Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Vince Wilbanks

F3 Crossroad – Perspective

Message today after workout: PERSPECTIVE

Psalm 37 & Proverbs 16, If we believe our steps are ordered of the Lord and believe that God desires our life to be on a procession to be made whole…spiritually, physically, mentally, & financially,  We must put things in perspective!

We can compare biblical teachings from Joseph where he was sold into slavery then OVERCAME, put into jail – EXCELLED,  finally to be in authority to SAVE his entire family.  May we view our life from a different perspective!  As being in a plane, may we begin see the 40,000′ view to understand, believe and trust that God has a plan.   May we continue to be reminded to believe our seemly graphical dips in life are only a set up for God’s ultimate plan to make us whole.  Sometimes the pull in our lives (that seems to be a regression of backward motion) is a only the Master Archer  applying more tension that it may change the trajectory of our paths.   May we be like David in the bible to have a heart after God and TRUST Him more in this procession of life!  May we continue to sharpen, lead, and be that shining light in our family, with our friends, in our community, in our state, in our world.  May we dare to believe in God’s purpose for greater than what we can imagine.



Pushers needed for Christmas Run

Thanksgiving Day Freesbie -Midoriyama

Trail Run (Weekend before Thanksgiving)

50 Mile Run at Oldschool  for the belt (Nov. 4th Weekend)





April 16 Sunday @ Crossroads

Sunday’s Run, Ruck, & Walk…

Connection in Faith, Fellowship, & Fitness with a Great Group of Gents.


  • April 26th at noon – 2nd F Lunch noon @ Papa’s and Bear
  • April 28th, Blart’s Church 5K (fundraiser), registration available day of
  • April 29th at 7am,  Midoriyama Convergence
  • May 20th Whitewater Event..,See Flintstone
  • Trailrun Training 2pm @ Seven-Oaks

Prayer Request:

  • Teachers & Students returning to School
  • Wirenut’s Mom
  • Purple Haze’s Dad
  • Mayor’s upcoming Surgery (this Friday)

Praise Report:

No one getting hurt on Ville to Ville


Indian versus Chief ?

Prayer Request: 

Wirenut’s Family, Ratchet’s Family, Big Pappy


Convergence- February 11th at Folsom

Extinction Run- March 4th


My VQ: Testing the F3’s principles of leadership development.  Can we follow as well as lead?   Can we be an Indian and a Chief?

  1. Started off Side-straddle hops and slowing increasing the tempo.  Ending with 19 reps versus 20 (that would be a deceptive cadence in music theory- ending on a note/chord that’s unexpected).
  2. Modified “Route 66” utilizing big boys as our vehicle…. starting with 5 and increasing by 5 at every light pole.  going contradictory to Route 66 standards (not 11 light poles in route)
  3. Dirty Elevens (Mike Tyson, Squats)
  4. Another Modified Route 66 with side hammers.  Starting with 5 and increasing 5 at each light pole
  5. Tripe Check (chair position, plank, sprint with 3 partners, 3 sets)
  6. Ending with Iron Hulk (going to 7 instead of 10)
  7. 5 Burpees
  8. Pax called exercise to finish

 Lots of mumblechatter due to modified route 66, Calls on time (like i didn’t have my watch on ((maybe it was to aide me cause i wasn’t wearing my glasses- YEAH, that was it!)), and going to 7 instead of 10 of the Iron-Hulk.  As the military cliché states…”you’re not happy unless you’re bit$hing!   WE HAD A HAPPY BUNCH!

Love the comradery,  challenges, accountability to make each man better ! .  As Proverbs states….As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

To answer the question ….”Can we follow as well as lead”?  YES, but even better…the notion is as General George Patton was quoted as saying….”Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.”   These men were here for purpose! 



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