Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 12 of 16)

(If I Remember Correctly) We Ran

This BB is a bit overdue. If good things come to those that wait, then this is going to be great.

A six-pack of HIMs posted to mosey towards the land of the ever elusive Diabla Sambriches.

First, the pledge.

Then, some ran 5. Some ran less. All got better. None saw any Sambriches.

Monk’s move

Prayer Requests
Monk and family
Roscoe’s Father-in-law
Roscoe’s 2.0 on Westward Bound trip
Def Leppard – friend found out has lump on lungs
War Child’s family

Until next time (which has already happened and about to be recorded in a BB)…

20 Seconds Early / 13 Days Late

YHC sped into The Pub parking lot to find a crowd of PAX already circled and waiting. After jumping out of the car, grabbing the shovel flag from the trunk, and planting it boldly into the ground at the preeminent Thursday morning SOGA F3 Gastonia AO, YHC looked down at his watch to find that there were 20 seconds to spare.

The PAX ran towards the Sambritches. Once again, none were found (do they leave and go for breakfast?). Twelve went out; twelve came back. Some ran at least 5 miles. Some ran less. All pushed the rock.

Tubing Trip (6/22) – Oops, that’s in the past
Convergence @ Gashouse on 6/29
Schiele Laser Show in July
Ragnar – see Defib

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff and 2.0’s trip
Westward Bound Trip – Roscoe’s 2.0
Lost Teen

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

SOGA Challenge Prep Work

9 PAX came out to the preeminent Thursday morning SOGA F3 Gastonia AO to push the rock. All gave max effort. Some ran far enough to see the second best Thursday morning SOGA F3 Gastonia AO in action. One even took part in their workout briefly before pushing the rock all the way back to The Pub.

2nd F – Lewis Farm (already happened)
Cinco de Mitchell – 5/5 – meet at GSM global headquarters at 0530
Speed for Need – Belmont – May

Prayer Requests
Time Frame’s M’s Aunt’s family
Sargento’s Mother in Law
Just Truett’s nephew @ Fort Jackson – Josh Price
Sister Act’s 2.0’s birthday


Until next week…

The Pub Runs SOGA

9 PAX posted to the preeminent Thursday morning SOGA F3 Gastonia AO on a great morning for a run.

The Disclaimer w/ the details on the route. Runs towards Snoballs. Run half as far as you want to go, then turn around and come back.

The Pledge.

The mosey.

Some ran fast.

Some ran faster.

Some left gifts.

Not sure that any of the PAX actually saw any Sammich’s so can’t really verify they were doing anything.

3rd F at New Covenant (at this point, has already happened)
Community Foundation Run (at this point, still hasn’t happened) (see The Pub twitter account for details)
Cinco de Mitchell on 5/5

Prayer Requests
Leppard’s M’s surgery
Gastone’s dad


Stay thirsty my friends…


Every day is a blessing from God. We should all stop at the start of each day and be grateful for that. The fact the PAX had the scheduled Q show up was definitely a blessing from God. YHC had set his alarm the night before in anticipation of having Q the next day. However , YHC never heard that alarm because my phone had gone dead overnight. Only by that previously mentioned blessing from the good Lord did I wake up on my own 4 minutes after the alarm should have went off. Even though I was only four minutes behind, it still seemed to add a sense of urgency to YHC trying to get out the door.

I took that same urgency with me as I flew into the parking lot and rushed to get the shovel flag out. There was a good crowd of PAX waiting including Tool Time. It was good to see him out at The Pub. With a minute left before the 0530 launch, YHC called out the route for the anxious PAX. However, my brain was still a little scattered so I took us back in time and may have referenced a turn at the Wachovia. One of those days…

0530, let’s get going so the mumble chatter about my slip up would cease

The Pledge


Mosey down Armstrong Park Rd towards the Gaston Mall
Left on Perry St across from A Dogs World
Right on Lee St
Left on New Hope towards the Target/Toys R Us shopping center
Right on Armstrong Park Dr at the Wachovia (if you make it to the Nations Bank building, you’ve gone too far)
Right on Armstrong Park Rd (not left towards Media Play)
Mosey back to Lowe’s Foods

9/22 West Virginia Run – I believe Half Marathon, 10k, 5k – see Sargento for details
4/12 3rd F
4/13 Community Foundation Run
5/5 Mt Mitchell

Prayer Requests
Tool Time 2.0 and son-in-law – travel/move
Sargento – Mother-in-law
Gastone – Father

Close in Prayer

Until next time…

Keepin’ It Real

We kept it real. We kept it simple. We kept it real simple. We ran.

But first, we said The Pledge.

Then we ran to Snoball’s and back.

Sister Act outpaced YHC so bad that by the time I got back, he’d already jumped into the phone booth and changed into his customary COT polo. Somebody has to bring some class to this joint.

Convergence at Folsom 3/30
2nd F at Old Dallas Brewery
3rd F 4/12
Community Foundation Run 4/13
Sparky’s M’s school’s 5k 5/5 (Friday evening)

Prayer Requests
Defib’s son
Gastone’s father

Close in Prayer

Until next time…

Casual Thursday

It was a very mild morning in which there was finally no rain on a Thursday. YHC pulled into The Pub parking lot to find Stroganoff taking part in a one-man LBC challenge. YHC was talking with a new PAX that had previously done F3 in Greenville when Roscoe and Gastone came running up after some EC.

As I was detailing the route (to Snoballs and back), Roscoe gave the word that is was 0530 and time to go.

The Pledge

We ran out and then ran back.

3/30 Convergence at Folsem (0700), Latini run, and 2nd F that evening
4/12 3rd F
4/13 Community Foundation Run
5/5 Mt Mitchell

Prayer Requests
Just Truett Baby due
Gastone’s dad
P200 runners


Just know that when you run, when you post, when you push the rock that someone may be watching. Just Truett had posted in Greenville so he was familiar with F3. Through Strava, he saw that there were other runners running in the area. There’s nothing like the encouragement from your brothers in the gloom to push you to be your best.

Until next time…

UNO Numero Dos

When YHC signed up to Q at Snoballs, he’d forgotten that a fairly significant game would be taking place that evening. YHC thought a game-themed workout would be appropriate. Although the mumble chatter would be fierce for a Blue vs Blue Q, it was necessary to keep it somewhat civil and avoid a rivalry-based beatdown (However, that beatdown would come later that day). What better way to bring all fan bases together than with a game of UNO.

The forecast of rain may have kept some away, but YHC arrived to find several PAX ready to go. 0530 let’s do it.

Short disclaimer

The Pledge

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
Imperial Walkers x15

Mosey to the building between the baseball fields at the Martha’s.

Here’s how it works… Each color is an exercise. 1-5 multiple number by 10 to get exercise count. 6-10 multiple number by 5 to get exercise count. Reverse, Skips, Wild, Draw 2 and Draw 4 each have their own exercise. Seven cards are dealt face down and revealed one at a time.

Round 1:
Blue = LBC; Green = SSH; Red = Plank Jacks; Yellow = Squats; Skip = 20 Flutters IC; Reverse = 20 Monkey Humpers; Wild = Bear Crawl around the building; Draw 2 = 5 Burpees; Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

Inevitably, there is always one hand that is dominated by the same color. We got that out of the way in Round 1.

Hand #1
Green 5 (50 SSH)
Green 10 (10 SSH)
Green 3 (30 SSH) (These cards were shuffled)
Blue 4 (40 LBC)
Red 8 (40 Plank Jacks)
Yellow 2 (20 Squats)
Red Skip (20 Flutters IC)

Mosey around the outside of one of the baseball fields. Back for Hand #2

Round 2:
Blue = Big Boy Situps; Green = American Hammers; Red = Mtn Climbers; Yellow = Merkins; Skip = 20 Flutters IC; Reverse = 20 Monkey Humpers; Wild = Lunge around the building; Draw 2 = 5 Burpees; Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

Hand #2
Blue 7 (35 Big Boy Situps)
Green Draw 2 (5 Burpees)
Yellow 7 (35 Merkins)
Yellow 6 (30 Merkins)
Green Reverse (20 Monkey Humpers)
Blue 5 (50 Big Boy Situps)
Draw 4 (10 Burpees)

Mosey to the picnic shelter

Round 3:
Blue = Step Ups; Green = Dips; Red = Long Arm Crunches; Yellow = Sumo Squats; Skip = 50 Moroccan Night Clubs IC; Reverse = 20 Monkey Humpers; Wild = Diamond Merkins; Draw 2 = 5 Burpees; Draw 4 = 10 Burpees

Hand #3
Blue 3 (30 Step Ups)
Green 6 (30 Dips)
Red 9 (45 Long Arm Crunchies)
Blue Reverse (20 Monkey Humpers)
Draw 4 (10 Burpees)
Wild (10 Diamond Merkins)
Green 5 (25 Dips)

Short mosey around one light post in the parking lot. Back for an abbreviated hand using the same exercises as round 3. At this point, the wind started picking up and blowing the cards around. I believe I was able to get the cards back in the correct order.

Hand #4
Blue Reverse (20 Monkey Humpers)
Red 9 (45 Long Arm Crunches)
Yellow 1 (10 Sumo Squats)

During this last hand, there were groans about another round of Long Arm Crunches. I shared the Turtleman wisdom from earlier in the week about work in the winter and reward in the summer. That was met with the reminder that Turtleman was not present at this particular workout. To which, YHC had nothing.

Mosey back towards Pelican’s. Stop along the way for some IC exercise that I cannot remember at this point.

Mosey back to Pelican’s. Two quick rounds of Mary and then time was called.

Mt Mitchell outing (May 5th)
Latini Memorial Run

Prayer Requests
Big Pappy
Gastone’s father
Mason’s birthday (T-Square’s 2.0)

Prayer to close it out.

Welcome FNG Tombstone.

Until next time…

Does it rain every Thursday?

The 3rd core principle of F3 is “Our workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold”. The key in that phrase is rain. Lately, it seems like it has been raining every Thursday. This is not a complaint, just an observation. YHC will take a little rain over blazing heat any day.

YHC rolled in just before 0530 to find several HIMs that overcame the fartsack on this rainy, yet mild morning.

0530 so let’s get going.

The Pledge.

No FNGs so very brief disclaimer. Instructions on the route. Run towards Snoballs. Go half as far as you want to go, then turn around and run back. If you see any Diablo Sammiches, give them a friendly wave and keep going.

At one point in the run, we got a honk from a passerby. Saw later on twitter that it was Cheesehead. Aye!

Everyone returned back to The Pub.

Prayer Requests
Tool Time and the team headed to Chimbote
Diva and M and their new 2.0
Whetstone stones and blades

Close in prayer

As always, thanks to the PAX for coming out. Great group of HIMs. Until next time.

It Rained, We Ran

YHC woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone going off. Once I figured out who and where I was, I could tell that the rain was falling pretty loudly outside. By the time I was ready to head out, the sound of rain falling had stopped so YHC hoped that the PAX would dodge the rain this morning as we moseyed from The Pub on this third day of this new year. We would not be so lucky.

YHC arrived at The Pub with a few minutes to spare and did the customary dash to get the shovel flag in place. A few PAX were there and ready to go while a few more filed in before 0530. After a brief discussion on the route, we settled on running down Hoffman/Robinwood to Martha Rivers/Pelican’s/Snoballs/Dark Knight and back.

The Pledge

The Mosey

The Announcements
Tool Time Peru Trip – Donate money or kid’s clothing to support the mission
Site Q Meeting – Sunday (1/6) 5pm

The Prayer Requests
Mike Parrish’s mother passed away

Close in Prayer

Good work this morning men. Until next time…

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