Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 2, 2018

Parking Deck Leap Frog

13 men of purpose arose out of the gloom this morning to get some. We started with a couple F3 warm-up usual’s.


SSH – 15

Moroccan Night Clubs – 15

Mercans – 10



The Thang

We do a quick count off and then mosey towards the Parking Deck and stop along the way for 15 hip slappers.  Once those were complete we finished our trek to the bottom level of the parking deck. Once there we started with the fun stuff.


Partner up

Partner 1 starts the exercise on the first parking line; while Partner 2 goes to the next line and planks. We followed this from one ramp till we reached the other…mostly as some chose the expansion joints as they were easier to see then most of the lines.

Level 1 – 5 burpees at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 50 burbees.

Level 2 – 10 mercans at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 mercans.

Level 3 – 15 mtn climbers at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 mtn climbers.

Level 4 – 20 flutter kicks at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 flutter kicks.

Level 5 – 25 squats at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 squats.

At this point we ran out of time and had to double time back to the Rotary.


For those interested in helping out, Medicine Woman would like to start a fund for a parking deck at Folsom and also an ice bath.


Keep one of Whoopee’s coworkers in your prayers as she just found out she has terminal cancer. Continue to lift up F3 Sly as he is “boots on the ground”.


Nice work men and thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Better late than never

Not much is remembered about this Q other then I promised several fellas on Sunday afternoon that there would no burpees for this workout and they still didn’t come! So, true to my word there were no burpees.

The Warm-up

SSH – 10       Morrocan Night Clubs – 10     LBC – 10

The Thang
We moseyed to the old Harris Teeter parking lot and ran a set of suicides using the lights as our turnaround spots. Once those were complete we did the following
30 – Rocky Balboa’s
20 – Squats
10 – lunges
Then we went for a mosey around the lot.

We returned to do some ATM’s(alternating shoulder taps/slow mercans/mercans).  We did the 3 exercises in random order for 3 sets with each one being 15 once, 10 once and 5 once. This sucked, by the way, but that’s what I get for taking an exercise off of the list without trying it out!
Then it was time for another mosey around the lot.

We then found a parking lot line and did the following:

10 – side to side jumps
10 – back and forth jumps
Time for another mosey around the lot.

Since the pavement was wet and I didn’t want to get wet we headed over to the cover for some ab work.

We lined up single file on our backs and did the following exercises. We went thru the following:

LBC’s                                                                                                                                                                                            Flutter Kicks                                                                                                                                                                                  WWII sit ups                                                                                                                                                                                    Dying cock roaches

Once finished with those we had some more fun. While the group did the exercise 1 man took off and ran to the loading dock and bear crawled back. Several men would go before we changed exercises.

Squats                                                                                                                                                                                          Mercans
CDD’s                                                                                                                                                                                           Lunges

After that fun we headed to the wall for 2 sets of hip slappers.

We then headed back and stopped along the way for some arm squats. Fun was had by all.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead; it was a privilege.


F3 Gastonia…We all know that we are ALWAYS willing to GO THE EXTRA MILE in whatever we do, but now are you ready to push your body through those EXTRA MILES??  If so sign up by March 17th for the first CSAUP event in 2018 for F3 Gastonia. This CSAUP is not only going to give you the chance to see every AO in our region but also be a part of a relay team.  This relay will consist of a four-man relay team (we will create teams after you sign up) that will venture 50 miles through the beautiful land of Gaston County.  Even though this is a four-man relay team, there is a reason this is a CSAUP!!!  Each of you can do this….push yourself to GO THE EXTRA MILE!!!

  • EVENT: F3 Gastonia CSAUP “Going the Extra Miles”
  • DATE: April 7, 2018 @ 4am
  • MEETING POINT: Park around Dallas Courthouse 131 N. Gaston St. Dallas, NC 28034
  • OTHER DETAILS: Post CSAUP 2nd F @ Growler’s

Sign up below

Rainy VERN

As YHC was planning the weinke for Midoriyama, he decided to back off on the Burpees and Block work and go with a workout that is truly a you vs. you type workout. YHC was able to post at the Goat last November and Dolph led the PAX with the VERN. It’s simple but very effective, and all PAX can push as hard (or not as hard)as they want to. 6 men posted at Midoriyama for a VERN in the rain and mud.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Abe Vigodas x 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the playground for the VERN. It consists of:

  • 10 Pullups then Mosey around parking lot between Turd Shack and Field #4 back to playground
  • 20 Dips then Mosey the loop again
  • 25 Merkins then Mosey the loop again
  • 30 LBC’s the Mosey the loop again

Rinse and Repeat the whole circuit until time’s up (roughly 40 minutes)

PAX completed 5+ circuits before time was called.

Everyone pushed hard through the workout. Lil’ Sweet seems to insist on wearing his work clothes to the workouts. He swears they are comfortable. YHC is doubtful. Our Nantan was latched to Canteen’s hip for 95% of the workout. They pushed each other the whole duration. Wojo, great work sir. He pushed through the whole workout and never stopped. He also had enough in the tank for a jailbreak back to the flag at the end! Thanks to Broke for pushing YHC and never letting up. We also had plenty of 2nd F discussing the ups and downs of raising daughters (he has 2, YHC has 1).


4/7/18 Gashouse 50 mile AO run. 4 man teams. Will be great 1st and 2nd F opportunities.

4/14/18 Community Foundation 5K Downtown Gastonia.

4/21/18 Christina Latini 8k, Huntersville, NC

Numerous 2nd F events being set up by Sargento. T-Claps, sir!



Prayer requests: Sly is in Afghanistan. Prayers for him and his M (ToolTime’s 2.0) The separation is hard on a marriage. YHC knows, he’s been there. Worldwide’s 2.0 is being tested for neurological issues. Def Leppard’s 2.0 as well along the same lines as Worldwide’s 2.0.

YHC led us out in prayer.


YHC read Mark 4: 35-41 this morning. It’s the story of Jesus and the disciples encountering a storm while crossing the sea of Galilee. As they were crossing, a furious squall came up, and the boat was taking on water. Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat. The disciples woke him up and said “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves “Quiet! Be still!” The wind died down and it was completely calm.

YHC admitted that in his past, he has been the one to accuse the Lord of “being asleep in the boat” while YHC was going through a storm in his life. Of course, the Lord brought YHC through the storm. When things head south in our lives and the storm rages, He is with you. He will take care of you. We have to trust Him and have the faith to remember He loves us. The storms in our lives are intended to strengthen our faith and mold us into who He wants us to be (which is more like His Son). He’s in the boat with us, and he will land us safely at His intended destination.

YHC has heard this story a hundred times, but something resonated in it this time like never before. YHC also noticed that the disciples were a tight knit group serving the Lord and others around them. Sounds a whole lot like a shield lock to YHC! AYE!

Keep the shield lock tight and keep EH’ing others in!

Until the next time,





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