Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Clavin (Page 8 of 12)

In the eleventh hour

Once again I find myself enjoying multiple ironies …. early this morn, after an 8-9 year struggle it would appear my mother in law is ready to finish the race ….. of life. She has battled Alzheimer’s to the point where her body is little better than a shell.. withering away to my estimation is 65 pounds or less. My father in law and I have battled like Matterhorns over hospice and when my M texted/ called early this morn I was unfortunately cynical about his willingness and acceptance of what needs to happen. I was most encouraged though after rearranging thoughts for the day , making my 2.0 understand that life changes like these MUST be accepted and embraced. God has a bigger plan! Upon my arrival, dad embraced me and spoke not only of hospice coming, but also talking openly for the first time about what we need to do next….. and he was not sure what to do next.
So while she is in her eleventh hour … today we celebrate veterans everywhere past present and even the future as this day was chosen many years ago to firstly commemorate the end of the Great War in the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
I began today’s workout with 11 SSH, 11 imp walkers and 11 merkins all in cadence to honor this Veterans Day finalizing it with a rare pledge said after a warm up as I preferred to do it in this fashion today!
The music choice is from the concert I recently took the fam to ,,,,,Crowder …. their latest release American Prodigal, I had tweeted that we were going to church and we did as David Crowder told the crowd much of the show. Incidentally they put on an amazing show, Mercy Me was great and we also enjoyed Micah Tyler who we were not familiar with.
So the workout was simple in form
Using two bricks ( I used 5 pound weights )
MNC/ curls/ tricep ext/ press
The intermission was done without weight/ bricks …. lbc/ flutters and American hammers
The timing was 10 first round then increase to 20, 30, decrease to 20 and 10 ….. and we completed this cycle twice and even had time for 5 burpees, 10 corkscrews each side ( thanks to Broke … never done these and I’m stealing them!!) obliques 10(?) each side and 10 big boys.
Plenty of running races coming p200 there’s almost enough for 3 teams!!
Remember to post at Starkville and San Quentin to keep these going
Shirts up for sale
Remember to wAtch those calories and keep track of efforts / success
Prayers for Oompa and Clavins M s
Veterans past present and future
High school friend of Hipaa who was murdered

Lastly I wish to especially thank Oompa Loompa for offering to cover for me if I needed help and even more so for joining us in the workout …. I know that his shoulder troubles him much, but it was great to see him join us … great work!

Sore Knees, shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes….

Earlier in the week, I realized that not only did I have a rare Saturday off with no commitments other than a 2:00 football game (2.0) …. so do I want Pain Lab ? Nah …. I have Starkville Monday … so what’s LinuS got? Wait !!?! He’s lined up for the Yank? And Gashouse is left hanging and flapping in the Arctic wind? Can’t have that !! I grab it and put together the rest of a weinke.
However last night as I’m slipping into unconsciousness, my M awakens me that her good friend Sharlene ( Oompa Loompas M ) was just involved in a bad accident where a young man misread traffic light, entered intersection and both cars became toast. Thankfully they both are only sore and banged up. It was a rough night to sleep knowing my M would stay up texting until The Oompas made it home from ER. Plus I prayed for health and well being of all… so before beginning today’s workout I disclosed this to all assembled and asked for a brief moment to thank God for their health and recovery ….
After the silent reflection I call for pledge , give disclaimer seeing no FNG..
Since it’s cold, I tell all we’ll warm up nice and slow …. take it easy ….
… in cadence …. jump lunges!!! 10
6 burpees
+/- mountain climbers 20 Ic
10 merkins
Lastly 5 donkey kicks ( figured this might be harder than usual since you must balance without a wall to kick against)

My next exercise comes from Rudolph a few weeks … months maybe ….. back … since I intended on using arena at Schiele front doors, I asked Watts Up if he was using area and informed him of what I had in store. He likes it so much he wanted us all to join together …. pain Lab took a few to get on over so we completed 40- 100 SSH while waiting.

Pain lab remained back and may or may not have caught instructions , I felt that they’d catch on once they saw what we were doing and Watts Up scolded all as if he were the teacher catching the class mistreating the Substitute.
Climb onto slopes area, bear crawl up and along top run change to crab walk down next run lunge walk left lungs walk right and finish with lungs walk …. complete cycle twice over…. now we REALLY split up.
Mosey over to steps at First Presby for merkins 2 per step all the way up and crawl bear down …. uhh that sucked so bad even I did not want a repeat …. so bunny hop each step all the way up and move over to outdoor chapel for 10 abyss merkins
10 more abyss merkins and 10 lbcs
10 AByss, 20 flutter kicks hanging legs off bench and 10 lbcs
10 abyss, 10 dying cockroaches, 20 flutters and 10 lbcs
Mosey long way to Sherwood assemble ar Playground
Run halfway around track switch to Nur and complete with 5 pull-ups do this twice as nice
Next karaoke one direction halfway switch and finish with 5 pull-ups doing twice again
Some did extra lbcs planking and / or dying cockroaches until all ready to move over to hilly area for one more crawl bear down ( I did promise another since I Omahad a second trip on steps down… extra fun with the frost.
Mosey back to planetarium and 10 suspension merkins wall sits, wall sits with arms up, marching wall sits, punching bags, more suspensions, hip slappers twice more wall sits and suspensions before wondering if we should rejoin Pain lab …. while they finished current timed exercise I called 6 Burpees! Timed perfectly !! Windshield wipers, merkins, dying cockroaches
Jane Fondels and lastly ski abs….. there’s no bells ( wait for 3-4 seconds …) ah … there it is!!!!
Early signups for Tuna
Christmas town 5k coming up
Please consider posting at newest AOs Starkville ( Monday’s ) and San Quentin( Friday’s) both at 6pm from Biggerstaff in Dallas
Prayers for Oompa Loompa and M
Freights family
Easy Rider family

It was truly a great morning to be here even though it was cold I really appreciate this rare opportunity not only to lead a Saturday but to post for whole workout! Thank you men!!

Post soon, post often, Hell,,,, just post!!



Kotter: Madoff

Upon arriving mere minutes before today’s launch I witness an overly excited Gump jumping up and down for joy in anticipation of what awaited him. I was further encouraged seeing BedPan and then Madoff!!! Even Linus and Goose and Bandit and TimeFrame all out two days in a row!! Been missing you guys … but what’s that …. someone starts mentioning Stone Cold …. I look, but sadly, no … it’s not to be. I was hopeful …. even thinking maybe Squirt may show ( he was here one day last week ….) but alas …..
I tell all assembled that they will truly LOVE today’s warm up …. since there’s so much ( teeth ) chatter …. hehe

Start with the Pledge as always and deliver swift disclaimer and now….

As I look out at assembled ( my eye catches Gaston who I believe caught what I said when I started with, “ A side straddle hop, in cadence, in position move, begin …. 1-2 —— 3!!!”

I now start to leave starting paddock while half of the group is befuddled and I remind all quickly that’s I saiddddddddd “ A ssh!!”

On Twitter and Slack this week I promised to only run to and from the park …. and so we did …. assembling near turd shack and upon Gastone’s suggestion we plank while Gump brings the six in.
Circle up and I deliver today’s beat down …. I will call an exercise and we will do it until the first man stops and calls “ Man Down!” I also tell all that today we will not chastise or criticize any, I will also not publish Any mention of any who called the phrase …we will instead support each other. One pax called it correctly …. we are a judgement- free zone ( sounds like I’ve heard that somewhere?).
We now come in hard and strong …. Mo Rockin’ Night clubs!!!! Much mention about no one wanting to be the first to call a stop …. and then I hear of 44 minutes of Mnc’s !! But we do stop and move to butt kicks …. much enjoyment as there’s lively discussion on whether it should be done slowly or rapidly. Arm circles next …. boy were the troops happy or what? Burpees ….. yes, we had to….Now crab thrusters …. boy THAT got the gang into it …. Gump with an AMAZING upwards thrust and then Gastone talked about inviting our M’s to perform this perfectly …. oh boy … No one definitely wants to be THAT guy to call a halt to this exercise …. but we do move on sooner or later. Grab some curb for Rocky B and then I hear what sounds like Ming Tao …. Gastone trying to impress all with his Chinamese …
I now call for Whoopees FAVORITE exercise ( mentions of Don Q and grass pickers …. Wrongo!!!) he loooooovvvvveeeeesssss American hammers!!!!!!
Now we move to picnic area for step ups, dips and then plank with feet on bench… followed by lunge walk over into playground ( some try to call man down to which I respond “ then your sorry butt can mosey the rest of the way!” Once inside we find a pull up station and attempt to reach 10 ( or modify) …. flutters then dead hang and pickle pounders ( some may call them baby makers ……. MUCH mumble here …. Someone even says “ I can do 30 ( pregnant pause) seconds!!!” Hey, at least we had no Mr. Baseballs present ( 3 strokes and Y’ERR OUT!) and lastly crunchy frogs!! Meander back to parking lot for bear crawl back and forth and then squat jumps ( where I call a stop for once !)
We end this all with Lbcs and then nur to the gate and finish with a race to the finish !!

Announcements for the Tuna this weekend
Gump with a pre Halloween Spooktacular next Wednesday ( costumes welcome )
Praise for Madoffs family and Bedpan getting a new job… way to go !

Moleskin…. these men were truly great today embracing this new routine and following my directions to strengthen and support each other! Much thanks to all in attendance for this opportunity …. until next time…….

Story Time With Clavin

Actual AO location: The Labyrinth

As always, I start with the Pledge

So this morning there will be NO counting ( well in truth there was one time ,,,, later …. as always moron that later) but it’s all up to YOU for intensity level … your choice. Choose to level up for intensity ( suddenly Whoopee is heard to say that he’s choosing to go for the slower moderation to which I say to all that you can slow it down and join Whoopee with the Ladies workout! That helped get the ball rolling and then I explained that during the warm up ( a song of 3:31) that we would get JACKED- UP! Jumping jack exercises to start , first up SSH and I start the music playing through the Bose speaker on my tailgate …. ANTHRAX/ PUBLIC ENEMY AND BRING THE NOISE!! Whoopee fell over in ecstasy!! These Bois brought their A game today !! Slinging shovel loads at me and about me … and sometimes about the exercise … it was a moment to treasure !! AND that was just the first 4 minutes during which I traded us off into plank jacks then seal jacks and to bring it all home for last 20 seconds …. chili jacks!(lower plank jack ) Pax complained about elbow pads!!
Mosey over to Planet Fitness ( ole HT) and Stinky Bird realizes he needs his hard hat with all that construction … and along the way questions are asked about the plank exercise equivalent of running ? Someone responds “ You don’t know Jack!”Next…..
This will be the only counting component where starting st street side we sprint to and back from first line and perform 1 burpee, the over to next line and back for 2 burpees and so on. The challenge is to give me the correct number of lines/ burpees which was ten. The hope was an incorrect response which would have warranted another 10 burpees! Not today, I think they suspected something!
Mosey to wall for wall sits / wall sits with marching and wall sits with both. There was additional challenge of patting head and rubbing belly from somewhere and JK 2 performs this as well ! He also tells me of not being so worried about personal space which the pax take to a whole NEW level as we move to the next event … Tabata timer … pax in loose circle ,,,, one minute timer, ten second breather…. first exercise I call is merkin and most of pax crowd around/ over/ on top of me and we perform the first MERKIN ORGY. ( at least that’s what I’m calling it)
American Hammers followed by flutters and low slow squats and …. yep wide arm merkins! Pax began calling idea for next exercise and for the most part I obliged and we did more flutters and merkins and more squats …. sometimes I threw a monkey wrench in there and switched up for fun especially at the end where I joined the circle, had all to turn and face man in front, grab ankles and do monkey humpers!! Pax started crowding me asking about Assing me a question, how does my butt look from this angle , how can I make my sweat smell better during a workout, are my pants still torn, etc.
It should be noted that Stinky Bird realizes that laughter does NOT work with flutters!!
We return towards Snoballs , the long way …. since JK 2 likes running so much and then Stinky Bird and Gump take off thinking they know what’s up! I stop pax and someone calls them back . I chastise them to not pass the Q as that’s poor form ( unless he calls for group to do so) !
We NUR to speed hump and then continue mosey back where we complete with Al Gore and finally calf raises ( since we didn’t do any today or last Wednesday!

There were a few other exercises in there and a dumpster load of mumble chatter!!and let’s not forget Whoopee attempting to sing Islands in the Stream …. actually I’m trying to forget it!!!

Lastly I mention something that Gastone said last week …. today’s title … Story Time With Clavin… as I sometimes ramble on ( as did Cliff Clavin in Cheers) … time to get serious for s moment as I tell assembled that yesterday the M and I celebrated our silver (25) anniversary . A few weeks ago, she and I were able to go to dinner together ALONE ( a rarity for those of us with children) and we ate somewhere in Cramerton ( I forget the name, but she’s been wanting to eat there for some time) and we ran into Def Leppard and his M finishing their dinner ( someone pointed out it must’ve been the early senior special … wasn’t me DL!!) It got me thinking about delivering an EC challenge to ALL present or reading this …. find a sitter and take the M out some where …. any where … just do it!! Reconnect …. and relax.

JJ 5k. ( Stinky Bird )
Isabella santos 5 k ( Hipaa )

Prayers for JK 2 and daughter traveling by plane ( she’s nervous)
Watts Up s M

Mucho Gracias !!!

Attempting to Heckle the Hecklers

Shortly after accepting the mantle of AO site Q I was awash with many new great ideas popping up in my head and as I’m very anal as well as above 50 …. I forget what I was saying ( take note new honorary of the respectable society… WE ARE GROWING!!). As previously stated I planned to hold asking and voluntelling pax until I had held the control stick for a few weeks and then open up Q slots. Monday I was surprised to not only learn one of our own was finally fledging and flying from the nest ,,,, well no, actually he was turning 50 today and asked for Q …and then just as quickly rescinded. I can’t let that happen … so…….
Today’s workout was NO WEINKE and I advertised that it was a Surprise! Even to me on Twitter and in workouts leading up to today. In the Tweet I added pic of the Q Continuum from Star Trek ( most notably from Next Generation) … for those not in the know these are omnipotent beings in the universe who are basically a bunch of A..holes….. So the idea was simple …. I was going to award someone the Q today based on the mumble chatter as a way of celebrating and embracing said stuff. Our unofficial motto is “ if you can’t/won’t do it, then don’t Q it!” …. by the same token I feel that if you are going to mumble chatter or Heckle the Q then you should expect to be called out ( maybe even given a chance to ‘ improve’ what you’re calling out )
And yes, I have been called out before … ask Mayor and the 50 burpee penalty at The Goat!!
I’m in the same sinking boat as Freight, possibly, maybe, almost never coming off as abrasive…. I’m sure!
Pledge to the shovel flag
And I announce that yep I’m an idiot and we’ll see where this goes ….
While looking at Whoopee I call his favorite exercise the Moroccan Night Club IC x10 or so … I was amazed that he took it in stride and joined in …so … let’s move to Don Q’s …. and now Whoopee is wandering so we move to grass pickers and he wanders over to grassy area to pick grass or discarded food and consume and suddenly he takes off in search of a toilet or tree ……
So we continue without him for a Moment and 5 burpees ,,,, that brought Whoopee back as he began rapid fire burpee/ merkins … maybe something else… we just stopped while he completed getting this out of his system.
So next we do merkins / lbcs/ flutters/ Freddy Merck’s and nothing is starting the mumble chatter machinery !!! Cmon guys … with Whoopee present and Hipaa I felt it was a sure thing . Plus Watts Up and Gastone are always willing to add something snarky , but perhaps the cold has frozen everyone’s mumble muscle … so why not try SSH x 30 IC!!!! Still nothing!!! So, with egg and pie on my face, I wind up having to try to hit my own pitch of a curveball and strike out!
Let’s pack it up and move over to Clavins Hill ( this got Watts Up going)… as we partner up and since we have an even number of 9, I’ll perform by self. We are doing 11’s on the hill with merkins at the bottom ….. and the top(hehe)!! Bear crawl up … oh and to make it even dumber … do it together with your partner( THIS earned some chatter)
Upon completion some were doing lbcs others flutters still others planking … I joined in until all were done with 11’s and just as Gastone stood up ( I was on my six) I called him to call (40) flutters since he had just gotten comfortable standing up! Next …. what was that!!! There was this trumpet blast that woke 1/2 the dogs in the neighborhood and gave Whoopee the energy to fly by me asking “ where to next?” While poor Gastone absorbed the near nuclear blast that made all the rest of his hair fall out.
So now we arrive at bleachers for 50 calf raises three times ( crowd kept asking for more!!) suddenly someone remembered the promise of another AARP card carrier, but that pax remained zippered shut! Let’s move to concession circle and partner up for real and do partner derkins on one side, run opposite directions meet other side for partner merkins for 5 times total.
Mosey to picnic area where I deliver 25 dips and 25 derkins followed by 25 step ups each leg ( yep, you read that right). Repeat 25 dips and 25 derkins and suddenly Whoopee anticipates the step ups and begins while I look at him with a blank look … and finally tell him he’s doing EC!
Over to the turd shack to wall sit and then I call marching in place until I reach 50 ( sensing a theme yet?)
Grab some grass for Nolan Ryan’s 10 each arm for Billy Madison( Andrew Tully) …. he posted on Twitter where he recently threw out the first pitch …. he moved to Jacksonville, FL before last summer for those who never met him. Now we mosey back to Snoballs where I assemble Defib, Whoopee, Watts Up and Pedal and call out DUCK,DUCK, DUCK…GOOSE settling my hand on each in turn calling on Pedal as the Goose( he figured out what I was up to only a moment before and said “oh no”
So I called on HIM to finish out our final 5 minutes since he had originally asked for the Q but retracted.
50 mountain climbers and American Hammers as well as flutters finished us out!! We had cake , there was this lovely lady wearing only a bikini bottoms that jumped out of that cake and then the pax started showering Pedal with gifts of Cialis, Viagra, Ben- Gay, a slightly bent ear trumpet A Hurry Cane and an out of date enema packet!
Announcements were for Stop Soldier Suicide/ JJ5K / Elizabeth Santos 5ks , Ragnar
Also Whoopee reminded all pax to post at The Pub each and every Thursday
Also Thursday night ,, gathering at Hickory Tavern 7:30 until

Prayers for Hipaa’s family



A couple of weeks ago, I was present as Dr Seuss pours it on thick and I suddenly began looking at the ground regretting my decision to post at another of his solid beat downs and noticed the diagonal lines at the front drive to the school signaling any drivers that they should NOT park in that area … and a idea bloomed in my brain…. I wonder if anyone has been stupid enough to use these as a marker for an exercise? Probably not … so I’m just dumb enough to try it out!
Don Q IC x 10
Wide arm merkins IC x 11
Freddy Merks IC x12
Diamond Merkins IC x 6 ( like that number change? So did the pax as they tried puZling out what was happening with numbers)
Lbcs IC x 13
Mosey to traffic circle and turn right up drive to front of school where road stripes begin and there’s s sheet of paper taped down with 7 exercises

Now it should be recognized that my original intent was all exercises at ALL lines all the way around …. thankfully my internal ( infernal) alarm went off and i arrived at exactly 5:00 so I may as well time just first exercise on 1/2 of course 5 SSH each line …. took 5 mins …. not a great idea for bigger plan ( pax upon learning all this admitting they would have used the shovel of the shovel flag to bury me and leave it as my grave marker) So a plan B from outer space was adopted where we would do 5 SSh at every third line and only go 1/2 the distance around circle ( stopping at flag poles) run around traffic circle ( the constant) begin next Imperial Walkers then Hillbillies followed by Toy Soldiers squats and completing with lunges.
I then carefully remove paper weinke and store safely in my pocket in a ball shape….. and we mosey to school front for 10 dips, 10 step ups and s new favorite of mine … suspension merkins x 10 for 3 rounds … next we mosey back to the flag to work out some more core work , I lead off with plank moving into a low plank for approx 20 seconds each , Milburn next delivers 5 Burpees and there were Amer Hammers , Flutters a couple others I can’t remember and Just like that Dolph is next and Breaker Breaker suddenly calls Time! Dolph is puzzled saying his clock still has 1 minute left …. the Official Time has 35 seconds so I willingly oblige our KOTTER who delivers us another 5 burpees for time!
Several 5k s coming up inc this weekends Stop Soldier Suicide ( see pre blast) Ragnar
Thursday night meet at Hickory Tavern at 7:30 until
Prayers for Slim Shady who dialed up Dr Seuss moments before workout informing of his being on IR

Lastly, being a site AO Q keeps me from grabbing another Q , but I’m so glad to have been given this opportunity …. it’s always great posting somewhere I can’t travel to as often due to school/ other commitments …. thank you men and esp Breaker Breaker

Oh, you’re hanging on for what the devil the title was about well let’s just say that there was a discussion of renaming pax including renaming our KOTTER today who absolutely loves the name Wet Nuts …… so Dolph was rechristened Hot Nuts!!

Shock the Monkey

After only one week of being the newly renamed Labyrinth … a new voice spoke out clearly and melodiously out of the darkness …. he said …. “Red Rain…”

As usual we said the pledge and then I gave brief disclaimer that we will NOT be running anywhere except maybe a little run activity during the warm up and any pax seeking running should join Gastone ( seems that old college injury from when he used to alligator wrangle has been aggravating him once again). Sorry for Gastone, none would join him.
He did stay with us for the warm up where we began with 10 heel raises IC, 10 High Knees IC, 11 ( forgot count) Flutters IC, 10 Butt Kicks IC, 10 Plank Jacks IC and finish with 10 Mountain climbers IC! Whew.
On to the main event where all enjoyed me bringing out the 8 track of Peter Gabriel ( which is where we began with Red Rain) and I introduce pax to my leetle friend … the coupon … select one each! Also there is a tire with eye hook screw and approx 10 feet of rope … this is our timer where each pax takes a turn moving tire around Snoballs however they choose …. you select the method … I leave myself last in order to not influence my idea ( which was to retie rope back to hook to make a sled … I thoroughly enjoyed watching the inventiveness each chose like Buckeye who started us out by just simply picking the whole enchilada up and running … after 4 steps he was done! Stinky Bird at one point knotted everything up in a huge ball that took us 40 minutes to unwind!! Turtleman on one trip around fell asleep on other side of building Gastone must have kicked him awake but later on his last trip around exonerated hisself by doing the unthinkable …. he went for the only Double Trip around the building to win First place ( we need that medal Def Leppard … )
As to the rest of us with coupons we either Cusacked, curled, did goblet squats, swung coupon in front, Performed lower curl or upper curl, overhead press and even chest press with coupon as well as occasionally changed things up with squats merkins elevated merkins heel raises lbcs and even Fully extended leg Freddie Merck’s. I also informed all to concentrate on doing each exercise correctly as opposed to doing as many as possible!
There was s music interlude on our third song “Shock the Monkey” where we all either squatted or did jump squats and each time Monkey was said we ….. yep … monkey humpers! This sucked !

We all made three trips around and with 4-5 minutes left Outhouse called for French Fries (why?!?) Watts Up with 15 Dirty Dogs each leg and Turtleman with American Hammers… time!

Other notables from this morn was either a shooting star or perhaps another crashing airplane or maybe it was some more of Skylab coming home! Gump has a birthday celebration where he was giving away free passes to next April’s Spartan race ( all expenses paid !! You just need to sign up and give a credit card number…..)And our newest Club Med member … next week he’ll be installed officially as the site AO at The Goat …. Buckeye !!! He had a spread sheet with him and was passing out money to each person who signed up for an open Q slot… I believe he’ll be a great addition and plan to be present next Thursday at the changing of the guard ( just hope he’s not my partner again for partner squats where you link arms … my knees …. argghgghh!)

BRR/BRR RUCK this weekend

JJ5 k
stop Soldier Suicide 5k
Stair Climb Charlotte

Just remembered …. Bondo with VQ at Painlab this Saturday

Prayers For Feelgoods family and Dry Rubs ( loss of moms)
Time frames parents

Tune in next Bat Time …. at the same Bat channel……


Kotter: JK2

Gastone led all pax with SSH then pledge as a pax member questioned where the disclaimer was as an FNG was present … backtrack to a brief disclaimer heavy on the please don’t sue me because this is all free and all the other ……
IW in cadence then 10 Diamond Merkins and mosey to light Poles down street for squats more diamonds and then it’s turned over to ….. the new site Q —— Clavin
I begin with IW IC 15 count …..
Nearly two years ago Gastone called on me at this Lightpole for an exercise after my posting only 4-5 times ….. this was the exercise and it was supposed to be IC and oh my God I boogered it up so bad ….I believe I may have wet myself even … jk
So after short ( very short ) hand off we mosey back to start and beyond ….. mosey to barricades outside park , assemble count off ( to make sure we don’t lose anyone ) and 10 Big Boys in honor of the other site Q from Monday workouts ( mostly because he was complaining of a hangnail on his left big toe that was aggravating him during our mosey ).
Now into the park with a quick fake out to the shelter … not today … soccer fields our the next stop on the Magical Mystery Tour to honor Gastone !!
Line up face field and pax will run to 25 yd line for merkins and back to start then rush to mid field and flutters counting one side back to start and over to 75 yd line for lbcs back again and run to other side for squats and back all to the magic number 33. I now ask if any can guess why that number , JK 2 comes up with an answer about that being one third of a number or something and Turtleman starts multiplying 4 x 33 dividing 1/4 1/2 and/ or 100%….
the answer was simply that Gastone has been site q of Marthas Black Knight balls of Sno for 33 months.
Mosey again this time to little hill edge of woods for diamonds/ NUR
Then monkey humpers/ nur
Finally Gorilla humpers and Turtleman asks if a monkey can do a gorilla humper …. I say an idiot is doing just that …… Gastone said that Turtleman must be that idiot ……
Gastone now looks ready to NUR ….. so I tell him … Nope! We’re done here …. mosey to split trees on path Gastone used for 11’s in the summer ….. we will only do a single burpee and run to pull up bars for Amrap pull ups … quickly realize pax will need activity while waiting …. plank… no squats …. Gump was on 40 or 50 when I modify to do either 10 or less and change us to lbcs while waiting.
Somewhere in here I explain how I love symbolism and have tried to insert much for today’s workout… initially I considered a charge or 2 up Gastone’s Hill but decided against as I felt the need for quiet on that street may preclude much mumblechatter and that was not fair!
So now we go into parking lot circle up …. glasses are so fogged  up I call on Outhouse …. oops that’s Wet nuts … for a count off…. FAIL!
Circle up for s rapid fire merkin ring of fire SA starts us off each pax does 2 merkins … after 1 Merkin next in line begins … until back to me and repeato ….. then I call for 3 meekins each and a repeato and recover …. mosey to what Gump has titled Clavin Hill and added it on Strava or some other site …. not sure we do one burpee and bear crawl to top …. pax was so psyched I thought I heard a train and call 5 more burpees !!!! Mosey back to start and Wet Nuts is so excited because he realized that with 4 minutes to go we could honor Gastone with a Flutter kicks … so I voluntold him to lead us in the final exercise of the morn…. 40 !!! And time!! During this Defib asks for a moment for announcement and he needs to get to work …
Defib will be leading a Labor Day Murph at 7 …. Turtleman decides to NOT have a 5:30 workout that morning

Gastone next takes the floor to thank all for the support and love given him while site q and I lead us in a 3 count of hip hip hooray

I now inform all assembled of how I am excited for this opportunity and appreciate this. For the short term I won’t be actively seeking any Qs until sometime in October or November …. that is NOT to say I don’t wAnt any …. I do not want to hinder any pax seeking to Q a site that they’ve never done or another Hipaapalooza, Diggathon or anniversary, birthday birth of s child … passing of a kidney stone, bar mizvah, bat mizvah or whatever anyone has in mind !! Just ask !!

Lastly before the announcements ….. why Mathletes in the title? Well for starters before the workout I heard JK2 explaining his name being John and Kate plus 8 minus 6 ,,,,also the 33 all that ensued there and lastly the naming if our FNG ….. we set a worlds record naming him as one pax said before we even got to know him!!! He has 8 kids !! Someone called Ocho Cinco and I called for his pax felt …. sounded great. …. and funny… my M asked when I got home if anyone at the workout was capable of doing math or  knew any Spanish …. well I took 3 years of French …. besides sometimes it’s better when we come up with something out of left field making you scratch your head ……. could’ve been worse ,,,, my M said we should’ve used Octomom!!!!

Stop soldier Suicide

Stair climb 9/14

Fathers /2.0 event At The Yank Saturday 7:00


YHC prayed us out , prayers for Kids and school

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