Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 24, 2020

Pain Lab 2/22/20

We were small in number but not in effort. Great work by all and thanks for the opportunity to lead.


1 Timothy 6:11

But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.

Big Pappy

PrisonBreak Has A New Site Q

I never thought I’d ever actually be a “runner” much less Site Q a running AO. At the time PrisonBreak started, the Qs at Folsom had been including more running. Sparky was site Q at Folsom when the idea of PrisonBreak emerged. I guess he felt like it was a good time for YHC to step up to a leadership role. I was all for it. The part I wasn’t “all for” was the fact that it was a running AO. I settled in and made the best of it. I honestly gained a lot by having that accountability and responsibility of posting on Wednesday’s. I ran more SFN runs and other 5ks. I guess you can say, my position pushed me to be better at running. I even accomplished something I never dreamed of doing, run 17 miles in the Tuna 200 relay. To be able to run, not walk any, and finish my 3 legs of that relay under my listed pace was unimaginable before I took the reigns of PrisonBreak.

After about a year, I started looking to groom the next PAX into a leadership role. The timing wasn’t the best. A few AOs were also changing site Qs and guys I had in mind were stepping up into those positions. That was awesome. I had asked a couple PAX and some just hadn’t felt like it was their time. I had spoken to Broke about RoundUp. RoundUp is a “runner”, has a great attitude, and was the perfect fit. Broke and myself spoke to him and he was excited to be thought of for Site Q. I know PrisonBreak is in good hands. I’m looking forward to what he brings to the table.

Being a site Q is not a huge task to take on. It requires leadership. It requires being able to communicate. It requires some time and effort in lining up Qs and it takes time to verify that the back lasts are logged in with all PAX accounted for that post. Heck, the best part is the conference calls. I encourage those out there who haven’t stepped up yet, to step up when these opportunities come. A big part of F3 is about building leaders. At some point, we all should step up and take on a leadership role and take on a little responsibility in this organization. That’s the least we can do, considering what we gain from it. I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to my next role.

MW Out


The kingdom of Arendelle was at peace, filled with happy citizens who reaped the benefits of a kingdom of plenty. Elsa was a highly respected and loved ruler. The kingdom, however, was jeopardized by the elemental spirits of the Enchanted Forest, who sapped the kingdom’s resources, forcing everyone to evacuate. Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven led a dangerous journey into the forest to find the source of the threat to Arendelle, while the citizens were watched over by the trolls……WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! All I did was fill the Q for Huckleberry, but we did build a Snowman!

YHC was about 1 min late starting the workout as I was preparing the course for the PAX.




Mosey to Tennis courts

Build a Snowman workout:

4 Drawing boards & 8 PAX. I knew Stogie and Volt would have to leave early so 3 groups. 2 groups of 3, 1 group of 2.  Groups must build the base first (3 main snowballs) after that they can build the snowman in whatever way they wish. Each item used to build the snowman is represented by an exercise, the group must complete this together.  After the exercise is completed by the group, the group delegates 1 PAX to run to the other end of the Tennis court (long ways across 6 courts) to draw the item next to the exercise they completed, thus making a snowman. After Volt and Stogie left we had 3 groups of 2 to finish out the routine. All in all it was an awesome group effort. The end results were amazing.

Still some time left so lets do a quick mosey around the soccer field.


Nice job men!!


Announcements: Rooster 2/29, Convergence 3/21, 2nd F shooting event 3/21

Prayer requests – PAX with flu, each other

YHC took us out

Thanks for the opportunity to lead at Folsom!

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