Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 28, 2018

A great Monday

It was 5:30 and we said the pledge.

After a short warm-up of 15 SSH IC, we moseyed to the park and gathered at the bottom of the hill next to the picnic shelter near the soccer fields.

We paired up and instructions were given.  P1 would run up the hill while P2 performed the exercise.  50 Burpees, 100 SSH, 150 Merkins, 200 WWI’s and 250 Squats.

Then headed to the picnic shelter for 15 Derkins, 15 Dips, 20 Derkins and 20 Dips.

Walked to the parking lot and did lunges, then sprinted, lunges and backward run to the end.  I heard a train whistle at some point so 5 burpees for everyone.

At the gate we did 50 LBC’s and moseyed to Snoballs and did 50 more.  Gastone led 25 Flutter Kicks IC.  15 IC Merkins and last but not least 15 Bobby Hurley’s.


My pleasure to lead this group.


The number 7 is a very prominent figure in Bible.  This number, or multiples of it, show up in the scriptures somewhere in the range of 700 times and it always means the same thing, completeness.  The first Example of this is in Genesis 1 with the creation taking 7 days to complete giving us the 7 day week which is used world wide.  Another example of this can be found in Exodus with the command for Leprous Naaman to bathe in the Jordan River 7 times to complete cleansing. And still another in Revelation with the 7 churches that represent the completeness of the Body of Christ.  Again Joshua was instructed to march around the walls of Jericho 7 times to complete his mission and overcome their walls.  There and many more where those came from.

The Biblical number associated with man is 6 symbolizing our falling short of the completeness and holiness of God. Interestingly enough, man was created on the 6th day.   It is also appointed to man to work for 6 days a week and rest 1, Gods rest that Tool Time was talking about.  It is the number of imperfection that is man without God.  No matter how we try, we just can’t keep up all by ourselves.  Man is not God, just as 6 is not 7.

The gathering of 14 HIM’s in the gloom at The Storm this morning was an impressive showing.  Filled with real men who are making investments in themselves for the betterment of their families and communities.  Men of impact.  These are men that know that we are all 6’s without the One.  We all know that here in F3, we are forever trying to not be the 6.  Aye!

5:30….let’s invest!


Warm up:

High knees x 20 ==>

SSH x 20

Goofballs x 20==>

SSH x 20

Mosey around back side of parking lot to covered and lit area in turn 4 of the soccer field.

The thang= The Walls of Jericho;

Turn 1 = merkins x 15

Turn 2 = Squats x 15

Turn 3 = CCD’s x 15

Turn 4 = LBC’s x 50

All of the above x 7

Some went an 8th time due to unclear Q instruction.  Q fail.  I will put you down for EC.

Flutter kick x25 until 6 that was really not the 6 arrived.

Somewhere around the 4th lap was a train= 5 burpees.


LBC’s x 50

Oblique crunches x 20 each side

LBC’ x 50

Get your butt of the grounds with a twist. I’m not going to explain.  Show to know or feel free to ask. x 20

LBC’s x 50

Mosey one last lap around the soccer field.

Mosey back to start and time.

Big thank you to Mayor and the HIMs at the Storm for the opportunity to push the rock this am.  It’s a big honor to be part of, no matter how small, such an outstanding group of real men.  You have all in your own individual way helped me be a better husband, father, employee, and friend.  The honor is all mine.

See y’all in the gloom.



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