Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 31, 2018

Fellowship and Some Excercise

I’m sorry for the late BB.

16 High Impact Men showed to better themselves, their families, there communities, and the souls they will have a chance to impact this day.

The focus of this particular workout was fellowship.  It stemmed from an earlier workout Q’d by Whoopee.  I thought it was a very challenging and productive morning but when I read his BB he made a very good point. What he labeled as a Q fail was that there was very little opportunity for fellowship during the workout.  Lets face it, the fellowship is a HUGE motivation for overcoming the fart sack and posting.  With that said, the idea behind this was to keep the group grouped, moving at his own pace, giving and getting a push and some encouragement from a peer when needed, and some conversation….all the while getting in a good workout.

This was what that looked like.


SSH x 20

High Knees x 20

Mosey to short wall in front for bank for Dips x 20

The Thang:

Mosey to the Old Coconut Horse parking lot for this idea taken directly from the Dolph playbook.  Thanks Dolph.

10 parking placed were set up as stations marked in chalk.  The Pax was to complete said exercise and mosey, run, walk, limp. crawl, or whatever they can do two light poles down (approx 150′) and back then continue to the next station.

The stations were as follows;

  1. Burpees x 10
  2. American Hammers x 20
  3. Merkins x 20
  4. LBC’s x 50
  5. CDD’s x 20
  6. Curls with either 17lb or 30lb dumbells x 20
  7. Squats x 20
  8. Toe Risers x 20
  9. Bobby Hurleys x 10
  10. Leg Raises x 20

We did this until 6:14am then mosey back to start.  My fitness watch said we did roughly 2.5 miles all the while listening to some music, talking, and hanging out.  The time seemed to fly by.

It was really great to see Bandit.

Great fellowship and work by all.  You are all such and inspiration.

Please read HIPAA’s post for the announcements.  There are quite a few and all great stuff.  It’s so nice to be part of a group doing great thing for the community.




The Pain of Isolation

It’s been awhile. Had my third child, Anna Joy Rinaldi, and been anxious to get back. I’ve had this idea in my head about the pain of isolation, as I certainly experienced this while having to step away from F3, making sure Anna, my M Sloane and family were taken care of in her early months.

THE WARMUP (10 in cadence except burpees) – Side Strapple hops, burpees (5), plank jacks, burpees (5), and peter parkers


THE THANG – Dubbing it now as The Isolation Train. Each HIM in plank position. One HIM runs around the building, all other HIMs do shoulder taps until returns. this is repeated, with next exercise being mountain climbers, then left foot to right hand, right foot to left hand, until all 13 HIMs have completed…Analogous God’s mercy and grace, through in some isolated LBCs…We moseyed back to the  starting point after doing a lap, to the next part – The Isolation Wall. Similar to the Isolation Train, Each Him would be inverted on the Wall. This time, two HIMS would run at a time around the wall, until all completed 2X. The exercises would be Hip Slappers, Donkey Kicks, and Jock Straps (my version of Ballz ;-)) to the Wall… Again analogous of God’s mercy and grace, through in some wall sits to ease the should stress…All HIMs returned back to the where we had completed The Isolation Train and repeated it. This time with two running together around the building, while others completed shoulder taps, mountain climbers, etc…We mosey’d back to the starting point to wrap up with two exercise symbolizing the power of sharing each other’s burdens and being there for one another through struggles. Each group of two did patty cake merkins and hand shake squats…Dolph concluded us with Big Boy Situps.

I spoke about the theme of isolation…Asking the question of where do we often carry our burdens? With HIMs answering on our shoulders…And where was the focus of the workout?….Shoulders!!!

There’s so much good that comes when we come alongside each other and share each others burdens, be there in times of need, celebrate in God’s many ways of blessing us.

That’s the dilly dilly!!!

Slim Shady

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