Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Hush Puppy (Page 2 of 5)

I think I owe a backblast

It occurred to me that the week got away from me and I didn’t post a backblast for my Q on 1/5 at the Schiele.  So here you go.

Was awake at 4, outta bed at 4:30, ready to roll at 5:30, got almost to the workout and realized I forgot my back brace.  I would be a lousy Q if I couldn’t move so I turned back.  Messaged Roadie and Rudolph that I was running behind and to start the warm up, I’d pull in late.  Arrived just at the end of the warm up to see a very large crowd, 24 + myself.  Guess Roadie’s milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.   Did another disclaimer, said “anyone wanting to boot camp, follow me” and started to mosey to the flag pole.  Arrived at the flag pole and turned around to see only 5 followed me!  “How do we play ultimate Frisbee with only (counting on my fingers, 1 2 3 4 5 6) 3 on 3!?”  We made it work.  Said the pledge, moseyed to Gardner park.

Found a hill, did Dora 1-2-3 (still counting) and did 100 dips on picnic tables, 200 merkins (that hurt) and 300 squats.  Moseyed to the track and out to the soccer field.  Set up some cones for some form some sort of keep-away, monkey in the middle game I made up in my mind standing on the aisle in Dicks looking at plastic curvy balls for teaching kids how to hit a curve ball.  2 pax on the outside, one man in the middle.  2 on the outside throw the ball back and forth.  If it hits the ground the dropper does a burpee.  If the guy in the middle catches it, both do a burpee and the monkey in the middle switches with the guy who threw it.  Kinda fun for about 15 minutes but lost it’s excitement pretty fast.

Alligator walk Indian run: Meander to the track, alligator walk in a line (peter parker/ bear crawl “left, right, merkin” and repeat). Guy in the back runs to the front.  did this for 2 runs.

Returned to the field for ultimate Frisbee.  If the Frisbee hit the ground or changed possessions, do a burpee.

Mosey back to start, some Mary, named an FNG Daisy.

Strong work by Hipaa for running the Disney Half. You’re half the man you used to be (physically) but twice the man in spirit.  DFQ.  Strong work to Cheese head for beating down the sad clown.  DFQ.  Support Tool Time on the Chimbote mission trip.  Collected $100 by passing the hat.  Hope more AO’s will do the same in the coming weeks.

YHC will be having back surgery in Feb and I’m not sure what the future holds.  But I plan to kick complacency’s butt.  No matter what happens I will live with purpose.  Honored to lead, embarrassed to arrive late.

Hushpuppy out.

You’re a loony

After much frustration about the name, I decided just to make it suck. We did a short warm up, moseyed to the (old) Harris Teeter parking lot and did bombs. 50 Burpees, 100 overhead claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Box cutters (substituted since I can’t do big boy situps). 250 squats. Parnter 1 performs exercise while partner 2 lapped the light poles in the parking lot.

Then, with 20 minutes left, moseyed to Food Lion parking lot and did Abyss Merkins on the buggy corral. Partners alternated between Abyss Merkins and squats so everyone had a chance on the rack.

Moseyed to the wall behind dollar tree for some dips, called by Island.

Moseyed past Gastones hill and to it’s little brother, the next hill. Nur up the hill, then mosey back to Startex. Stallions arrived for some Flutter kicks. Did a few more ab exercises and then we were finished. Someone reminded YHC that we had forgotten the pledge and we saluted the flag. COT. Enjoyed breakfast with JK2 and discussing management and hiring challenges.

Merry Christmas, Happy New year.

Took Too Long

I lead a workout. I smoked from the crackpipe of manana and did not post the backblast.  wanted to get it on the books to give the pax the credit.

It was before burpeethod.  We did a warmup. I read from the Q source, we did some planks and shoulder taps and stuff, then we moseyed and got some rocks from the rock farm.  We went to the parking lot and did some curls with the rocks.  We did some Dora 123

100 dying cockroaches

200 flutters

300 LBC’s

Partner ran around the light post.

Went back to the snoballs parking lot and did a Circle Burp and got to 64 (I think).  I Omaha’d and we did about 4 minutes of mary.

We prayed.

That is all.  Sorry for the delay in posting Huckleberry.

What’s in a name?

When I heard my Friend Bambi may be posting on Wed Morning I knew I could not fartsack.  My running has been hampered of late by a nagging injury which has led me to skip a few workouts for fear of the 3 mile sprint.  I asked on the twitterer who had the Q for Wed morning and Gastone said it was open if I wanted it.  Not sure which day was Snoballs and Which day was the Black Knight, I blasted out that “Hushpuppy has the Q for Marha’s Black Knights Snoballs on Wed”.  Needless to say, Gastone was not impressed and pointed out (again) that each workout has it’s own name and promptly loaded my name into the Q list on google drive as Hushpoopy.  Welcome to the kitchen, there’s the heat.

Bambi was already present when I arrived, Several runners came in from EC as the clock wound down so we began.  Disclaimer: I’m an idiot, you’re an idiot for being here, i’m not a professional.  Modify as needed, there’s no one to sue because if you do something to get hurt then you’re a big idiot. Everyting I say is a suggestion and my biggest suggestion is that you go back home and go to bed.

No takers, so we honored the stars and stripes.


Imperial walkers IC x 15, Merkins IC x 10, Flutter Kicks X 15 IC,  and the runners training for the BRR took off.

Introduced the Split Jack, which is like a Merkin only with feet kicking out front, one at a time like a dancing girl.  15 IC.

Mosey to the Martha’s parking lot.  Circle up, count off for effect, then the next exercise, Aiken Legs:

Frankly, I didn’t get past the A’s in the Exicon as I searched for something for my Weinke.  Aiken legs looked cool and seemed to fill some time, so I called it.

20 Box jumps (on the curb), 20 Squats, 20 lunges, 20 Split Jacks: OYO.  Wash, rinse, repeat for a total of 3 times.

After a 10 count it was time for some Dora 123.  100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s.  (I originally called LBFC’s but realized that would take a really long time so Omaha’d).

after another 10 count, time for 4 corners on a short parking lot around some islands.  Started at 12 and worked downward at each corner, Merkins OYO.

After another 10 count, the time was 10 til finish so we mosey’d back to Snoballs Black Knight’s Parking lot.

6 minutes of Mary, with some LBFC’s (really wanted to do these), Flutter kicks, Dying Cockroaches, and I think crunches.

Runners arrived just in time.  6:15

Announcements: BRR, a driver is needed, Support for the Ladies getting after it on Saturday morning launching a women’s morning workout weekly at Dallas park 8am on Saturdays.  Encourage your M to be a part.  Convergence this Saturday for CSPAN sendoff from Fort Mill, Clown cars leave the Roses parking lot Belmont at 5:30am.  Whetstone project is in effect.  More than mentorship, Whetstone is designed to sharpen a man for life.  The Stone gives up something when he is applied, The blade gives up something when he is sharpened, but both gain wisdom and purpose through the relationship. See Monk if you’d like to be involved as a Stone or a blade.

Prayers for Monks coworker, who’s child passed from cancer.  Madoff prayers for Nikki Bailey fighting cancer, Sargento’s wife with knee injury, and some others.

Moleskin: It’s easy to get whiny and make excuses to quit.  For as long as I can remember I’ve always hurt.  But the fact is, I hurt more when I sit still.  I hurt less when I move and when I move with you.  See you in the Gloom.





A different kind of painlab

I had the privilege of leading pain-lab on 7/7 this week.  Claven captured the names in his death anniversary backblast so I will not re-type them here, but I was honored to have so many stick around and carry bricks with me.  Glad Brown Streak is getting after it again, Glad Mayor survived Tonsillitis,  Glad Hunk o Junk Keeps getting after it and I hope he has his mind a year down the road.  You will see results.  All of us have.  Also Honored that Toto hung out with us and I knew I had to bring it when he circled up with us.

It rained Friday night so all my Q-pons were covered in Mud.  at 0600 I was outside hosing them off and loading them in the trunk of the pup wagon.  0700 Claven leads the warm up and reminds us of how precious life is.  Then the boot camp took off and it was time for Hushpuppy’s revenge.

Step into the circle:  I submitted this to the Exicon Saturday afternoon.  Performed to Thousand Foot Krutch’s song “move”, plank up and listen to the music.  Every time he says move, plank walk one step left, then when he says circle, spin in a circle, then when he says move, plank walk one step right.  3.5 minutes of this and sweat is dripping and the shoulders are burning.  Then DJ snake and”Get low”.  Start in the peoples chair, hold the squat as low as you can, when the beat drops, squat up and down in time with the music.  When the song comes round again, drop to a merkin and hold the low part of a merkin until the beat drops, then (if you can) do merkins in time with the music.  Brutal.

At this time I shared about how I have had a pars fracture in my L5 vertebrae for over 20 years and will be getting surgical consults in the coming weeks.  I try to model a workout that protects that part of my back.

Grab the Q-pons, down the nature trail.

Curls 20x in cadence, hold at the top for a 10 count, hold halfway for a 10 count, recover.  Down the hill to the bridge with the Q-pons.

Merkins on the bridge 10 ic.

Lunge walk around the trail to the other bridge, then more merkins.  Had Toto count cadence for that one as I was getting a little winded.

Lunge walk back to the Q-pons and more curls.  Hippa mentioned something about colt 45 curls and I offered to let him lead it.  That generated some mumble chatter and we decided against.

Walk backwards up the hill carefully with the Q-pon.  Got the quads burning good.  Mayor almost ended up in a tree and no one was spotting him.  I got you bro.

At the top, feet up for 10 dirkins IC and then 10 shoulder taps IC.  30 flutters ic and 15 crunches ic,

Carry the brick around the wall towards the road for some pushup bra’s.  Rocks to the chest, push em up and push em out.  10 ic.  then recover.  Attempted another set of 10 but got 5 and had to stop. 30 second breather, 5 more.  Out to the road for some squats and monkey humpers to show Gastonia our best side.

Almost forgot, wanted to get some hamstring and glute work in without bending at the waist.  Plank up with hands on the curb, Right leg up, kicking up and out right leg x 10 ic.  Switch legs, left leg ic x 10.  Squeezing the hammies and glutes kicking the leg up and out.  Feeling it today as I sit on said glute’s and type this bb.

Back to the pup wagon with the Q-pons.  Some more curls, then some chest presses overhead with the bricks, and stow them away in the trunk.

Return to Startex for some Mary with the boot camp. Stroganoff called 30 flutters ic, I called 5 burpees, (not a mary exercise but I wanted to do them), then I called box cutters and the bells saved us.


Tried to keep it more traditional but still low impact.  Not a yoga guy and don’t know much about ropes but Bricks I can do.

Pup out.


Keeping it short and sweet.

Disclaimer, you should go home and go back to bed.

Pledge to the stars and stripes

Expected an FNG, He didn’t show.  Had a great name for him, but he didn’t get to hear it.


SSH, X 15 IC,

Italian night clubs (bacwards Morrocans) x 20 ic

Low slow squats x 15 ic,

overhead claps to get the shoulders opened up, x 15 ic

Mosey to the park,

Do some Murph prep with 100 pullups and 100 swing crunches, 5 sets of 20 alternating each.

Mosey to the KFC parking lot, grab a rock.  10 curls right arm in cadence, then 10 curls left arm in cadence.

Mosey to a spot on the wall at the old HT.  Next exercise is the Pushup Bra while in the people’s chair:  What, never heard of it?

Rocks to the chest, push them up, push them out.  10 in cadence (Push up over head 1, back to  chest 2, push out 3, back to chest: One rep).

we then did more curls, alternating back and forth. Total of 60 curls per arm, and 30 sets of rock pushing.  After the pullups at the park, arms were pretty whooped.

Mosey to the ramp and loading dock.  Wall sit with your rock to the chest.  Each pax down the line runs around the railing, jumps up the wall, bear crawls back to the spot.  next pax goes, everyone else holds the wall sit and the rock.  That hurt.  Davinci had a pretty bad fall and skinned his knee.  I felt bad that someone got injured but he walked it off and i’m sure his M took care of him when he got home.

Mosey back, return the rocks to their homes, mosey back to Snoballs and we were finished.

Arm day

The biceps are often neglected in a Gashouse so I wanted to get them worked in.

Disclaimer, I suggest you go home and go back to bed.


Warm up: Moroccan night clubs, IC x 30

Appalachian Americans, IC X 10

low slow Merkins, IC x 5

Mountain Climbers

Whoopie, Boudin, Woody went off to ruck somewhere, and the rest of us mosey’d on.

Mosey down Neal Hawkins, into park, around clubhouse, down to play ground.  It was taped off, but we were daring and jumped the tape.

Partner up, do 20 pull ups of some sort, while partner does 10 crunches from the plank position with feet in the swings.

alternate, and repeat for 4 sets total.

Repeato but exchange merkins for pull ups.

Mosey to back corner of park, wait for 6 (might have been me), 10 count, and 5 burpees on your own.

Mosey out to well lit street and Easy Rider called whisper cadence for some Rocky balboas, x15 ic.  We were all quite so we didn’t wake the neighbors.

mosey to top of hill, 10 count for 6, then mosey some more to lit turn off where there just happened to be some Q-pons (blocks).

partner one did curls while partner 2 did planks and Merkins.

15 count of up/down, curl the block, Merkin.

Hold at top for 10 count, hold at middle for 10 count, hold at down for 10 count, hold back at top for 10 count.

switch and repeato. Thanks to Stroganoff for the cadence

switch and repeato

switch and repeato.  Thanks to Hippa for the cadence

Mosey back while carrying the blocks.

Chest press IC x 10

Flutters x 20 ic

lbcs x 20 ic

twistie, ankle slappy things x 15 ic

Freddy Mercuries x 20 IC.


Announcements, sign up for Csaup, 2nd F at Growlers Thursday eve for drinks and basketball, Some other stuff

Prayers, not a lot of prayers this morning.

COT, Thanks for letting me lead.



Block party for the Black Knight. What’s in a name?

No, this was not in honor of Batman.  At least, I don’t think it was.  As brave King Arthur searched for the Holy Grail, he came to an important river crossing being guarded by the Black Knight.  Unsuccessful to convince the Black Knight to join his crusade, King Arthur attempts to cross the bridge, only to be blocked by the Knight.  “None shall pass!” challenged the Knight. Soon an epic battle ensued, and King Arthur was victorious as he doomed the Black Knight to a life as a quadruple amputee.  If you’ve never seen footage of this epic battle, click here:

Meanwhile, The Gashouse pax celebrated the great victory of King Arthur by renaming the lands of Martha to the name of his arch nemesis, The Black Knight.  Yet as historical accuracy is often called into question, so are the memories of the pax after a workout.  Thus, the mistaken name of “Dark Knight” was born.

Enough with the Chivalry, now time for tha thang:

As Brave sir Whoopee and valiant Stroganoff galloped in from the land of EC, coconuts rattling, YHC began with the pledge:

Warm-up: Imperial walkers, take a lap around Snoballs, Grass pickers, take a lap, Flutter kicks, take a lap, get some blocks out of the car, take a lap. Moroccan night clubs, take a lap, plank merkins, recover.

Partner up, grab a block, carry it to the realm of the Black Knight.  Mike Tyson’s on the curb, IC x 20, mosey some more to the shelter of feasting for some sort of medieval Dora.  100 step ups on the picnic table, 200 chest presses with the blocks, 300 dips, and for good measure, 300 bicep curls with the blocks.  Partners swap running up the parking lot, around the shrubbery on the 4th island, and back to the shelter.

Then for 20 Mike Tyson’s in cadence, then 20 little baby box jumps onto the curb.  grab the block and carry it half way through the parking lot, rest the arms with the blocks and do 20 more Mike Tyson’s, then with time running out, mosey back to the parking lot.  Brave sir Whoopee led us in 15 merkins ic and then YHC with 40 low-medium squats in cadence to finish out the workout.

Strong work by all.  Reminder of the Convergence at the Schiele for the toy drive this Saturday, Forgot to mention the Christmas party Friday night, and prayers for Stroganoff’s Aunt who recently lost her Husband.

Honored to lead you in this valiant crusade to be 3rd.

Hayzus VQ, GAShouse

Warm up
Mosey to school parking lot for dying cockroaches, lunges, captain thor, lunges x5
Mosey to church stairs- partners, merkins, lbcs, calf raises and stairs
Mosey to track- indian run
Playground- planking, dips, hold legs 6″ up, pull ups
Imperial walkers, mountain climbers, howling monkeys
Mosey back to parking lot
Video of Name-o-rama:

Too many lunges

It’s O-dark 30 and YHC was raring to go, but startex was nearly 2 hours away.  What should he do?  Start on the Backblast! After pumping full of vitamins, coffee, and peanut butter I began pre-planning my post-workout activities.

What will we do?

Warmup: Imperial walkers, Low-slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, and plank merkins, then on the 6 for Flutters.

Say the pledge: (forgot at the start, but finished strong with it)

Tha thang: Mosey to 321 and up to Main ave for some Light post zombie walks.  Lunge to each light post, then do a burpee!  We will repeat this until Hushpuppy is no longer cold or until we reach the traffic light.  We ended up going 2 blocks with this, with Block 1 being burpees and block 2 being squats.

Then Mosey down to Franklin and up to the church.  11’s on the church steps, up one side and down the other. Squats on one side, Irkins on the other,  Due to “wanderers around the pavilion and our cars we stayed close by and ended up doing this across the pavilion steps.  Of course, when the train passed we did 5 burpees oyo.

Mosey down the street towards Franklin and NUR back up.  Back to the pavilion for some Rocky Balboas,  run down the hill, Nur back up for some Dirkins called by Spider-man.  Mosey down the hill, do some step ups on the benches, then NUR back up to finish out with some Mary.  10 men, 10 reps of an exercise.  sounds simple right?  Get to Stroganoff and he calls 30 flutters, eliminating all the time we had for the remainder.  Q Jacking in progress.

Sad that I started on the Back Blast 2 hours before the workout and it still took me 3 days to post it!

F3 dads on Sunday, 2:3 pm

Prayers for Brown Streak and family.

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