Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 21, 2018

Round 2 of Plan B

Days leading up to my Q, I planned what was going to be a serious beat down. As the day got closer, so did the rain.

I was optimistic that it would be dry and all could enjoy the planned workout. That being said, the ground was wet that morning so I dug up my winkie from my last rainy day Q.

Plan B was back in action almost a year later.

The plan was to keep everyone dry while still giving them their moneys worth.

The Thang:


No warm up, so let’s Mosey the long way around the parking lot to the covered area at the side of the school.

Once there, I pulled out my winkie along with a pair of dice. We circled around to roll the dice and try our luck.

Here’s how it worked:

Roll the dice and everyone performs the  exercise that corresponds to that #. Roll doubles and it’s a sprint to the end of the parking lot and back (Plus the exercise).

2 = 5 Burpees

3 = 10 Bobby Hurley’s

4 = 20 CDD’s

5 = 25 LBC’s

6 = 15 Seal Jacks IC

7 = 15 Opposite Raised Toe Touches IC

8 = 10 Merkins

9 = 15 Bicycles

10 = 20 Squats

11 = 20 Monkey Humpers

12 = 5 Burpees

I explained how I stole the dice from one of my kids board games. Seems like the dice repeatedly landed on 7 and 11 (Toe Touches and Monkey Humpers). Mayor swore my son’s dice were rigged and he had to be hustling candy from all the kids at school, which would explain why he has so much trouble going to bed every night. Something I may have to look into.

With 10 mins left and 1000 Toe Touches and Monkey Humpers behind us, I wanted to try something I did at Midoriyama a few nights before. Freight call out an exercise I believe he called the Iron Hulk. It starts with 1 Merkin and 4 Arm Raises. Then 2 and 8, then 3 and 12 and so on till we do 10 and 40. This one really sucks at the end!

After that we moseyed back to the flag.

Things must be going pretty good, no prayer request at all.

Convergence this Saturday at Folsom. All other AO’s closed.

Prayer to send us on our way.

It was a privilege to lead you gentlemen today.

Thanks to everyone who showed up.


Army PFT

What I believe to have been 19 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday. My Q ran a little long so PAX started scattering before we could get in the COT. I’ve done my best to recall all that were there. If I missed you please fill out the paperwork and submit it to editorial.

I came in Hot and Pizza Man had things started. Tyson and Tooltime took off to run.

Let’s Mosey! Everyone get a block and go to the farthest soccer field.

The Thang:

I decided to share some of the first things we did at out Goruck event Friday night.

2 minutes Merkin AMRAP

2 minutes Situp AMRAP

partner counted and held the person doing the exercise accountable for good form.

2 mile run

Google the test and check your score.

Partner up. Carry partner 100 yds and leave him there. Run back to the other end and get both of your blocks. Carry them to the 25 and do 10 burpees, the same at the 50 and the other 25. Once you return to your partner body drag him to the 50 go get the blocks and run back to the start.


Welcome Buidin’s son Crawdad!

Announcement-CSAUP 4/7, SFN community run 4/14

Prayer Request-Lots of fathers and their children needed prayer, YHC as I have started furthering my education


It was nice to show up in the gloom with the temperature at 56 degrees. Unlike the past few mornings posting. Anyway, Hank don’t do backblasts so Sparky and I take up his slack to write up a backblast for him.

Warmarama; nothing, mosey

mosey to the park entrance for….



Mosey, for like forever around the park. Stop randomly for 20 burpees OYO. Wait there’s a train add 5 more. Mosey, like forever again. Stop for 50 plank jacks. Again mosey forever, then stop for 100 Good Mornings. Mosey, stop again for 150 monkey jumpers. This was awesome timing for Roadie to be humping as a County Police Car pulls in and parks. Weird that he lined up directly behind Roadie? Anyway, mosey again then stop. Realizing time is coming to an end, Q asks what mileage we were at, so we continue to mosey. At each stop, PAX were to plank, SSH, or other exercise waiting for the 6. After it was all said and done. Men hit 3.3 miles and got sore lower backs. Hank never calls anything outrageous, but it is always stupid.

Anouncements; CSAUP, Community Run….dates??? YHC not very good with that part.

Prayer: Sparky took us out.

nice work men. No, Folsom is not a running AO

3rdF Quarterly Meeting Preblast

Alright Men the 3rdF quarterly event has finally been set for Friday April 13, 2018. Speakers start at 7:00pm so arrive before to get your coffee and your seat. Yes I do realize that is not in the first quarter but hey its close. It’s not like Christmas in June or anything! I’m very excited to hear what our speakers have for us. This quarter we have the wise one Def Leppard and the quite one Blart. From my experience if either of these guys have something to say it would be best to listen!

If you are new or didn’t make it out to our first event last year I highly recommend you attend. This is a time for our brothers to share some wisdom based on faith without the distractions of the 1stF.

The meeting will take place at The Porch back behind Parkwood Baptist. It is at the intersection of Burton Wood drive and Dixon Rd in Gastonia.




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