Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 14 of 16)

Mission Impossible

OK. That title was just click bait. My son just went to see the new MI movie, and that was the first catchy title that came to my mind. The mission was difficult, but 8 PAX posted at the The Pub to prove it was possible.

YHC showed up a few minutes before 0530 to find some PAX waiting. YHC also had to dodge Gastone and Madoff as they were getting in some EC. Good work men.

0530 hit and we took off for “The Pub Route”. Right on Hoffman from The Pub down Red Bud. Left on Pamela St. Left on Gardner Park Dr. Left on Armstrong Park Rd and back to The Pub.

YHC and Stone Cold returned to find Oompa Loompa. He was there so he gets credit for the full 5 miles. He could have run 8. He also could have saved some orphans from a burning building or saved a cat from a tree. Not sure exactly what work he got in , but the key was he beat the fartsack and posted.


CSAUP Run and 2nd F on 8/25
Christmastown 5k registration open

Prayer Requests
Nicky Bailey
Stroganoff dad’s test results
Gastone’s in-laws


Until next week…

Good Workout Cheap

A while back, Brownstreak Q’d the Gashouse and took us on a journey that eventually led to the Ollie’s parking lot. Along the way, he and others shared the impact F3 had on them in various areas of life. YHC knew that he’d not posted at Gashouse and gone that direction in quite some time so today was the day. I’d put out a note the day before on Twitter promising a “good workout cheap” as a play on Ollie’s “Good Stuff Cheap” motto.

YHC showed up a few minutes before 0700 to find the PAX waiting for the fun that was to come. After confirming that Rudolph was ready with the Pain Lab Q, we got started.

No FNG’s so the disclaimer was short.

SSH x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
LBC’s x 14 (Was thinking ahead and hit the inflection count a little early)

The Pledge

We started our journey to run an errand while the Pain Lab PAX stayed behind for their own beat down.

Mosey up the road towards Ollie’s. Stopped at the Grier parking lot for some lunge work. Starting at the beginning of the parking spaces, lunge to the speed bump, stop and do 10 merkins. Lunge to the next speed bump, 10 more merkins. Lunge to the final speed bump, 10 more merkins. As noted by the PAX, the parking lot was a bit longer than I’d remembered when mentally planning the weinke, but all PAX survived.

Continued the mosey towards Ollie’s with another stop at Idlewood Circle to gather the PAX and let everyone catch their breath. Since we stopped, let’s do 20 LBC’s.

Continued the mosey with another stop at the office building behind Ollie’s. Partner up. Partner 1 runs around the building to the other entrance and then back again while the Partner 2 does Mountain Climbers. Once partner 1 returns, flip flop and Partner 2 runs while Partner 1 does MC’s. Repeat with another round of SSH while the partner runs.

Mosey to the Ollie’s parking lot. At this point, the PAX found out that Madoff had returned to the Pain Lab with Hercules. Down to a PAX of 5 at this point.

YHC explained to the PAX that this was the CHEAP part of the workout that was promised. More partner work. Partner 1 ran up the parking aisle while Partner 2 performed an exercise. When Partner 1 returned, Partner 2 ran while Partner 1 performed the exercise. After each exercise, the partners would move down one parking aisle.

H Humpers (it was noted that “Humpers” of any kind were acceptable, but it was clarified that it was probably
safe to keep it to either Monkey or Gorilla).
E Eleven of any exercise (and once you got done with the 11, do 11 more, then 11 more, until the partner
A American Hammers
P Plank Jacks

There was time so we ran CHEAP back. This time we only ran half way up the aisle using the light poles as markers. Ollie’s is a self-described “bargain outlet” but running only half way up the aisle didn’t seem like much of a bargain. So to get their money’s worth, we did escalating burpees when turning around at the light poles. Aisle 1 = 1 burpee; Aisle 2 = 2 burpees; and so on until Aisle 5 = 5 burpees. Judging from the feedback, the PAX were a group of satisfied customers.

Time to mosey back. Stop at Idlewood again to gather the PAX. LBC’s x 15.

Mosey to Grier entrance. LBC’s x 25

Mosey back to the Schiele to meet up with Pain Lab. When we returned, they were doing their manliest yoga poses.
YHC and Rudolph led 4 rounds of dueling Mary that included Box Cutters, American Hammers, Mountain Climbers (I think), and Dying Cockroaches. The bells ended the duel.

Just to note, we ran 2.9 miles in our travels.

Burpees by the lake – 10/6 – benefitting Special Olympics
Get school supplies to Hushpuppy for The Least of These
8/25 Gashouse 50 mile relay and 2nd F at Sargento’s

Prayer Requests
Mayor – Brother-in-law, Craig- seizure/brain defect
Nicky Bailey
Hushpuppy – consult w/ spine surgeon this upcoming week
Ethan Scott
Pedal – dad w/ Parkinson’s


Thanks for the chance to lead.

We Ran

YHC is a week late in posting this BB but believe that I still have a good memory of what took place.

YHC rolled in about 0528 to find the PAX waiting on the Q.
YHC shared the route which sent everyone quickly back to find a light or vest.

We ran. Left out of Hoffman Village onto Gaston Day School Rd.
Right at the round-about down Kendrick.
Right on Country Club Dr and left on Brentwood Circle for the extra mileage
Right on Kendrick
Right on Robinwood/Hoffman and back to The Pub

Others may have made additional turns to pick up mileage, but YHC was holding down the Q from the 6 so I missed that.

Tool Time and Diva came back to pick me up, and we found the PAX there when we arrived.

The Pledge

Tool Time was a fountain of information for announcements (Thanks, Nantan!)
8/4 Tesla leading a group to Revolution Park AO
8/25 F3 Gastonia 50 mile relay
8/25 2nd F at Sargento’s home that evening
10/6 Burpeethon
JJ 5k coming up

Prayer Requests:
Stroganoff – Dad’s test results
Scott Family – Ethan (cancer)
Sly and the soldiers protecting our freedom


Passing the Flag

A few weeks ago, Monk contacted me and asked that I consider taking over responsibility as site Q at The Pub. My first thought was, “Why me? I’m not really a runner.” But the more I thought about it, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. It was less about the 3-5 mile runs every Thursday morning and more about the chance to challenge myself and encourage others to take the lead as Q or simply post more frequently. I accepted, and we set the official transfer date as 7/19.

One of the great things about F3 is the chatter that takes place between workouts on Twitter or Slack. I had the idea of setting up a Twitter account for the often-forgotten running AO. This would offer a chance to gain attention to keep the PAX coming out. As we learned from the IHOB experience a few months ago, it’s all about getting attention on social media. IHOP was all the talk when they announced a name change to IHOB, but since then, I haven’t really heard it mentioned. My goal as the new site Q is to continue to foster the interest in running that has developed in F3 Gastonia and not fade out like an over-hyped menu option.

We used the new twitter account to hype up the mystery site Q in hopes of building interest and getting the PAX out to post. Monk and I talked the night before to come up with a flag-passing ceremony worthy of the occasion. After some deep thought, we basically decided that Monk would say a few words, and then we’d stick the shovel flag in the ground.

I showed up to find only Monk as he unfurled the flag. I thought this was going to be a real memorable ceremony if it was just the two of us. Shortly after, Gastone and Defib came running up after some EC. They were quickly followed by Sargento and Madoff who drove up.

We began the ceremony with Monk sharing a few words, and then the two of us jointly planted the flag into the sacred soil of the Publix parking lot. I believe there were tears, but I’m not naming names. At that point, Monk called for 5 sprinter burpees (burpees with mountain climbers in the plank position). This was met with some glances around by the PAX . Wait, this is a running AO. Monk reiterated that he was serious and that these were not really an option. He was the out-going site Q. What were they going to do, vote him out of office?

After the sprinter burpees, YHC took the Q and led the PAX on the mosey. We headed down Armstrong Park Rd. Left on E Perry St before the CVS. Right on Lee St to get back on New Hope. Left on New Hope. Right on Armstrong Park Dr. Right on Armstrong Park Rd and back to the Pub.

I held the position of the six solely to make sure no one was left behind. You believe that, right?

Announcements and prayer requests.

The Pledge

Close with Prayer

I want to extend a sincere and hearty thank you to Monk for his leadership at The Pub since the beginning. He had the idea that this AO was necessary and could be successful. He stuck with it during lean times and was faithful to the PAX in keeping this going. He’s moving on to continue to lead the PAX of F3 Gastonia with his work on the Whetstone project. Monk is truly a HIM of the highest standard.

No Merkins and Mosey

I had the honor to Q at The Black Knight on Monday, and the pain was  dealt through a heavy dose of Merkins.  However, this was The Pub so that meant there would be no Merkins on the menu.

I showed up a few minutes before 0530 to find Defib stretching.  A minute or so later Diva walked up.  It was 0530 and time to go.

I didn’t get too creative with the route so we took the journey down Hoffman, through Gardner Park, and back down Armstrong Park Rd.  Diva was wearing some sort of lighted vest that made him look part Avenger / part Power Ranger.  Once we hit Armstrong Park Rd, I started to think that vest was a jet pack or contained some sort of energy boost.  Diva took off like he was shot out of a cannon.  We’d finally catch him once he stopped back at the Publix parking lot.

Thanks to both men for the push and conversation to make the time go by.  It had been too long since I posted at The Pub so thanks to Monk for the encouragement to Q.

Until next time.

Merkins and Mosey

The Sunday School lesson this week was from Exodus 16 which dealt with Moses and the Israelites’ journey after God freed them from slavery in Egypt. They were given food through manna provided daily by God. This somehow led YHC to think of the daily 333 merkins that were part of the 10,000 merkins in June challenge.

After getting confirmation from Whoopee that in-post merkins counted towards the total (he’s the original F3 Gastonia nantan so YHC figured he had the power to make that call), the foundation of a weinke was formed.

It was a pleasant June morning. A perfect morning to post. No FNG’s so the disclaimer was short.

SSH x 15
Merkins (Single Count) x 20
LBCs x 15
Merkins (Single Count) x 20

(That’s 40 Merkins so far)

The Pledge

Mosey to the parking lot of what was the Harris Teeter in front of Bellacino’s.

There are 3 light poles next to the old HT building. Mosey to each one and stop for 20 Single Count Merkins.

(That makes an even 100 Merkins)

Mosey through the Food Lion parking lot, over Union Road, through the church parking lot, and down beside Robinson Elementary. All this running was merely an opportunity for our arms to rest. Continue to the track behind Robinson.

Partner up. One partner runs one way on the track and one runs the other. Meet on the other end and do 20 Single Count Merkins. Finish out the lap, meet back at the start, 20 Single Count Merkins. Repeat for another lap and a total of 40 Single Count Merkins. One final mosey to the other side of the track and 20 Single Count Merkins. Then, a mosey back to the start. LBC’s were done while we waited on the 6.

(That’s 200 Merkins at this point)

Mosey back up the hill towards Robinson and a left turn down the walkway at the school. Line up on the bench for Step Ups x 12. Merkins x 15. Step Ups x 12. Merkins x 15. Step Ups x 13 (I lost count). Merkins x 15.

(That’s 245 Merkins)

Slow mosey across the parking lot at Robinson for some 11’s. Bet you can’t guess what one of the exercises will be…

10 Squats, short mosey across the parking lot for… wait for it… 1 Single Count Merkin
9 Squats, 2 Single Count Merkins
Some more Squats and Merkins…
1 Squat and finally 10 Single Count Merkins

(That gets us to 300 at this point).

Mosey back across Union and down Riverwood stopping at Gastone’s Hill. There were groans and thoughts of the number of mailboxes up that hill. However, we were short on time and in need of only 33 more Merkins.

11 Single Count Merkins

Mosey to the next road leading off of Riverwood

11 Single Count Merkins

Mosey to the final road leading off of Riverwood

11 Single Count Merkins

(And that’s our daily goal of 333)

Mosey back to Snoball’s with a strong push from Whoopee to be the first one back.

This gained him the honor of choosing the exercise for a quick 2 minute round of Mary.

He chose 5 Wolverine Burpees which fortunately involved more Merkins.

At this point, time was called.

During all the moseys, we’d covered over 2.25 miles.

F3 dads – Friday 6/15 @ Gastonia Grizzlies game
2nd F Event 6/16 – Contact Sargento if you’re interested
3rd F Event 6/22 – 7:00pm at First Presbyterian on Garrison across from Grier
Upcoming Boone hiking trip
Whetstone – Check twitter or F3 Gastonia email for details

Prayer Requests
Seniors/grad week
Summer travelers
Self family
EZ Rider – family members


Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  Great push by all.


Sister Wives

Earlier in the week, YHC had to travel to Utah for a vendor meeting. While out there, I got a message from Stroganoff asking about the open Q at the Gashouse for the upcoming Saturday. YHC had already gotten several messages about being in Utah after posting about a trail run so I knew there was some decent material to create a weinke.

With the threat of rain looming, YHC arrived to find a number of guys already circled up and ready to go. The rain drops started to fall almost exactly as 0700 hit the clock. No FNGs so the disclaimer was short.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15

Mosey as a group to the flag at the front of the Schiele for the Pledge.

At that point, the Pain Lab PAX were going to go back and do their thing while the rest of us were headed towards Grier. I looked back to see how many of the PAX were going in each direction, and I quickly realized I needed to work on the marketing in the pre-Q message on twitter. Roscoe had the Pain Lab Q. He’d sent out a message with a ripped Arnold Schwarzenegger and the promise to get swole. YHC had sent out a gif of a pale guy in a skin tight Utah Jazz uniform doing some weird gyration. Can’t blame anyone for making that choice. Roscoe EH’d me and was Q at my first post so I have nothing but respect for the push he gives when he has the Q. Had YHC not been Q, there may have been one more in the Pain Lab PAX.

The plan for the Utah-inspired weinke had been work with multiple partners. We typically partner up in groups of 2, but the idea was to work in groups of 3 or 4. However, there were only 5 so breaking off into groups wouldn’t work. So we would just work in one big sister wife group of 5.

The group moseyed to the track at Grier for an Indian run in a lap around the track.

Mosey to the Grier parking lot out front for a couple of rounds of Conveyer Belt. Each Sister Wife would line up on a parking space line in the plank position. The PAX on the end would bear crawl to the other end of the line while the other PAX would move down one line towards the line that was just vacated. Once the bear crawling PAX hit the other end, the group did 10 merkins. Then, the next PAX now on the end would bear crawl to the other end, everyone moves down one line, 10 more merkins. Rinse and repeat until all 5 PAX had bear crawled to the other end. This was repeated with lunges to the end of the line, Al Gore while he lunged, and 10 squats once he got to the end until all 5 PAX had lunged.

Mosey to the steps at FPC steps for a round of BOMBS (Burpees, OH Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, Squats). One Sister Wife would run up the steps and back down while the others performed the given exercise. Once all 5 of the PAX had run/down the stairs, we’d move on to the next exercise.

Mosey to the top of the stairs. Since the theme was multiple partners, we had to get in a little OPP (OH Clap, Plank Jacks, Peter Parkers). Mosey down the back road and stop at the bottom of the hill. OH Clap x 20. Mosey to the bottom of the stairs. Plank Jacks x 20. Mosey up the stairs. Peter Parkers x 20. Let’s run that back. Mosey down the stairs. OH Clap x 20. Mosey towards the bottom of the hill. Plank Jacks x 20. Mosey up the back road. Peter Parkers x 20.

Now for a round of Dora with a slight twist. This is usually done with one partner, but that didn’t fit the theme. So we did something similar to the earlier BOMBS in which one Sister Wife ran down the stairs and back up while the others performed Merkins, LBCs, and Squats. One trip up/down per PAX for each exercise.
Mosey back to the Schiele using the back road down the hill and behind FPC. We got back with no sight of the Pain Lab PAX so we took an extra lap around the parking lot to kill time.

Quick round of Mary. We may have done something before, but I know we did flutter kicks. Then, the ball was passed to Short Sale. By the time he chose an exercise and did the demonstration, the bell was ringing. Time was up.

Murph on 5/28 at Marth’s 7am
Burpees by the lake 10/6 – Family-friendly so all levels of fitness encouraged to come.
Light Ruck 7/22 1pm
Crossroads – new running AO in Dallas

Prayer Requests
Hipaa Brother-in-Law’s mother
Cotter- Good to see BA out there
Roscoe parent’s neighbor has cancer


Until the next time…

During the mosey from Grier to FPC, the discussion was around a friend of a PAX who was a smoker and not in good shape. The fear was him coming out to post and having a heart attack. It was noted by another PAX that he was going to have a heart attack sitting on the couch and smoking. “Plus, I know CPR B*tch.” If that’s not encouragement enough to EH someone, I’m not sure what is.

Play Ball!

Spring has always been one of my favorite times of the year. The reasons are numerous, but they include plenty of great things in the world of sports. There is the NCAA tournament, the Masters, and of course the start of baseball season. Say what you will, it’s still America’s pastime. So to celebrate the start of another baseball season, YHC decided to put together a baseball-themed weinke. And remember, Chris Weinke was a professional baseball player before he was a Heisman-winning QB at FSU.

As I parked and walked through the parking lot, there was a group of men that had put in some early EC. Kudos to those HIMs for the dedication.

No FNGs so a quick disclaimer.

SSH x 11
LBCs x 11
Merkins x 10

The 11’s were for the 11 runs the Yankees had put on the Rays the night before. For some reason, I stopped at 10 on the merkins. This would not be the last case of absent-mindedness for YHC during this workout.

The Pledge

Mosey to the building in the middle of the baseball fields at the park.

Instructions were given to the PAX on how this homage to baseball would work. As a group, run down the first base side to the end of the outfield.
Perform exercise at 1st base. 56 squats (Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hit streak record)
Run back to home plate
Now, run to second base but stop at 1st base again for 56 more squats
At second base, 56 merkins (Jose Ramirez led MLB in 2017 w/ 56 doubles; the merkins were also a tribute to Willie Mays Hayes)
Back to home plate
During this whole time, there were various discussions about second and third base, but we tried to keep things focused on baseball.
Next was third base with stops again at 1st for 56 squats and 2nd for 56 merkins
At third base, 36 flutter kicks (Single season triples record set by Chief Wilson in 1912)
Back to home plate
And finally, the home run trot with stops again at 1st for 56 squats, 2nd for 56 merkins, and 3rd for 36 flutters.
Once the PAX reached home plate, 59 american hammers (2017 home run total for MLB leader and current Yankee slugger Giancarlo Stanton)

Everyone loves offense, but nothing beats a great pitchers dual so we also had to do a little bullpen work. The pitcher/catcher partnership is crucial in baseball so the PAX partnered up for a Dora-style bullpen session.

Partner 1 ran to the end of the outfield while partner 2 performed the exercises. Once partner 1 returned, partner 2 ran. You know the drill.

65 Burpees (Carlos Carrasco’s win total 18 + Alex Colome’s save total 47 – both MLB leaders)
225 Mtn Climbers (Corey Kluber’s MLB leading 2.25 ERA)
308 LBCs (Chris Sale’s MLB leading 308 strikeouts)

A call was made to the bullpen to cut the burpees off once each partner had run one lap so the total of 65 was probably not met by all groups. Other counts were completed as planned.

Mosey back to Snoballs

Gashouse has Q spots available for the next couple of Saturdays
Pain lab shirts available for pre-order

Prayer Requests
Hushpuppy’s friends going through adoption process; having a virtual run to raise money; contact him if interested
JK2’s dad
EZ Rider – special request
Drone – need for encouragement and EH
Thanks for the prayers for my mom. Her hip replacement went well, and she’s recovering and doing well.


You may notice that I did not include Name-o-rama. That’s because on the way home, I realized we did not do a name-o-rama. YHC humbly apologizes. If you were there, you know who you are.

Special thanks to Billy Madison and his effort to ensure that at least one of us looked like an actual baseball player.  Well done sir.

Until next time.

UNO with Green Cards

As I searched for weinke inspiration, I watched the Olympics and thought of all the athletes who had trained their entire life for these two weeks. Some of their events would last mere minutes, and they had one chance to live in sports glory. I thought about trying to come up with exercises that would relish in the spectacle of events like the Alpine Skiing, Snowboarding, or the Skeleton. This seemed really complicated so I went with a much simpler game that seemed more our pace… UNO.

YHC arrived at the AO to find some HIMs already in full mosey as they finished up some EC. Good work Gastone, Boudin, and Whoopee. It was a very mild morning for late February but perfect none the less.

No FNGs so let’s go…

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15

The Pledge

Mosey to the building between the baseball fields in the park. YHC pulled out his cards and explained how this game of UNO would work.

Each color represented a workout:
Red = Merkins
Green = Seal Jacks
Blue = LBCs
Yellow = Squats
Number of reps based on number on card = 1-4 x 10, 5-9 x 5, 0 = 30 reps
Skips of any color = Flutter Kicks
Reverses of any color = American Hammers
Draw 2’s = 5 Burpees
Draw 4’s = 10 Burpees

The cards were shuffled. No deck stacking or funny business going on. As with any hand of UNO, seven cards were dealt face down. May the cards be in our favor…

First hand:
Green 9 = 45 Seal Jacks
Draw 4 = 10 Burpees
Red 2 = 20 Merkins
Yellow Skip = 30 Flutter Kicks
Green 8 = 40 Seal Jacks
Red 9 = 45 Merkins
Green 9 (Seriously?!) = 45 Seal Jacks

Mosey around one of the baseball fields and back for the second hand.

Second hand:
Green 2 = 20 Seal Jacks
Blue 8 = 40 LBCs
Green 7 = 35 Seal Jacks
Red 9 = 45 Merkins
Yellow 4 = 40 Squats
Yellow Reverse = 30 American Hammers
Yellow 0 = 30 Squats

Mosey to the shelter for a modified third hand:

Red = Derkins x 15
Green = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20
Blue = Dips x 15
Yellow = Step Ups x 20

Third Hand:
Green 5 = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20
Yellow 1 = Step Ups x 20
Blue Skip = Dips x 15
Green 9 = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20
Red 0 = Derkins x 15
Blue 8 = Dips x 15
Green 5 = Big Boy Sit Ups x 20

Mosey by the playground and through the parking lot and back to the shelter.

Abbreviated Fourth Hand (3 cards):

Blue 2 = Dips x 15
Draw 4 = 10 Burpees
Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

YHC then asked Woody for a 10 count to catch our breath after 20 burpees. He omaha’d the 10 count to a recommendation of 10 Pull-ups. Sure, let’s do it. Mosey to the top of the hill to the pull-up bar.

Each of the PAX did 5 pull-ups, some with assistance, while the others did Squats while they waited.

Mosey back to Snoballs.

Since we didn’t draw enough green cards and we have a minute left, let’s do some Seal Jacks (x10).

Monk recommended a lecture at Belmont Abbey on 8/26 at 8pm. I believe the title was “Business as a Vocation”
The upcoming convergence, nomads, and site launch with Telsa were all mentioned. Just check twitter or the email for details.

Prayer Requests
Brownstreak. We miss having you out there with us brother.


Until the next time…

Eight(y) Is Enough

The theme of the workout came from the fact that it was day 8 of the 40 days of discipline. Even though it’s early in the 40 days, YHC hopes everyone is still on track at this point. Discipline involves giving up things that are bad for you. It also includes doing things that you don’t necessarily like but you know you need to get better. For YHC, this includes burpees. So if we were going to have a discipline theme, it would have to involve burpees… and lots of them.

As the PAX started to roll in, there was an FNG. We were informed by Rudolph that he was EH’ed by Rudolph and Gastone the night before at the WA Bess Elementary School dance. This not only gave Time Frame an opportunity to showcase his extensive set of dance moves, but also gave inspiration for an extra funky round of Mary that we’ll talk about later.

Disclaimer for the FNG.

SSH x 8
Merkins x 8
LBCs x 8
Imperial Walkers x 8

The Pledge

The Pain Lab broke off while the rest of the PAX moseyed to the office building beside First Presbyterian. Once we got there, we realized there were eight of us which fit perfectly into the theme of the day.

The first round of 8’s went something like this:

Lunge Walk across the parking lot to the short wall on the other side of the lot (1).
Derkins x 8
Bear Crawl back across the parking lot (2)
Shoulder Taps x 8

Repeat Lunge Walk (3)/Derkins/Bear Crawl (4)/Shoulder Taps

Lunge Walk (5)
Dips on Parking Bumpers x 8
Crab Walk back across the parking lot (6)
LBCs x 8

Repeat Lunge Walk (7)/Dips/Crab Walk (8)/LBCs to finish out round 1.

Mosey to the steps at the back of First Pres and the second round of 8’s.

Run to the top of the steps and complete a round of BASS, then run back down and do 5 burpees. One letter each time up the steps. This confused the PAX because they expected 8 burpees. However, there’s a plan for all this. There was also more discussion than necessary over what exactly constituted a Sumo Squat.

BASS was:
Big Boy Situps x 8
American Hammers x 8
Sumo Squats x 8
Seal Jacks x 8

Two rounds of BASS meant 8 trips up the steps and 40 totals burpees.

Mosey to the track at Sherwood Elementary for the third round of 8’s and a burpee countdown.

Partner up. Partner 1 runs in one direction while Partner 2 runs in the opposite direction. Where they meet, they both do 8 burpees. Run back around to the start. Where they meet, they both do 7 burpees. Rinse and repeat for 6 burpees, then 5, then 4, 3, 2, and 1 final burpee at the start.

That’s 36 more burpees for a total of 76. The PAX seemed to know we were going for 80 burpees so with a push from the group, we did the final 4 burpees at the track to get them out of the way.

Mosey back to the office building beside First Pres and onto the sidewalk for some Monkey Humpers x 16.
Squats x 16 (no squat discussion necessary this time)
Monkey Humpers x 8
Squats x 8

Mosey to the Schiele to meet up with The Pain Lab. When we arrived, the group was heavily involved in some serious zen-ish yoga poses.  We tried to join in with lackluster results.

With some time remaining, it was time for some Mary.  As I mentioned earlier, this was to be an extra funky round of Mary inspired by the dance the day before. With the Cha Cha Slide playing in the background, it went something like this:

Flutter Kicks
More Flutter Kicks
American Hammers (maybe, I think)
Box Cutters

It appears that the Cha Cha Slide had drowned out the bells so at 8:02, we called it a day.

F3 Dad Event – Feb 18th – See pre-blast for details
F3 Bowl vs F3 Metro – Super Bowl Sunday

Prayer Requests

Extensively long naming of FNG, The Duke (Wayne Finley).


Until the next time…

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