Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Big Pappy (Page 14 of 16)

A Man’s Burden

It always a great opportunity to Q outside your home AO’s.  You learn about more about your fellow brothers, gain insight,  and come up with new ideas to get right.

Today, selfishly,  YHC really wanted to see how far I have come since my last post at this AO.  I measured against myself and how I felt last time. We did a similar workout from when YHC posted last at the Labyrinth. (with some add weights to pass around) I have so much farther to go, but in the 5 or 6 months since my last post here, I am very grateful to find that I am a whole lot stronger.  YHC can run farther, be less winded, and feel a whole better afterwards even with very sore shoulder from a previous work out and bum foot.  Thank you to all the men of F3 Gastonia for helping me to get right and be better.

Warm up

  • 5 Burpees
  • Let’s mosey

The Thang

  • We mosey to the light posts and do sets of 30 or 40 LBC’s in cadence, squats, and big boys
  • We mosey to the shelter and do a 20 set ups, 20 dips
  • We take a short bear crawl to the center of the parking lot.
  • We do more LBC’s, big boys, and squats
  • Lunge walk to up the lot. We stop a few times and do more LBC’s, big boys, squat and we through in some hillbillies and merkins for good measure
  • At the top of the lot we do about 40 rocky balboas and 20 Mike Tysons.
  • We mosey by to the bottom to the lot for more LBC’s, big boys, and my new favorite exercise hillbilly squats.
  • Back to the shelter for step ups and dips.
  • The we mosey back up home stopping at the light post for more LBC’s in set qty’s of 30 and 40 in cadence and 10 big boys
  • Once back would did 50 more LBC’s in cadence and 22 merkins for the troops.

We pledged, then did the COT.

During the workout we had two 10lbs weights.  YHC gave no direction to what to do with the weights except to pass them around. Unknowing to PAX until the COT, these weights represented the burden we carry as men.  The social experiment worked and during the work out PAX asked to help carry the weight, some PAX did not want to give up the weight, and some PAX maybe wanting to carry the weight did not speak up.  This is exactly how we as men act when it comes to the burdens that are laid upon us.   We want to help others. We want to support others. We are stubborn though, and we want to carry the burden ourselves. Other times we see those who need help but stay dormant and never speak up.  Men, pray about those burdens that are laid upon you, talk to fellow PAX and utilize the Whetstone program. It will do nothing but benefit you and your blade.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”  Psalm 55:22

Big Pappy



The Sparky Dairies

It was a morning to get out and get some work done. We heard stories from Sparky’s awesome half marathon run. There were  some stories YHC didn’t care to hear, but that is Folsom. No filters…

The Thang

  • Mosey around lower lot and met up and the amphitheater
    • Moroccan night clubs as we wait for Sparky to catch up
    • 15 Australian Mountain Climbers
    • 15 Rocky Balboas
    • 15 Hip Slappers
    • 15 Dips
  • Mosey to baseball field lot
    • 5 Squats and adding 5 more at each parking spot the length of the lot
    • Lunge walk back
  • Mosey to soccer field
    • 5 Bobby Hurley’s and adding five at each parking spot
  • Mosey to Intersection
    • Nur up hill
    • Karaoke to the light post
  • Mosey to flag
    • 15 LBC’s
    • 15 Big Boys
    • Monkey Humpers as the early guys leave
  • Mosey back down to lower lot
    • Stopping along the way for some Hillbilly Squats, LBC’s. Big Boys,  and a variety of other exercises
  • Mosey around the lower lot and back to base.
  • 22 for the Troops

We finished up with COT and prayers for the PAX. Prayer to all spoken and unspoken needs and we spoke of all the challenges out there.  Do them they will nothing but benefit you.

Big Pappy

The Quinton Chronicles

YHC thought he may be the lone rucker today after getting a message from King Pin saying he probably wasn’t going to make it and Rockabilly had previous engagement.  But then as I pull into Folsom there is Oompa Loompa ready to work.

We rucked, we had fellowship, we pledged to the flag, and we prayed in the COT.


Abs and Shoulders

It was a beautiful morning at the Rotary Pavilion.  Everyone was ready to go, so we got it it right away.

Warm Up

  • 20 x Grass Pickers – *YHC did not realize that this was frowned upon, but we did them anyways
  • 20 x Imperial Walkers
  • 20 x Merkins
  • 20 x Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Several stations honoring the many children that YHC has had in his home over the past 10 years.

  • Station 1
    • 20 x LBC’s
    • 20 x Big Boys *Whoopie happens to find the only rock in the lot and lays on it.
    • 20 x Flutter Kicks
  • Station 2
    • 20 x Hillbillies
    • 20 x Hillbilly Squats *Shown to YHC by the great Bedpan
    • 20 x Merkins
  • Station 3
    • 20 x Austrian Mountain Climbers
    • 20 x Hip Slappers
    • 20 x Squats
  • Station 4
    • 20 x Freddie Mercuries
    • 20 x Imperial Walkers
    • 20 x Merkins
  • Station 5
    • 2 min plank
    • 20 x Plank Jacks
    • 20 x Big Boys
  • Station 6
    • 20 x Rocky Balboas
    • 20 x Dips
    • 20 x Derkins

We rinsed and repeated and swapped out a few exercises here and there and a few burpees thrown in as well. We then pledged to our great nation and ended in the COT.


We are called to a mission and to serve. There is no mission or service greater than another as long as the focus is from and to God.  Whatever your calling may be, do it.  Life will be rewarding and fulfilling  because of it.  It was an honor this morning and thanks to all of you for pushing me everyday to live right.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10

Big Pappy


Those Cones are to Far Apart

It was a great afternoon to get the some work.

The Thang:

4 stations: (Lunge walk and mosey between each station) cones are place 25 yards in width and 100 yards in length.

Station 1

  • Overhead Press qty 30
  • Curls qty 30
  • Triceps qty 30

Station 2

  • Merkins qty 30
  • Mountain Climbers qty 30
  • Peter Parker’s qty 30

Station 3

  • Big Boys qty 30
  • LBC qty 30
  • Flutter kicks qty 30

Station 4

  • Squats qty 30
  • Imperial Walkers qty 30
  • Hillbillies qty 30

Loop around each station until time is up, then COT and prayers.




The Folsom Spy at the Yank

A total of 10 Pax and 1 FNG (Welcome Captain Crunch!!) came out to the Fighting Yank.   It was a beautiful but humid morning to get in some work.  It was my first time at the Fighting Yank posting or Q’ing and to have a good turn out was an honor I am thankful for.

The Thang – The set length was decided by the time it took Nothin to solve the Rubik’s cube.

  • Mosey around to the picnic tables
    • AMRAP – Dips
    • AMRAP – Step Ups
  • Mosey to the Yank stairs
    • AMRAP – Calf Raisers
    • AMRAP – Rocky Balboas
  • Mosey to fountain
    • AMRAP – Burpies
    • AMRAP – Lunges
  • Mosey to “The Merkin Station”
    • AMRAP – Merkins
    • AMRAP – LBC’s
  • Mosey to track
    • AMRAP – Imperial Walkers
    • AMRAP – Squats
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Hillbillies
    • AMRAP – Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Big Boys
    • AMRAP – Flutter Kicks
  • Mosey around track – Al Gore for the Six
    • AMRAP – Imperial Walkers
    • AMRAP – Squats
  • Mosey to “The Merkin Station”
    • AMRAP – Merkins
    • AMRAP – LBC’s
  • Mosey to fountain
    • AMRAP – Burpies
    • AMRAP – Lunges
  • Mosey to the Yank stairs
    • AMRAP – Calf Raisers
    • AMRAP – Rocky Balboas
  • Mosey around to the picnic tables
    • AMRAP – Dips
    • AMRAP – Step Ups
  • Lunge walk to the road
  • Mosey back to the Flag
  • Pledge, 22 for the Troops, and COT


  • JJ 5k
  • Christmas Town 5k – Sign up

Prayer Request

  • Tool Time,  Milburn, 5 Degrees, Tube, Stogie, Nothin, Dirt, and Wanderer
  • Termite’s Son
  • Norwood’s Friend
  • All Prayers spoken and unspoken.


The cube represented our lives as Christians. Once we accept Christ we are clean and in order. We then immediately sin and screw up. We get all jumbled up and messy. Once we repent, we get back to an orderly state. It may not be on our time or the way we want but we are always set right. We then, of course, sin again repeat the cycle.

Thank you for the opportunity to Q.  It was honor to be able to be servant leader to a solid group of HIM’s

Big Pappy

Judges 2 18:19 ESV

“Whenever the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge, and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge. For the Lord was  moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflicted and oppressed them. But whenever the judge died, they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers, going after other gods, serving them and bowing down to them. They did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways.”

The Oompa Diaries

We rucked a few miles and had great fellowship. Oompa Loompa is an awesome HIM.

The Thang:

  • We Rucked
  • We Pledged
  • We Prayed


  • JJ 5k
  • Christmas Town 5k

Prayer Requests

  • Rockabilly’s Mother
  • Oompa’s Daughter
  • The Kotter’s

Big Pappy

Hingle McCringleberry

5 PAX made it out to Folsom this morning to get in some work.  It was a perfect morning with the stars a shining and the projector set up for some ab work and laughter.

Warm up

  • Moroccan nightclubs
  • Don Qs
  • Cherry pickers

The Thang

  • Set 1 – Scott Sterling – Volleyball
    • Alternating 10 dips and 10 squats
    • Mosey to end of lot and back
  • Set 2 – SNL Dysfunctional Family- “I drive a Dodge Stratus!!”
    • Alternating 10 Imperial Walkers and 10 Lunges
    • Nur up the hill mosey around and back
  • Set 3 – Key and Peele – East West College Game
    • Alternating 10 LBC’s and 10 American Hammers
    • Mosey to the end of the lot and back
  • Set 4 – SNL Matt Foley – Van Down by the River
    • Alternating 10 dips and 10 squats
    • Mosey to end of lot and back
  • Set 5 – Key and Peele – Substitute Teacher
    • Alternating 10 Imperial Walkers and 10 Lunges
    • Nur back up the hill mosey around and back
  • Set 6 – Scott Sterling – Soccer
    • Alternating 10 LBC’s and 10 American Hammers
    • Mosey back to start


Prayer Request

  • Bedpan
  • Rockabilly’s mother


I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. Always an honor to lead.

Big Pappy



Eight HIM’s decided to get out of bed a post at Pain Lab this morning.  Welcome FNG Les Nessman! Please continue to get out there and post.

The Thang

  1. Set One x1
    1. 10 Merkins
    2.  Lunge walk the lot and lunge/squat back
  2. Set Two x2
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 5 Big Boys
    3. Lunge walk the lot and lunge walk/squat back
  3. Set Three x4
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 10 Big Boys
    3. 5 Imperial Walkers
    4. Lunge walk the lot and lunge walk/squat back
  4. Set Four x6
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 10 Big Boys
    3. 10 Imperial Walker
    4. 5 Rocky Balboas
    5. Lunge walk the lot and lunge walj/squat back
  5. Set Five x8
    1. 10 Merkins
    2. 10 Big Boys
    3. 10 Imperial Walkers
    4. 10 Rocky Balboas
    5. 5 Calve Raisers
  6. Set Six x1
    1. 15 Merkins
    2. 15 Big Boys
    3. 15 Imperial Walkers
    4. 15 Rocky Balboas
    5. 15 Calve Raisers

We then finished up that last couple minutes with some mary. Then met up with the Gashouse for COT.


Todays workout was very repetitive. It got old and we become complacent. The merkins is our walk with Christ. In the beginning, we are happy it is easy we feel like we can do anything. By the 50th merkin we start to question and not realize the importance of our calling and walk with Christ. By then 150th merkin, we do not want to do anymore. We want to do something else, we lose complete focus on our baseline walk with Christ.  YHC sees this in himself after working the Huckleberry challenge and is now getting back on track.  Do not lose focus on whatever your calling is with Christ, and if you do lose focus there is no need to worry about it.  Get back on track because He is down there doing the merkins with you.

It is always an honor.

Big Pappy

The Birth of Starkville

After a great beatdown Q’d by the true HIM Bedpan, we circled up for the COT.  There was the usual Folsom mubblechatter that morning. There were stories about about Florida man and wondering if Huck and Allen Tate were ever going to post again.  Bedpan then asked for prayers for our brother Rockabilly. Our prayers for Rockabilly were recently answered when he got a new job. The only problem was that this new job was not going to allow him to post much anymore. He has come a long way and been a motivator for many of us at Folsom, YHC included. We prayed he would not regress and continue to work. YHC thought about how I just sit around on Monday afternoons so YHC reached out to Rockabilly to see if he wanted to workout.  Rockabilly has trouble with technology and never got the initial message.  Therefore YHC posted it publicly on the Folsom Group Me.  First it was the two of us, then Tator Hole came out, and before you know it Starkville was born.

Warm Up

  • Some Don Q’s
  • Some Toy Soldiers

The Thang

  • Lunge walk to the Folsom Mill
  • 4 Stations
    • 1 – Weighted Big Boys
    • 2 – Weighted Merkins
    • 3 – Curls
    • 4 – Weight Squats
  • Go to each station and do a set of 10, 20, 30 , 40 then do sets stepping back down at qty’s of 30, 20, 10
  • Lunge walk back to start.

Simple but effective.


Prayer always works. We may not get the answer we want or desire, but prayer always works.

Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Big Pappy


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