Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 19, 2018

F3 Gastonia Whetstone update

F3 Gastonia Whetstone launched a week and a half ago.  We have a bunch of guys signed up  as Stones or Blades or both.  But we know there are guys out there who haven’t signed up, or are still thinking about it. NOW IS THE TIME!

Whetstone is one of the best opportunities for personal growth and leadership that you will find.  Whether you are a blade or a stone,  you will become a better person and advance in an area life where you need it…  and live more happily because of it. Here’s how the Q Source describes it:

We will continue pairing blades and stones this weekend, so sign up now at this link:

The form does not take long to fill out.   It asks you  for info such as  your hospital name, F3 name, where you work, where are you often post, and allows you to request another guy as your stone or blade.

Next week, we will begin emailing blades and stones to tell them who they are paired with. The idea is that  each stone and blade will start meeting in July, meet 45 to 60 minutes every two or three weeks, and continue at least a few months  to give the pairing a chance to work.

So sign up now  or ask another F3 guy if you’d like to understand Whetstone better.  You can always contact me at  or speak with Tool Time, JK2, Roscoe, Def Leppard, or Whoopie, who are helping me with Whetstone.  Their contact information is in the F3 app.





Diggin for gold

10 Gashouse men showed Sunday morning and gave it all they had on the Walk/Ruck/Run 5 miler. Thank you guys for your inspiration!!! It was  nice rucking with Hippa and Oompa. We met a local man walking on the green way. We had a nice conversation and we may have talked him into meeting us next weekend. I want to encourage all of you that haven’t came out on a Sunday mornings.

Please keep all PAX and their families and friends in your prayers. God is doing good things in the Gashouse.


More Blocks!

Well, business as usual! I pulled into Folsom a few minutes earlier then normal, with a good group of HIMs waiting for their instructions! Huck is quick to let me know it’s time to get started, upon his reminder, I call out 10 burpees oyo! Hold up, we have an fng! I’m reminded, disclaimer! Now we can do 10 burpees oyo! 15 toy soldiers ic, let’s mosey toward the flag at the entrance of Folsom. Along the way we stop at the fork in the road, for some merkins ic, continue to the flag. Arriving at the flag, let’s get in some lbcs while the six catches up, pledge, mosey back to the CARS! What someone brings to our attention Folsom has more cars then trucks? What has happened? Anyway everyone grab a block! And circle up for some 20 to 1, try to do this without putting the block down!

Shoulder press




We finish, and we have a couple of minutes left, mosey around the tennis courts!  Oompa joined back up with us at this point, and it’s time to name the fng! Welcome Matt Greene! From now on he will be known as CTD ( crash test dummy) !

Announcements: CSPAN will be the guess Q at Folsom this Saturday! Come out! Hike at grandfather mountain this Saturday, leaving from the gashouse at 0600 hours!

Prayer request: Self family, each other, Roadie for falling off the wagon!

Men, it’s always an honor to get to lead such and awesome group of men! You guys push me to be a better man, and I appreciate it! Thanks!

I took us out!





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