Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 29, 2018

Why Run?

It was another humid morning to start out in the Folsom gloom. The PrisonBreak attendance has been pretty darn good since the AO started and today didn’t disappoint. I’m sure the reason behind this phenomenon is due to the HIMness of the site Q………….or……….his leg.  The Folsom AO started about 2.5 years ago and the amount of running per WO May have reached a total of .5-.75 miles. Which sucked then. For some odd damn reason all of a sudden Folsom decides .5 miles is not enough and it’s gotten carried away to where Folsom hosts 2 running AOs a week! Then, some started with the XmasTown 5k, then the first CSAUP relay, more 5ks, another CSAUP relay and now, some are talking about the P200!!!! What has happened to ole school Folsom? Anyway, cars are rolling in, yes, cars. The Folsom brand has made such a stamp out and about the Gastonia region that not just the stereotypical truck driver posts nowadays. Enough of the chit chat. It’s 5:30 and WomanLeg is not present.


All PAX ran, moseyed, mall walked, or jogged this AM for between 2-5 miles give or take. Some left early and some left late.

Announcements LaborDay Murph at Martha’s

YHC took us out in prayer

It’s an honor to Q and be the site Q for Prisonbreak even though I’m not a “runner.” I hate running, but for some dumb reason I continue to perform said dumbness.

MW Out

Special Olympics – Burpees by the Lake (AKA Burpeethon)

This is an intensive 2 person team workout for the burpee enthusiast!

There will be adults only heats and adult/child heats

Added bonus: $2.00 “How many can you do in a minute?” competitions for prizes! (Burpees, push-ups, sit-ups, hip slappers)


October 6th, 2018      9:00 am– 11:00 am

Rankin Lake Park, 1750 Rankin Lake Rd, Gastonia




COST: $25.00 paid day of event.  Cotton adult sized Guardian of Flames t-shirt for all participants if registered by 9/18/18 – 100% of all proceeds go to Special Olympics NC

Waiver: Please print and sign the waiver – 2018 General Waiver for SONC-Burpeethon.  Remember to bring with you day of the event.

REGISTRATION: Rankin Lake Park Waterfront Shelter  8:00am-9:00 am the day of the event


Pre-Register below by September18th to reserve your T-SHIRT!!!!!

Error: Contact form not found.


14 PAX posted for another one of Pizza Man’s JV Q’s.  A baker dozen stayed for the beat down while one went for a solo bike ride.  Many of you know that I have a routine of doing a Monday Murph.  With this Q I wanted to honor another fallen VET so I searched and found a pretty good one called the “Zachary Tellier”.   After reading who the workout was named in honor of I realized this HIM was from Charlotte.  17:30 was approaching and the PAX kept arriving.  17:30 hits and it’s time to begin….


SSH x 15 IC

Don Q’s x 10 IC

Let’s mosey to the small soccer field…YHC read a short description of who Zachary Tellier was and that this workout was to honor HIM!!

The Thang:

10 Burpees

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

50 Lunges(25 each leg)

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

50 Lunges(25 each leg)

100 Big Boy Sit-Ups

Jog across the field

10 Burpees

25 Merkins

50 Lunges(25 each leg)

100 Big Boy Sit-Ups

150 Air Squats

Throughout this workout mubblechatter was at a minimal but the PUSH was great!!  Great work by ALL!!

With time to spare we moseyed to the playground for 11’s.  The exercises were Pull-Ups and Merkins…this was definitely a crowd pleaser!!  I reminded the PAX that this is JV and in order to get to varsity you must PUSH THE ROCK!!



As always, thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to lead the HIMs that posted at Midoriyama.  You are an amazing group of men and the brotherhood we have out there is indescribable.



Labor Day Murph – September 3rd @ 7am – Martha Rivers  (ALL OTHER AO’s WILL BE CLOSED)

SFN Stop Solider Suicide 5/10k – September 22nd @ 7:30am Discount Code:HAPPY

JJ5K – September 22nd @ 9am

Special Olympics Burpee-thon – October 6th @ Rankin Lake


Until next time…Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!

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