Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Buckeye (Page 3 of 5)

From the hip at the lot of sand

11 came in excitement to experience the stupid shuffle first hand. All were over joyed and could not hold in their happiness. Simultaneously and suddenly, @5:30 the pax, started ssh that some day would never end. Followed by some merkins, squats and some planks.

From the Hip

5 men for a nice cool February morning before the blizzard. We discussed muscle elasticity, Bernie Sanders, frogs, ground temperature, and the Bible. We also did some muscle work.

In your future Qs try to set aside a few minutes to lead some group stretching at the end of each session.  Stretching not only will improve muscle strength but also help prevent injury.

prayer request

lynn hamm

pillagers neighbors

ken Schultz ongoing battles with cancer



rooster next week

Convergence March 21 followed by shooting guns at Allen Tate’s house

Pillager prayed us out





Intimate Mountain Music

Ricky Bobby.  Nough said.

we did 101 burpees, 6 sprints, LBC, Dying Cockroaches, single leg dead lifts, planks, squats, lunges and a few others that are escaping my mind at the moment.

When I first pulled up there was not another F3 HIM to be seen.  There was the reliable centurion that walks non-stop around the track.  As time approaches I am thinking about just leaving when good ole Tesla shows up (on time by the way).  Looks like we are doing this.  Out of the corner of my eye I spy the Cheese-man himself, Sargento. That makes 3.  As we walk over to the gathering spot Virus rolls up to signify it is 5:30.   Sargento enjoyed the jams.  Virus and Tesla spoke about really old music.  Tesla told a story about canoeing (not SA) down a river meeting some new friends with more guns than teeth in West Virginia.



March 21 Convergence at Martha Rivers

Wichita with his VQ coming up this weekend at Folsom.

Tesla is arranging a showing of the movie Deliverance (he is also planning to act out several scenes from the movie volunteers needed)

May 3rd Pittsburgh race – Contact Sargento if you might want to run it

Spartan Race coming up April 4th – still time to sign up.  Team name is F3 Gastonia 9:00 am start time.  Talk to Gump.

Ville to Ville April 18th

Quiche has the Q February 19th at The Ricky Bobby  – WWQD?  Show To KNOW!!


Prayer Requests:

Trevor Smith and Wife (Teslas Minister) tree fell on the house and thankfully did not hurt anyone.

Chris Howser – Stroke

Lynn Hamm



Virus Prayed us out

Buckeye Orangeman tag team duo



I needed to leave the q early and thanks to poor planning I did not have anyone arranged to q. Thankfully Orangeman stepped up and took the second half of the Q this morning.   Watts Up made it over to The GOAT,  he said he was scouting for a future Q.  Radar followed me up south point road and got stuck by a train. Breaker, Orangeman and Termite walked a little taller this week as they are still riding high from running the Belmont half over the weekend.   Dirt is recruiting Qs for The Storm.  Boudin was crushing burpees with perfect form.  Virus was dissatisfied with the lack of the stupid shuffle.

To finish up the workout, Orangeman called 15s (bigger than 11s) with merkins and CDDs.

Announcements were convergence on the 28th, Xmas morning Snoballs at usual time, New Year’s morning Snoballs at 7am, Xmas party Jan 4 at Lewis Farms

Prayer requests are Orangeman’s Mom, Lynn Hamm, Dry Rub’s M, Termite’s Mom, and families around the holidays.

Orangeman prayed em out.

Buckeye’s Birthday Bash and Burpees

It was a cool Monday Morning, a couple of HIMs did some EC.  Freon came out of a bush.  We did some group AMRAP with various Shoulder, Leg and Ab exercises.   SA commented on my excellent Merkin form.  The rain threatened but never really came.  We did not mosey far from home.  Neither Dr. Seuss or Golddigger broke a sweat.


Prayer Requests

Volt, Bed Pan, Anchorman, Whiskey, Utter, Pacer

Tigers Father

Virus son for safe travels

Kids taking exams



Convergence 28th at Schiele Museum at 7 AM

Pay Montross or Breaker Breaker for P200

January 4th Christmas Party – Lewis Farm –  Talk to Rhoadie


Shell Shock prayed us OUT

The G.O.A.T. has arrived

It is the G.O.A.T. not the goat.  The Greatest AO of all time.  You heard it here first.  Good crowd this morning, lots of respect, not only the G.O.A.T. AO, likely the most respected AO as well.  My first week as the site Q and I forgot the flag and my watch.  Q Fail.  Thankfully, the PAX were prepared to step up with solutions to my problems.  Milburn noted the flag on the side of Mayworths Pub for the pledge, virus and others kept time so we were able to wrap up on time.

SSH.  Plank.  Mosey.  Train 5- burpees.  Mosey to the upper train tunnel for 3 rounds of the stupid shuffle, wall squats, six shooters and flutter kix.

Mosey down narrow poorly lit winding road.  Another Q fail. To the basketball courts which are locked.  Yet another Q fail.

Lets do 11s across the short parking lot.  Tiger squats and big boy sit ups.  Only rules were no running or walking to travel from one side of the lot to the other.  some got creative – I saw some broad jumps, lunge walk, lunge walk squat, crab walk, bear crawl, Karaoke step, nur.  When finished the pax did laps around the basketball court for the six.

Mosey to the goat island bridge.  Partner up – wheel barrel half way then switch, lunges for the six.  repeat.  Mosey to the fire station for 15 burpees for an uncertain number of trains (3 just to be safe).  Back to base.



Although the Q did not go to plan. First I forgot the flag, then my watch, then almost got some PAX run over, then the courts were locked.  After the dust settled the PAX seemed pleased with the work that was done.  It is just a fine example that things tend to work out if you keep your eye on your goals and have some helpful friends around to lend a hand every once in a while.  Thank you PAX.


SSS 5/10K this Saturday @ 7:30 am at South Point High School in Belmont, Speed for Need starts @ 7:20. be there earlier to help set up.

JJ5k Next Saturday

Bunch of Races coming up

bring donations for the rotary potty downtown


Lynn Hamm Family

Orangeman’s Daughter just passed CPA test – prayers for her continued professional development and congrats on the achievement.

injured pax


Upcoming Episodes of THE G.O.A.T.

September 26 – Wet Nutz – get ready to get worked (possible Milburn co-Q)

October 3 – Tesla – I bet a bear crawl or two is in store

October 10 – Termite is a maybe – if he is able to take it I have a hunch coupons may be on the menu

October 17 – Orangeman – running some hills I imagine

October 24 – Dr. Seuss – will he bring Black Jack back for another round?

October 31 – Wet Nutz – he promised me one Q a month when I took over as Site Q.  If only every AO had 4 of these type of PAX.

November 3 – Dirt – One of the Midwest Best bringing the heat – Iowa 18 Iowa St. 16


Notorious S.T.O.R.M.

The Storm is one of my favorites.  Mostly due to the big numbers that turn out week after week.  Almost like a mini-convergence.

Lets warm up, YHC, merkins etc.  Mosey around the school stopping periodically for a mix of core, upper body, lower body and all three.  First stop the stupid shuffle, six shooters, lunges.  Mosey to the picnic tables for dips, step ups and freddy mercury.  mosey to the round about for bear crawls, planks, squats.  I think we also stopped at the ballards.   Back to the start.


Prayer Requests

Hamm Family

Breakers Aunt

Dr. Feelgoods Mom passed away

Hucks Family


Chili Cookoff November 2 to raise money for bathrooms

9-11 Stairclimb coming up 9-14-2019

JJ5k 9-28-2019

Christmas Town

SSS 9-21-2019

Pointe Church now doing Sundays on Thursdays meeting services at 6:30 – speak to Slim Shady for more info

Midoriyama brings the heat

Amongst the F3 Gastonia community the AO known as Midoriyama has a reputation.  Notorious or Glorious – only way to know is to show.  I have been to most of the AOs around Gaston County (even Qued a few) and others out of Gaston County.  This boot camp however beats a HIM down.  The exercises are the same, the duration is the same, I believe it is the HEAT that gives Midoriyama its reputation.

On this addition of Midoriyama 12 brave HIMs (no more)  stepped out into the Heat (97 degress with moderate humidity).  SSH and MNC in cadence.  Mosey to where a group of nameless bat flippers were doing some things for a round Monkey Humpers, Merkins and Flutter kicks.  Mosey down soccer arm trail aka the blue trail aka the soccer loop for some fun in the woods.  My M found no tics later.  A few stops along the way for burpees, merkins, squats, lunges, global warming (all accounted for).  Mosey to a turd shack, not the turd shack but a turd shack for some six shooters.  Mosey to the playground for 3 sets of 5 PullUps, 10 merkins and 20 lunges.  Mosey to the turd shack for the stupid shuffle, no, not really, at this point YHC was soaked thoroughly and to be honest I was also spent.  Lets stretch out the last 15 minutes by stretching out during the last 15 minutes (I felt great the next morning by the way, maybe we should stretch more).

NO ONE ELSE was here other than those listed in the pax list and YHC for the Q.

Prayer Requests

Def Leppards Wife

Hucks Family

Mt Hollywood prayer list



Some AOs are getting some new Site Qs,  volunteer yourself to Q before you are voluntold.

Sept 21 Stop Solider Suicide 5/10k- also Freight has the Q at the Yank that day at 7

Sept 28 JJ5k

Ragnar Next Month

Shout Out to:  GoldDigger and the cats from his F3 team that crushed the BRR – nice work men, way to represent

Also, GoldDigger promised to make up for the easy boot camp that was today on Thursday 9-12-2019


Thank you Blart for letting YHC lead

Mt Hollywood from the HIP

The site Q Tiger asked for a volunteer to Q on Saturday, this PAX had nothing better to do on a Monday so I raised my hand.  Couple pax got some EC.  Had a new comer (defector) from Metro – Pillager – moved to the friendly confines of Gaston County.  Mostly due to the fact he has heard wonderful things about F3 Gastonia (not completely true).

little warm up – MNC,  a leg stretch, 6 burpees OYO.  Mosey.

Mosey to Brokes Wall.  Plank, inclined plank.  inclined shuffle. step ups.  Mosey

Lunge walk, big boys, tiger squats, Mosey.

Wall squats, Mike Tysons, stupid shuffle, rockys, six shooters with sound affects.

Mosey to the start for 5 more burpees, and some stretchlite.  Pledge

Pretty good mumble chatter, hope we did not scare off Pillager.  Always a pleasure.


Prayer Requests

  • Red Ribbons Ms family – Grandfather is not doing well
  • Pax – JJ, Tophat, Rhodie, Huck, Gump, Tyson, Wojo and a smudge on his hand (tiger kept the list on his hand – claims he has moved and cannot find his index cards)


  • Tooltime going away party – at the Sargentos August 3rd – please RSVP ASAP
  • August 17th for Pizzamans relatives – walk/run Rankin Lake
  • September 21 – speed for need stop solder suicide.
  • September 28 – JJ 5K – trail run in stanley- SA looking for Sponsors
  • ragnar and tuna coming up
  • Next week is the 1 year anniversary for Mt Hollywood – big show would be nice to support all the effort that has gone into this AO and a thanks to Tiger for leading here.  Also, Tiger will be the Q.
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