Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Heist

Fall 2015 Mud Run. 420 Pax Converge to take on the F3 Superbowl.

Over 400 pax converged at the Leatherneck Course in Gaston, SC for the 2015 Fall Edition of the Super Bowl of F3 – THE LEGENDARY ULTIMATE CHALLENGE MUD RUN.  This was a year of the “First”.  The fact that this was YHC’s first EVER MudRun was completely overshadowed by much more worthy “First” acknowledgements.

Thanks to the LEAP efforts, we have seen new Shovel Flags planted all across our great land. These new guys jumped to the challenge of the Leatherneck and couldn’t wait to see what the buzz was all about. Several regions had their first ever appearance at the MudRun.  We saw new regions representation from Shelby NC; Greenville, NC,  Sandhills NC, Jacksonville FL, Alpharetta Ga, Atlanta GA, Sumter SC, Winnsboro SC, Bluffton SC, Myrtle Beach SC, Greenwood SC, and North Augusta SC.  We even had several FNGs. We had FNG-Roofie from Greenwood, SexWax from Lexington,  Michelle and Woody that made their way from Chicago who are anxiously awaiting LEAP to make the hop to the Windy City. There were some other FNGs that I am leaving out, but I totally missed the Name O Rama (while off trying to makes sense of the finish times). I may even be leaving out a few other regions that tackled the Leatherneck for the first time.  Maybe the most humbling site was seeing the shuttle pull in with the 4 teams from the Oliver Gospel Mission. These guys rocked! Seriously have you seen the video of team “F3 Columbia-Mission That’s Possible” with Serena, Fountainhead, PapaSmurf and Buzzcut?

Check it out here: Mission Team Puts on the Superman Cape

Robber has done amazing things with this group from the Mission. Posting at the Mission has become my Saturday favorite for a  Double Down and sometimes a Triple Down opportunity. If you are ever in the area, you should really consider stopping by to see what it’s all about. The guys from the Mission who came to the Leatherneck will undoubtedly remember this event as one of the best moments of their lives. These guys are in complete disbelief that all of YOU from F3Nation “have  their backs” on their comeback trail as they strive to become better men….

There were some impressive performances from the pax.

  • F3 Nation represented the TOP 2 for the overall event.
  • 4 F3 Teams were represented in the top 5 overall.
  • 5 F3 Teams completed the course in under 1 hour.
  • 6 F3 Teams were represented in the top 10 overall.
  • 12 F3 Teams were represented in the top 21 overall.
  • 10 different F3 Regions were represented in the top 12 F3 Teams.
  • F3 represented 107 of the 372 total teams at the MudRun (almost 30%).
  • 420 Pax attended the event and MOST of these were first timers (over 300 runners were not repeat runners from the Spring Event).

The #F3BeerBoat would NOT disappoint and presented a bountiful harvest of hops.

OEW was not physically present on site, but we were still able to make our check presentation thanks to all of your donations.

Conditions: 59 and partly cloudy as the day warmed up. Absolutely perfect weather for a CSAUP event

The Thang:

New formal parking spots for the Shovel Flags 

  • New State Flag Row lined the front of the F3 Tent (12 F3 States)!
  • There were all new formal parking spots for all of the Shovel Flags in the “Shovel Flag Village”. What the hell is a Shovel Flag Village? Just trust me and plant them on the white spots!
  • UFO sightings turned out be false. It was Napalm piloting a drone to catch never before seen footage of F3 Nation and the Shovel Flags standing tall in proper formation.

Check Presentation for Operation Enduring Warrior-Fountainhead and Napalm presented our check for $2800.00.

Overall MudRun Prayer- Chaser “One day our bodies will be void of strength and energy… but TODAY is NOT that DAY!”. This was folded in gracefully with encouraging words about the flood in and around Columbia from a few weeks prior. Another unforgettable and moving prayer that only Chaser could deliver.

BOM-Dredd – Wow we got to hear Chaser and Dredd knock it out of the park in one day.  Everybody except our nephews and Tiny Tim got a shout out here.  I think I saw somebody’s leg trembling, but not sure if they were scared or just excited. I think I may have overheard one of the Mission guys say, “dang he’s gonna run with us?”.

 Beginning at 8:45, the pax embarked on the 6 mile course featuring 36 obstacles (well one was closed down and marked as too scary I suppose)… It goes without saying that Lewis and Clark may have even drifted off course on this day. “Go left, no right, wait, your going the wrong way, follow the arrow, NO that’s the arrow from LAST year when they ran in reverse, TURN AROUND, let’s just keep moving forward and see if it works out… It was unfortunate that the course markings failed to send us all down the correct path; and that there were not sufficient course guides suggesting the correct direction to take in that creek.

There isn’t really much we can do about this. At the end of the day, this would not overshadow all of the good that came out of this day in the grand scheme of things.

Congratulations to Team F3 Columbia-Hammer for winning the Busted paw AND winning the overall MudRun with the final official time of 50:11:320

Congratulations to Team F3 The Fort-Filthy Animals  for placing second (for both F3 Nation AND the overall MudRun with the final official time of 51:22:297

Congratulations to Team F3 Charlotte Metro-Team Biscuit for placing third for F3 and 4th place for the overall MudRun with the final official time of 54:15:070.

The FULL Official Mud Run results can be found in the link below:

***UPDATE: Numerous individuals reached out to me between Monday and Wednesday following the race. The inquiry was about some teams receiving time reductions on their finish times (related to getting lost on the course due to poor course markings). The concern was that some teams received time reductions while others did not.  Many teams went the wrong way in the creek. THAT FLAT OUT SUCKS, WE ALL GET IT. This was beyond our control. Today (Wednesday 10-28-2015), I met with the MudRun officials to gather all FACTS about teams that got time reductions. The investigation determined that the first 6 teams to cross the finish line received a 5 minute time reduction (no other teams did). This time reduction was authorized/facilitated by the company responsible tor tracking finishing times via the bib chips. The updated results within both attachments below reflect the official results published by the MudRun; AND what the adjusted results would be if ALL “Time Credits” were removed from these 6 teams. The investigation revealed that there was absolutely no change with the top 4 teams. The only change in finishing times was a swap between the 5th and 6th placed F3 Teams.  Bottom line is that nobody cheated, the top 5  F3 teams were still “Bad Ass Fast” and the result are the same no matter how you slice it, peal it or dissect it. 

There is a legend at the bottom of each spreadsheet is defined as:

(Red Font=Time was edit)

Black Bold Italics= Rank Increased)

Red Bold Italics= Rank Decreased)

Updated-All Runner Results

The F3 only Results can be found in the link below(this includes Overall Rank, F3 Nation Rank, F3 State Rank and F3 Region Rank):

Updated-F3 Nation Only Results

Drone Pics from overhead can be viewed in link below:


All Other Pictures from Ranger and the other course photographers can be found in the link below:

***UPDATE all course photos are now available via this drop box link below (Thanks Ranger!)

Drop Box Course Photos



  • Sway for the opportunity to Q this event. I think it was a text for Sway that said, “Hey Heist are you ready to give back a little bit?”. I think I said, “sure, do you need me to Q for you or something?” . HA, the rest is history.
  • Crash, Robber, Sway and Quisenberry  for handing a successful plan and a well oiled machine over to me to manage. Great advice, direction and support was provided along the way. I still remember the lunch at Salsaritas where they unloaded the plethora of details over to me in a matter of 30 minutes and said, “you’ll be fine”.  It’s truly a testament to F3Nation and the Qs before me that this event can almost run itself.  I sort of feel like I got to fly one of those huge 787 Dreamliners. When I sat in the Pilot’s seat, I realized that the jet was already on autopilot.
  • Crash and Sway one mention was not enough. Thanks for all of the daily support via tweets, texts, emails and calls. You really helped to keep me on track and prevented the train from derailing!
  • Region MudRun Qs:
    • Florida
      • Jacksonville- BigBird
    • Georgia
      • Atlanta-FogHorn
    • North Carolina
      • Asheville-GoodLuck
      • Charlotte MECA-ChickenStrip and Chowder
      • Charotte Metro-Razorback
      • Charlotte-North/Isotope-Mortimer
      • Charlotte South-Mermaid
      • Foothills-Abraham
      • Gastonia-Bandit
      • Greenville NC-CousinIt
      • Shelby-GoGreeneGo
    • South Carolina
      • Bluffton SC-Gambit
      • Charleston-Duggar
      • Columbia-Myrtle
      • Florence-Foxy
      • Fort Mill-OldBay
      • Greenwood-Juggernaut
      • Hartsville-ChuckyCheese
      • Lake Murray-FireDaddy
      • Lexington-ShadesOfGrey
      • Myrtle Beach-OneCall
      • Summerville-Picasso
      • Sumter-Waco
      • Winnesboro-Doobie
      • Thanks to all of the Regional Nantan’s as well for help with kick-starting the event and a bit of help along the way. I feel like I left somebody, but I’m truly thankful for all of the help and support each you provided along the way!
  • Refreshment Q and Beverage Warehousing: LoveSeat.
  • BeerBoat Provider: LowDot
  • Uhaul Trailer (Refreshment Wagon), Bullhorn, Cooler and Ice Delivery): Smokey.
  • Friday Night Prep/ Set up: TuffGuy, LoveSeat and Sway.
  • Drone Pilot: Napalm (that was just bad-ass)! Thanks for carving out the time to join us and capture this special event with all that you had going on in your life!!!
  • Saturday Set-up/Break Down Before, During, and After the Event: TuffGuy, Smokey, BigTime, TwinkleToes, LoveSeat, OnRamp, LowDot
  • Photographer Q: Ranger
    • Additional Photographers: Turnbuckle, Dunphy, Amanda Smith, Jennifer Gibbons (wife of SayWhat?!)
  • Refreshment Donations: All teams from F3Columbia, F3LakeMurray, and F3Lexington that donated drinks for the BeerBoat (This was the host region).
  • The Big Check (Creation and Presentation): Fountainhead, Napalm and Costanza.
  • The Powerful Prayer to kick off the overall MudRun Event: Chaser
  • Delivering the Classic BOM: Dredd
  • All of F3 Nation Pax in attendance For our Superbowl (especially those from out of Town)!

And with THAT we bring another awesome F3 Event to a close. In some ways, this brings back childhood memories. Remember back when you packed up for summer camp? You were excited to get to camp with some of you friends, catch up with old friends, and even meet some entirely new friends.  The sad part about those days is that summer camp came to an end. You had to pack up your chest and say goodbye. You knew that you would never see some of these guys again as you went your separate ways. You may have even left with a knot in your gut.

The difference here is that we are F3, and we are not going anywhere. We are all connected in a way that is often difficult to explain to others.  Each of us at F3 know exactly what I am talking about. Tomorrow we will wake up (rain, snow, hot or cold) and post with our brothers.  We’ll also travel to other areas, whether for work or pleasure, and post to any one of hundreds of other AOs and be welcomed in. There will be several other CSAUP events right around the corner that will also draw us in to take the challenge with other F3 Brothers from across the nation.

YHC was truly honored to be the Q at this MudRun event. Hope all in attendance enjoyed themselves.

See you in the gloom!



MudRun Fall 2015 #Preblast Race Day

Mud Run Spring 2014 #PreBlast

We trust all of you are excited and ready to be a part in our largest gathering of F3 men. When F3 Nation descends upon the Leatherneck this Saturday, we will definitely turn some heads and draw a lot of attention. There are a few logistical changes, so this PreBlast is an attempt to provide sufficient detail so things run smoothly. A schedule of events and the F3 Starting Order are included at the bottom.

ARRIVAL**:      You should plan to arrive at The Leatherneck by 7:00am. You do not want to be late. Running from the parking lot to make your start time will make for a miserable day. The Physical Address of the Leatherneck is 1215 Valley Ridge Rd., Gaston, SC 29053. Directions are below:


Find directions here.

THE TENT:      This year, the F3 tent will be right next to the starting line. You won’t be able to miss it, because we have the biggest, baddest tent on site. It will also be well marked with flags and banners, and will serve as our central meeting point.

Bag Check:      There is a bag check for normal registered runners.  This location will be chaos.  Plan to check you bag into the F3 tent. We will have several volunteers that will be staying at the tent and I’ve heard that F3 Nation brothers are pretty damned trustworthy!

SHOVEL FLAGS:      Please bring EVERY shovel flag in your Region and plant them at the tent upon arrival. This is always a significant gathering, and the flags will make a statement.

THE MUD RUN WAIVER:      Bring the COMPLETED mud run waiver form with you (ONE PER TEAM IS REQUIRED TO BE COMPELTED).TEAM CAPTAINS are responsible for your team’s waiver (we will print some extras to be available at the F3 tent). Print the waiver here:

Runner Waiver

REGISTRATION:      Don’t go register until your ENTIRE team is Assembled. You register at the registration tent (NOT THE F3 TENT).  Give them your waiver and get your race bibs and get marked up with your numbers. Team Captains will get the team’s timing chip. You will be free to come back to the F3 tent after you register.  T-shirts can be picked up (as a completed team) at the F3 tent.

THE START:      Teams start every 15 seconds. This is it. Do well.

THE COURSE:      The course layout is the same this year.  Watch Twitter (@F3MudRun) for any course recon updates prior to the race. There should be actual Marines monitoring obstacles (rather than JRROTC volunteers). The Marines are much more strict when it comes to attempting/completing each obstacle or taking penalties. With 108 teams, odds are very high that one of us will piss off a Marine with a hard-on to bust somebody. Don’t let it be you.

Fountainhead’s “Wiki-Mud” provides strategy tips and information about specific obstacles and is recommended reading:

Purple Crayon’s “How To Beat the Mud Run Obstacles” is also excellent (Note: order of obstacles has changed):

THE FINISH:      You must cross the finish line with your entire team. In our meetings with the Mud Run reps, they specifically mentioned this rule. Team Captains with the timing chip must finish with your three teammates and ONLY your three teammates.

AFTER THE RACE:      When you are off the course, the mud run will have fruit, water, etc. for you. You can also hang around the finish line to welcome your buddies as they finish. At some point, you will want to make your way toward the “showers” (which are hardly more than a glorified garden hose) for a rinse off. Don’t think for a minute you’re gonna get all the mud off you. That will take weeks. After you clean up a bit, make your way back to the F3 Tent for 2ndF (AND ENJOY THE BEER BOAT!!!) We will have this stocked for you and remember that GLASS BOTTLES AND PERSONAL COOLERS ARE NOT ALLOWED INSIDE THE GROUNDS.

OPERATION ENDURING WARRIOR DONATION:      Operation Enduring Warrior is an organization that supports disabled veterans through training and competing in obstacle races. You may have seen photos of the OEW guys wearing gas masks during the mud run. Their web site is here:

F3 Nation will again support their efforts this year with a financial donation and moral support. You may remember having the option to make a donation to OEW when you signed up on the F3 Mud Run website. We raised about $1700 that way. On the morning of the race, we will “pass the hat” again for anyone who would like to donate to OEW and increase our check size. There will be a donation bucket (very well marked)  at the tent. We will also have a F3 volunteer walking around with a bucket. Think about it – if all 420 of us gave just $5, we’d add $2100.

OEW CHECK PRESENTATION: At approximately 7:45am F3 (Fountainhead and Napalm) will present our check donation to OEW. Logistics are still being finalized regarding exactly where that exchange will take place, but we only have about a five minute window before OEW hits the starting line, and we don’t want to back up the rest of the starters. We’ll annouce this when it’s time.

PHOTOSAt approximately 11:00AM, we will take our group picture (please be at our tent at 11:00AM for this). This should not take but a few minutes. We will also have several photographers on the course.

BUSTED PAW:      The awarding of the Busted Paw will take place immediately following photos. It better be a team from F3 that wins this and not a pack if FIA gals……


Tenative Schedule of Events:

  • 7:00 Arrive at F3 Tent.
  • 7:15 Plant your Shovel Flags.
  • 7:00-7:30 OEW Donation/Collections.
  • 7:30-8:00 Race Prep, Check-in, Registration, Numbering (Full Team must register together).
  • 7:35-8:05 Pick-up T-shirt at F3 Tent.
  • 7:45-8:00 Check Presentation to OEW by Fountainhead and Napalm (Depends when OEW starts race).
  • 8:00-8:15 BOM by Dredd (immediately after we do Check Presentation to OEW).
  • 8:45-9:12 All F3 teams Start Race.
  • 9:45-10:45 F3 Teams Finish (Go shower and then head to F3 Tent for 2nd F).
  • 10:50 Busted Paw Trophy Presentation
  • 11:00 Final F3 Group Photo.


Since this run’s inception, we have received countless communications regarding starting times. You name it, we’ve heard opinions from every region. After carefully weighing all the information, the overwhelming consensus was that most of the regions wanted the chance to compete for The Busted Paw against each other’s best competition and on a level playing field. It also became apparent that any solution we offered was going to piss somebody off. This year we have a LOT more regions running for the first time (and not all necessarily consider themselves in the running to take home the trophy).

The defending champion South Beach is not registed to defend there team title so ALL F3 teams are together with nobody between us. Each Regional Q ranked each of the teams from their region.

When all teams were blended together for ranking,  we considered three primary factors:

  1. Evaluated past team performance, with a bit of priority consideration given to the top 8 finishing times.
  2. Gave a bit of priority consideration to the total number of teams participating from each region.
  3. Created a weighted team average based on total “points” per runner on the team.  Remember when you registed and you had to select a goal for the MudRun?  Yep, that’s what we used.  This was mostly to use as a tiebreaker where needed.

Basically each region has an equitable starting position to compete for The Paw. Any arguments and speculation should be finally decided in the arena.

While this might not be the best way, its how it was done, and it all should work out just fine.

SO The best part about this is IF you don’t like where your team is, Here are the things you can blame instead of ganging up on YHC:

  • Blame your Regional Q for giving you a Regional Seed than you think should have been better.
  • Blame your Region for not bringing more Pax to the dance.
  • Blame Yourself for not paying attention when you registered (by selecting “Simply Survive the Leatherneck” if you really meant to select “Serious Contender For the Busted Paw”).

With that said HERE are the Starting Times (and remember if you are part of F3 then every last one of you has a “priority starting time”)!



Below is the Individual Registed Runner List (with the Teams they belong to):

F3 Nation Individuals per team

PDF Version-Individuals per team

Blood Clots…Bones Heal…Sweat Dries…Pride is FOREVER!


Fall 2015 Mud Run Pre Blast: LATE Registration has opened with HARD close Oct 3rd!

YES It’s that time again, so get ready…the MUD RUN is coming! YHC will be the Q for F3Nation this year. Your Regional Q’s are being finalizing. Many regions have an assigned Mud Run Q for the Fall, the full list should be completed and displayed soon (updates will be made to this blast to list Regional Qs). The Ultimate Challenge Mud Run is the F3 Nation “Super Bowl,” (it’s just muddier than the one we watch on TV). Our next opportunity is Saturday, October 24th, 2015 at the Leatherneck course in Gaston, SC. We had approximately 500 pax at the Spring 2015 Mud Run. The goal for Fall 2015? 527.5 Pax (or thereabouts)…. We can do it!

ALL AO Qs talk it up to the Pax that post to your AO. Veteran runners, do it again, get better, finish faster and most of all encourage our new brothers to take the next step! Since the last MUD RUN, We have seen a lot of FNG’s dip their toe in the water to see what F3 is all about. LEAP expansion efforts have been nothing short of amazing. We will have representation from several new AOs, including several teams from #TheMission (from Oliver Gospel Mission out of Columbia)! Good Form is being promoted and the Pax are holding each other accountable. VQs are multiplying at staggering numbers. There is no better time than now to be Plant, Grow and Serve. Let’s all pull together to promote OUR event! Now it’s time, are you going to step up and help us to exceed our goal???

As usual, we have a reserved block of priority F3 starting times with the Mud Run organizers. This next bit is important: Start times: so please PAY ATTENTION:

The TOP 3 Finishers (Teams) from the Spring 2015 Mud Run will have MUD RUN priority slots. We will slot in the next 10 F3 Teams. This is all based on the below 3 conditions:

2) Team must be comprised of AT LEAST 3 members of Spring 2015 Team
3) Team roster must be submitted by the published deadline

Registration and payment this year will be the same as the last Spring Mud Run. TEAMS WILL BE MANAGED BY THE REGIONAL MUD RUN Qs! You register as an individual and then coordinate with your Regional Mud Run Q to form your team. DO NOT CONTACT or Heist regarding changes or setting up your Mud Run Team!!!! ONLY your Regional MudRun Q should be contacted for this.

Registration fees are $55 per person and the DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 12TH 2015. This deadline is based on how Eventbrite reimburses us. Registration is considered a “hard commit” with NO REFUND should you be unable to compete. If you register and cannot meet your commitment, it’s your responsibility to your team and your Region to find your replacement.

Transportation to the race is your responsibility. Coordination of charters/buses/road-trip refreshments should be coordinated through your Regional Q.

We will continue honoring Operation Enduring Warrior with a donation from F3 Nation. They support wounded soldiers, particularly amputees. If you saw them at previous Mud Run presentations, it was powerful. Several members of their group compete with prosthetics and one has no legs at all. There will be a block on the registration form to make a donation. $10 per person as an add on is suggested, but donating more, less, or nothing at all is ok. It’s completely optional. We presented OEW with a Check for $5000 at the Spring Mud Run and we are hoping to make another check presentation at the Fall Mud Run (GOAL to exceed $5,500).

Regional Mud Run Q’s:


North Carolina:
Charlotte MECA:——————Chicken Strip
Charlotte Metro:——————-
Charlotte North:——————-Mortimer
Charlotte South:——————-Mermaid
Chapel Hill:————————-
Winston Salem:——————–

South Carolina:
Fort Mill:—————————-OldBay
Greenville-SC:—————–Flay—-and—- Iceman
Lake Murray:———————-FireDaddy
Myrtle Beach:———————-OneCall
North Augusta:———————


Finally, we have set up a dedicated email account for Mud Run issues and coordination. Please use it!



Email Address for questions/issues:


Operation Enduring Warrior:

USMC Mud Run (DO NOT SIGN UP VIA THIS LINK, this is just a general FYI link about the mudrun):

Some very helpful course knowledge items, especially with the new guys. Be as prepared as possible and know what you’re in for (provided courtesy of Bolt)!

Spring 2015 actual Course video:

How to beat the Mud Run obstacles:

The Wiki Mud document: from

1) When do we have to be at the race? All expected to be at our tent at 7:00am to be ready for pre-race BOM.
2) When will we do the BOM? Before 7:30am.
3) When does the Race Registration Tent Open? Registration tent open at 7:30am and ALL 4 TEAM MEMBERS MUST REGISTER TOGETHER.
4) When can I pick-up my T-Shirt from the F3 Tent? AFTER you team registers at the Registration Tent.
5) When does the race start? First teams off at 8:30am, then teams staggered after this time until a bit after 9:00am.
6) What do I do AFTER my team finished? Pat yourself on the back then head straight to the F3 Tent!
7) How long do I have to stay at the F3 tent? Can’t believe you would ask that, BUT PLEASE stay there until 11:00am. We will take our final Pax photo at 11:00am and want all to be included!

More to come soon. Go Register!


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