Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 6, 2018

Modify Modify Modify


15IC Don Q’s
15LBC’s IC
50 Moroccan Night Clubs IC for Quiche before he left for work after a 7 mile mosey!


The Thang:

Modify Modify Modify….only three of us so we moseyed for 2.5 miles

, climbed the stairway to heaven multiple times and we did Dips




Hayzus hasn’t moseyed that far in years, he stuck with us and pushed himself the whole time! Impressive work brother!

Then moseyed back to the Pain Lab and jumped in with the rest of the Pax. Where Hipaa lead us through some ridiculous exercises with props! We finished with

Mary !




Christmastown 5k sign up quick it will sell out soon!


Sick and injured PAX, Families of Pax and friends who have recently lost loved ones,

F3 Sly and the soldiers serving around the world , Praises for the strength He provides us daily so we can come out and do this F3 thing.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Death in a Box

YHC still hasn’t been posting much while training for the Bourbon Chase relay next week. Still, it’s important to keep up with that full body fitness that we all need. As such, YHC signed up for the Q on this day. A snag came up Saturday on a run when that stupid old hamstring started giving me some problems. What to do? Gotta Q. As everything seems to have a way of working out sometimes, the week before YHC finally received his very own officially licensed and produced Deck of Death from F3 that he’d ordered back in 2014 it felt like! Perfect non mosey type of stuff.

Here’s what I remember…

Warm Up:

Goof Balls x20 IC

Morrocan Night Clubs I think x20 IC

Dying Cockroaches I think x20 IC

The Thang:

Break out the deck, preshuffled of course. These cards are slippery. Our goal is to make it through the whole deck before time’s up.

The mission this time is to do whatever exercise is listed on the card, there was a lot of variety. Lots of different kinds of merkins, I know that much.

Number cards would be 10 reps.

Face Cards are 25 reps.

Aces were 100 reps of that one.

We made it through 44 of the cards, 8 left over. We’ll have to do better next time. Maybe we’ll skip the warmup next time.

Moleskin: Still love the deck of deck. The new version has several different kinds of workouts baked into it. We’ll explore more next time. Best thing about it is that it keeps us close together and almost helps create mumble chatter. Love it!

Prayer Requests: Breaker Breaker’s family, Orangeman’s daughter, Boudin’s brother in law

Announcements: Burpeethon was today at 9. Were you there? Christmastown 5k, Gilligan has VQ next week!


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