Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 12, 2019

Beginning and Ending

11 PAX showed up on a truly humid morning for a combination Birthday and handing over of the Site Q.


Warm-Up: 9/12/64 DOB

Imperial Squat Walkers x 9

Goofballs x 12

SSH x 64


Since Park was closed, Mosey to church lot for: 

Black Jack- Perform 1 Merkin – run to other sideline – perform 20 LBCs. Run back and do 2 Merkins. Run back for 19 LBCs. Repeat until you do 20 Merkins and 1 LBC, running between the sidelines. Always adds up to 21 – BLACK JACK!


Mosey to gazebo  for:

The W.A.S.H.– with partner

Werkins x 55..years of age

American Hammers x 100

Step-Ups x 150

Hillbillies x200

Partner runs a lap and flapjack

LBC’s x55 IC

Handing over of flag

Word:  Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Yes, we sharpen one another physically; but don’t forget to focus on the spiritual sharpening:

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,
Ephesians 1:7 ESV

Announcements: Races: Bit of Hope, 9-11, Stop Soldier Suicide, JJ5K, Ragnar, Christmastown

Requests: Tophat friend’s surgery and his mom

Leppard’s wife

Clavin’s mom

Orangeman’s family member stroke and stress tests 

Name -o -rama

YHC took us out..after forgetting

Buckeye took the flag..after forgetting.

It has been a true blessing and honor to serve as Site Q at The Goat. It is really a great venue! And thanks to all of the pax for stepping up and Q’ing. I never had problems filling the Q schedule.

So, parting advise..step up and Q! If you don’t know where to begin, copy this Q..we did two things-Black Jack and W.A.S.H. and that burned about the whole workout..and probably some of our arms..haha.

So, come out and support Buckeye..shuffle or no one to whom I happily, yet with some sadness, hand over The Goat!



35 years young

Perfect day for commemorating Tater Hole’s birthday. In honor of that:

Mosey to the amphitheater.

Lap around equals about 350 feet.

35 Rocky Balboas


35 Tiger squats


35 dips

Mosey to big parking lot

Sprint 35 yards across the parking lot.

35 Merkins


35 mountain climbers


35 LBCs


35 lunge jumps


35 Flutters


35 squat jumps

Mosey to the Flag at Dallas/cherryville and back to the tennis court parking lot.

35 Burpees

Forgot to do nameorama because of [see above].


  1. Great crowd this morning. Great to see some guys coming back on the regular that we haven’t had the pleasure of seeing. Keep it up Folsom!

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