Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 6, 2019

Let’s have a ball

12 brave souls dared to post in the darkened Midoriyama Tuesday afternoon for a fairly classic bootcamp.  With 40/50 day challenge in full swing there were some hungry pax anxiously awaiting.




Imperial walkersx15

Toy soldiers x 15


Line up for Indian run with a medicine ball.  Ball starts in front and is tossed to the next guy when the ball gets to last man sprint to front.  If ball is dropped 5 burpees.  We almost made it to soccer field before first set of burpees and managed to only accumulate only one more set of burpees during the run – much less than YHC expected so circle up for a quick Burpeethon – sets of 7,8,9,10,11,12,11,10,9,8,7 burpees on the one minute interval – a real crowd pleaser.  Finally moseyed to parking lot where YHC conspicuously left a cinder block – Handed out paper to each pax with an exercise and had everyone line up in separate parking spaces.  AMRAP the exercise while one person runs around parking lot with cinder block.  Exercises included, Werkins, diamond merkins, flutter, LBC, Peter Parker, WWI, American Hammers, SSH, Bobby Hurleys, squats, and CDDs.  This (thankfully) took us to the end.

Announcements: Come support Christmastown 5K even if you have not registered

Look for pre-blast soon regarding the Not-So-CSAUP CSAUP Saturday December 21 at each AO to mark the end of the 40/50 Freedom challenge.  Hint: start Rucking!



Prayers lifted up for families battling addiction and Freight’s Grandmother


As always it was my humble pleasure to serve.


Until next time ….

Defib out

A cool morning in Mt. Holly

After a solid 6 plus months of sweltering spring and summer a little relief came to Mt. Hollywood as Tesla took the reins to start everybody’s work week off with a strong beatdown in the cool gloom. Went like this:


Stretch out arms and trunk.

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 15

Plank, foot to palm stretches.

Mtn Climbers X 20

Mosey over to BB&T for a little partner Dora action:

100 Hand release merkins

200 big boy situps

300 squats

Run around the bank while other partner does work, flapjack.

Mosey over to the bottom of K2, Tesla’s favorite place in Mt. Holly!

Bottom, 5 burpees, run the first bump to main Street.

Main Street: 10 American hammers

Run to next bump (the really hard one); 15 diamond merkins

Run to next bump: 20 LBCs

Back to the AO: 25 CDDs.

Warm down time:

Rugby sprints across the parking lot.

1st set, 20 SSH

2nd set, 10 Mike Tysons

1 minute of feet to palm stretching.


Great morning ot be out today. EST provided us no additional light this morning. Oh well. My lab Deke is NOT happy with the time change. He may strike on opening day of duck season week after this to send a message i am told. Can’t say as I blame him.

Great crowd today, glad to see Pockets out and pushing with us this morning.  Tiger offered up the pax to pray for this week. Keep them in your prayers. Also elections coming up. We look to wisdom to make good choices.  Hope everyone voted. It is an earned right. Use it or lose it.

Honor and pleasure to lead here always.


No Voodoo in This Q

I’m starting to think Voodoo is avoiding my Q’s at the Bulldog.  This marks the 3rd time he’s conveniently missed/opted out/succumbed to a scheduling/health related/oversleeping situation.  Might this be his way of convincing me to Q more? Nope.  Read below and see if there are calls for additional workout similar to this.   I think not!

Warm up.

Side Strddle Hops


5 burpies
10 Goblet Squats
15 BB sit ups

6 burpies
15 Goblet Squats
25 LBCs

7 burpies
20 Goblet Squats
35 American Hammers

8 burpies
25 Goblet Squats
50 Dying Cockroaches

9 burpies
20 Goblet Squats
65 Flutterkicks

Mosey around the parking lot

1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Triceps Extensions
1 minute – Goblet Squats
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

Squat/Curl/Press – 1 minute

Mosey around the parking lot

1 minute – Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Triceps Extensions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

Squat/Curl/Press – 1 minute

1 minute – 1 armed Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Triceps Extensions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

Squat/Curl/Press – 1 minute

Mosey around the parking lot

4 minutes of Mary.

Xmas Party Vote,  Go Ruck 2.0,  New Shirts available for order,  F3 dads disk golf sometime in Nov., Mayor’s Chili cooking tips,

COT: Voodoo & What’s Up 2.0

Everyone is Following Broke!

It was a great morning at Prison Break. Tater Hole picked back up on his running this morning after recovering from the Tuna.
Great to see a self-proclaimed non-runner back at it this morning! Kingpin made his first post at Prison Break (if you haven’t met him yet, Gumby EH’d him, he showed up a little over a month, ago and has been going strong ever since). Roadie and Ratchet were there in all their Kotter glory! Welcome back fellas! Many familiar faces as well. We left a few minutes late as, understandably, we had to catch up with some Kotters and make sure Kingpin knew where to go!

Broke bolted out of Ingles with Montross, Tater Hole, and Bedpan not far behind. My intention was to keep pace with Broke as long as I could, hopefully until we ran into the Kotters, and then I’d slow down and run back in with those guys. Broke was rollin’ and I stayed within 20-30 yards of him for about 2 miles. I looked over my shoulder and both Bedpan and Tater Hole were doing the same, about 30-ish yards behind me. I was really impressed by their effort and it goes to show what hard work over a long period of time can do. Flash back to early 2019 and 8 minute splits weren’t even on Bedpan or Tater’s radar. Those guys have put in work this year! They did it this morning though.

Broke continued killing it, but the rest of us turned off and ran back to Ingles with Roadie and Kingpin. I got behind Roadie around Jack in the Box and stayed about 5 feet behind him all the way. I knew he would push through and my man did not disappoint, pushing through fatigue and not stopping until Ingles. I’m quite sure he was cursing me the whole way and may have turned around to whip my ass if he hadn’t been so tired!

Though he was about 5 minutes late and we missed him at the start, Ratchet pops up at Ingles minutes after we got back. He had told me he would post so, needless to say, I was really excited to see him show up and out of breath from running. It sounds like he decided to run down Struggle Street, but he got some work in and covered about 2 miles. Good work from a guy trying to get back into the groove after a few months away.

Props to Pappy. He didn’t run today but, in case you don’t know it, he has been battling plantar fascists for a while now. It was good to see him out there rucking and being smart about things! Both Volt and the Douche Canoe had to get to work, but it was nice to pass by them as we made laps around Gaston College. For the record, Volt was only 15-20 seconds behind the Canoe. I don’t know what that means, just putting it out there!

Last note before I go. As soon as Roadie picked himself off the pavement, he raises his hand and says he is a hard commit for the P200. Minutes later, Kingpin also committed to run. What a way to finish off a good morning.

Announcments: Christmastown 5k, Christmas Party January 4 @ Lewis Farm (email for RSVP is coming soon – M’s and girlfriends are welcome, but don’t bring both!). Huck and Roadie were specifically mentioned as I took us out in prayer.

Moleskin: I have told everyone for as long as I can remember that I’m not a runner. I’m still not a runner. However, signing up and taking the Q for the P200 has gotten me motivated. Like most of us, I need a goal to work toward. I have been doing bootcamp rather consistently all year but I can tell my conditioning isn’t quite as good as it was around April. So, I’m running more. I think others are the same way. I am seeing guys pick up their posting and their work as the commit to the P200 and that excites me. Huck, though he missed his alarm this morning, has been on it recently and is getting in a groove. You can see the re-invigoration. Roadie committed today because he wants something to work toward (and because he loves 2nd F thangs). Tater is continuing that trend he has been working on and I don’t know if he realizes it yet, but he’ll be running 5-6 mile legs at the P200 in March! Bedpan told his mom that he want’s P200 registration for Christmas. What that means to me is BP thinks being part of something is more important to him than a physical gift. It’s good stuff and, if you haven’t run a relay, you should definitely consider it. If you aren’t quite ready to run, we will need a few drivers as well.


Day 25: Love Forgives

This one is tough – perhaps the toughest dare in the book.  But if there is to be any hope for your marriage, this is a challenge that must absolutely be taken seriously.  Counselors and ministers who deal with broken couples on a regular basis will tell you that this is the most complex problem of all, a rupture that is often the last to be repaired.  It cannot just be considered and contemplated but must be deliberately put into practice.  Forgiveness has to happen, or a successful marriage won’t.


Jesus painted a vivid image of forgiveness in His parable of the ungrateful servant.  A man who owed a sizable sum of money was surprised when his master heard his appeals for mercy and totally canceled his debt.  But upon being released from this enormous load, the servant did a most unexpected thing; he went to another man who owed him a much smaller amount and demanded immediate payment.  When the master heard of it, things changed dramatically in his arrangement with the slave. “His lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him” (Matthew 18:34).  A day that had begun with joy and relief ended in grief and hopelessness.


Torture. Prison. When you think of unforgiveness, this is what should come to your mind, for Jesus said, “My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of does not forgive his brother from your heart” (Matthew 18:35).


Imagine you find yourself in a prison-like setting.  As you look around, you see a number of cells visible from where you’re standing.  You see people from your past incarcerated there – people who wounded you as a child.  You see people you once called friends but who wronged you at some point in life.  You might see one or both of your parents there, perhaps a brother or sister or some other family member.  Even your spouse is locked in nearby, trapped with all the others in this jail of your own making.


This prison, you see, is a room in your own heart.  This dark, drafty, depressing chamber exists inside you every day.  But not far away, Jesus is standing there, extending to you a key that will release every inmate.


No. You don’t want any part of it.  These people have hurt you too badly.  They knew what they were doing and yet they did it anyway – even your spouse, the one you should have been able to count on most of all.  So you resist and turn away.  You’re unwilling to stay here any longer – seeing Jesus, seeing the key in His hand, knowing what He’s asking you to do.  It’s just too much.


But in trying to escape, you make a startling discovery.  There is no way out.  You’re trapped inside with all other captives.  Your unforgiveness, anger, and bitterness have made a prisoner of you as well.  Like the servant in Jesus’ story, who was forgiven an impossible debt, you have chosen not to forgive and have been handed over to the jailers and torturers.  Your freedom is now dependent on your forgiveness.


Coming to this conclusion usually takes us a while. We see all kinds of dangers and risks involved in forgiving others.  For instance, what they did was really wrong, whether they admit it or  not.  They may not even be sorry about it.  They may feel perfectly justified in their actions, even going so far as to blame you for it.  But forgiveness doesn’t absolve anyone of blame.  It doesn’t clear their record with God.  It just clears you of having to worry about how to punish them.  When you forgive another person, you’re not turning them loose.  You’re just turning them over to God, who can be counted on to deal with them His way. You’re saving yourself the trouble of scripting any more arguments or trying to prevail in this situation.  It’s not about winning and losing anymore. It’s about freedom.  It’s about letting go.


That’s why you often hear people who have genuinely forgiven say, “It felt like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.”  Yes, that’s exactly what it is.  It’s like a breath of fresh air rushing into your hear.  The stale dankness of the prison house is flooded with light and coolness.  For the first time in a long time, you feel at peace.  You feel free.


But how do you do it?  You release your anger and the responsibility for judging this person to the Lord.  “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19).


How do you know you’ve done it?  You know it when the thought of their name or the sight of their face – rather than causing your blood to boil – causes you to feel sorry for them instead, to pity them, to genuinely hope they get this turned around.


There’s so much more that could be said and so many emotional issues you may need to fight through to get there.  But great marriages are not created by people who never hurt each other, only by people who choose to keep “no record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:5).

What I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ. – 2 Corinthians 2:10

Today’s Dare


Whatever you haven’t forgiven in your mate, forgive it today.  Let it go.  Just as we ask Jesus to “forgive us our debts” each day, we must ask Him to help us “forgive our debtors” each day as well. Unforgiveness has been keeping you and your spouse in prison too long.  Say from your heart, “I choose to forgive.”

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