Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2018 (Page 7 of 7)

Keep moving!

Jumped in the truck this morning to see 7 degrees ! When I pull up at folsom, Volt is ready and waiting!

Warm up …


Wind Mills

Time to mosey! Run to the top of the park for the pledge! Then move to the parking lot next to the flag, starting at the first curb 10, 20, 30 squats sprinting in between. Next, given pizza mans orders, 100 merkins! We spread them out knocked out 25, then moseyed to the ball fields 25 merkins, moseyed to the ponds 25 merkins, while at the lower parking lot 5 burpees at the 4 corners! Mosey back up to the flag for 25 more merkins! Mosey back to the truck!

If you deer hunt, you know the best time to go is when it’s cold, because the deer are gonna be moving! Now I know why they do!

Announcements: Joe Davis this weekend, Wednesday night 3rd F “The Forge”  at grits and greens from 630 to 730!

Prayer requests: my dad/ those that couldn’t make it out this morning/ all of us, that we would be a light that points people to Christ!



Birthday Bonanza

I joined F3 about 2 1/2 years ago and remember thinking sometimes during name-o-rama that eventually I would get… have… to hear “respect” after I said “Monk.” It was my good fortune to turn 50 when a New Year’s Day Convergence would turn out so many HIM to lend their voices on a very cold day.  My thanks to Gastone for setting it up so nicely and sharing the Q. And Happy Birthday to Pockets today as well!!!

Gastone started us with a simple warm-up … probably a good idea for a New Year’s morning workout: 50 SSH + a roundabout run into the park and down to the field below the picnic shelter. No splashy merlot in this crowd!

Then we partnered up and did 10 reps of partner durkins, a run up around the picnic shelter, 10 reps booyah merkins, rinse & repeat 4 times for a total of 50 reps each.

Then Gastone explained the 50 theme, and I took the Q to the next soccer field for my part.

I had been thinking for a couple of days that I’m now old enough to look back over my life … by the decade! I also thought it would be a good idea to recognize (and share w/ the PAX) one blessing from each decade that is still with me today.

First, I started playing guitar when I was 8. Lots of fun then and now, it also taught me how to listen. With no internet to look up the (wrong) chords, I used cassette tape and the rewind button to figure out songs. Not that I’m a great listener today, but it helped.

Then I relived the glory days and gave the PAX an 8 minute workout to Stairway to Heaven: 1 exercise / verse for seven verses (mountain climbers, Bobby Hurleys, burpees, flutters, shoulder taps, Freddy Merc’s) + seal jacks (w/ air guitar option) for the guitar solo, and flying squirrels for the last verse. Stairway had one added benefit: strong contribution to Whoopie’s music reeducation course, though I’m pretty sure the lesson was lost b/c he kept mumbling things about George Strait.

Second, a set of blessings spanning three decades: During my teens, my parents divorced (not the blessing), but I didn’t lose faith in marriage and family. I thought there must be ways for families to live well together and that if I paid attention I might learn something. In my twenties I came to the conclusion that I believe in God and that if I were going to call myself a Christian I should try to learn what the meant and try to live like one. In my thirties, I married Julie, and we started raising our three daughters. Sometimes you carry your spouse and children; sometimes they carry you; doing things to build trust makes the carrying easier.

The next exercise was, of course, the Partner Carry followed by wheelbarrows the length of the field. Next the Three Amigos was … um… “Omaha’d.”

Third, the latest decade: F3! 2 1/2 years ago there were habits about my health, thinking, and relationships that were, as we say, completely stupid and utterly pointless. F3 has a way of turning CSAUP into something meaningful and has for me.

To thank all the PAX for their contribution, we had a mini-CSAUP. PAX divided into two teams, each with a volleyball at one end of the field. First team to volley the ball to the other end wins. Each HIM performs a burpee after hitting a volley and rejoins team. If ball touches ground, entire team locks arms and lunges backwards 5 paces.

Return to Snowballs for dying cockroaches and a Gastone flutter kick fiesta.

My thanks to the 33 HIM who turned out and helped me begin a great birthday!



What a day for his glory!!

11 Pax came out on a cool afternoon day after celebrating our saviors birth. We had a rough go at this workout a few weeks back so I reran it with a few tweaks. With that in mind we start.


Warm up all in cadence

10 x Don Quiotes

10 x SSH

10 x Cherry Pickers

With that we are off. Mosey to the trail across the road, stop at the entrance and do 5 Burpees. Mosey through the trail and do 5 more Burpees back at the end of the trail. Mosey back across the road. Start at the beginning of Tower road and mosey to the first light pole, do one squat. Mosey down Tower Rd adding one more squat at each light pole until we reach the big track. 14 light poles I think. 285 Squats.

For all the Carolina fans we started a Bobby Hurley Mile. 12 Bobby Hurleys and one lap around the big track. Rinse and repeat until time.

Mosey back to the start doing descending Hillbillies (since Def Leppard couldn’t make it out) at each light pole starting with 20 at the first.  With some time left Freight called out 100 LBCs for the monthly challenge. Then Slaw called out 22 for the Vets. The mumble chatter was great as always. Thank you guys for pushing me.

Announcements and prayers request. BOM


I shared with everyone how I’ve been trying to hold on to past traditions. I’ve learned through this last year that its ok to let go of people who have passed on and old tradition. We need to keep our eyes focused on the God and Jesus’s teachings. When he has other plans for us, we sometimes try to fight those plans. We just need to pray about it; most of all listen to those prayers. Love you guys. Be safe out there in the gloom.


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