Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 13, 2018


Weather gave us a break at Midoryama, prob for last time for a while.  17 pax gathered for a good time.  Pledge.  Tool time takes off for a run, for the rest of us it went like this.

Merkins, LBC, Squat, Burpee 4 each to start.  Mosey to soccer field.  QIC had separated a deck of cards in three stacks including jokers (how many jokers in a deck?)  One stack was placed at one sideline, one in middle, the other at far sideline.  Spade=burpee, heart=merkin, club=squat, heart=LBC, Ace 15, king, 14, queen 13, jack 12, joker = run across front of neighboring field up the hill in the corner and back.  We started by drawing one card at near sideline performing task and then moving to the middle, and then far sideline.  Take two cards at each sideline to draw down stacks evenly.  Pax swore I replaced some cards with spades for extra burpees, truth never be told.  Somehow jokers kept appearing, again never know the truth.

Took a while to get through the deck, but we had a few minutes to spare, so we moseyed to near turd shack, for some wall planks.  Feet on the wall no more than 18 inches high and in plank position.  We started from the middle with two pax running around turd shack in opposite directions. Hold plank until your turn.  Chatter at all time high during this after the card beatdown.  Holding this plank is really tough.  Mosey back to the flag.

This was a really tough workout, everybody pushed it hard, great work gentlemen


Back at the flag we spoke briefly about decisions in our lives, and about how once we begin to feed our spirit with the good stuff, the evil one works that much harder to turn us from the good.  It is so important to feed our spirit daily and do our best to live well disciplined life.  We mentioned Galatians 5:22 Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,s gentleness, and self control.

Announcements: Whetstone , The Forge 6:30 Wednesday at Grits n Greens, 2.0 workout at Folsom this Saturday, Grizzlies game this Friday (family friendly), kayaking Saturday in cramerton (Pax only), event at First Pres Gastonia June 22

Pray for Def Leopard son undergoing medical procedure within next week, Clark family who lost young son last week unexpectedly, brothers injured or maybe haven’t seen in a while.

Thank you all for the opportunity to  lead for a day


Easy Like Sunday Morning!

The Thang:

Some of ran and some us rucked. It was a nice easy Sunday morning mosey!



F3 Gastonia Whetstone

Folsom 2.0 workout (June 16th)

F2 Event – June 16th Kayak @ Goat Island


Prayer Requests:

Lynn Hamm – brain tumor

Breaker Breaker’s Uncle – recent stroke

Nikki Baily – Cancer

Recent High School graduates

Praise – the young man that was lost on Saturday and safely found help and to all the people that help in the search party.

No witty title needed

8 men posted to Prison Break.

3 rucked, 5 ran.


Announcements: 2.0 workout at Folsom on Saturday, GoRuck Light on July 22nd.

Prayer requests: each other, people we know, the Self Family.

BOM: Sparky closed us in prayer.

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