Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 17, 2018

Top ‘O The Mornin to Ya

This time of year is awesome. Grass starts getting greener again, flowers have started popping out and the weather is perfect for getting out to push yourself to be better. In YHC’s opinion it’s the best season, especially when you can have fun celebrating a day like St. Patrick’s day. This was the theme for today’s beatdown!

YHC was running a little behind this morning and when he arrived the PAX present and accounted for. There were big things planned for the men of the Yank today so after a very short disclaimer and a warmup consisting of just 10 Goofballs IC it was time to get moving. We moseyed about 20 feet for the Pledge of Allegiance then everyone picked up their coupons from the trunk for an extended mosey. Lately YHC has become a fan of having music to keep us pushing so we grabbed the speaker and set out on an extended mosey. The first session included some of my favorite Irish jigs, perfect for keeping your mind off of the mosey.

After about 15 minutes, we arrived at the destination, the new Teeter in Belmont. Nice newly paved parking lot and an empty field and hill for conquering! To give the PAX a chance to catch their breath, we had a round of St. Patrick’s day trivia. So much fun. DJ Jazzy Sargento switched up the music for Ireland’s undisputed kings of Irish music, U2!

A prior count-off gave us 7 strong this morning, so partner up, plus 1 for the St. Patrick’s day version of Dora 123, the over-the-top Sinead 123!

Sinead 123: Partner up, cumulative reps while carrying coupons

  • 100 Brickens
  • 200 Shoulder Presses
  • 300 Squats

A couple more trivia spots and then it’s time for the last routine.

Quarter Pounder with Cheese

  • Run 1/4 way across the parking lot, do 25 Merkins, NUR back
  • Run 1/2 way across, 50 lunges, NUR back
  • Run 3/4 way across, 75 Mountain Climbers, NUR back
  • Run all the way across, 100 SSH, NUR back

We were pretty well gassed at this point and still had the 15 minute mosey back so YHC took the idea from Orangeman during the first mosey to leave the coupons behind and get em later. The PAX liked this idea. Smart guy that Orangeman! Let’s mosey.

Upon arrival we had time for about 30 seconds of plank. Time.


Schiele Museum – Animal Babies (perfect for young 2.0s) March 24 next week!

CSAUP April 7

Community Foundation Run April 14

Prayer Requests:

Lynn Hamm brain tumor biospy

Tesla’s son going back to MS for school

PAX tests

It’s a lot of fun leading you men. We have a great group coming out regularly. There are a lot more who’ve come in the past but have gotten out of the routine so call, text, tweet, slack attack or visit a brother you know who needs to come back. They miss us, just need a little encouragement to realize it.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day (he wasn’t Irish)!!!


Going to the Library shouldn’t hurt

After yesterday’s leg beatdown by Roscoe downtown, I had to rethink the workout today.    My legs were in agony this morning….what would we do?

I showed around 6:15 to get in some light running/walking so I could stretch the legs and get warmed up a little before the main workout.  I guess it worked….I also did some recon (I know….how many times have I posted at Gashouse, why do I need to do some recon?) to come up with something new.  I’m sure the PAX would be disappointed  if we did not have the Wolfpack Grinder portion of the program but it might not happen today.

13 PAX showed by 7:00 am (4 for the Painlab; 9 for the boot camp) and T-Square made sure YHC knew that 7:00 am was upon us.

Let’s get in some IC warm up:

SSH X 22

Appalachian Americans X 10


Groups split up (Thanks to Roscoe for grabbing his phone as we need one with us at every workout)

The Thang

Mosey across Garrison to the lower parking lot behind the Library for something new from me.  For those of you that have been posting for a while and know me, this is big when I come up with something knew.  I have yet to come up with a name for this but here’s what we did:

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs up the two sets of steps to the backside of the Library and back to the start while Partner 2 performs as many reps as possible of the following exercises:

Merkins X 4 Rounds

Very short rest before starting the next exercise/running session

Flutter Kicks X 4 Rounds

Very short rest before starting the next exercise/running session

Deep Squats X 4 Rounds

This was so much fun we decided to do 2 more rounds of each with no rest between changing exercises

Merkins X 2 Rounds

Flutter Kicks X 2 Rounds

Deep Squats X 2 Rounds

After Monk gave us a quick 10 count, we moseyed back across Garrison to the track at Grier Middle School for another new short exercise:

Run/Mosey/Sprint a Half Lap – 5 Burpees – Run/Mosey/Spring a Half Lap (back to the start) – 5 burpees – 50 LBC’s

Mosey to the picnic tables (now this is how we end a Stroganoff workout) for some IC work:

Dips X 20

Step Ups X 20

Derkins X 15

LBC’s X 25

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Derkins X 10

LBC’s X 20

Time is running out.  Time to mosey back to the Flag.  There was much curiosity at Hipaa’s Painopoly game, I will await that BB.  Just enough time for some IC Flutter Kicks X 40………finished just as the First Pres bells were ringing.

Several announcements:  October 6 – BurpeeThon will return; CSAUP coming up on April 7 (Today is last day to register) – Sounded like an HC from JJ and Roscoe; Community Foundation Run on April 14th; Christina Latini Memorial 8k (Operation Sweet Tooth) on April 21

Several Prayers including JK2’s Dad, Monk’s Daughter (State Gymnastics Competition), Gashouse Goruck Team, Def Leppard’s Son, and others.

Name-O-Rama with video (I normally forget) – Sorry, no group picture.  Several for Coffeeteria at Panera.


After travelling and being on the DL briefly over the past few weeks, I realized how much I rely on you men to keep me focused and grounded (and in shape – did I say my legs are killing me?).  When I miss posting or working out somewhere for several days, I lose that sense of daily accomplishment and progess.  I know I have said it many times before but F3 matters and you guys are making a daily positive impact on the persons around you.  Keep it up.

I hope today’s workout was worthy of your time.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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