Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Huckleberry (Page 3 of 13)

2nd F

Men – Whoopee has schedule a shooting day (see his preblast) for 09/12.  In addition to this, we will also hold a second F get together that afternoon/evening. Food will be provided if you RSVP in time.  Please RSVP by Tuesday, September 8th in order to eat.  You can still come if you don’t, but we can’t guarantee you any food.

Time: 16:00 – until…
Where: Allen Tate’s house (348 Loray Farm Rd. Dallas, 28034)
What: 2nd F. Swimming, food, fellowship
Why: because 2nd F is good for you

You can RSVP to me via Slack, Groupme, Twitter or text.  My number is 704-914-5813

Hope to see you all on this day.

Clever title here

12 men joined YHC this fine and humid morning.  Hacksaw and Roundup put in about 10 miles while the rest of us enjoyed some 2nd F.  At 0530 we circled up for a warmup that Whoopee would be proud of.

Warmup: SSH x 2IC

Short mosey to the tennis courts.

Modified Nordic Challenge.   We had a board with all the exercises listed.  After each exercise we ran.  The exercises were as follows.

10 – V Ups
20 – Toy Soldiers
30 – Squats
40 – Monkey Humpers
50 – Merkins
60 – AMERICAN Hammers
70 – Lunges
80 – CDDs
90 – LBCs
100 – Moroccan nightclubs
110 – Flutter kicks
120 – Hillbillies
130 – Freddy Mercury’s
140 – Overhead claps
150 – Calf raises

Once complete we circled up for three rounds of Ring of Fire.  1) merkins, 2) squats and 3) LBCs
We then stayed in a circle for 8 minutes of mary.  This includes: wide arm merkins, burpees, wolverine burpees, SSH, 22 for the vets and what felt like 400 moroccan nightclubs IC.  Thanks for that, Pappy.


announcements: JJ5K, CSAUP, Shooting day, 2nd F opportunities, 5k at the Whitewater Center.

Prayer requests: Pappy’s M, Stogie’s dad, Tater Hole, Westside’s mother in law, Sparky’s nephew, Sister Act and his family, our 2.0s and all the teachers/administrators.

BOM: Pappy closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13



Let’s do some stupid things

8 men, including one FNG, was at Folsom on June 25th. We talked for a bit and then it was time to clock in.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers and CDDs both X 15IC.


Mosey to the lower turd shack and partner up for Dora.

100: Jackass Merkins / 200: Air Drama / 300; Australian Mountain Climbers. Air Drama: down for a squat, up into a calf raise.

Once this was completed we did a long lunge walk while YHC discussed the 5 core principles and went over a little of Q school for the newer PAX.

Mosey up to the tennis courts for some super 21s (21 merkins/21 LBCs. Then 20. Then 19. etc…

Mucho Chesto : 10 each of regular merkins, wide arm merkins, diamond merkins, stagger left and stagger right.

Iron Hulks up to… don’t remember.  5 i think.

Finished with 22 for the vets.

Announcements: PT test July 18th.  Nomads to Waynesville on July 11th. Rabbit Ears VQ on July 2nd, Westside VQ on July 7th.
Prayer requests: our country, each other, Sister Act’s 2.0
BOM: YHC closed in prayer

NMM: shared Matthew 6:25-27 and 6:33-34.  Summary: stop worrying, God has everything under control.

Don’t worry

7 men posted at The Sword this morning.  The Word today was Philippians 4:6-8

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.


Prayer requests: each other, our country, Sparky’s uncle, Mayor’s coworker.

YHC closed us in prayer.

A wall is not always needed

Cool, crisp morning.   Ground was a little wet.  It didn’t matter.   Six other men joined me and at 0530 (by my watch, Tater Hole) we clocked in.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers X something IC, Moroccan nightclubs x 3IC

Quick mosey up to the tennis court and grab a partner.

We did Dora… sort of.  100 Def Leppard merkins, 200 dying cockroaches, 300 Hillbillys and 400 LBCs.  Partner 1 runs until Partner 2 completes all 100 and then they switch.  Then 200…300 and 400.  No combined totals, we did them all.  Nice work by all.

Next we did BOMBS.

22 for the Vets

Quick mosey back to the launching point




Some races coming up.   Pappy and his M are heading out of the country the first of March.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


11/28 Midoriyama

10 made it out to Midoriyama on Thursday, November 28th.  We clocked in on time at 1730.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers, LBCs, Flutter Kicks and a burpee

Mosey across the street to the parking lot.

Deconstructed burpees.

To the turd shack for a wave of Australian Mountain Climbers.  This was not a crowd pleaser.

Back to the parking lot for the Marine 16

Wave of merkins and wave of squats

Slow mosey back to the launching point for Mary and the Pledge.


Announcements and prayer requests

BOM: YHC took us out.   Sorry this is incredibly late.


Blimps and Dora

Cool morning, crisp air.  Volt was early doing Volt thangs.  Very little chatter before 0530 hit.  It’s time to clock in.

Warmup: Toy Soldiers and Def Leppard merkins both x 10IC

Mosey to the lower lot.  We completed 4-5 rounds of blimps.

Mosey over to the amphitheater and partner up for Dora.  Exercises were Australian Mountain Climbers, Rocky Balboas, LBCs, Calf raises, Overhead Claps and Moroccan nightclubs.

Quick mention of Thanksgiving and we all shared things we are thankful for.

Fellowship mosey back to the flag for the Pledge, Mary and 22 for the Vets.


Announcements: Christmastown 5K, Christmas Party

Prayer requests: each other.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


Crossroads 11/10

It was cold.  Some dudes rucked, some dudes ran, one guy crawled, one guy showed up around 0700 and one guy showed up for Q Source only.  Good times.

COT – announcements and prayer requests

BOM – YHC closed us in prayer.


Volt brings the pain

9 men entered the gloom for Volt’s first solo Q – and he didn’t disappoint.   Some good chatter was had before the starting time.   Roadie sent a text at about 0400 saying his ankle is jacked up from Prison Break yesterday and he wasn’t going to make it.   YHC reminded him that wasn’t an option… and Roadie joined us.   Montross is having trouble with his lady parts and he didn’t make it.

0530 hit and it was time to clock in.

Warmup: Cherry Pickers and SSH both X 15IC.


Mosey.   Stopped for 15 LBC IC and burpees

Mosey some more up to the big flag near the entrance.

Squats, burpees and flutter kicks

Mosey again and stop for burpees

Mosey again.   11s in a really long parking lot.   WW1 and Squats

Mosey back to the launching point for some Mary.   WW1, Alphabet, Burpees, SSH, Hillbilly Squats and LBCs.


Christmastown 5k

Prayer requests: each other and our respective family.  Pappy is traveling this weekend to hopefully foster another child.  Best of luck.

Nice Q, Volt.

Views and thoughts from the Tuna 200 Van 2

Van two decided we would be meet at Freight’s house at 07:30 on Friday.  YHC arrives to find Broke already waiting.   Breaker Breaker rolls in, Doodles comes in with the Van, Tater Hole is dropped off by his M, Freight makes his way out.  At 07:30… I mean 07:50 Allen Tate decides to grace us with his presence.   We pack up the van, which was rollin’ on dubs.   After Doodles lead us in prayer – we’re on the road.

Traffic was much better than any of us expected.   We stopped and had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.   When the waitress comes to take our drink order, Broke is sitting there with his pants down messing with some thangs.   Apparently impressed, the waitress returns with our drinks, but three other ladies had joined her.   We learned a lot of thinks during breakfast.   We learned that Freight has had a lot of interesting jobs.   We learned the best way to kill cockroaches in by baking them at 450 degrees in the oven.   We learned that Tater Hole loves to eat.   I’m pretty sure his bill was 39 dollars.  We pay and we are back on the road.

Good conversation was had on the ride down.   We arrive into Four Oaks and everyone is pumped.   Freight was the first to run out of Van 2.  As he departs on his 9 mile run, we notice it is WAY to hot to be late October.  But in typical Freight fashion, he pimp-slapped this run.   He finished his run and turned it over to Allen Tate.

Allen Tate takes off for about a 4 mile run.  It’s hot.  There is zero shade.   We catch up to him as he’s about a mile in.  He’s hurting and it shows.   He lumbers his way to the exchange zone and passes off to Broke.

Broke did what Broke does.   He donkey punched his leg.  Seriously – is there anyone more steady on his runs than this man?

Tater Hole was next.   This was his first relay and didn’t know what to expect.   This is a guy that was in good shape when he joined F3, but would admit his cardio was down.   He’s worked, and he’s worked hard.   It showed.   He blazed on down the road to pass off to another first-timer.

Doodles was next.  I don’t think I’ve ever met a cooler preacher.  He brought us a van with Moto Metal black wheels on it.  He even has an affinity for silver-back gorillas.  (More on this in a bit).

Breaker Breaker was our anchor.   He’s a rather quiet person and YHC made it his mission to get him to be louder on this trip.  You want to fire him up?   Act like you’re going to drink his drink.  (More on this later also).

Van 2 finished and handed back off to Van1.  We took off to Subway to eat and then try to get some rest.  We go in and we’re about the only people there.  Allen Tate apparently likes gubment cheese on his sub.   Tater Hole like EVERYTHING they have on his sub.  But instead of just saying to put everything on it, he made the poor guy go one by one.  We even saw the guy that passed Doodles.

Ok.  We ate and went ahead to the next exchange zone we’d run and tried to get a little rest.   I also learned this about Tater Hole – dude can sleep anywhere.  Pretty sure he and Allen Tate are the only ones to get any meaningful rest at this point.

We got up just before midnight ready to roll.   We went through our van again.   Freight was happier it was dark and not blistering hot.  Allen Tate got him a kill and made sure EVERYONE knew about it.  No seriously… everyone.  Even the guy he passed.  Broke once again did Broke thangs.  Tater Hole, Doodles and Breaker Breaker beasted theirs legs and again, we we’re on break.

The Van decided to forego breakfast and just roll ahead to where we’d kick off again.

Our third legs were a little different.  Freight took Quiche’s leg, Quiche ran Freight’s.   Allen Tate took off for his last run.   We catch up to him a little bit down the road.  We blow the horn, and while we did, he was killed.   The guy who killed him looked back at him and then waved to our van.   If Allen Tate could have caught him I’m sure he would have beat his eyes shut.  We’re at the exchange zone and Broke is getting ready.   We wait on Allen Tate to roll in.   And we wait.   And then we waited.   After we waited… we waited some more.  At this point YHC is starting to wonder if Allen Tate jumped off the bridge.  About that time he rounds the corner and Broke went to meet him.   While waiting Broke said he would dial it back a little on the last run.  Well… he didn’t.  He averaged pretty much the same time for this run as he did for the other two.   I’m telling you – consistent.

Broke is in and Tater Hole is out.   While not as pumped as he was after the second run, Tater has the look like a kid on Christmas.   He’s really enjoying himself.

While waiting on Tater, Doodles takes his long sleeve shirt and turns it into a tank-top turtleneck.  It’s also at this point Breaker drinks his special drink.

Doodles takes off and is letting it eat.  We pass him and according to Allen Tate tells us he’s fine.   We went ahead and stopped anyway just in case.   Doodles gets him a little H2O and continues on.

Doodles is in and Breaker Breaker is out for his glory leg.  The man did a great job of organizing this race and deserved to be the man to bring it home.  Powered by his special drink he’s out there killing it.   We wait and bit and Allen Tate and I return to the van to grab The Leg.   This race would not be complete without it.   We return with The Leg just in time to see Breaker approaching and we all cross the finish line together.

Some got one medal – some got two.  Some were incredibly proud of that second medal.

We all congregate, eat a little tuna and drink some cold beer.

We went to the hotel.  Some showered, some went to the pool.   We went to dinner.   Some went back to the hotel, some went to a brewery.

Random thoughts

Freight:  this guy always wants to act like he ain’t a runner, but his actions show otherwise.  He’s as sarcastic as the day is long, and that’s probably why he’s one of my favorite people.   Through his sarcasm, however, it’s clear that he just wants the best for those around him.

Allen Tate: so many things I could write here.   As a side note, y’all should have seen him get killed.  Anyway – this is his second relay and he has a total of 31 minutes of training.  He may not train, but he will not quit.  He has good intentions, but some injuries prohibited him from being at his best for the Tuna – but he gave it all he had.

Broke: I don’t have enough time to write all my thoughts about this man.   He’s like the Godfather.  The force that keeps all things balanced.  A steady runner and a better person.  Always encouraging.   The reaction he has watching other people do good things is infectious.

Tater Hole: probably one of my favorite memories of this relay is watching his reaction after his second run.  Dude was pumped.   Glad to see what he accomplished.

Doodles: first time I had spent any significant time around him, and goodness gracious, what a guy.  A small sample of his character.   He’s waiting to run when an older gentleman (shirtless and hairy), told him: “I’m going to hang with you for a while and then I’m going to pass you”.  Most laughed.   Well, that’s what he did.  He killed Doodles.   After his run and while we’re back in the van, the guy comes over and states in his thick accent: “You did good, son”.  Most people would have probably said something sarcastic…or nothing at all.   Not Doodles.  Without missing a beat he responded: “You did better, sir”.  More grace than YHC has for sure.

Breaker Breaker:  Oh man.   Captain Anchor.  Glory Leg runner.   Mystery drink chugger.  So on leg two I went to get Tater Hole a water from the cooler but it’s dark.  I can only tell that the drink I grabbed wasn’t water.   Didn’t think anything about and returned it for a water.   A few hours later in the daylight I could tell that this was no normal drink.  The only way I can describe it (at least safely for this back blast) is to say it looked like a bottle of phallus secretion.  And boy was he protective of this drink.  Anyway.  What a great dude.  Quiet, but I’m going to break him completely out of that shell one day.   He ran along and was the only one that I didn’t hear complain.

So many more memories can be written, but most will not read all of this anyway.  If you’ve never participated… you’re missing out.   Even if you can’t run, you can drive.  It’s an experience like no other.

Honored that the men mentioned above allowed me to join them this weekend.   Tater Hole – I finally have some bars.


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