Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 28, 2020

It’s all Up Hill from Here

10 Pax worked our way up and down the hill at Midoriyama on this hot, but rain-free evening. I knew we would be doing hill work, so the options were: a smaller hill in the sun or a steeper hill in the shade. We went with option 2 and still worked up a sweat. Freight said he should have tapered..I’m glad he didn’t. Wet Nutz invited me to the Yank Saturday for a real beatdown, then told me his agenda…I’m glad to have an excuse. Having said that, with Ville to Ville on Saturday the AO’s may be light, so go support a workout if you’re not running!


Warm Up: 10 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Cotton Pickers

Mosey to a far, but shaded, hill.

Round 1:

Bottom: 10 CDDs

Middle: 10 LBCs

Top: Low Slow Squats

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


After Round 1:

10 Plank Jacks

10 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees


Round 2:

Bottom: 10 Merkins

Middle: 10 Big Boys

Top: 10 Bobby Hurleys

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


After Round 2:

10 Plank Jacks

10 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees


Round 3:

Bottom: 10” Werkins

Middle: 10: American Hammers 

Top: 10 Lunges 

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


After Round 3:

10 Plank Jacks

10 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees


Round 4:

Bottom: 10 Diamond Merkins

Middle: 10: Dying Cockroaches 

Top: 10 Little Gumbys 

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


Round of Mary

Mosey back to flag. Freight picked up the six.



Ville to Ville

Q’s available for the taking


Verse: Gal. 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

So many Pax are going through some things at this time, let’s truly pray for, and support, them.


Prayer Requests:

Sister Act’s daughter and family

Wojo’s Mom

Goldigger’s  Grandpa

Mayor’s M

Leppard’s boy

Clavin’s M

Freight took us out!

Thankful for you guys!


Make the Best of the Situation – Diablo Sammich

Solo Q.  No one showed.  I ran 6.5 miles and got in 200 squats.

It was fun.

Exercise and education.  Listened to two full podcasts during the workout.  One was this week’s F3 43′ with Dredd & Dark Helmet, the other was directly related to my professional life.  Made some notes from them afterwards.

Make the most of the time you have, regardless of what you are doing.

Until the next one.



Virtual Ruck

Today we tried something different. Some saw the message and some didnt that we’d be doing a virtual ruck today. YHC started his ruck at 0530, i was joined via Zoom a few minutes later by Sledge who wanted to know if he needed a kettlebell, nope not today just your ruck sack. Sledge took to the challenge and suited up. We had a great 2nd F during our ruck and talked about many things. It was a nice break from workouts. Managed to avoid the rain until the last 5 minutes or so. Got in 3.23 miles

Sledge took us out

Gettin’ with it in Cramerton

YHC took his second consecutive Q this week and ramped it up  from the day before at Ricky Bobby. Been backing off the Qs this year a little by design but given circumstances, that’s gonna change now. And we’re gonna bring it! But we’re going to be smart about it and get guys IN the fold as opposed to running them off. And they will get better and our fold/ community/state/world will get better. And boys let me tell you something – it needs to! And it has to happen on the individual basis and YHC’s experienced mind opines we have to overcome fear right now. And not just physical fear. There is a deeper fear out there that needs to be conquered and it comes from the soul. So let’s go about cleaning it up. We started today at The Goat with the swollen South Fork River in our midst to commence the process of getting better. Went like this:


arm stretches

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine Stretches

Cherry Pickers X 20

mosey up the hill to the elementary school for some work:

20 Mountain Climbers (in cadence)

20 plank jacks

10 shoulder taps (each side)

5 burpees

Parking lot suicide – Halfway and back, all the way and back.

30 SSH

25 jump squats

20 Freddie Mercs

20 Big boy situps

10 HR Merkins

1 minute planks

Run down the hill to the fire station and back.

Rinse and repeat above, mosey down to the gazebo for some 22s

22 set:

Jump Lunges X 20 X 18 X 16 X 14 X 12 X 10 X 8 X 6 X 4 X 2

Merkins X 2 X 4 X 6 X 8 X 10 X 12 X 14, X 16 X 18 X 20

Half way, take a lap around the green.

Mosey up to the flag for pledge and COT


Pax worked hard today. Very hard. That was the goal. Means we got better and expanded our capabilities. Acceleration. We need to do this and we need to do it a lot. This is the fear antidote. Especially when we combine it with faith and fellowship. We cannot – will not – lose.

So let’s about our work men! This is a time of opportunity! Take advantage of it!


Tesla out.




The Anniversary WOD

Today I celebrate 15 years of marriage with my M. Love her to death. She has been there for me and believed in me since we met 18 years ago. To honor that I created “The Anniversary WOD”



IW 20 IC


The Thang:

Married on 5/28/05 for 15 years

15 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Burpees

28 Swings



15 Minute AMRAP of:

5 Burpees

28 Curls

5 Squat Thrusters


8 min left so lets get in some MARY

Flutters, LBC’s, Oblique Crunches, Freddie Mercs, Dying Cockroaches




Matrix is shutting down Saturday workouts based on attendance. Still operate on Tuesdays and Thursdays for now.

Prayer Requests:

Kids / Younger Generations to have no fear of having a voice in this world

End of Pandemic

YHC took us out

Thanks for the opportunity! Hope to see some of you on Saturday at PainLab!






Leg Day

Need to work on our legs


Good Mornings

Leg Pulls


1min on / 30 sec off

KB Swing to Goblet Squat



6 Min Each round – 45 sec on/15 sec off

Round 1 – KB Forward Lunge alt L/R every other min

Round  2 – KB Crush Grip Deadlift

Round 3 – KB One Arm Squat alt L/R every other min

Round 4 – KB Reverse Lunge alt L/R every other min

Round 5 – Single Leg Dead Lift alt L/R every other min

Round 6 – Bulgarian Split Squat alt L/R every other min


Thanks for joining Monk!



“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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