Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Huckleberry (Page 4 of 13)

Thank you, Blart.

Very light crowd this evening.  I’m glad Blart made it out or I would have been alone.  Blart thought the workout started at 18:15, so the first fifteen minutes it was just myself as he was off running.  YHC used the official F3 deck on the tennis courts until some people came and starting playing tennis.  This was about the time I met up with Blart.  We made our way down to the lower shelter and took turns leading an exercise.

Lunge walked/did squats back to the launching pad.  Time was up.

Prayer request: Def Leppard’s M.

Blart closed us in prayer.

Trying new things

7 men came out this morning for a Kotter-ish Q.  Every time I have the Q I hear the same thing: “Huck is going to a wall.”   Well, I threw a little curveball this morning…zero wall work.   Also threw in another new thang:  We actually went to the flag by the road.   Some good mumble chatter before we started and at 05:30 we clocked in.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers x something IC

Let’s mosey.

Pretty simple this morning.   We would stop at every light pole and do some thangs.  Started with 10, then went 10, 20 on up to 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 and 90.  The exercises were:
10 merkins
20 CCDs
30 LBCs
40 calf raises
50 flutter kicks
60 Moroccan nightclubs
70 Freddy Mercury
80 dying cockroaches
90 squats

Slow mosey back to the flag that wasn’t there at the launching point…thanks Montross.

Mary included mountain climbers, Parker Peters and Burpees

22 for the Vets


Announcements: JJ5K, Stop Soldier Suicide run, stair climb some other things.

Prayer requests: those effected by the storms.

BOM: Big Pappy took us out.

Philippians 4:13


40 days

Ok men – it’s time for a new 40 day challenge.   I know what you’re thinking: “wouldn’t someone else be better suited to lead this?”  To that I would say…yes.  Almost anyone would be better suited.

There will be barely any rules because let’s face it… you’re all grown men.  As with all we do within F3, it’s you vs. you.  The rules will be simple, with a few extra challenges.  Just a few rules:

  1. you must complete at least 5 workouts per week.   A workout does not have to be a bootcamp/running/rucking AO.  It can be done on your own.
  2.  it must be at least 30 minutes in duration.   A Saturday workout does not count as two.
  3.  at least 30 minutes of EC does count.
  4.  I challenge you to take your M on a date at least 3 times during this challenge.
  5. I challenge you take your 2.0(s) somewhere they have never been.
  6.  I challenge you to spend at least 15 minutes per day in the Word.
  7.  I challenge you to reach out to any Kotters you know.
  8.  I challenge you to EH at least 5 men during this challenge.
  9.  I challenge you to abstain from all forms of alcohol during this time.

I realize that many of you already subscribe to this way of living, but there are some of us that need an extra nudge.  I think back to a previous edition and the progress that Roadie made.  If that doesn’t inspire you… I don’t know what to tell you.

Unlike previous challenges, there will be no earning cheat meals.  Like I said – you’re all grown men.  You know better than anyone what you want/need.   If you can have a cheat meal and it not mess you up… have at it.   If a cheat meal will bring you down, eliminate it.

This challenge will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd and run for 40 days.   There are no medals or skillets to be won, but, I pray that you will find a deeper gratification.  I’ve heard it said it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.  Therefore, 40 days should be plenty to hopefully be life changing.

Good luck to everyone who participates.   Reach out to those who are to hold them accountable.

Hopefully SYITG,


so… how’s your butt?

9 men stepped into the gloom for what was sure to be an epic beat down.  The return of the Huck was upon Folsom.  These men had many options, but they picked the only AO that matters.

Ok, everything above was a lie except there were 9 men and YHC did have the Q.

Mumble chatter was running rampant before the beat down started.  Allen Tate was even about 5 minutes early.

Montross shows up and immediately asks Blockbuster (FNG returning from Tuesday): “How’s your Butt?”  I was then pretty excited I was not at Folsom on Tuesday.  It was very evident that Medicine Woman had the Q for that occasion.

05:30 hits and it was time to clock in.

Disclaimer: (I’m obviously not a professional.  I will be giving suggestions, feel free to accept them or modify as needed.)

Warmup: Toy Soldiers x 10IC

Let’s mosey

So – YHC has not been to Folsom much lately.   The last time I was semi-regular, the path from the launching point to the amphitheater was messed up.  So, not knowing if it had been fixed, I decided to have Montross lead us to the desired destination.   Big mistake.   He found every mudhole at Folsom.   Not only was it muddy, the mud was slicker than owl crap.

We arrived at the amphitheater to be reminded that the wasps are still there… so we mosey on to the lower turd shack.

Most may know, but I am kind of a fan of wall work.   So… ascending testicles is the next exercise.   A little mumble chatter about the name of the exercise and then the men went to work.

Next was three rounds of donkey kicks and hip slappers.

We then went back to the packing lot.   Lunge half, nur the other half.

Mosey to the tennis courts.

I saw online where Jocko talked about a workout that consisted of 20 lunges (I changed this to squats), 15 merkins, 10 WW1 and 5 burpees.   The goal was to see how many rounds you can complete in 20 minutes.   We did 10 minutes of this.   I’m not sure of the number everyone completed, but I am certain Broke won this event.

Next we did 30 seconds of an exercise with a little rest in between.   Exercises were burpees, high/low plank, low squat hold, high plank and burpees.

Fellowship mosey back to the launching point for the pledge and 22 for the vets lead by Blockbuster.


COT: Remember and support Pizza Man’s event on Saturday, the upcoming 5Ks and races.  Prayers: each other, our children, Big Pappy.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Really enjoyed being out with you men today.   This is my first weekday post in far too long.   Big thanks to Broke for making the trek to Folsom for a weekday workout.

Philippians 4:13


JVPALOOZA goes Downtown

20 men rolled downtown on Friday.  We clocked in at 0530.

Warmup: SSH x 2IC

Mosey to the parking garage.

We had a sheet with an exercise for each letter of the alphabet.  Use your full legal name and your F3 name. This was fun.

Mosey back to the start for a good bit of Mary.


Philippians 4:13


JVPALOOZA visits The Pub

10 men this morning.

We ran.



Annoucements: Speed for Need race this Saturday, Memorial Day Murph, half marathon in October, Christmastown 5k in November, upcoming Ragnar race.

Prayer requests: teachers and students, Breaker Breaker’s daughter for safe travels, Broke’s family, each other.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


Prison Break

6 men at Prison Break.  5 ran, jogged or moseyed and Big Pappy put in almost 5 miles rucking.  Great job.


Annoucements: Speed for Need race on Saturday, Memorial Day Murph.

Prayer requests: each other, our children, those hurting and in need.

BOM: Sparky closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


JV train rolls into Folsom

6 on a nice Folsom morning.   Volt takes off on his customary pre-beat down run and returns to spend the next five minutes calling YHC an idiot.  05:30 hits and we clock in.

Warmup: SSH and Toy Soliders x 15IC

Slow mosey to the tennis courts.  We did core work, running, rugby sprints and a bunch of waves.


Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary


Annoucements: Speed for need run, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer requests: Catamount’s brother and his family, the 5ks.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


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