Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2020 (Page 2 of 10)

Starkville tour

I wanted to get in a little distance  and with it being a low impact workout I thought we could Ruck around Biggerstaff making several stops to get in work.  Well I get there and only Blart is there and he didn’t have a pack so I called an Omaha to mall walk.  Blart and I do some cherry picking and night clubs at 6pm sharp to warm up.  After the warmup we head to the amphitheater where we do some Rocky Balboas, flutters, squats and more night clubs.  During the night clubs Oompa Loompa is seen screeching tires into the parking lot.  Blart jogs up to get him while I continue to do night clubs.  After Oompa joined we went to the turd shack and did some merkins, flutters,  and squats,  to the pic nic shelter,  same exercises.  Now, let’s head to the flag poll,  stopping at every light for 3 sets of various exercises.  Pledge at the flag,  back down stopping at every light again.  When we get back to the flag, time is up.

CoT- each other, my mom

announcements: LMS 5k, P200

1 Year Anniversary – Stogiefied

This is as close to an anniversary Q with F3 as I can get. I started at Folsom one of the last weeks in February of 2019. I don’t know which one because the Q didn’t write a BackBlast. In fact, while trying to research (to see about copying the first Q that was at Folsom that day) I found out that I didn’t show up on a BackBlast until the March Convergence (a few weeks later, despite posting the few Saturdays in between).

All I could remember was that Gold Digger had the Q that Saturday morning. We warmed up with some SSH and Merkins and that’s all I remember of the workout. I came in hot (not really knowing when the workout started) and Bedpan was a few minutes late as well. Bedpan recognized me, since I knew Bedpan from working with him at a prior job. But I hadn’t seen him in around 10 years. He sure looked different (about 60 lbs trimmer and with a thick beard). It was good to see someone familiar amongst a decent crowd of pax (had to have been 17+).

In research, I did find (and remember from other Qs) that when Gold Digger Qs Folsom, he does AMRAP. So, that is where my mind started with my weinke.

Tha Thang:

20 Side Straddle Hops – in cadence
15 Gravel Pickers – in cadence
20 Merkins OYO – plank when finished
15 mnt man poopers – in cadence


Mosey to Tennis Courts

  • 10 Flying Squirrels with a squat jump
  • 20 Stogi-fied Gas Pumps (in-out-together)
  • 30 Stogi-fied Mike Tysons (plank to horizontal squat – no pushup)
  • 40 Hillbilly Squats

Take a Lap…

No rinse, but repeat

Tortoise and the Hare… but instead of Ruck Sacks, the pax  lunge walked.

So – pair up… one pax lunge walked the perimeter of the courts while the other pax did an exercise. One the exercise was complete, you sprint to catch your walking partner. He then does the exercise while the other pax lunge walks.

We did:
– 20 CDDs ( I would have continued the escalating 10, 20, 30, etc… but 10 CDDs isn’t enough for much of anything)
– 20 Side Straddle Hops
– 30 Squats
– 40 LBCs

No rinse, but repeat

After completing an entire lap around, Volt and I had to leave (it was 6am). I told Big Pappy to take over (do one more lap and then finish with the COT).

Big Pappy finished things up with (all with various exercises in between):
– Bear Crawls
– Sprints
– Nurs

Prayed for: Roundup and his wife, Hacksaw, and Bedpan’s work.

– Convergence on March 21st
– Rooster Run/Ruck this Saturday

I made sure to mention to the Pax, before I left, that the reason I did the Tortoise and the Hare routine was to symbolize the reason I keep coming out. F3 has a bunch of good guys (especially at Folsom and some of the other Gashouse AOs) that are there for each other and always out to encourage or help you. Even when I left, LB was on the backside of the courts by himself, and Wichita and other Pax were headed his way to ensure he was able to complete the lap with others around him.

Thank you everyone for all your support and friendship. I “creatively appropriated” this from this site:

“The truth is, we need each other. We need to trust, rely on, and depend upon other believers. God gave us each other to walk alongside, encourage, and spur one another one in the faith. The writer to the Hebrews says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:24-25). James 5:16 says, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” We are to carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2), care for each other’s practical needs (Romans 12:13, Hebrews 13:16), warn each other of sin (1 Thessalonians 5:14) and rejoice and mourn with each other (Romans 12:15).”

Thanks for everything fellas. See you guys around.


Prison Break

17 at the Prison break this morning it was a great morning for some running or rucking. we got a lot of guys training for the P200 or the rooster this weekend maybe a half marathon or guys just out getting better and keeping the bar set high F3 Gastonia. This AO is busy right now full of guys pushing the rock and that is great. We had guys running 6,7,8 miles and we had guys rucking 2,3 miles. I hope this continues throughout the year. I feel like F3 Gastonia is the best man! We are always setting the bar higher and pushing guys that are around us or even new to F3 and I think that is awesome!


Prayer Request 

Def Leppards Aunt

Watts Ups M her friend

EZ Riders wife

Each other


Verse of the week:

Jonah 2:8

Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love.

Gone Walkabout

  1. I’ve always had this idea in mind and felt no time like the present …. simple …. all we did was mosey and intermittently Stopped for an exercise usu of 20 with very few in cadence ( notably my dips under the shelter wound up being 21 as I realized I over shot increase in voice at 19,,, ironically some  of pax seemed to have expected a stop …. but you can’t shake Defib!!) I originally planned on traveling full course 2 times but worried about poor lighting, fog and damp conditions ….. so we kept to more safe areas ( thankfully Whoopee wasn’t present or we’d have had to change). There were monkey humpers, squats sumo squats and merkins at the pull up bar ,, oh and wide arm merkins Australian mountain climbers ( yes… we had too) , regular mountain climbers and even a little nur or two and brief lunge work. Finished up with Indian run which the boys seemed to really love as leaders kept changing directions at the end! Not much mumble , but as was pointed out hard to catch your breath when you’re constantly in motion ! Yes I felt it too!! Great job by all as they pushed me!
    Stroganoff joined us at COT as he was out running solo ( his own Walkabout)
    This workout was inspired by one by Gastone about 2 years ago where he had us nur the entire park but I also used inspiration from a coworker of mine who we many times remark as he leaves his work area to ( socialize) GO WALKABOUT as a former coworker called it. This is taken from Crocodile Dundee if you don’t know
    Lots of upcoming events … get some
    Earlier today modification of the Fellowshoot … cancelled …. to be rescheduled, all monies to be repaid by Whoopee

Read from Daniel 3: 26-30 powerful message about what an Awesome God we serve …. he can bend the evil heart of a strong willed king Nebuchadnezzar!

Praise for doctors finding a treatment for Dry Rubs M
Prayers for pax in IR like Pedal and Lil Sweet ( reach out and check on these men and others in similar situations)

Thank you for the ability to lead … until next ……

Lawd A Mercy

Busy day at work, had to finish some training in my car as i waited for 5:30pm to roll around. Stepped out feeling fresh. Noticed a young man finishing his run where the PAX park. He quickly identified himself as an F3 PAX from Metro. Welcome to Midoriyama Vega! Let us show you how we do things in the Gashouse!




Crab Jacks IC – oooooh yeeaah! Real crowd pleaser here!

Plank Jacks IC

Mosey to the stash spot. Every PAX gets 2 bricks.

Mosey to large hill in front of dog park

The thang:

YHC always looking for something new to bring to the PAX of Gashouse. Today’s JV beat down consisted of a routine titled “M.E.R.C.Y. High Fives“, defined in the F3 Exicon by:

“Done with FIVE stations at the bottom of a hill. The hill climb and distance is your challenge. PAX must complete each station’s circuit at the top of the hill before moving to the next. All stations (except the C-Crawl Station have a WO at the top of the hill which start with 1 Rep and ascend up to 5 Reps before that station’s circuit is complete. Station 1 – M – Manmakers (w coupon such as a Dead Seal or Cenderblock) – (Alternate for this is Merkins w/out coupon and must complete the 1-5 Reps at the Top AND Bottom of the hill) Station 2 – E – Elf on the Shelf (w coupon such as a rolled-up section of fire hose or Cenderblock) Station 3 – R – Rock-a-Bye Babies (w coupon such as sledge hammer or Ruck Sack) Station 4 – C – Crawl (aka Bear Crawl) (w coupon such as a high-rise section of fire hose or a Ruck Sack) Station 5 – Y – Yoke Walk (w coupon such as a section of flat-lay fire-hose or a Deal Seal) At the top of the hill, complete the required number of ascending Squats Lord Have MERCY on your muscles after you climb HIGH up the hill FIVE times for FIVE sets.”

I don’t know about you but that seemed as confusing as the riddle: I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

See what I mean??

That said YHC decided I would take that routine and “HIPAAFY” it. So here is what we did:

M – Manmakers with blocks – No explanation should be needed here

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

E – Elf on the Shelf – Start with the blocks on the ground beside you. Grab the blocks and lift them from the ground across your body reaching up as high as you can. Like putting it on a shelf. After a set from right to left then do left to right = 1 rep

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

R – Rock-A-Bye-Baby – People’s chair with blocks. Chair position, starting with the blocks over your head, bring down to chest, push blocks straight out (chest high) and then left to right (1 each) for Russian twist, bring back to starting position over head.

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

C – Curls – Forearm – Curls but palms down, works your forearms

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

Y – Y-Raises – Like a front lateral raise but instead of straight up make a Y at the top

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

Looking at Strava records we got in a little over 1 mile of just running the hill!! Nice work men!! Lets mosey back to the stash spot and put the blocks back.

Mosey to start

2 min left some quick Mary


Flutters IC



Announcements – Rooster, Traveling circus Bat Flipper AO Workout (April??), P200, GoRuck tough, Mortimer, Convergence….To put it bluntly: A LOT OF SHIT GOING ON, SO DO SOMETHING!!

Big Pappy needs children’s clothes!!!!!

Prayer requests – Def Leppard M and Aunt, Big Pappy trip, Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, flu, each other

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity men.

I’d tell you more what happened but it would be a HIPAA Violation.




P.S. – The answer to the riddle is “No”.

Deck of pain lab

2 of us out on a Monday in the gloom for Starkville.

headed out for a short mosey to the first shelter.

F3 Workout deck AKA “The deck of pain” guided the workout.

a few high points:

bear crawl around the perimeter of the shelter

200 LBCs

100 Flutters

100 SSHs

and a whole lot of burpees.

pray for Blart’s wife and kids.

pray for F3 Gastonia: sickness, injury, and struggles


Stretch’n in the Rain

Good morning Gents,

Lets weeks Bulldog beat down at the hands of Voodoo the Chiropractor led to some chatter about the significance of stretching.  That conversation in turn led to yoga and how great of a workout it is.  Don’t knock til you try it.  When done correctly yoga can not only be a great workout but leave you feeling stretched out, agile,  mobile, fluid, and energized.  In light of that conversation I yhc suggested that we should have a yoga workout.  The guys agreed.  It was mentioned that today was open.  Here is the backblast.

5:30-  Q fail, we skipped the pledge

There was some moseying (less than a mile).

Up and down plank

down dog



Warrior I and II

Lots of SSH

Sun salutation



Stretching of various sorts

Ab work

5 burpees to end


Prayers requests-

Clavin’s brother turned 50 and needs to be more health conscious

Timeframe’s Dad with heart issues

PAX doing the Rooster this weekend


Convergence Sat 3/21 @  7, Martha’s House (boot camp, ruck, and pain-lab)

Shooting guns at AT’s house after convergence (BOYG)


Mortimer upcoming


Prayers for family, PAX, life, freedom, and blessings

Thank you all so very much.  It is a true blessing and honor.





Calling All Gashouse Runners!

It is another cold Thursday morning at Gastonia’s Premiere Running AO.

It’s 5:30am time to run. First lets say the Pledge.

The Thang:

We ran!

The route was to Martha Rivers and back, pretty straight forward, nothing exciting other than we ran. Some ran 5 miles, some 4.5, and some 3 miles. One person had to make a pit stop at McDonald’s on the way back. I want say their name, but their initials are SLAW!




  • Convergence – 3/21
  • Axe Throwing – see Huckleberry for details

Prayer Request

  • Lynn Hamm and family
  • Beck Fritz – cancer (Breakers friend from church)
  • Don Chapman (Breaker’s friend)
  • Clavin’s mother
  • Each other
  • Teachers and administrators


From the hip at the lot of sand

11 came in excitement to experience the stupid shuffle first hand. All were over joyed and could not hold in their happiness. Simultaneously and suddenly, @5:30 the pax, started ssh that some day would never end. Followed by some merkins, squats and some planks.

Old and Cold

This gloom it was pretty cold in the downtown Belmont area. There were 5 HIM counting YHC which would work out just fine for what was in store.

After running from home to the AO, YHC slowly gathered himself so as to give the PAX a moment to prepare themselves for the onslaught. Actually, I had to get my surprise out of my vehicle, the boombox! Everybody loves it when YHC brings the tunes.


Mosey to the Pit where we hit the play button on music. No complaints!?! Amazing…now to the main event.

The Deck of Death! The following were included in the first round. Two jokers meant 10 burpees and a lap around the Pit. Aces were a lap as well. Unfortunately YHC’s music box failed after about 3 songs, didn’t even make it to the Tool. Bummer…

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Dying Cockroaches

We made it through the whole with plenty of time to spare so lets run it back. This time we did

  • CDDs
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Monkey Humpers
  • LBCs

We made it about 2/3 of the way through this one but did get in all the Aces and Jokers again. Lots of running with this DoD.

Thanks for showing today men. You’re old, it was cold but we were all better for it. Aye!

Prayer requests: Lynn Hamm, Don Chapman, Breaker Breaker’s uncle Johnny, Becky Fritz, Tesla’s father in law

Announcements: Rooster this Saturday, Convergence March 21st

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