Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 13 of 16)

Missed Opportunities

Sadly, it’s been a while since YHC had Q at a boot camp workout. With his creativity a little rusty, YHC figured he’d build a weinke based on his new found love (or strong like) at The Pub. That would be running…

SSH x 15
LBC x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
Merkins x 15


Pain Lab stuck around for the beatdown from Montross. The rest of us went on a mosey to the Grier track

Run half lap and do 10 single count LBC
Run half lap and do 10 single count American Hammers (count left side only)
Rinse and repeat with 20 single count LBC / 20 single count American Hammers
Rinse and repeat with 30 single count LBC / 30 single count American Hammers
Rinse and repeat with only 20 LBC but in cadence / 20 American Hammers also in cadence (At least we didn’t do 40 of each exercise, that would be cruel.)

Mosey to the Grier parking lot
Line up at the first speed bump
Lunge to the next speed bump where the PAX would stop and do 10 Merkins
Think that YHC called for LBCs when we got there, but the PAX stayed with the Merkins originally called (Missed opportunity)
During this time, the mumble chatter was strong so YHC may have been distracted.
Lunge to the next speed bump where the PAX would stop and do 10 Merkins

Mosey to Sherwood track with a detour up the steps at FPC and down the hill.

With Christmas around the corner, it seems like a good time to insert a 12 Days of Christmas theme.

Partner up
One partner mosey one direction on the track; the other partner mosey in the other direction
Meet on the other side of the track; 2 Partner Merkins
Mosey back to the other side of the track for 4 Partner Merkins.
Rinse and repeat for 6, 8, 10, and 12 Merkins
12, 12 Days of Christmas, makes sense, right?
Although that got us to 12, we skipped one of the most important numbers in the song
So one more trip and back on the track with 5 BUR-UR-PEES (you just sang that in your head) on each side

Mosey back to FPC, up the hill, past The Pad, and stop at the benches.

Step Ups x 20
Dips x 15
Step Ups x 20
Dips x 20
Flutter Kicks x 50

Mosey back past the pad, down the hill, and around the back of FPC.

Zig-zag through the parking lot and stop at the back of the building for 10 Merkins.

Mosey back to the Schiele

We returned a few minutes before 0800 where it looked like the Pain Lab PAX were getting a head start on Coffeerama

As a combined group, quick round of Mary

Bandit – Monkey Humpers
Moses – Cotton Pickers
Roscoe – Dying Cockroaches
Hipaa – Burpees (5 of them, so sing that in your head again; 5 BUR-UR-PEES)

Operation Sweet Tooth
Convergence at Gashouse 12/15
1 mile EC after Convergence
F3 Gastonia Christmas Party 12/15

Prayer Requests
Those with mental health issues
Families dealing with loss of a loved one during the holidays

Close in Prayer

During the mumble chatter as we lunged through the parking lot at Grier, platitudes from coaches were somehow brought up. One that was brought up was Ron Rivera’s use of “missed opportunities” (even more apparent a day later after a fifth straight loss). Mayor’s prayer request during the COT made YHC think deeper about what missed opportunities really are. Don’t miss out on opportunities to show love and encouragement to those who are struggling. It could be mental illness, the loss of a loved one, or a host of problems. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to call your family to check on them or talk to your 2.0’s while they’re still young enough to listen.

That night after the workout, YHC and the family watched “Miracle.” I don’t know whether or not Herb Brooks said this, but I know that Kurt Russell did. That is good enough. “Great moments are born from great opportunities.” Every member of F3 Gastonia has been given great opportunities to make a difference, and YHC prays that we seize every chance to be a true HIM. And to God be the glory when we do.

Until next time…

Turkey Trot

YHC thought that many guys may be traveling or have other activities the morning of Thanksgiving so the idea came about for an F3-style Turkey Trot at The Pub to peak interest in coming out at 5:30 on a cold, holiday morning.

YHC arrived to find the parking lot full of cars and excited about the turnout. However, most were frost covered and had been in the parking lot all night. Apparently, the Thanksgiving Eve bash at Hickory Tavern was rocking the night before so some folks may have had to abandon their cars for the evening. The PAX arrived to find one SUV running with the lights off. Officer Roscoe did a quick inspection to find no one inside. Oh well, that’s someone else’s story to tell. On to the thang…

YHC covered the route and the rules of the race with a brief disclaimer. This race is led and ran by idiots. The course has no officials, no markers, no chip timers, and no liability if anything happens. It also had no lights at the start line as the lights in the Publix parking lot were all out. The Hickory Tavern Turkey Bash must have really gotten out of hand. The race would have one division for the award presentation, Male – Birth and Up.

The PAX lined up at the chalk-drawn start line, and we were off through The Pub Route.
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela (Yes, I know. I’m aware there’s a funny way to state that to make everyone snicker.)
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub

First of all, Moses is a sneaky competitor. He was poor-mouthing his speed to YHC and Leppard at the beginning of the run. By the time we hit Armstrong Park Rd, Leppard and YHC were reminiscing about the old days of going with our dads or grandfathers to the local convenience store for a Co-Colar when we look up to find Moses setting a strong pace in front of us. It took all we had to keep up with him for the remainder of the race. Way to push the rock Moses!

The three of us returned to find Roscoe, Whoopee, and Defib starting short of the chalk-drawn Finish line. It appears the plan was to run over the line as a team, but Moses had different thoughts as he sped over the line for the victory. It was a well-earned victory as he set a strong pace.

Moses was presented with the 1st Annual The Pub Turkey Trot trophy.

No significant workout announcements to share, none, nada, zilch, zippo, move along, nothing to see here.

Prayer Requests
Praise – Whoopee’s 10 year anniversary, AYE!
Thankful for our blessings
Remembering those who lost a loved one during this time

The Pledge

YHC prayed us out

After the run, YHC saw that 2 Corinthians 4:15-16 was the daily verse on my Bible app.

15 For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God. 16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.

To YHC, there are so many F3 principles wrapped up in these verses. Through our EH’ing, encouragement, and accountability, we’ll accomplish the goal of the reinvigoration of male community leadership. For that we will give thanks and give all glory to God. As we work to make ourselves stronger on the outside, His Spirit will make us stronger on the inside and allow us to be better husbands, fathers, and friends on a daily basis.

I am thankful for F3 and for each one of my brothers that are a part of it. I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Until next week…

Kettlebell Work

Just kidding, we ran.

Most ran The Pub Route:
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub

Others ran a shorter version of about 4 miles:
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto New Hope
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub and circle around for additional mileage

Convergence at The Yank w/ 3rd F to follow
Veteran’s Day Murph at The Black Knight
New AO on Tuesdays at Bess with no-running, Pain Lab-style workout (This announcement went over well at a running AO). In all seriousness, thanks to Hipaa for coming out to promote it.

Prayer Requests:
Monk’s brother-in-law’s mother
Stroganoff’s friend w/ liver cancer


Sometimes things happen in life and when you look back you’re glad that you got to witness it in person. That event happened out of the blue in the COT on that mild Thursday morning. But before that we ran…

The PAX gathered.

The Pledge.

The PAX ran varying distances with a similar route.

5 Milers:
Out onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Left onto Berry Rd.
Right onto Lee St.
Left onto New Hope Rd.
Right onto Armstrong Park Dr.
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Back to The Pub

Some ran a shorter distance by running out and back on Armstrong Park Rd. in the same direction.

Now to the highly over-hyped portion of the COT. The Nantan stepped forth with an announcement that you could tell had him highly focused. He stepped up, and back, and then up, and back, and then up, and then back, and finally up. He righted what so many in the ranks of F3 Gastonia felt was a travesty of unthinkable proportions. However until that point, no one had the courage to make happen. That is why this HIM is the Nantan for tough times like this. The F3 member known as RPO (Ready Player One) would be no more. From this day forward, young William Wallace would be granted the honor due to him and would from then on be known as Braveheart! Everyone cheered, and then we moved on.

F3 Gastonia Christmas Party – Dec 15th
Veteran’s Day Convergence at The Yank w/ 3rd F following the workout

Prayer Requests
Sly home soon
Christians in Pakistan


Till next time…

Better late than never

Benefits of taking Q at The Pub compared to other AO’s are ease of weinke creation and short backblasts. However short they may be, sometimes it is hard to write a timely backblast. That has been true even of the Site Q at The Pub lately.

It’s only been a week, but here’s what I remember. I was still a little bleary eyed when I rolled into the AO last Thursday. I started seeing a lot of non-regular Pub guys roll in. It was great to see some guys that I hadn’t seen in a while, but I had to look around to make sure it was Thursday morning and this was The Pub. Turns out I wasn’t dreaming so let’s get to it.

The Pledge

Since we had a diverse PAX in terms of running pace, we did the Have It Your Way route to Martha’s and back along Hoffman/Robinwood. Some ran 3. Some ran 5 or more. Some ran somewhere in between. All pushed the rock and encouraged someone else.

40 day challenge
Veteran’s Day Convergence at The Yank (11/10)


Until next time.

Oh by the way…

a couple of weeks ago at The Pub, we ran.

We started down Armstrong Park Rd.
Left on E Perry St.
Right on Lee St to get back on New Hope.
Left on New Hope.
Right on Armstrong Park Dr.
Right on Armstrong Park Rd and back to the Pub.

Burpeethon (yeah, it was that long ago)

Prayer Requests
Brett Riggs wife
Florence, SC officers
Sly and the soldiers
Kids in school
Sister Act’s daughter w/ migraines
Nicki Bailey
Boudin’s mother’s surgery
Gastone’s family
John Morris – JJ’s friend w/ Brain tumor
Anthrax family

Make It What You Want

It’s been said that weinke inspiration can come from various places. Even for The Pub, you never know what can inspire the upcoming Q. That happened to YHC while watching TV and catching the latest Subway commercial. It appears their new tagline is “Make it what you want.” Good idea.

YHC arrived a little earlier than usual and found The Pub lot was full of cars. Nice. However, I didn’t see any PAX. Not nice. I then remembered there was a women’s run group that met from time to time. Good work by the ladies.

Eventually the PAX started rolling in along with some of our guys that had gone for some early EC. The PAX was 12 in total which was a great number.

The Pledge

Shared with the PAX that this was going to be a “make it what you want” mosey. The plan was to run down Hoffman Snoball’s at Martha River’s Park. There and back would be just over 5 miles. However if you wanted a shorter mosey, turn around at any point, and you are halfway back.

Most ran at least 5 so good work by all.

Races during the upcoming weekend
Burpees by the Lake

Prayer Requests
Sly and the soldiers
Broke – friend that passed
Mayor’s M
Nicky Bailey
Sargento’s guess appearance on CSPAN’s roundtable
Flood victims


Until next time…


Earlier in the week, YHC wasn’t quite sure what to expect come Thursday morning, but it turned out to be a nice, yet humid, morning for a mosey at The Pub. 8 PAX gathered for a run around South Gastonia prior to the weather that was pending towards the East.

After discussing the route, the PAX set off on the The Pub Route

Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub

The Pledge

Q vs Q at the Gashouse on Saturday
JJ 5k and Stop Solder Suicide 5k/10k on 9/22
Run supporting Veterans in Cramerton

Prayer Requests
Praise – BRR went well
Folks in the path of Florence
Gastone in-laws

Great work men.

Till next week…

I Think We Ran

Sometimes life gets busy. Sometimes it gets so busy you can’t find time to write a backblast. Sometimes it gets so busy you can’t even find time to write a backblast for The Pub. It’s been almost a week, but YHC thinks he remembers what was done as 5 PAX posted on a beautiful, but humid, morning.

We ran…

Out onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Left onto Berry Rd.
Right onto Lee St.
Left onto New Hope Rd.
Right onto Armstrong Park Dr.
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd.
Back to The Pub


Maybe some others

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff and family
BRR runners and drivers

Good work by all, especially Defib who came out the day before leaving for the BRR.

Until next week (tomorrow)

Stretching is way overrated

If you don’t know who Bob Wylie is, you are missing out. He’s the offensive line coach for the Cleveland Browns who has a personality about as big as his waistline. In a video with language not suitable to show your mama, he shares that America “won two World Wars, two World Wars” by doing pushups, jumping jacks, situps, climbing a rope and running. In honor of the treasure that is Bob Wylie, the PAX at The Pub concentrated on one of those foundational principles of American greatness. We ran…

The “Pub Route”
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela (to be clear, that is take a left turn onto Pamela St)
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub
Thanks to the PAX for helping recover the lost sheep. Q fail on that for losing the six.

The Pledge

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff and family
Gastone’s in-laws
Dunce and M for the baby on the way

Close in Prayer

Good work by all.

Until next week…

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