We had 19 PAX including 1 FNG (courtesy of Boudin) circle up at 5:30 sharp on this comfortably cool morning.
We did some stuff to warm up including:
10 plankjacks I.C.
10 big arm circles each direction to warm up the shoulders
Mosey around the pond to the front of the school where the following happened:
Line up at the top of the parking lot;
Long jump 10 spaces to the island
25 American hammers
Plank walkouts the next 10 spaces to the bottom of the lot
5 4x4s
Acummulating Mercans (1 mercans @ 1st space then bear crawl to next space; 2 mercans…bear crawl…etc.)
50 Morocan night clubs (shoulders burning)
Side lunges alternating legs over last 10 spaces
4 4x4s
PAX broke into 2 groups (9 in grp 1 & 10 in grp 2) to wall sit while each member ran to middle island and back
Fellowship mosey to baseball field while HC spoke briefly about Christ helping each of us bear the weight of our yolk. Reminded PAX that only He can bear the weight of our sin.
Each man grabbed a coupon (CMU) and circled up for this:
10 truck drivers
10 overhead shakes
15 Big boy situps
10 ball busters (kettle bell swings)
10 Dercans
Rinse and repeat
Mosey to school entrance for:
40 monkey humpers
30 Rocky Balboas
20 LBCs
10 CDDs…10 more
20 LBCs
30 Rocky Balboas
40 monkey humpers
10 hipslappers
Boudin called 10 seconds
5 hip slappers
Mosey to flag for 8 minutes of corewood (mary style
And DONE! WHEW that seemed to never end. Thanks for helping me push the rock.
Matt. 11:28-30