Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Huckleberry (Page 7 of 13)

Pacman returns home

YHC had a “bachelor” weekend where the family was out of town so I made the trip up to my hometown to sharpen iron with my Dallas brothers. We had 14 including myself and it started with

Circle Up

Warm Up
SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Merkins x 10
Diamond x 10
Mountain climbers x 10
Moroccan night clubs X 15

Mosey to the flag for the pledge

Mosey to parking lot where the sandbags await

Spit Into four Groups lunge walk with bag and overhead toss at each line while you wait for your turn do ssh, mountain climbers, merkins

Indian run back up the hill in two lines

Return to amphitheater hill
Partner wheel barrow down the hill/ramp 5 bomb jacks at the bottom then nur up the hill and swap positions x 2 rounds

Went to wall at the stage and did these all in cadence x 10

Australian mount climber
Balls to the wall
Shift to left then right then

Then afterwards we did mucho chesto

10 each


wide arm merkin

diamond merkin

stagger left

stagger right

mosey back to parking lot with bags

drop the bag midway in lot

two lines bear crawl to the bag do 1 burpees with the bag then go back to plank as everyone finishes. -YHC almost took sparkys head off here doing a demo of the sandbag toss. Sorry brother!

Then went to picnic tables for erkins merkins and dips two rounds of 10

Went to the grass beside the picnic table and did jack webs up 28 overhead claps and Bedpan pushed us for 30. -good push at the end!

It was an honor to be a part of this crew Saturday. Thank you for the opportunity to lead you guys and I look forward to returning soon. See you in the gloom! -Pacman

Trail of tears

12 men showed tonight for a Midoriyama VQ.   We promptly clocked in at 17:30.

Warmups: Slawter starter,  grass pickers and SSH x 12IC.


Starting at the parking we lot set at destination for the far turd shack.  We got there with a combination of lunges, bear crawls, lunges and an indian run.

Once there we did some wall sits while marching our feet and hip slippers/flutter kicks and lbcs all x 20IC.

We then proceeded to the dog park hill with a combination of nur, lunges and a mosey.

Partner up at the hill.  P1 does merkins and P2 nurs the hill and sprints down.  100 merkins total.

Then partner 1 does WW1s while P2 bears crawls up and sprints down.  200 total.

Mosey the long way back to the parking lot by the big field.

Return back to the flag with a combination of lunges, burpees long jumps, indian run and a mosey.

Circle up for some Freddy Mercury and Sandy Vs.

Time is up.


Annoucements: CSAUP coming up.  Second F at Sargento’s the same night.

Prayer requests: Hush Puppy, Swimmer, all the people hurt.


Allen Tate closed us in prayer.

The Chief would like to thank midoriyama for allowing him to come gather and lead these pm rockpushers. It was an honor and a privilege to lead. Nice work tonight men. No jv guys here for sure. Keep pushing the rock!! Until next time!! Allen tate- Chief of folsom

07/22/18 GoRuck

On Sunday, July 22nd four bad dudes and a wild Huckleberry met at Freight’s place and traveled to Crowders Mountain for a GoRuck Light.  For those of you that don’t know – light does not mean easy… just less time than the others.

We arrived to the location and found several other F3 brothers there.  Many of them were taking place in the HTL – which is insane.

The festivities kicked off promptly at 13:00 with Cadres Montreal and Pike doing roll call and an introduction.   The Cadres then checked all bags for the required equipment.

We were then lined up into four lines and instructed we will be doing a modified Murph.  As a four man team we ran, did chest presses with our ruck packs, merkins and squats.

After this concluded we saw one guy drinking beer and several guys drinking out of a flask.  These ruckers sure are nuts.

At this time the team grabbed a ton of coupons and headed towards the mountain.

What followed over the next five hours is something that’s hard to put into words.  YHC knew that this would be physically draining, but it was just as much mentally exhausting.

Up and down over the mountain, we by Freight’s watch, covered just under 7 miles.  While YHC didn’t carry many coupons (or even my own ruck sack at times) Boudin and Freight were absolute bad-asses.  I rarely seen either of them when they weren’t carrying something.  Hipaa was appointed a team leader for a while and pushed like Hipaa does.  For a few miles Roadie had the flag and was leading the entire group.  Around mile 2.5 Roadie rolled an ankle and almost took out an elephant on the way down.  He recovered and finished the event without complaining.  I’d talk about Roadie being a beast, but if you’re reading this, you already know.

We returned back to the launching point a little after 18:00.  They presented patches for the 12 that did the HTL and then to the rest of us.  I will say this was one of the coolest things I’ve ever received.   It sucked and it’s difficult to even type this back blast right now, but it was worth it.  The four men with me yesterday are a blessing to me.  They are four men I have an immense amount of respect for.

Roadie – the transformation you’ve had since January is truly remarkable.  Keep pushing and inspiring everyone around you.

Hipaa – you are a beast, brother.   You gave yesterday all you had.

Freight – you made it all the way through and didn’t even mess up your hair.  You’re a bad man, brother.

Boudin – I swear you didn’t even break a sweat yesterday.  I’m told you even posted this morning.  You sir are unreal.

Thank you all for the push and the friendship.

As a side note: if you ever think there’s something you can’t do – just remember it’s all mental.   I spent a lot of time on Saturday thinking how I could get out of this, but I’m glad I didn’t.  This was an experience I’m honored to be a part of.

Philippians 4:13


You can have an effective workout without running

7 men showed for my Painlab VQ.  It was 10 minutes until launch time and there were only three men in the parking.  It started looking it would be a light crowd.  By launch time 14 men (7 and the boot camp and 7 at the lab) had circled up.

Stroganoff lead the group through the warmup and then he lead his men out of the parking lot.  The rest of us gathered at the back of the parking lot by the benches.

The thang

Partnered up and started with lazy Dora, but many more reps.  The exercises were 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 monkey humpers, 400 flutter kicks, 500 calf raises and 600 LBC.  Each partner would do five rounds with the number increasing on each exercise.  Each partner did five rounds of 10 merkins, 20 squats… up to 60 LBCs each round.  This was fun.

Next was a personal favorite of mine – deconstructed burpees.

Over to the benches for 11s. Dips and Incline merkins.

Back to the parking lot for 11s.  CDDs (in honor of Def Leppard. We miss you, brother) and mountain climbers.

We did a round of Mary tabata style.  1 minute of each exercise.  We had plank jacks, low plank, prom nights, moroccan nightclubs, something I’m forgetting and finishing with LBCs and the boot campers returned.

That’s time.


Announcements: JJ5k, Speed for Need race

Prayer requests: Monk’s friend, guys on the IR

BOM: Stroganoff closed us in prayer.

It was an honor to VQ the painlab today, men.  It’s great to see Bandit again. It’s been too long, sir.  Glad you’re back.  Thank you all for the push and the opportunity.

Philippians 4:13


In hindsight… some of this was stupid

11 men posted for the lastest edition of Midoriyama.  Relatively speaking the weather was nice.  At 17:30 we clocked in.  Tool Time and Wojo went running while the rest of us started the warmup.

Warmup: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Flutter Kicks all x 10IC.

Mosey to the parking lot by the far turd shack.

Four corner escalator  C1: 20 Scorpion dry docks.  C2: 20 Scorpion dry docks and 40 Peter Parkers.  C3: 20 Scorpion dry docks, 40 Peter Parkers and 60 LBCs.  C4: all the above plus 80 Squats.

Lunge from pole to pole and line up for Route 66.   Bearcrawl between lines with merkins.

Mosey to the far turd shack.  11s with Australian mountain climbers and regular mountain climbers.   I’m not certain, but I think I heard more complaining during this than any exercise I’ve ever called.

Mosey back to the parking lot.  Lunge, nur, lunge, nur. Circle up for some tabata.   One minute of the exercise with a brief break.   Exercises were monkey humpers, moroccan nightclubs, LBCs, SSH and something else.

Mosey back to the closest turd shack for 10 jackass merkins.   This brought more complaining.   From the plank do one merkin and immediately into a donkey kick.

Back to the launching point for 20 LBCs IC and 22 for the vets.




Announcements: Speed for need, JJ5k, CSAUP

Prayer requests: Def Leppard, Montross, Medicine Woman, each other.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

Men: I know when I have the Q it’s a little different than most.   I’m not the greatest runner and I know the amount of running that most of you get in.  I appreciate the opportunity to Q, and I hope you get something out of it.

Philippians 4:13



Fartsackamania is running wild, brothers.

Five men posted at Folsom this morning the day after the inaugural Tronmoss Legacy 5k.  That’s it… just 5.  In preparation for my painlab VQ this Saturday, I wanted to try and only do low impact work.  This was difficult because if you know me… you know how much I love to run.  Once 05:30 hit it was time to clock in.

Temperature: 72. Humidity: 400%.

Warmup: SSH, Toy Soldiers, LBC all x 15IC.

Mosey a bit. (only mosey of the morning)

Deconstructed burpees

11s with incline and decline merkins.

Deck of death.  Gave out 5 cards to each person.  After the round the winning poker hand got to pick an exercise.   DOD exercises were merkins, scorpion dry docks, squats and flutter kicks.  With the flutter kicks we added ten to each number.

After that round Sister Act had the winning hand.  He picked 10 contra burpees.

Dealt again and YHC won.  10 Eight count body builders.   Omaha after 7 and leave because someone crapped their pants.

Lunge and fellowship mosey back to the launching point.

Pledge and 22 for the vets.


Announcements: JJ5k, Speed for Need race coming up.

Prayer requests: Def Leppard, Montross, Medicine Woman.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.


Philippians 4:13


Pre-Blast: Tronmoss Legacy 5k

Wednesday, July 18th will be the Tronmoss Legacy 5k. For those of you that don’t know, our brother is on crutches for a minimum of 8 weeks.   Despite the bad news, Montross has been in good spirits.  In typical F3 fashion, we will rally around our brother this coming Wednesday for a 5k. Montross will join us at the COT.

Montross began his F3 journey in January of this year.  Since that time he has been a model of consistency.  He has been in skillet contention every month.  While not in terrible shape when he started, he has pushed himself daily.  Not only has he been as consistent as anyone since he started, he’s also a natural motivator.  While unconventional, he has his own way to offer encouragement.  He’s as dedicated as he is tall.   He is a true HIM.

Folsom hopes you can make time this Wednesday to lift up our wounded brother.

Nordic Contra Burpees

15 of the Gashouse’s finest took their #DRP and posted to Folsom.  Sister Act and YHC with the co-Q… YHC would start us off.   As 0630 hit a short disclaimer was given and it was time to clock in.

Warmup: SSH x 2IC

Mosey the tennis courts for instructions.  YHC has a modified Nordic challenge waiting.  After each exercise we would run a lap arpuns the courts.   YHC did knock off two of the laps. (if you can’t do it don’t q it)

Exercises were: 10 Burpees, 22 Merkins, 30 Australian mountain climbers,  40 Lunges, 50 Overhead claps, 60 Monkey humpers, 70 Squats, 80 Flutter kicks, 90 LBC, 100 Moroccan nightclubs.

Circle up a wave of merkins (5) and a wave of LBCs (30).

Handed over to Sister Act

On one of the tennis courts were 10 Contra burpees, run back to the other end for 10 little gumby in the woods.  Repeat x 5.

On one end do 5 Captain Thors, on the other side do 5 4x4s.

Route 66 with Bobby Hurleys.

Mosey back to the launching point for the pledge.


Annoucements: Speed for Need race, JJ5k, Tronmoss legacy 5k

Prayer requests: Gumby’s father in law, people battling addiction, Montross, others I can’t remember.  Sorry men.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

It’s an honor to not only Q, but to be able to know each man that was present this morning.  Rudolph noted on twitter that our nameorama looked like a family reunion.  He’s absolutely correct.  One thing I can say about Folsom, it’s a family.  I have one brother by blood, but I’ve been blessed with many by choice.  Individually we are weak, but collectively we are unstoppable.  Iron sharpens iron is not just a cliche.  If you allow it, F3 will absolutely change your life in more ways than just fitness.  Where else in the world could you take one day off and have no fewer than 5 people call you out (in a somewhat loving way) about it?  The accountability is off the charts.

T-Claps to all the men that posted today.  Not only at Folsom, but all AOs.

T-claps to Sister Act for his work in July… well, and all months.  At this rate the Iron Skillet is his

Montross – heal up, brother.  We tiss (sic) you and hope to see you oost (sic) soon.

Allen Tate: congratulations on your re-election.

Philippians 4:13


Apache’s Back Blast

Apache came, Apache had the Q.  He lead some exercises, he said some motivational things.

Apache lead the announcements and prayer requests During the BOM Apache closed us in prayer.

Pow Pow Pow

Apache was out.

Nordic Challenge-ish

4 men put in some sweat equity at Folsom this morning.  It was a light day  due to people on vacation, fartsackers and Sister Act running at the Pub.  A while back our brother from Asheville had posted the Nordic Challenge.  It seemed like a simple workout to Q, but not an easy workout.  Two modifications were made due to an injury.  The workout calls for 10 San Antonio Shuffles and 20 burpees, but you know… if you can’t do it don’t Q it.  At 0530 it was time to clock it.

Warmup: it’s hot enough and it’s already warm.

Mosey to the tennis courts.  The Nordic Challenge goes like this.  Do an exercise then run.  The exercises were 10 V-ups, 20 Toy Soldiers, 30 Merkins, 40 Overhead claps, 50 Monkey humpers,  60 Lunges, 70 Squats, 80 Lbcs, 90 Flutter kicks and 100 Morracan night clubs.

This went a little faster than I was expecting.  Followed up with a few laps, and some Mary.

Mosey back to the launching pad for the Pledge.


Annoucements: C-Span has the Q at Folsom this Saturday.  Bedpan makes his Pain Lab VQ next Saturday.

Prayer requests: Bedpan’s job, each other.

BOM: Bedpan took us out in prayer.

NNM: I figured it would be a light day.  Many with prior commitments, work and even some in the bed.  Either way, whether it’s four or forty, it’s good to be amongst my brothers.  Folsom has made great strides in 2018 and I’m honored to be a part of it.  On top of the fitness, just the fellowship is second to none.  It’s a good feeling knowing that if you don’t show up, you’ll have a lot of people calling you out.  Accountability is something, speaking for myself, is very much needed.  I couldn’t do this alone.

Philippians 4:13


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