Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Defib (Page 13 of 16)

Respect what you trust

Honored to lead the workout today – my 50th birthday.  I have been with F3 for almost 5 years now and it has definitely changed my life, led me to push myself to achieve what I could not have done alone, and taught me what it means to live third.  I’ve learned that doing a ton of merkins does not help me as much as getting out of bed, posting and showing consistency.  I have been blessed to get to know so many great men in this community and am proud to be a part of this organization.  However it is 5:30 so time to move


2 for EC – Roscoe and Dirt – Dirt learned that he really is an 8:30 pace miler.  Way to push – 12 HIMs decided it would be a good idea to get up , post and get better today and I did not plan on disappointing anyone.  1 FNG (EH’ed by Tyson) posted so more than usual half ass disclaimer was made.




Don Q (almost fell over so enough of that)

Mosey to Marthas parking lot where we did increasing number of of plankjacks at each island starting with 5 and increasing by 5 to the end of the parking lot- what do you know ended with 50 plank jacks.  Then worked our way back – same routine but with squats.  Found out that Midoryama is not the only AO where math is second language.   Moseyed to concession stand for some tabata style exercises.  50 seconds at a time AMRAP exercises separated by a 50 yard run in-between.  Exercises included Bonnie Blairs, Big Boys, flutter kicks, CDDs, and burpees.  During exercises I was prodded by Whoopee for some words of wisdom- obviously he can’t get enough of me doing same at work – I tried to think of something smart ass but the only thing coming out of my mouth had something to do with setting goals, writing them down, and telling others your plan to hold you accountable.  Of course this means you much trust yourself and your friends in your shield-lock to help you.  Finished off the workout with 6 minutes of Mary including crunchy frogs, flutters(50-thanks Gastone), burpees, dying cockroaches, dirty dogs and reverse crunches. -TIME

Announcements – Go Ruck training – every Saturday two hours before boot camp rotating between different AOs – Next week will be at the Schiele

Spartan training – reach out to Gump


COT included some parting words on trust what to do when you find yourself losing trust in yourself, your judgements and the people in your circle.  Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


Prayers for Timeframe’s M and family friend of Gump who is battling cancer and illnesses


Untilnext time – Defib – out!

A Lump of Coal for All

It was an absolutely gorgeous morning for a Christmas Day bootcamp.  Unfortunately for the pax that posted it was obvious that they made the naughty list because Santa arrived early with a sleigh full of coal.


Warm up:

20 SSH

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

10 Merkins

Then it was time to unpack Santa’s Sleigh – Each pax was given one garden block

Warm-up continued with curls,  overhead presses, and squats with coupons



Mosey to concession stand with block – That was terrible – running with a block is not doctor approved.


50 Blockees

100 Triceps extensions

200 Curls

300 Overhead presses

Next was time to run some more with blocks partner up.  One partner runs  clockwise the other counterclockwise around concession stand with block when you meet up with partner do 1 Booyah! merkin – continue around to front and do 2 and continue until you get to five then count down back to one.  A real crowd pleaser!

Time to mosey back but luckily for pax Santa called an Omaha and we meandered back for some Mary which included American hammers and pelvic thrusters both with blocks





Convergence 12/28

Holiday Party Jan 4th



Dry Rubs M still in hospital

HushPuppy son with flu

All those battling holiday depression


As always it was an honor to serve

Until next time Defib – OUT!



20 HIM were not afraid of a pre-bootcamp CSAUP and accepted my challenge to make their communities a little cleaner.  As a regular of F3 posting in the gloom we often run / ruck right past all the litter on the streets often not even really seeing it.  During the 40/50 day challenge I challenged the pax to do something weekly that was for someone else.  So I thought why not wrap up the challenge with a CSAUP that will leave the areas that we use every week just a little better than the way we found it.  Just like picking up the six – “leave no man behind but leave no man where you find them” is a metaphor for lending a hand to those that need it – Likewise lets try to make the community we live in a little better.

Folks gathered at Folsom, Gashouse and the Yank to do just that.  Many wore rucksacks and rucked a few miles carrying garbage bags and picking up trash in the area.  Over 16 bags of trash were removed from the streets we use everyday.  The end result – our eyes were open to the trash we take for granted and the community was left just a little bit better.  I suspect there may also have been one or two motorists who recognized what we were doing and perhaps they will pay some form of service forward.  In any event I know that the pax who participated feel just a little better knowing that they did not just come to an AO and “leave it where we found it.”

40/50 day challenge close-out

YHC was coming in hot this morning having just finished the “Not-So-CSAUP CSAUP” (see backblast for it) I was rucking in at 7:01 to find the pax were ready and waiting.  Thanks to Gastone for keeping them occupied with some SSH.  Very brief thank you was given for all those participating in the CASUP – we collected over 12 bags of trash in just 90 mins.




That’s enough – we split into pain lab (Watts Up Q)  and bootcampers following me to the Grier track with a quick stop at the wall for 10 or so Hip slappers.



10 exercises AMRAP for 1 min with 100yard run in between all exercises. Before each exercise was announced the pax were given the opportunity to earn immunity by answering Christmas movie trivia questions.  We found out that Stroganoff in addition to being an outstanding Nantan and CEO of GSM, also knows his Christmas movies earning 3 of the 10 immunities (yet he still performed most of the exercises anyway- what a HIM!)

Exercises included:

Plank Jacks


Flutter Kicks

Bobby Hurley

Diamond Merkins

Mountain Climbers

American Hammers

Peter Parkers

Monkey Humpers


With just 20 min left we then divided up into two teams and played some ultimate football – good guys won by a narrow margin


Mosey back to Gashouse for one last surprise exercise – We all gathered around and did up/downs to Tubthumping – basically do one up/ down every time the words “I get knocked down” are sung.  This took us to time

COT – What a positive impact the 40/50 day challenge has been.  I noted that although we not have stuck to the diets as well as we liked, we all learned a lot about ourselves what it takes to lead a disciplined life to get our bodies in better shape.  When we get knocked down we need to get back up again!  I then emphasized that we take what we learned from this challenge and apply it to other aspects of our lives – namely growth in mental, emotional and spiritual health.



Dry Rub’s M

Gastone’s Father-In Law

Praise for Sly’s deployment will not include Syria or Iraq.  He will only be going to Poland for 3 months

Bandits’ M’s aunt

Watts Up’s niece is in labor

People battling holiday related depression


As always It has been my honor to serve

Defib out!

Pre-Blast: Not so CSAUP CSAUP

Greetings gentlemen:  I hope all are recovering from the Thanksgiving holidays.  I know its hard to pursue the 40/50 challenge when there’s so much opportunity to fail.  However with the T-giving holiday behind us its time for the final push.  We have started strong and we need to finish strong!  So many have rediscovered living an austere life – Limiting the unnecessary excesses and becoming better men in the process .  Many have lost weight and all have  become healthier by limiting excessive calories.  If nothing else we will go into the new decade better men for our perseverance.  A big part of this challenge has also (for me) finding ways to give back.  Therefore with this in mind I would like to close out the challenge with a CSAUP.  On Saturday December 21 we will have the “Not So CSAUP  CSAUP” at all three AOs.  Post at the AO of your choice – Starting at 5am at Folsom and at 5:30 at Gashouse and the Yank we will ruck the surrounding community and pick up trash along the way.  The rucks will be led by Pockets at the Yank,  Big Pappy at Folsom and myself at Gashouse.  The rucks themselves will be challenging with stops for pain along the way.  The ruck will end by the time the regular bootcamps start (so plan on another hour of pain to follow the ruck).  If nothing else this final push will send you off into the end of year holidays feeling good about yourself.  So I challenge  you – don’t blow this off – Find the time to make the community and yourself better!

Let’s have a ball

12 brave souls dared to post in the darkened Midoriyama Tuesday afternoon for a fairly classic bootcamp.  With 40/50 day challenge in full swing there were some hungry pax anxiously awaiting.




Imperial walkersx15

Toy soldiers x 15


Line up for Indian run with a medicine ball.  Ball starts in front and is tossed to the next guy when the ball gets to last man sprint to front.  If ball is dropped 5 burpees.  We almost made it to soccer field before first set of burpees and managed to only accumulate only one more set of burpees during the run – much less than YHC expected so circle up for a quick Burpeethon – sets of 7,8,9,10,11,12,11,10,9,8,7 burpees on the one minute interval – a real crowd pleaser.  Finally moseyed to parking lot where YHC conspicuously left a cinder block – Handed out paper to each pax with an exercise and had everyone line up in separate parking spaces.  AMRAP the exercise while one person runs around parking lot with cinder block.  Exercises included, Werkins, diamond merkins, flutter, LBC, Peter Parker, WWI, American Hammers, SSH, Bobby Hurleys, squats, and CDDs.  This (thankfully) took us to the end.

Announcements: Come support Christmastown 5K even if you have not registered

Look for pre-blast soon regarding the Not-So-CSAUP CSAUP Saturday December 21 at each AO to mark the end of the 40/50 Freedom challenge.  Hint: start Rucking!



Prayers lifted up for families battling addiction and Freight’s Grandmother


As always it was my humble pleasure to serve.


Until next time ….

Defib out

40/50 Freedom Challenge

So over the last several months I’ve noticed great strides in pax performances.  Men are getting faster, stronger, and accomplishing more physically than I’ve seen before.  However, when I talk with individuals,  a common complaint often arises – “I just can not lose weight”.  It is a common occurrence I see every day with my patients.  As Dredd has said you cannot out King your Queen.  With the holidays upon us I felt it was a good time for a 40 day challenge.  Is is not uncommon for people to go into the holidays expecting to gain a little weight.  Unfortunately when you gain weight you feel bad about yourself which can then lead to /exacerbate holiday depression.  This then leads to the New Year’s resolution.  Essentially you go into each new year feeling down and depressed and we use January 1 as a time to shift course and “get back on track.”  Wouldn’t it be great if we went into the new year without all the end of year baggage (pun intended).

This challenge will have three main components – Input,  Output and Give Back…


  1. Input – Jocko says “Disciple equals Freedom”.  However, by definition then Freedom must also equal discipline – In this challenge you will have the freedom to eat whatever you want but the disciple to eat no more than 2250 calories per day.  That means if you want to eat a banana split and caramel iced latte go right ahead – just remember, once you reach 2250 calories for the day you are done.  Record everything you eat (that handful of chips when you walk through the kitchen, a cookie from the break room etc) – you will be surprised at how many things we eat.
  2. Output – You cannot grow unless you tear down and rebuild – this is concept behind strength training and exercise.  The challenge here is simple – exercise for 40 out of the next 50 days.  Post at a bootcamp, go for a run, swim, workout between the ferns, but it must be at least 45 minutes of sustained uninterrupted exercise.  If you work out more than once a day, do EC, or run for 90 minutes – good for you it still only counts for one day – Its a 40 DAY challenge not a 40 workout challenge (*see bonus below regarding input)
  3. Give Back – If you make all these changes for the better and no one except yourself benefits then you have failed.  The first two parts should strengthen your body – this third part will strengthen your heart and mind.   Give something back weekly (7 total)- It can be as simple as helping a coworker move or even lending emotional support to a person in need but a least once per week do something above and beyond that gives something back to a person in need.

*Bonus – If you get a second workout done in a day add an additional 250 calories to the total for the day.  Do not add if it is not at least 45 minutes of sustained exercise.  (yardwork, busy day on the job, playing with kids etc does not count)

Now no challenge can be accomplished without some form of accountability (thanks Linus)  First and foremost you will a need a way to track calories – I suggest the app myfitnesspal.  It has 95% of foods you eat with calorie information.  Secondly you must weigh in – I suggest weekly – any more often and the changes are too small and the scale variability too great to see real change.   If you follow this diet you will lose a proportionate amount of weight to how overweight you are.  (Dr Seuss may gain weight) Third document- record your successes (and failures).  Write down your daily calorie count.  Record your weekly weight.  Keep a diary of your “giving back” activities – what you did how you felt about it and how you could have done more.


Finally, I strongly recommend doing this with a partner.  Identify another pax that has similar needs.  Identify someone you can lean on, encourage, etc.  Remember you are not alone – you have a shield lock – use it – hold yourself accountable by telling your partner what you eating – where you are posting, what activity you have done to give back for the week.

Remember Iron sharpens Iron.


This challenge will begin Friday Nov 1 and end on Friday December 20 with a special bootcamp/CSAUP on Saturday December 21st (more on this later).  Yes this is a full 40 day challenge – you will push yourself for 40 out of the next 50 days.  On your off days get the rest you need to recover but do not go crazy with your diet.  Gains can be wiped out quickly if you are not careful.  A good rule of thumb is to not exceed 3000 calories on your “off days”

Good Luck –




Ragnar Sprint

Over the last several years I have thoroughly enjoyed doing relay races.  There really is no better way to get to know your fellow pax than by spending some quality time sweating out a tough run.  However for various reasons doing a 200 mile 2-3 day race poses special challenges that often turns off pax (and sometimes M’s).  When I came across this Ragnar sprint relay several months ago I thought it would give us an opportunity to not only challenge ourselves but avoid some of the challenging logistics (overnight stay, vans, constant driving) and allow us to get in significant fellowship with more people in a short period of time.

To that end this was a complete success.  16 pax(4 teams of 4)met up at Roses and clowned car down to Fort Mill. We were surprised by a last minute send off by the injured Sargento who was originally scheduled to slow down Quiches’s team but due to injury he was replaced by the younger faster Round Up.  Good thing because Quiche needed more speed after losing Gastone to Gump (Really?). Anyway so there was one team with special needs. Three other teams were ready for a fair fight.  Sparky prayed us in before traveling down.  Upon arrival we were treated to at thrilling, informative, saftey video that several of us wanted to watch a few times but Roscoe decided we needed to let others get into the tent to enjoy the movie so we moved on.  The first runners (Gump, SA, Seuss, and Roscoe) took off at 9:30.  I do believe they elbowed each other for the lead for 2.5 of the 3.2 miles.  Of course SA was able to row a little faster and crossed first.  The rest of the pax continued the race with a little less violence (except for Round Up who decided to punish the ground with his body and Breaker Breaker who wanted to see how far he could rotate his ankle without his foot falling off).  Others didn’t seem to be challenged too much – I don’t even think Freight broke a sweat.  Broke pushed hard the first run and ran an average 8:09/mile but slacked off on the second lap at 8:11.  Most did little complaining except for Whoopee who did not want to interput his tapering with running- tomorrow you can go back to “tapering” Whoopee.  And then there was Def Leppard who didn’t have any Werthers.  In the end great fellowship was enjoyed by all with lots of time to rest between runs.  Special thanks to Oompa who continues to embody the true meaning of never give up-this guy is a true HIM!  Thanks for the push Buckeye-couldn’t have finished strong without your threats!!  Iron sharpens Iron!



LaborDay Murph

Labor Day is a day to Labor right?  I suggested to SA a few weeks ago that we should do a Murph and he agreed – surprisingly we were able to convince at least 17 HIMs to post on what was designated to be a day off.


It was my sincere pleasure to Q this workout.  For those who do not know the Murph – named after Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy – Navy Seal who lost his life in combat in Afghanistan in 2005.  He was killed when his squad took heavy fire and Murphy left his covered position to get a radio signal out to call for reinforcements.  In doing so he was killed in battle however he was able to get the call off and his squad was rescued.  Murphy received the Metal of Honor and has had a Naval destroyer named after him.


His favorite workout “the Murph”  involved running one mile, 100 pull ups, 200 pushups and 300 squats followed by another mile run – all while wearing a 20lb weighted vest.

I hope that in doing this workout we can all gain a little more appreciation for the men and women who serve this country daily.



Stop Soldier Suicide race 9/21

JJ5K 9/28

Ragnar 10/5


Prayers for Dry Rub’s family

Baby Rock

Lets just say I’m sorry (not sorry) for the arm and chest beat down that occured at Marthas on Wednesday.  8 Pax who were formally my friends decided to show.  Everyone knows that I love to run so I deciced to take it easy on the non-runners in the group and mix things up.  Without furher ado we started with standard disclaimer and pledge.  Warm up included SSH, Merkins(sorry), Imerial Walkers and LBCs.


The thang:

Run to KFC to pick up a rock (preferable one that you felt some kindred spirit towards).  YHC explained that I’m feeling somewhat nostalgic as my oldeest is about to fly the coup for college in two weeks.  I have been reminiscing about all those times when she was a baby (thus the inspiration for the rock).  This would be your baby (it was to go where you go and you would be responsible for it). Insert evil emoji.  Called exercise was a complex form of 11’s with a partner.  Probably too complex to express in writing (and certainly too complex to be followed by 8 tired pax at 5:30) but the idea was to do 11’s with a stopping point in mid run .  Beginning in the center of the parking lot, partner up –  one partner ran one way partner two in the opposite direction (carrying rock of course).  Here is where there may have been a slight Q fail.  Exercises called were turkish getups on one side and merkins on the other.  When you cross your partner in middle do 10 booyah merkins. – perhaps a little heavy on the merkins.  Original plan was to do multiple rounds of different 11’s but time was an issue and we only completeled one round.  We finished with a trip to the ATM (because babies are expensive) for ATMs (Alternating shoulder taps, Tempo merkins and regular Merkins).  Finally mosey back to start for a round of Lazy Dora (my daughter’s favorite cartoon- I told you I was nostalgic) which included one partner doing an exercise and the other planking  – Exercises included sets of 10 merkins, lbcs and squats until time called.  All in all I counted 295 Merkins- again Sorry /not sorry.



Just want to emphasize to all the dads out there that for those of you who have not experienced sending a kid off <TIME IS SHORT>  Treasure each moment and make the best of each opportunity you have to shape, mold, influence and encourage your child to be the best version of him/herself.  You get one chance at today – not everyday will be your best work, learn from your mistakes, do better tomorrow but whatever happens – make the best of it!

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