Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gold Digger (Page 5 of 7)

Digger Day 2/2

While no one seemed to care about a non-running GD workout (about as rare as a Leppard merkin), PAX came crawling out of the woodwork for an all-running GD workout (about as common as an SA fart).

9 PAX joined in Plan A, 5 stayed for Plan B, which made us about as 69 compliant as Slaw in the navy.

Plan A was to run as far as possible, stopping every quarter mile for either 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats, or 20 SSH. Most got around 4.5 miles.

Plan B was to chill out at the flag and do the AMRAP crap from Digger Day 1/2. I think all agreed Plan A was preferable.

Until next time,


Digger Day 1/2

Been a while since YHC has graced the Goat with his presence, so it seemed about time to rectify this situation. The AO was brimming with excitement at the thought of a post-quarantine beatdown, which was exemplified by the large number of PAX in attendance.

The above was sarcastic, the below was not.

42 minutes of AMRAP crap rotating through body parts like Frankenstein creating his monster. Show to know.

Until next time (11.25 hours later),



Burpees at Dusk

Big crowd at Lowell’s finest AO, so YHC had to step up his game. Quick warmorama, then off to the soccer fields for escalators and de-escalators with burpees, LBCs, squats, merkins, and then another round later with more burpees, flutters, lunges, and hand release merkins. In between, there was a triple nickel, a Route 66, and some more fun to be had. Warmorama in reverse brings the total burpee count for the workout to 180. Not bad for 45 minutes.

Now you might be thinking this is a lot of stuff to cram into a bootcamp, and you would be correct. You might also know the pace GD tries to keep up, which would keep everyone’s heat rate pretty high on a cool evening, and you would also be correct. But if you thought this would keep Freight from sustaining 45 minutes of straight mumblechatter, you would be incorrect. YHC believes the only thing stronger than Slaw’s neck is Freight’s jaw.

Announcements: Christmastown 5K on Nov 30 @6:30PM, Christmas party on Jan 4.

Prayer Requests: Anchorman’s diagnosis, people battling addiction, and those who have recently lost loved ones going into the Holidays.

Always a pleasure. Until next time,


We’re Climbing the Dang Mountain

Out of like 7 options, summiting Spencer Mountain seemed like the most reasonable choice. Heck of a calf workout, plus a few other things. Guaranteed best views of all Gashouse AOs.

Announcements: Christmastown 5K, Convergence 10/19

Prayers for Pizza Man’s M, Def Leppard’s M, Freight’s Grandmother


The Sarge needed a fill-in Q, so YHC and Freight stepped up around the same time ish and ended up having to split duties. As anyone who is acquainted with Freight knows, he enjoys making a competition of everything, but the truth of the matter is, it’s hard to compete against someone who doesn’t play the game. And also, guess who’s writing the backblast…

We all did an assortment of tortuous exercises that made us stronger (we think).

Freight gave a word about hills and valleys, burdens and companionship, all of which tied into the workout nicely. Not to say that he won or anything. Show to know.

Until next time,


GDiggathon Pt. 7: The Finale

Wow, what a week. 7 Q’s in 5 days finally comes to a close. While it wasn’t easy, it was one of the most exciting and motivating things I have attempted in F3. I would encourage anyone who has the time to try at least doing 3 or 4 bootcamps Q’s in a row. It really forces you outside of the box creatively and keeps you on your toes in ways you wouldn’t expect. Also, if you’re stupid like me, throw in a marathon worth of EC during the week…

Mega Slaughter Starter: 30 burpees (foreboding much?). Mosey to parking deck for 11’s on the stairs with Monkey Humpers and Burpees. Outside to the park lot for a Merkin crawl: Rte 66 with a bear crawl to each line. Mosey to baby parking garage for Dora with some abs and employee dodging. Mosey back to start. Tried to convince the PAX to close out with 30 bookend burpees, but YHC could only squeeze out 5-10 from a few brave HIMs.

I appreciate the support (and hate) from each and every one of you who came out to this crazy streak of Q’s, but a special shout out has to be given to the ultimate groupies: Slaw and Dr.  Seuss. Both of these gentlemen made it to 6 of the 7 Diggathon workouts. I don’t know if they deserve a pat on the back or a brain scan, but I truly appreciate the dedication.

Until next time,


GDiggathon Pt. 6: The Frisbee

25 burpees to make up for missing a few on Tuesday and then about 40 minutes of ultimate frisbee. This was my “easy” workout, but I think you can ask anyone there in the 95 degree heat, it wasn’t a walk in the park.

Pray for all the PAX, Kotters, IR, and Sad Clowns.

GDiggathon Pt. 5: The Goat

The Greatest Of All Time, the Get Outside And Train, the GOAT Island! Man, I’m really running out of good titles…

After a solid day of running at Snoballs, it was time to mix it up.

Burpees to start (obviously). Triple Nickel on the hill. Some conversation about how one counts a triple nickel… 3 sets of 5? 5 sets of 3? 5 of 5? Whatever. If that wasn’t confusing, time for some “new” 11’s around the church. Partners run opposite directions and every time they meet, drop for 10-1, 9-2, etc. of both exercises. Some conversation about how that was supposed to work… Mosey down to the lodge for some wall work and wrapped up with the classic GD shoulder burn and of course bookend burpees.

Announcements: Probably outdated due to the lateness of this BB.

Prayer Requests: Def Leppard’s daughter, Montross’ mother, those who serve our country, both at home and abroad.

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