It’s been since late last year since I have Q’d because of optical issues. Needless to say, I Q-failed the disclaimer. And if any workout needed a “modify as needed”… it would have been this one. But, there were no FNGs and these were all seasoned Pax. They knew the drill.
Sadly, due to shoulder issues, Balljento couldn’t do a lot of the exercises, but he did what he could… just like I kept cutting the running portion short in order to get back to call out the next set of exercises (I’m the Q and can do whatever I want… modify as needed).
25 Side Straddle Shops – in cadence
10 Gravel Pickers – in cadence
20 ‘Roccan Night Clubs – in cadence
20 Arm Circles Front
20 Arm Circles Back
Circle Up:
Iron Hulks (1:4 ratio of merkin to air presses) adding one with each person in the circle
Bear Crawl to my truck (middle of the parking lot)
Pickup Yard Blocks…
Overhead clap with blocks to the lower parking lot.
20 – SSH
20 – Superman to Iron Man with the blocks
20 – Plank Jacks
Run a lap…
20 – CDDs on the blocks
20 – Flutters holding the blocks up
20 – Hand release Merkins with a brick row
Run a lap…
20 – Arnold Presses with blocks
20 – American Hammers with blocks together
20 – Tricep Extensions with blocks together
Run a lap…
10 – Bent Raise Rotation (Lat Raise – Forward Raise – Reverse)
20 – Freddy Mercurys
40 – Nolan Ryans with the blocks (10 each side)
Run a lap…
20 – Toy Soldiers with a brick/block
20 – Windshield Wipers while holding blocks
40 – Block curls
Run a lap…
20 – Clean and Press with the blocks
40 – Brick Fly cruches
20 – Tricep Extensions with blocks together
Run a lap…
Carry the blocks back to my truck
Circle up and finish with a round of Ab work…
Thanks to those who showed for dealing with me fumbling through a Q like it was my first, and for the insanity that is this block work weinke (as well as the interesting music on my running playlist).
Boondock VQ 8th @ Folsom
1st Annihilate Workout 8thโ led by HEI HEI @ Gashouse
Monday 10th convergence @Sandlot/MarthaRivers to honor Turtle Man
Dad/kids Workout 15th @ Gashouse
2nd F lunch 19th @ Bubba 33s
Guffie Family
Turtleman’s Family and Pax closest to him
Pax traveling/vacation
Big Pappy
West Side has a lady at his church with Cancer
Balljoint has a friend also with Cancer