Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 16, 2019

Core Invasion Apocalypse!

It’s coming! Saturday at The Yank. The Core Group from the East will ford the mighty Catawba at dawn to meet on the field of battle known as The Fighting Yank. Can this invasion be stopped? Maybe a better question is do they know what liver mush is? Well they are for sure going ot learn about Bear Crawl Slalom! And of course the secret weapon – The Horrific  Halfpipe.  Right of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: “The horror, the horror”.

I would show to know. This could be as epic as the Plains of Marathon and Thermopylae! You will not want to to say to your grand kids when they asked “what did you do when the core guys came over from Charlotte and invaded our AO” you won’t have to say “I fart sacked”.


Good morning from The Goat!

So as YHC meandered up New Hope Road in the gloom he came upon a poor soul that had rolled his car into a ditch. Fortunately the guy in the wreck was out of the car and receiving help as the Gaston County police got on seen. and yes it put me behind! Had I been there on time (I was running about 2 minutes late) I could well have been in that wreck.  And the outcome would not have been good. Hmmm. Things to ponder at 5:20 am.

So as YHC pulled in almost late (but not quite) we got with it as follows



Two minutes of stretching.

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead Squats X 20

20 LBCs

10 burpees , 5 for us, 5 for the train.

Mosey up the hill to the Cramerton Coliseum! Where there was work to be done.

first set: Elevens

Step ups (each leg) (Bottom)

Dirkins (top)

That tended to gas the crowd so a little more work.

3 rounds

Bottom: Big boy sit ups

Top: Hand release merkins, Tijuana Dreamers

1st round: Big boys X 10, HRM X5

2nd round: Big boys X 15, HRM X 10

3rd Round: Big boys X 20, TDs X 20

Mosey back down to the park and the bridge.

Gazebo work as follows

Two Rounds, pullups, Diamond merkins, burpees, run to the top of the hill and 10 side straddle hops

Roound 1: 5X, 5X, 5X, run, 10 SSH

Round 2: 10X, 10X, 10X, run, 10 SSH

Time for some Mary

Obliques, 20X per side


1 minute of stretching




YHC was a little shaken by the wreck but recovered. Pax went hard and that helped. We had not been to the coliseum of late so I felt the need to pay a visit. Glad we did – it was a beast! All of course for a warm up up for Saturday’s date with the Core Group, aka the bad ass old men’s club.

Prayers out to Gastone who lost his dad last week. And the poor guy in that wreck that had a really bad day. Also for a new pax from Greensboro that will be joining us soon that is moving in down here in South Shore. Look for news on a possible Wednesday AO down this way soon.

Tesla out!


Minimum of Complaint

We ran … after all. Leppard didn’t like something about the route. I don’t know what it was. He was heard. We moved on.

I started The Pub AO in 2017, gave it to JJ (Tclaps) last year, and was very happy to lead it one last time. (Queue Tool Time reminding me that I once thought of closing the AO after weeks of 1 PAX beatdowns, usually by me but not always.) Now the usual Thursday crowd is bigger than ever (even without those who now just walk around.)

I’m starting to feel the beginning of the end of my time in Gastonia. I’m grateful to each of the HIM in Gastonia for setting an example. I’m much better for F3, and in Gastonia, that’s you.

Announcements: Mount Mitchell on Sunday; Speed for Need on Saturday 5/25; THE MURPH; need Pub Qs for rest of May;

Prayers: All who’ve lost loved ones recently, incl families of Gastone & Sargento; and families touched by illness, incl JJ’s father in law (heart attack). Forestview student Adam Jenkins (cancer);  Whetstone Stones & Blades


Tater Tot and the John Wick

Great crowd at Folsom this morning. Warm up waiting on a few to roll in. Always happy to have a few more.

Cotton pickers, imperial walkers, SSHs

Mosey to the pavilion for

32 dips

32 Bobby Hurley’s

32 rocky balboas

Mosey to shelter 1

32 derkins

32 step ups

32 jump squats

Mosey to shelter 2

32 CDDs

32 mountain climbers

32 SSHs

“Rinse and repeat”

Mosey to the Tennis court

Ascending Merkins. 6 sprints to each back court line and back to start adding 1 merkin each round.

Circle up for an in cadence tater tot special lunge twist thing he calls “the John Wick”.

(He’ll get there)



Lots of prayers going out for those that are hurting in F3… and for our families.

Praise report for Gumby’s mom which is definitely great to hear

Be available for your brothers in this group whether it be prayers or physical presence. Make it a point to get to the 2nd F events. We all need the encouragement and accountability to keep going. It’s not always easy to push yourself or get out to the workouts so take opportunities to help and build each other up. If someone has been missing, reach out to them personally. All we can hope is that as we impact each other that our circle of influence will grow beyond our families and beyond Dallas and Gastonia.

Paul talks about how to grow our circle of influence in 2 Corinthians.

“We do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others. But our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged,”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:15‬

As the Holy Spirit leads you to boast in Him and the work he’s doing in your life… pray for others that you can influence. Not in arrogance, but in the hope that we will win them to Christ, and they will lead their families, and others in turn.


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