Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 30, 2020

Expect the Unexpected

One of the coolest things about these Zoom workouts is the ability to workout with some familiar faces beyond our region. Today we were joined by Monk and Ralph Lauren. Two very High Impact Men! Lets get it!

No FNG’s (YET!!!)




Imperial Walker



The Thang:

Captain Thor – 1BBSU:4 American Hammers (count Right side) – 10:40

Dirty Hookup – 50 OYO

Mike Tyson’s/Blasters – 25 OYO

Coupon time:

25 Curls

25 Tricep Presses

25 Overhead Presses


Australian Snow Angels – 20  IC

Hundreds – 100 OYO

Mtn Climbers 2 LBC – Descending sets – 25 to 15 by 1 . Q count – No reset in between 

Hurricane Hoedown – From 7 to 1


Coupon time:

25 Curls

25 Tricep Presses

25 Overhead Presses



Announcements: Encourage virtual workouts

Prayer requests: Monks Father in-law and Mother, Montross’ Aunt, Hamm family, PAX, World Leaders

I shared the following verse this AM:

Deuteronomy 15:7-8: If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.

At my company this week I saw almost half of our corporate office get Furloughed and the other half take a very significant pay cut. I was one that received a pay cut. I know this is happening to a lot of families. Some families may really be struggling financially because of this. Like the verse says, we should be reaching out to them and seeing if they need anything like groceries, a meal, essential items (diapers, formula, TP, etc.). You are leaders and solutions providers, all of you. The best thing we can do in these difficult times is offer assistance.

Be Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay Home!



Sweatside Story

This virtual thing is really picking up steam! So much in fact it’s bringing Kotters out! Glad to see you back out in the gloom Hunkajunk! You’ve been missed but completely understand given your job with the City of Belmont Police Dept.. Thank you for your service, be safe and congrats on the promotion to Sergeant!!! Glad to see some new faces on my iPad for a workout. No its not the same as physically being there with your brothers. Trust me, I miss all of your actual real ugly faces but I’m glad to see everyone taking the right precautions and staying safe.



Imperial Walker IC

Merkins IC

The Thang:



Announcements: Watch the F3Gastonia Twitter account and check on Slack for Region updates regularly!

Prayer requests: Montross’ Aunt, PAX and their families

YHC took us out

Thanks for letting me lead you virtually, now go out an be the leaders you need to be in your community. Lead by example, people are watching. Reach out to men often during this time. NO EXCUSES! You have the extra time on your hands now and it only takes 5 seconds to send a text to say “Hi! Need anything? Doing ok?” Believe it or not those 3 small things mean soooooo much. SYITGOTI



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