Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 9, 2018

My M is yelling at me while I type

And I can’t concentrate, which is creating a writer’s block.  Now mind you, she’s watching the AMA’s while talking on the phone with a friend, trying to unwind from a long, hectic day.   And of all things, I’m interrupting her while typing.   Not talking, but TYPING, very quietly.   Think the issue was that I turned the lamp on.   I would ask for the brotherhood to back me.  If you have a chance, text her a random message at 704-718-4464 about the importance of back blasts – let her know that Turtleman sent you.    She doesn’t understand the wrath of the weasel shaker.

Anyhow, the title was going to be a bucketful of jellybeans.   To Roadie’s point, they were sugar-free and pretty hard…. and heavy.   Had a good turnout of 12 men.

The Thang



SSH x 30 IC

LBC x 30 IC

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

Merkins x 20 IC

Mosey around Snowballs while each PAX bucket carried our jellybeans around 1x,.  Continue mosey until all 12 HIMS have completed one lap.  By my count, it was close to a half mile.

Mosey down to old HT shopping center, alternating jellybean carry.

From parking lot, mosey to loading dock, bear crawl down the ramp, run to parking lot and complete 20 squats

Rinse and repeat above x3; plank it up waiting on the six

Quick count off

Next up we formed in a horizontal line (that’s not vertical) and  crab walked to the first light pole, mosey back to the start

Rinse and repeat x3; plank it up waiting on the six

Next up form a line on your six, get close together.  Complete 1 chest press with the jellybean bucket and pass to the next HIM.  This is where it got interesting.  Think it was Roadie who shouted, one is too easy, let’s make it 3.  That sounded good, make it 3 YHC confirmed.  Then Huckleberry I believe,  wanted to demonstrate that he could bench press a car and did like 40.  At that point, Squirt yelled, I feel like I should be doing something else.  Ok, YHC  concurred.  Everyone does big boy sit ups while the bucket comes down the line.   There was some other mumble chatter and I heard in a serious tone that the Q needed to take control.   YHC quickly countered that this was a group activity, inspired to drive engagement and collaboration from the PAX.  Clearly, that was accomplished.   Shortly after, YHC Omaha’d from there.   Editors note:  this activity will make a return and will be dynamic.

Mosey up the parking lot for some Dora, pair up.  200 squats, 100 merkins total.  1 partner runs across the parking lot while the other performs the exercise.

Plank waiting on the six

Mosey towards Snowballs, don’t forget the jellybeans.

Stop at the wall; Dips x 20 IC, Step ups 10 per leg; Rinse and Repeat

Mosey back to Snowballs; TIME



Start getting ready for 2019 Burpeethon

Christmastown 5k is quickly filling up

Easy Rider has the Q next Monday and had a sly grin on his face while saying that he has something special.


Good work men.  Keeping pushing the rock.  If you haven’t posted in a while, get out there.  It does your body and mind some good.



F3Gastonia Whetstone Update Oct 2018

F3Gastonia Whetstone has been up and running since July.  Many Stones and Blades are having conversations every few weeks or so; one pair almost weekly. The PAX into it have good things to say, so it must be moving them to advantage.

But remember that not every meeting brings immediate results; sometimes it takes a while for things to get moving. If that’s the case, try to continue for another few meetings. If it’s really not working, let’s talk. Sometimes the Stone & Blade just aren’t the right fit. There are PAX willing to serve as Stones who are currently unmatched, so we can reshuffle a pair.

New initiative: Have a good conversation and don’t mind posting some insight? Create a new post as if you are writing a backblast and give us a few sentences, a paragraph or two.  (HT: Roscoe for the idea)



7 men fought off either the fart sack and/or sandy v.  We were greeted in the parking lot by a semi-fresh pile of crap.  Sister Act and Bedpan attempted to remove it, but ended up just making it worse.  After a little small talk and kotters to War Eagle, it was 05:30 and time to clock in.

Warmup: SSH x 15IC, low slow squats and toy soldiers x 10 IC

Mosey down to the lower turd shack and partner up.  Partner 1 will hold BTTW while partner 2 lunges around the shack.  Flapjack.

Up the stairs doing 20 calf raises per step.

Back in the parking lot we did 4 corners escalator style.  Corner 1: 25 merkins.  Corner 2: 25 merkins and 50 flutter kicks.  Corner 3: 25 merkins, 50 flutter kicks and 75 mountain climbers.  Corner 4: 25 merkins, 50 flutter kicks, 75 mountain climbers and 100 lbcs.  Once complete we de-escalated back around.  During the escalated part of the long run was a nur, bear crawl the short.

Mosey back to the launching point and circle up.  Pulled out the deck of death and went around for a few times.  Exercises were: 25 American hammers, 100 flutter kicks, 100 calf raises, 17 lbcs, 25 shoulder taps, 18 squat thrusts, 25 mountain climbers, 18 merkins, 19 ranger merkins and 25 plank jacks.


22 for the vets.



Annoucements: Christmastown 5k

Prayer requests:  Oompa Loompa’s family, those battling injuries, those battling the fart sack, family member off a coworker of Montross.

BOM: YHC closed in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


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