Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 4, 2018

Its cold and we’re lost

Oh boy was I looking forward to coming back after tear duct surgery to post in the frozen tundra.  I knew for sure that no one would show up.  I texted with Dolph the day before and said same plan as always, if no one shows up lets get a bite and some coffee.  That plan has been in place and there has always been someone crazy show up and we get to it.  Today was no exception.  With time called and the bell rang, we got started.

SSH x10ic, Grass Pokers x10ic (clapping started by Sargento, but im sure it was just my form he was impressed with), MNC x??ic.

The Thang
Mosey to predetermined spots for an old tophat special with pain stations set up.  Each Pax picks a station and does said exercise.  There were two kettlebells and a sandbag appearance.

Stations were:  Merkins (single count) x25, Squats x50, Upright row or curls x25 with 50# kettlebell, Elbow Plank x60 second count, Run and extra lap, Sandbag cleans or squat press x20, Calf raises x50, French fries x20 (each arm), Front raise with 27# kettlebell.  After the pax finish whatever exercise they are on, run a lap and advance to the next station.

We ended up doing two sets rounds.  The first was a little hazy as we had some run one direction and others run the other way.  This only created an issue when two met on the coupon exercises.  My favorite memories is when Monk started up one side and ran past me as I was doing squats and then come back the same way.  I scratched my chin and thought, how do I make this better for the second round so I was crystal clear and thorough in all my instructions, Sargento, in his defiance did the opposite and said “im doing the same thing I did last time and all races are ran clockwise”.  Who was I to argue when we say modify as needed.

Run back to start and grab the pledge.

Where I was thinking about ditching the workout and thinking who would show up, there were seven, yes seven, show up.  More than half the temperature and we got to celebrate Monks respect for the first time since the first time.

Prayer requests
Wheezys dad and those dealing with depression around the holidays and those dealing with it without a calendar.  If you know someone, dont be afraid to speak with them and make sure they know there is a place for them to get help.


8 PAX posted for the first meeting of Forge our newest 3rd F AO. Forge will meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm at Grits N Greens in Lowell so come on out and join us. The first initial meeting was going to be discussing topics for future study and conversation. I decided to throw a few things together on why we should meet/gather. From that the PAX ran with it. We had some great discussions and I can tell there will be personal and spiritual growth coming out of this.

The Thang:

Hebrews 10:24-25

Colossians 3:16

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Luke 21:34-36

Did you know that the average working American 25-54 spends 2.7 hrs of their day watching TV? This same group spends 3-9 minutes per day doing some sort of spiritual activity. Uh that seems a little unbalanced and explains a lot about our problems!

Psalm 133:1

Next weeks topic is Anger. Study for yourself and come ready to hit it!

Weathermen & Thermometers Lie & Scarfs Can Freeze

The weatherman last night just before bed told me the low was going to be 21 degrees.  I woke up and my outdoor thermometer told me it was 16 degrees.  As I pulled into The Pub around 5:20 am, my car told me it was 13 degrees.  Hmmmmmmm…………

Not sure which was accurate……… was not warm.

Just before 5:30 am, 3 more idiots showed for a cold Thursday mosey at The Pub.

The last few workouts my face was hurting by the end so I ‘borrowed’ one of my M’s old lightweight scarfs to see if I could us it as a warmer around my neck and lower part of my face so only my eyes are exposed.

Off we went.

About 2 miles in, it was apparent the scarf idea was a total fail as it began to freeze (just as Sargento had predicted) so I removed it and it still helped my neck stay warmer than recent workouts.  You know it’s cold when your breath is not able to keep a scarf warm enough to not freeze.  However, it was solid as a rock by the time we arrived back after getting in 5 miles.

Thanks for the push gentlemen.  No way would I have done the distance or the pace today without you.

Good COT this morning as we shared parenting advice (never an easy topic) with each other.  This is the real reason we come out and should continue to come out.

By the way, on the way home my car told me it was 12 degrees.  Regardless, good work men.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Still cold

When I got to folsom this morning, there where four pax there waiting on me! One guy gets out of his truck, and I’m thinking is that an FNG? Nope…. it’s Allen Tate! Good to see him!

Warm Up hillbilly’s 15 ic

10 burpees oyo

mosey to the flag for the pledge!

Then we moseyed a lot, stopped for some hip slappers along the way, moseyed some more, stopping for some four corner Dora at the bottom parking lot. Moseyed some more, Roadie saying “ this is not a running AO”, my reply is “ I’m Qing this “, but really I was just trying to stay warm! We moseyed some more, stopping for some merkins along the way, time to circle up!

Announcments: Joe Davis run this weekend

Wednesdays the “Forge” 630-730 at grits and greens in Lowell

Prayer request:

continue to pray for Roadie’s family, his wife’s grandmother passed away

Medicine Woman

Allen Tate’s friend passed away at 38, his wife and children!

And that we would be a light in the darkness, for God’s glory!

Good to see a bigger crowd on this cold morning! Pleasure leading!

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