Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: October 4, 2018


My M just returned from a week in Europe with her mom.  During that time I was flying solo with two girls under 4 years old and was not able to post much.  Good to get back at it this AM.

No FNGs today, and I am an idiot.

Moroccan night clubs in cadence (31), Toy Soldiers (21), my favorite mercans (10), and squats (11).   Count off – we have 9.  Form two lines, mosey.  High Knees mosey in formation, butt kicks in formation, and finish at my jeep to get some coupons (no matter how you pronounce coupon).

4 sandbags – was supposed to use these a couple weeks ago last time I Qed at the goat, however, due to some unforeseen circumstances we were not able to enjoy them until today.  Unfortunately they were now significantly heavier due to collection of moisture.  The bags were originally supposed to show what the people on the coast would be dealing with prior to hurricane Florence, even all these weeks later I still believe they would remind us of the ongoing flooding in the lower areas near the coast.

Partner up 2 rounds (mayor, dolph and seuss made a super group). P1 runs to top of hill complete single flying squirrel, P2/P3 do work – train brought 5 prior to starting.

  1. Bobby Hurleys
  2. Plank sandbag lateral pull throughs
  3. Bicycles on your six
  4. Plank reaches

The sandbags got tore up here, this was a bit shortsighted on my part.  my plans for sandbag squats later would need an OMAHA.

Mosey to the pavilion

P1 runs to clock completes 5 flying squirrels, P2/P3 do work – no train this time. only time for one round.

  1. Squats – should have been sandbag squats – Orangeman was disappointed and commented on my nearsightedness.  Mayor mentioned he could not see anymore, Dolph offered to help.
  2. Pull Ups/let downs
  3. American Hammers
  4. more plank

Mosey to the goat island bridge – Orangeman and dolph sang whilst making the short mosey more enjoyable

Derkin Shuffle – feet on rail of bridge, shuffle hands across the bridge – switch sides at the half way point with your partner.  Lunge for those whom are feeling the burn.    Dirt was complaining about a height disadvantage.  Jokes were made.  All pax pushed hard.

Running out of time – 2 rounds of six shooter crunches in cadence – run back to the flag as time expires.  Almost forgot pledge, Orangeman was on point.

As usual, Seuss was crushing some runs, Dolph was being Dolph, and today Orangeman was a bit chatty.

Announcements – Burpeethon – Saturday Rankin Lake Park – Starts at 9 am,  come a little early, you can pay/register the day of the event.

Prayer Request – Breaker Breaker Family, Guidance for Orangemans Daughter, Friends of Virus dealing with Cancer Tx – both had successful surgery, Maddox Ritch and his Family, Officers in SC and the nation, and finally the PAX – allow each PAX to provide a positive example for family, friends, coworkers and anyone that we interact with throughout each day.



Deja vu

Well it’s Tuesday at Midoriyama and 16 HIMS posted for a Pizza Man Q.  I wanted to bring back an old Q I did a year or so ago.  17:30 approaches…short disclaimer and mentioned that if you don’t get your money worth then I will give you credit.  With that said…



Don Q’s X 10 IC

The Thang:

Let’s mosey…the PAX ran the roads through Midoriyama and we did exercises at every opening, at the playground, under the shed, and at every speed bump.  The exercises were:

  • Merkins X 25
  • LBC’s X 25 IC
  • Incline Merkins X 25
  • Flutters X 25 IC
  • Slow Squat X 25 IC
  • Decline Merkins X 25
  • WWI X 25
  • Wide Merkins X 25
  • American Hammers X 25 (count right-side)
  • 25 Pull-ups
  • Diamond Merkins X 25
  • LBFC’s X 25 (count crunch)
  • Hand Release Merkins X 25
  • Dying Cockroaches X 25 (count right foot)
  • Dips X 25 IC
  • Freddy Mercury’s X 25 IC
  • At every speed bump along the route the PAX did 5 burpees and one train (total of 35 burpees)

Mosey back to the flag for 22 for the VETS….TIME!!


Great work by all that posted!!  As always it is an honor to be a small piece of this group.  Thanks to each of you for helping me become a better husband, father, and man!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUTTTTT!!!


Prayer Request



Burpees by the Lake (Burpeethon) – Oct. 6th at 9am –>BE THERE!!!

SFN Christmastown 5k – November 24th at 6pm –>SIGN UP NOW!!!


Getting stronger

We lifted things and are getting stronger ! Show to know!

Prayer request- Canup family, Darth Visor family and pax, our families

announcments- burpees by the lake! Christmas town 5k

Its always a pleasure to lead, thanks for allowing me to do so!


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