Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gold Digger (Page 7 of 7)

Shoulder Burn

14 at Midoriyama for a GD special.

Quick warmorama (starting with burpees of course), then a circuitous mosey so YHC could warm up.

Circle up for count off and modified Dora. 3 man teams doing AMRAP merkins, LBCs, and squats at opposite ends of the parking lot. This sort of fell flat due to Midoriyama’s inability to count past 2 and YHC’s inability to explain things clearly (who gave this man a teaching license?)

Move to four corners w/25 chilly jacks, 50 jump lunges, 75 Moroccan night clubs, and 100 LBCFs.

Next up is an improvised shoulder burn: pick a parking space, 11s with Mike Tyson’s on the curb, bear crawl to end of the white line, crab cakes, and then crab walk back. Shoulders will remember this one for a while.

Mosey (with a twist) to flag for bookend burpees.

Announcements: 50 mile CSAUP Feb 23, Rooster CSAUP in Rock Hill March 2, Rice N Beans Jan 29 6:15 meet at the Pointe Church, Q Source every Sunday at 7:30 after Crossroads and Coconut Horse, 2nd F on Fridays at 5 in Belmont.

Prayer Requests: Leadership team from last year, especially Tool Time traveling to Peru, Anchorman’s Mother-in-Law, all PAX.

Effort over Numbers

Only 6 1/2 posted on a beautiful December day at Midoriyama, but what we lacked in numbers, we made up for in determination.


25 burpees, 25 SSH, 25 Mnt Climbers, 25 Mor Night Clubs


100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 jump squats… and 200 WW1’s while partner runs around parking lot

Mosey to volleyball court hill

Triple Nickel:

6 shooters at top of hill, deconstructed burpees at bottom

Mosey back to flag for 25 bookend burpees.

Shout out to SA for putting in some EC miles w/Slaw and then staying for the first 25 burpees before the band concert.

Shout out to Swimmer for giving it everything he had and always pushing.

Shout out to Broke for actually doing the boot camp with a bad foot instead of rucking.

Shout out to Slaw for putting up with SA for 5 miles and still staying for the workout.

Shout out to Tiger for finishing every exercise strong and not cutting any corners.

Shout out to Buckeye for encouraging everyone while setting the pace.


Mt. Hollywood moved back to 7:00 on 12/24

Prayer Requests:

Remember the family of the FIA member killed in SC and all those who struggle to find this a joyous time of year; to always be an encouraging light.

Always an honor to lead!

Until next time,


Storm for the Crippled

17 PAX assembled for an unusual GD Q. YHC having injured his leg in training for a recent marathon necessitated a near moseyless weinke.

The typical 10 burpee warmup called, then mosey to side of the school to park for a while. 40 exercises done AMRAP, 50-10 seconds for the first 20, then 45-15 for the second half. Exercises broken into 5 categories to mix things up: arms, legs, wall, misc, and abs. Almost all exercises were the usual suspects excepting one or two anomalies such as chicken peckers and ascending testicles. At the end of 40, mosey back to the shovel flag for bookend burpees and call it at 6:14.

At this juncture, YHC struggled to keep down a poorly cooked piece of meat from the night previous and missed the announcements. These may include, but are not limited to: Christmastown 5K this Saturday, Christmas party Dec 15 @ the Quiche’s, Operation Sweet Tooth, etc.

Prayer Requests: Tiny Tim’s wife, all those traveling this week for the Holiday.

Until next time,


That trail is off limits…

13 at Midoriyama on a beautiful fall day.

In preparation for the Charlotte marathon, YHC decided to bring all the PAX along on a training run.

Warm-o-Rama w/ 10 burpees, 20 SSH, 10 imperial walkers, and 10 GD slow Donny Q’s.

Scenic route mosey to top of gravel trail w/ 5 burpees at every speed bump + various ner, carioca, skipping, etc. Occasionally stopping to SSH for the 6. Once halting at the top of the trail, Pizza Man declares that the trail is “off limits” for very obscure reasons. YHC’s experience with middle school students has made him impervious to such nonesense, so the show carries on.

5 burpees at the top of the trail, 10 merkins every time past the orange cone roughly halfway down the trail, and 10 Bobby Hurley’s at the bottom. X5.

Once all have completed the gentle mosey, it’s time to head back to the shovel flag, this time with a slightly more direct route. Still stopping for 5 burpees at every speed bump (affectionately known by Slaw as humpees).

Once back at the flag, still 5 minutes to spare, plenty of time to take a crack at YHC’s favorite ab routine: the Spartan 300. 50 LBCs, 50 Flutters, 50 American Hammers, 50 Low Dollies, 50 Dying Cockroaches, and 50 WW2 Sit-ups. After some mumblechatter accusing YHC of poor mathematical judgement, the PAX suffered thr…er completed the first 4 exercises, 25 in cadence of each.

Right at 6:15, time to close things out, Edison reminds YHC to bookend with 10 burpees. This brings our total to 50 Bobby Hurley’s, 75 burpees, 100 merkins, 200 abs, and a bunch of SSH, all interspersed over the course of at least 3 miles of moseying with around 300 feet of elevation gain. Strong work put in by all.

Announcements: Gold Digger banned from all Q’s, Nov. 10 convergence w/ 3rd F to follow, Nov. 24 Christmastown 5K, Dec. 15 Christmas party at the Quiche’s. Sign up for Q’s at Midoriyama and all local AO’s. No Midoriyama on Thanksgiving Day.

Prayer Requests: Traveling mercies for Shocker, Quiche, DDC. People battling addiction.

Until next time (which may be vetoed),

Gold Digger

It’s the same train!

17 in attendance on a gloomy day for a VQ, much like the day nearly a year ago when YHC made his F3 debut on Veterans Day 2017.

In order to set a proper tone for the beat…err workout, 10 burpees oyo called at 7am sharp. Mumblechatter begins. As YHC had a slight head start knowing what was coming, disclaimer was mentioned while PAX completed the exercise so as to waste no time beginning the stretches:
10 SSH, 10 sloooow Donny Q’s, 10 Copperhead lunges (each leg), and 10 wide sun gods.

Mosey down Airline to the corner for warmorama (stolen from YHC’s judo training days):
10 merkins, 10 Big Boys, 10 squats, with mosey to cone and back between each. x3 +10 burpees to finish. Mumblechatter continues.

Mosey to the pit for part 1 of 3: Abs
Rugby sprints: exercise called amrap until stopped by YHC’s metronomic internal timer, sprint to cones, back, and walk to recover. Following exercises called: LBCs, Flutters, Freddie M’s, Dying Cockroaches, Low slow flutters (PAX highly approved), Crunchy frogs, Cumberland County Viaducts (as YHC is a native of Fayetteville) up on one elbow lowering and raising hips, ABCs (also highly praised) spelling the alphabet in all caps, no cursive, with both legs together, and then a 60 second leg hold @2 inches off the ground to finish.

Amidst said exercises, a lone train whistle was heard and 5 burpees were performed.

Part 2 of 3: Upper body
Feet up 6 inches on the wall, 5 derkins, backpedal up the wall for stupid shuffle, to the right, to the left, 5 Australian MC’s ic, climb back down for 5 derkins. Once recovered, 10 sun gods, then reversed, then…another train! 5 burpees, 10 chinooks, then reversed. Wall sit to reflect on current situation. Rinse and repeat x3. Midway through second repeat, another train whistle. Same train? Another one? 5 burpees at same point to be sure. And since it is now habit, same for 3rd repeat. Mumblechatter returns.

Part 3 of 3: Legs (stolen from YHC’s 1st post courtesy of Sargento)
Partner up for Dora. 50 little Gumby in woods, 100 jump lunges, 150 jump squats (annnd there’s another train! +5 burpees), 200 monkey humpers, 150 copperhead squats, 100 copperhead lunges, 50 toy soldiers. Partner runs all the way around the pit. ANOTHER train whistle?! “It’s the same train!!” -Quiche. 5 burpees regardless.

Mosey/Ner/Carioca/Jailbreak/don’t get hit by a car…back to the flag.

10 burpees oyo to bookend/be sure we accounted for all the trains.

Circle around statue for pledge and nameorama.

YHC reminds all present to tell someone they love them today and in light of his recent accident, to always remember today could be their last and to live it as such. Momento Mori.

Announcements: Christmas party December 15 at the Quiche’s, Convergence w/ 3rd F following on November 10 at the Yank, Christmastown 5K, Belmont 5K/13.1.

Prayer requests: Tool Time’s family traveling and 2.0 waiting for Sly, Quiche traveling to Pakistan, Shocker in Haiti, Shap Rap’s 2.0 undergoing medical testing.

Until next time (Tuesday at Midoriyama),

Gold Digger

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