n Roses tribute band (Night Train) concert in Belmont. They were in full costume and played all the GNR hits. As they played Welcome to the Jungle, YHC thought about the next morning and the fun and games in store for the PAX. Almost inspired YHC to bring along a speaker with GNR hits for the workout, but that seemed too frilly for an annihilation workout. The pre-blast said no BS, and the thought of bluetooth trouble getting in the way deterred that thought pretty quickly.

0700 Saturday morning so it’s time to go. Quick disclaimer and even quicker warm-up.


Bootcamp with me; Pain Lab staying with Noisy Cricket.

Mosey past the farm down the hill. This was a last minute addition in fear that YHC didn’t have enough to fill the hour. 1 burpee at the bottom of the hill. Mosey up the Hill. 2 burpees at the top. Back down the hill. Increment 1 burpee at each stop. The plan was to go to 11, but YHC wanted to get on with the original plan. Mosey by the stream towards Garrison. Then, we hit a bump in the road, or a fence on the hill, where in the past we could access the side parking lot of the Schiele. Well….now there was a locked gate. Mosey back down the trail, up the hill past the farm, through the parking lot, and around the museum.

In the parking lot, Route 66 with Merkins at each parking space line and bear crawls in between.

Once that was done, mosey down Garrison and across into the office parking lot. YHC called 11’s, but this was annihilation so these would be “nasty” 11’s. Unlike typical 11’s, there would be 11 Monkey Humpers at the bottom of the hill, mosey up the hill with a stop in the middle for a burpee, and 11 Perfect-form Merkins up the hill, mosey back down the hill with another stop for a burpee in the middle. The final 11 would be the 11 minute timer set to track how long we’d run up and down the hill. This was a very long 11 minutes.

Once the timer sounded, the PAX moseyed over to the wall behind the offices for a pyramid.
Wall-sits with 5 Air Presses IC, then 5 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 10 Air Presses IC, then 10 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 15 Air Presses IC, then 15 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 10 Air Presses IC, then 10 Hip Slappers IC
Wall-sits with 5 Air Presses IC, then 5 Hip Slappers IC

At various points (including this one), YHC called on the PAX for a 3-count for a quick breather. Annihilation ain’t got no time for a 10-count.

Let’s mosey. Line the PAX up for an Indian Run down the side streets on the south side of Garrison. We ended up in Lineberger Park at the flag poles. Around the poles, there were 9 stations, one exercise at each station. Just happened to have 10 PAX. One man at each station with the 10th running as the timer. Timer would run up the hill, up the steps, perform 2 burpees, then run back. When he returned, PAX would rotate to next station with last man now running as the timer.

Hand Release Burpees
Spiderman Burpees
Wolverine Burpees
8-Count Body Builders
Mike Tysons
Crunchy Frogs
Jump Squats
Flutter Crunches
Jump Lunges

After each PAX had a chance to serve as the timer, it was time to head back.

At this point, YHC was pretty smoked but knew we had a mile back to the flag. Group moseyed back down the side street on the north side of Garrison with several stops to gather the PAX (or keep the Q from splashing merlot). Mosey back to the entrance of the Schiele with less than a minute remaining. Jail break with what you have left back to the flag.

And that gentlemen was time.

2F Lunch 24th @ The Lodge in Belmont
Memorial Day Murph – 0700 start – No 0530 Sandlot bootcamp that morning
Next annihilation – June 3 @ The Yank led by Boudin
NEW SUMMER AO – Friday mornings – Starting 6/2 – 0645 start – Short Sale serving as Site – Meet at Pharr Corporate building

Prayer Requests
Jackson Hill – Ratchet’s 2.0
No Brainer drag race proceeds going to their Brain Cancer Foundation
Flintstone’s mom and dad
Buckeye and family of Buckeye’s friend

Prayer to take us out.

It was an honor to lead the workout and thankful for the PAX that showed up. Hope it was worth your time. YHC has been pretty sore ever since so hopefully you are going through the same misery.

Season Finale

As with any great saga, there were many loose ends that needed to be tied up before the season finale of The Halfpipe.

  • Would Scrat show to exert his dominance over the other two dogs that are walked during our workout time?
  • Would the owner of the White BMW that FLIES through the neighborhood and has no idea what the purpose of a stop sign is reveal themselves?
  • Who would be the Local Legend of The Halfpipe at season’s end?
  • What really goes on at the secret Dutch Oven AO?

The answers to these questions and many more revealed between the immutable peaks of the mighty Halfpipe.

Work was done.
Pause for COT
Announcements – Convergence this weekend
Prayer Requests – Healing for Mayor and Sargento

Prayer to take us out.

The Halfpipe existed before YHC and will exist after YHC is gone. It was incorporated as an AO to encourage others to train for race season, and for that reason, the formality of a weekly Q and COT will be paused until later in the year. However, don’t let that deter you from taking on the challenge the majestic hills provide. If you show up between 0515 and 0600 on a random Tuesday, you may still find an HRB or two in the gloom traversing the pavement, trying to HTFU.

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