After a couple of days of being snowed in, a little cabin fever was setting in. Calvin called this afternoon to see if we should take our 2.0’s (Google and Cap’n Crunch) to Madoryama and I thought it was a great idea. We show a touch before 5 to a locked gate and no other Pax besides the 4 of us to be found. We jumped out of the truck to shake out some of the wiggles and get started. To our very pleasant surprise in comes Tiger.
5:30 to 5:35 was the Timeframe. Let’s get started with and impromptu Q. This is the best I can remember and am sure of some mistakes and omissions.
warm up:
SSH x 20 IC (1,2,3. 1, like that)
In comes Billy Madison and his 2.0 (Lil Beast)
Inperial Walkers x 20
Merkins x 15
LBC’s x 50
Burpees x 5
SSH x 20 for Billy Madison and Lil Beast
Pledge looking at the sticker of the American flag on the back of Clavins truck
The thang:
mosey the long way to the shelter beside the turd shack:
Stepups x 20
Dips x 15
LBC’s x 50
Mosey up the road stopping at the light poles:
SSH x 15 per pole = x 4 to gate
on the way back:
Merkink x 10 per pole
Back to the shelter for some Mary:
50 LBC’s
25 flutter kicks
Homer and Marge (led by Calvin)
25 American hammers (led by Billy Madison)
15 Bicycle kicks (led by Cap’n Crunch)
20 WWI’s (led by Lil Beast)
20 step ups
10 Dirkins OYO
15 Dips
Mosey back up the road stopping at the poles once again
there was some combination of Sumo Squats, Merkins, Monkey Humpers, SSH’s, Squats
on the way back to the shelter from the gate…same combination to the shelter
50 LBC’s
15 dips
20 step ups
10 Goofballs (led by Google)
6:15….Times up
COT…although I think I forgot the namerama.
Tiger and Lil Beast…it was great to meet you. I’m sure it won’t be the last time.
Great work was today for the impromptu seat of the pants Q. It still got the wiggles out. I think it was Squirt that posted ” no matter how slow you go, your lapping everyone on he couch.” I love it.
Its always an honor and an inspiration.