Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Big Pappy (Page 16 of 16)

A Pleasant Ruck

It was beautiful morning for a ruck at the Bores Nest.

We rucked 3 miles and did 60 Merkins, 75 calf raisers, and 100 squats along the way.

Fun was had by all.

After completing we met up with the Crossroads for the COT and prayers.

Thanks for the opportunity. Big Pappy out.



Who Tried to Escape Folsom?

7 PAX came to Folsom this morning to get in some work.  The morning was beautiful, with the faint sound of some sort of alarm going off in the background.

Warm up:

Some stretching exercises and stories of the Murph

The Thang:

We moseyed to the second stop light, 10 merkins and 20 squats.  —That alarm is getting louder

Mosey to the gazebo triangle. Run the loop 3 time doing the following — The alarm is at full blast now.

  • 1 st pass – 10 Big Boys at each corner and speed bump
  • 2nd pass – 20 LBCs at each corner and speed bump
  • 3rd pass – 30 Flutter kicks at each corner and speed bump

Mosey to flag for the pledge, then 22 merkins for the troops. — Will this alarm please stop going off….

Mosey back to the ball field intersection for 2 loops. — For all that is good…will this alarm stop….

  • Lunge Walk,  Backward run up the hill, mosey to start
    • 10 squats at each corner
  • Lunge Walk,  Backward run up the hill, mosey to start
    • 20 Hillbillies at each corner.

We mosey back to start, finish with some Mary and silence and can finally be heard through out Folsom.



  • Allen Tate’s travel and family
  • Huckleberry and family
  • Montross and family
  • Hacksaw
  • All PAX  and spoken and unspoken needs

Take note the scripture Numbers 10:9 “When you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before the LORD your God, and be saved from your enemies.”

It is always an honor to serve with such great men.

Big Pappy

Down Goes Pappy

The Folsom HIM’s made their presence felt this beautiful morning. It was looking like we may be low on numbers but Allen Tate,  Montross, and Sparky came in hot giving us the exact number we needed.

Warm up:

  • 10 Hillbillies
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Toy Soldiers

The Thang:

We mosey’d to the lower lot were we had 3 stations set up. We worked all 3 stations for 2 sets at 7 minutes in length.

  • Station 1
    • Pearl Jam had a ladder drills set up on the “Platform of HIM’s”.  YHC found that his footwork was not as fast has his brain and around corner 2  tripped and went flying into the grass net. I appreciate Ratchet making sure the YHC was ok and for AT screaming “DOWN GOES PAPPY” like the announcer from the Ali/Frazier fight.
  • Station 2
    • Blue had some live music for as we did LBCs, merkins, SSH, flutter kicks and others the YHC can not remember. He played mostly classic rock, but had a special ukulele tune (Yesterday by the Beatles)  for Sparky.  It was cool to see Montross take over for a set and play a little AC/DC.
  • Station 3
    • In this station, we had a parachute sprints and squats on the other end.  We started out strong but this one beat us down on the second set and we were too slow to get the parachute to deploy.

We mosey’d back to the tennis court lot and there was Pizza Man working like the true HIM his is.


We spoke of raising our children in the way of the Bible.  Proverbs 22:6 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”  Pizza Man joined us and his words were truly felt. 


  • Speed for Need in Belmont on the 25th

Prayer Requests

  • Pizza Man and family
  • Gastone and family
  • Roadie and family
  • Medicine Woman
  • Mayor
  • All of F3 Gastonia PAX

There is a lots of us in need of prayer. Please pray for all PAX.  It was an honor to lead all of you today.

-Big Pappy


Another Wonderful Day at Folsom

4 HIM’s made their presence felt this beautiful morning. Today at Folsom, we celebrated “Shot Bin Laden in the Face Day” (5/2/2011) and the end of the “Battle of Berlin” (5/2/1945) which ended WW2 for Nazi Germany.

Warm up:

  • 10 Toy Soldiers
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang:

We moseyed for to the flag  stopping at each light pole and doing the following in rotation

  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Shoulder Taps
  • 30 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Big  Boys
  • 20 Dying Cockroaches
  • 30 LBC’s
  • 10 Squats
  • 20 Hillbillys
  • 30 Imperial Walkers

At the flag, we pledged and then did 10 burpees.

We mosey’d back to the bottom lot stopping at each light pole again doing the rotation above.

At the bottom lot, we lunged walk and mosey’d forming a Star of David, planking at each point to honor the who died in WW2 and the Holocaust.

We mosey’d back to the tennis court lot and time was up.


We finished up a speaking of how evil exists and how it can not be overcome by government policies or remove of objects.  We have to be willing to fight and support the fight for what is good and right.  In my case, the divine teachings of the Bible.


  • Mt. Mitchell Hike May 5th

Prayer Requests

  • Sparky’s friend and family
  • Tator Hole’s Brother and family
  • Unspoken needs and all of the PAX and their famiies

The V Omaha at Folsom

Due to the holiday travels, only 2 HIM’s came out to Folsom this morning. It was a beautiful morning to get some work in, but the lack of HIM’S caused the YHC to call his first Omaha and all went well.

Warm Up:

We did some toy soldiers,  cotton pickers, and moroccan nightclubs. I have seen moroccan nightclubs call in our brothern in the past, but not today.

The Thang:

We moseyed to the flag pole stopping at each light post calling Mary exercises. YHC does not remember the quantity or type but the usual’s were all represented. There were burpies, lbcs, squats, mountain climbers, and many others.

Once at the flag pole, we pledged and moseyed back calling Mary again at each light post. The big boys and merkins appeared to be the most popular.

Once back, Volt had to leave for work so we did the COT.  This was awesome as Volt usually does not get to partake in the COT during the weekdays due to work responsibilities.  Volt is embodies consistency, has great integrity, and mythical strength. It was great to have the opportunity to get to know him better. He is an awesome HIM.

There was still some left so the YHC moseyed around the parking lot several times doing dips and steps up at each shelter and at the dock. Finally wrapping up by watching the beautiful sunrise over Folsom and thanking the good Lord for allowing me to see another one.


Lewis Farms Event on Saturday

Prayer Request:

Volt and Volt’s brother, Big Pappy’s family, and the unspoken and needed prayers.



Maundy Thursday at Folsom

8 HIM’s showed up at Folsom this beautiful morning to get in some work. It is an honor to have the opportunity to Q during holy week and today is Maundy Thursday.  For recognition of this day, we went with a workout to lift up the original 12 apostles.

Warm up:

  • 12 Cherry pickers
  • 12 Hillbillies
  • 12 Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang:

We moseyed for Matthew to the first stop.  The first stop was for Simon Peter, Andrew and James.  Simon Peter and Andrew where the first apostles. “Drop your nets and become fisherman of men”. James was the first to be martyred. “Would you be willing”

2 sets

  • 12 Peter Parker’s for  Simon Peter
  • 12 Alternating Shoulder Taps for Andrew
  • 12 Merkins for James

We moseyed for Matthew to the second stop. The second stop is for John, Thomas, and Philip.

2 Sets

  • 12 Dying Cockroaches for John – John was a disciple of John the Baptist, John the Baptist ate bugs..
  • 12 American Hammers – Thomas was a builder
  • 12 Flutter Kicks – Philip was in the story of the feeding of the 5000.

We moseyed for Matthew to the third stop.  The third stop was for Thaddeus, Bartholomew, James the Less, and Simon the Zealot.

  • 12 Finkle Kicks for Thaddeus, the patron saint of lost causes. I am a Bills fan.
  • 12 Big Boys for Bartholomew
  • 12 Jump Squats for James the Less. He was not any less just younger or smaller.
  • 12 SSH for Simon the Zealot

We moseyed for Matthew to the flag and did the pledge.

  • 12 Burpees for the betrayer Judas.

We then did it all over again back to the start.


We finished up talking about Jesus, the greatest and perfect servant leader.  He knew the pain, agony, and betrayal he was about to partake in and yet washed the feet of those who followed him. He broke bread with them and gave them the commandments for the future.  The is no greater example of servant leadership than the Lord’s Supper.


  • 2nd F at Lewis Farms on Saturday, April 27th at 7:00 p.m.
  • Folsom Field Day on Saturday
  • Mt. Mitchell Hike May 5th

Prayer Requests

  • Gumby’s Brother in Law
  • Tator Hole’s Brother
  • Lion Kings Friend
  • Medicine Woman’s Neighbor
  • Unspoken needs and all of the PAX


Mandelbrot Set – The Story of Big Pappy

10 PAX showed up this morning to get some work in at Folsom. For my first Q, I struggled with coming up with something that would push all of us. I noticed sometimes at Folsom and as I visited other AO’s that Q’s would use music in the exercises.  It dawned on me that it would be better to push to a time over a quantity for my first Q. Hence “Mandelbrot Set – The Story of Big Pappy” was born.

Warm up – Some toy soldiers, daisy pickers, and  Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang:

Act I  Pappy’s Childhood Years – Run to 4th tennis court and do  20 x XCrunches  then run back and do 20 x LBC’s .  Repeat until Act I is over.

    • Hunger Strike  – Temple of the Dog – I was poor.
    • Sabotage – Beastie Boys – Reason I was poor.
    • Peaches – Presidents of the United States – I moved from the north to the south.

Act II Pappy’s Young Adult Years – Run to 4th tennis court and do 10 merkins then run back and do 10 shoulder touches. Repeat until Act II is over.

    • Mandelbrot Set – Jonathan Coulton – Found that I had a god given gift of understanding advanced mathematics
    • Drunken Sailor – Blaggards – I liked to drink
    • The Gates – Da Vinci’s Notebook – Found that I could code and loved to write code
    • The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room – Flight of the Conchords – Met my M.

Act III Pappy’s Adult Years – Run to 3rd tennis court and do 3 burbees then run back and do 30 monkey humpers. Repeat until Act III is over.

    • RE: Brains – Jonathan Coulton – What it feels like working in a cube everyday.
    • The Backpack Song – Nerf Herder – People with multiple kids would understand.

Credits  – Run to 4th tennis court and do 20 squats then run back and do 20 hillbillies. Repeat until the credits is over.

    • God’s Gonna cut you down – Johnny Cash – For F3 Nothing.
    • Dust in the Wind – Kansas – Your my boy F3 Blue
    • Better Man – Pearl Jam – For F3 Pearl Jam

I overheard a PAX saying he was not sure if he was going to throw up from the music or the workout. Mission Accomplished.

Thanks to all that came out. It was a pleasure to lead a group of fine men that have lead me over the past several months to better health and a better lifestyle.


Convergence on the 30th at Folsom


The P200 guys, Family of Medicine Woman, and the needed unspoken prayers


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