Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 15, 2018

Kiki…..Folsom, Do you love me?

Folsom, do you love me? Are you posting?
Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me
‘Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I’m down for you always
Folsom, do you love me? Are you posting?
Say you’ll never ever leave from beside me
‘Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I’m down for you always

  • HIPAA – In My Oostings

Arrived at 5:15AM. Medicine Woman was there. Yup, just me and him. We were so disappointed with Folsom PAX. 5:29:59AM, Allen Tate arrives. We are still all disappointed. Well at least Allen Tate arrived in time so no “late” burpees are required. Well, lets get the show started.


The Thang:




10 IW IC

Mosey to the Tennis Courts

I announced to the group we are doing accumulating exercises. Meaning do exercise #1 run and return for round one. Do exercise #1, #2, run and return for round two. Rinse and repeat for a total of 10 rounds

Decided to turn on some tunes for us. Little Slipknot radio for our listening pleasure.

Round 1: 10 Merkins IC run length of tennis court and return

Round 2: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, run length of tennis court and return

Round 3: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO run length of tennis court and return

Sparky arrives as we are heading back to the start point. I yell 8 Burpees as he is 8 minutes late, but for him (Not HIM) only

Resume as group

Round 4: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, run length of tennis court and return

Round 5: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, run length of tennis court and return

Round 6: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Round 7: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Round 8: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Burpees run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Round 9: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Burpees, 30 CDD’s OYO,  20 Squats OYO run length of tennis court and return  (NUR 1st, RUN 2nd)

Mosey Back to Flag


Prayer Requsts


Sparky took us out

Thanks to the 3 HIM that decided to show. It was a pleasure as always. Great conversations, even saw a shooting star.


What’s in a name?

When I heard my Friend Bambi may be posting on Wed Morning I knew I could not fartsack.  My running has been hampered of late by a nagging injury which has led me to skip a few workouts for fear of the 3 mile sprint.  I asked on the twitterer who had the Q for Wed morning and Gastone said it was open if I wanted it.  Not sure which day was Snoballs and Which day was the Black Knight, I blasted out that “Hushpuppy has the Q for Marha’s Black Knights Snoballs on Wed”.  Needless to say, Gastone was not impressed and pointed out (again) that each workout has it’s own name and promptly loaded my name into the Q list on google drive as Hushpoopy.  Welcome to the kitchen, there’s the heat.

Bambi was already present when I arrived, Several runners came in from EC as the clock wound down so we began.  Disclaimer: I’m an idiot, you’re an idiot for being here, i’m not a professional.  Modify as needed, there’s no one to sue because if you do something to get hurt then you’re a big idiot. Everyting I say is a suggestion and my biggest suggestion is that you go back home and go to bed.

No takers, so we honored the stars and stripes.


Imperial walkers IC x 15, Merkins IC x 10, Flutter Kicks X 15 IC,  and the runners training for the BRR took off.

Introduced the Split Jack, which is like a Merkin only with feet kicking out front, one at a time like a dancing girl.  15 IC.

Mosey to the Martha’s parking lot.  Circle up, count off for effect, then the next exercise, Aiken Legs:

Frankly, I didn’t get past the A’s in the Exicon as I searched for something for my Weinke.  Aiken legs looked cool and seemed to fill some time, so I called it.

20 Box jumps (on the curb), 20 Squats, 20 lunges, 20 Split Jacks: OYO.  Wash, rinse, repeat for a total of 3 times.

After a 10 count it was time for some Dora 123.  100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s.  (I originally called LBFC’s but realized that would take a really long time so Omaha’d).

after another 10 count, time for 4 corners on a short parking lot around some islands.  Started at 12 and worked downward at each corner, Merkins OYO.

After another 10 count, the time was 10 til finish so we mosey’d back to Snoballs Black Knight’s Parking lot.

6 minutes of Mary, with some LBFC’s (really wanted to do these), Flutter kicks, Dying Cockroaches, and I think crunches.

Runners arrived just in time.  6:15

Announcements: BRR, a driver is needed, Support for the Ladies getting after it on Saturday morning launching a women’s morning workout weekly at Dallas park 8am on Saturdays.  Encourage your M to be a part.  Convergence this Saturday for CSPAN sendoff from Fort Mill, Clown cars leave the Roses parking lot Belmont at 5:30am.  Whetstone project is in effect.  More than mentorship, Whetstone is designed to sharpen a man for life.  The Stone gives up something when he is applied, The blade gives up something when he is sharpened, but both gain wisdom and purpose through the relationship. See Monk if you’d like to be involved as a Stone or a blade.

Prayers for Monks coworker, who’s child passed from cancer.  Madoff prayers for Nikki Bailey fighting cancer, Sargento’s wife with knee injury, and some others.

Moleskin: It’s easy to get whiny and make excuses to quit.  For as long as I can remember I’ve always hurt.  But the fact is, I hurt more when I sit still.  I hurt less when I move and when I move with you.  See you in the Gloom.





Lone Rucker

12 HIMS fought the sack and NES to hit Prison Break this AM. All were well rested and ready to log some miles. Look, Hacksaw brought in an FNG. After several weeks of running Wednesday’s, YHC switches it up to ruck. To my surprise, I was the only one who performed said work. 5:30 hits

brief disclaimer (Hacksaw has already filled the FNG in)



All but myself ran while I rucked. Nothing really out of the norm on this particular morning. After all were satisfied, we meet back at start.  Welcome Stripes(Kyle Haywood)



YHC took us out in prayer

600 in 1

With the big NES classic craze going on around Folsom, YHC has been swamped with programming requests that I’ve gotten behind on my BBs. In case you haven’t heard, the craze I’m speaking of, is the Classic NES mini that was realeased a while back that was loaded with 30 original old school Nintendo games. Well, these little $60 games were selling for triple online but were loaded with over 600 games.  Being the “nerd” I’ve been called, and the fact that I’m an electronics technician, I had pondered attempting to do these “mods” myself. Not like I was going to go in business doing it, but that’s stuff I love to do. Heck, I’d made a killing of if Sister Act. Ask him. Anyway, I was successful and now everyone around Folsom and abroad has over 600 retro games. So, you now get the title of the B.B.


mosey to the far parking lot


route 66 walking and Bobby Hurley’s, turn around Route 66 lunging with Squats.

mosey back to start to grab a 50 pound bag of corn from Sparkys truck. Head to the tennis courts. Line up, going in order, each PAX was to call an exercise. Once he calls the exercise, he carries the corn half the distance of the courts area and back while the rest of the PAX performed his exercise AMRAP. Most were called in cadence, while the obvious exercises were OYO. Exercises called(I might have missed one or two);

Hipslappers, burpees, LBCs, merkins, Contra burpees, Low slow Squats, hacksaws, imperial walkers, imperial Squats, nur around the court, Plank jacks, mountain climbers, SSH, American hammers, Moroccan night clubs, alternating lunges, French fries, flutter kicks, little man in the woods(squat position SSH), Mike Tysons.

Sooo, to bring this together, the NES is a multicade of 600 games in 1, not hitting 600, but for sure a multicade of Fun.

Announcements; JJ5k, Soldier runs, Snowbird men’s retreat. Hit me up for dates.


YHC took us out in prayer

Pleasure to Q our fine establishment. The NES has already been responsible for some late night/no posts. Hopefully this will straighten out once the new wears off. If you are in the Gastonia region, I’ll hook your NES up for free. 😉

Coast to Coast

11 HIM showed at Midoryama on a hot day to push the rock, great effort by all.  Wojo feeling some back pain but didn’t let that stop him. Several showed early for EC.  Pizza Man and Sister Act took the Iron Pax challenge.

QIC called time and started with SSH and Don Q’s.

Midoryama has a main road that leads from entrance to the back soccer fields.  Series of street lights line from entrance to F3 parking lot on same side of road, six lights.  At parking lot lights switch to other side of road, seven lights to soccer fields.  Q leads PAX to first light nearest parking lot toward soccer fields.  Calls 40 merkins, then sprint to first light leading toward entrance.  Light is on PAX right side due to change in direction of lights from parking lot.  At that light Q calls 40 Bobby Hurleys.  Sprint toward soccer fields to second light on right, 40 diamond merkins.  Sprint opposite direction to second light on right for 20 lunges each leg.  Continue changing directions and running to next light in sequence.  Exercises called were wide arm merkins, low slow squats, stagger merkins left arm forward, lunge walk, stagger merkins right arm forward, calf raises, and military merkins, all 40 reps and continuing to change directions and run to next light in sequence.

Mosey to start for pledge.

Tough workout, due to exhausted arms (240 merkins total) and lots of running combined with hot temps.  PAX brought it those as usual.  Great work, hope you got money’s worth.

Good to have visit from Penny Pincher who normally posts in Ft Mill/Rock Hill area.

Lots of announcemnets, CSAUP and Sargento 2nd F on Aug 25, convergence at Fort on Aug 18, tubing Aug 18, Speed for need and JJ 5K in September, Burpeethon in Oct.

Prayer requests: kids, teachers, administrators starting new school year, those battling addiction.

Q ended in prayer.

Always an honor and a pleasure


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