Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 23, 2017

12 Days of Christmas, Qu!ch$ style

A couple of weeks ago, Tesla had hit up yours truly and Sargento about assisting with the Q at some workouts over the Holiday season. Given that I will very quickly harass the QIC during a work-out, I figured that it was my turn to step up and be harassed.

After some EC with Boudin (Sargento, where were you!!), I arrived at the Yank about 10 minutes til 7 with a couple of cars already waiting a beatdown.  Over the next 10 minutes, people gradually tricked in until we reached our final number of 13. At 700, we started:

Disclaimer- it was a weak one, TBH, but there were no FNGs


Warm-up- Mosey to the Field of Dreams (grumbling ensued from Top Hat)

The Thang- 12 Days of Christmas- and yes, there was singing involved

First Day- A plank for abs of steel like Whoopee (couldn’t think of other names that ended in “-ee”)

Second Day- Werkins + Previous day

Third Day- LBCs + Previous days

Fourth Day- CDDs + previous days

Fifth Day- BURPEES (great minds think alike, Strogie-Wogie) + previous days

Sixth Day- Supermans (on stomach, arms and legs elevated, back arched) + previous days

Seventh Day- Bobby Hurleys + previous days

Eighth Day- Flutter Kicks + previous days

Ninth Day- Groiners (plank to feet outside of hands, almost a frog position, then back) + previous days

Tenth Day- Neckies!!! (hadn’t done them in a while) + previous days

Eleventh Day- Tempo Mericans (1-2-3 down, 4 up) + previous days

Twelfth Day- Monkey Humpers + previous days

Each of the PAX had a number 1-12.  On the day of their exercise, each one had to sing his exercise. Each exercise was done for 30 seconds. At the end of each “day,” Q decided to have “Christmas trivia,” where the person who sung that day had to answer a trivia question. If the question was answered incorrectly, we ran a lap as punishment.  Correct answers allowed for quick movement to the next day.

The exercises went well other than the fact that the PAX knowledge of the Christmas Story was not nearly as good as they thought. On day 12, we had to shorten the exercises to 15 seconds each so we could end on time.



Prayer Requests


All in all, a good work-out from my perspective. There was an appropriate amount of mumble chatter and  laughter. We also learned a little about each other.  Tool Time’s anniversary is today, I believe, and I might have ruined it for him due to the shoulder work we did. Freight knows more about Kama Sutra than the rest of us. When Boudin sprints, he does it using very small steps (probably from his Soccer playing days). Abba, although having attended a very well thought of church also attended by the Quik, apparently does not know what a manger is. Quiche chooses his exercises not to get a good workout, but to create pain and injury so he can line his pockets with co-pays. Pockets is definitely the best singer in the PAX. Your typical manger scene or church play just might have a couple of things in it that may not be completely be Biblically or historically accurate. And last but not least, we learned that &ui(he can plan and survive (barely) a work-out where running is not the primary activity.

Good work men!

Hebrews 12:1-2


5K Folsom Style

OWaking up to a good rain shower, YHC remained optimistic of the turnout at Folsom. I rolled in early for a quick jog to get the heart and lungs woke up. Ahhh, here come the headlights. No rain while chit chatting but when 6:30 hit, here the rain came. Well it was short lived. Looks like we have an FNG (Gumby’s 2.0 Pokey)


SSH, toy soldiers, gravel pockets all x10 IC



mosey the long way around the park by the ballfield and ponds. Stop at the lower lot. Line up for Triple Nickel

5 Burpees, run to the other end of the parking lot for 5 jump squats, rinse repeat x5

I took a moment to quote Eisenhower. “Leadership is the art of getting someone to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”  That’s how we build up Qs and good kids. When you make the task at hand something those around you want to do or enjoy doing, they become leaders as well.

mosey up around the amphitheater then over to the pond parking lot. YHC couldn’t just run by this famous lot without some Route 66. Train? 5 burpees OYO.

line up, 1 Bobby hurly, lunge walk to next line for 2, so on to 11, mumble chatter was getting pretty heavy here, especially with Pokey, who called out the Q later on!

Mosey back around to start to grab jump ropes, then mosey to the tennis courts. Partner up; partner 1 jump ropes AMRAP while part 2 runs to the other end of the courts and back, switch. At this point Gumby’s 2.0 yells at Q(Gumby’s partner) to “hurry up!” Q calls for 5 burpees in response . Ha! Rinse and repeat x3. Next, squats x3. Last, goofballs x3. Again lots of mumble chatter throughout. Let’s mosey one last lap around the courts to get in the final tenth of a 5k total.

Announcements Joe Davis Run, Christmas!

YHC took us out in prayer

Honor to Q men! Nice work and ice up those legs. Have a great Christmas and remember why we celebrate it. The birth of the Sky Q. Aye!

Stroganoff’s 12 Days of Christmas

On a holiday weekend with a chance for rain, I wasn’t sure how many would make it out for the workout today.  As usual, I was not disappointed when 14 showed in the gloom including one FNG (welcome Emoji/Michael Ginther).

After some completely inappropriate mumble chatter just before the workout started concerning my Santa hat, we went through the disclaimer and got ready to get after it.

T-Claps to Roscoe for breaking out the 1987-88 Ashbrook High School Key Club shirt.  This was from my senior year of HS and really took me back……..take it easy.

We went through a quick IC Warm-Up:

There was a train in the distance that was heard by all but I decided to skip these burpees (we had some in our future) even though a few prematurely started them.

SSH X 10

Imperial Walkers X 10

Mosey to the big flag in front of the museum for the Pledge.

The Thang

Mosey to the track at Grier Middle School for the first annual rendition of Stroganoff’s 12 Days of Christmas.  I had not idea how this would go or how long it would take.  It went something like this:

Imagine singing along to the classic tune and inserting exercises for each day brought to you by your F3 Q as follows:

On the first day of Christmas, your F3 Q brought to you…….

1st Day – 1/2 Lap around the track

2nd Day – 12 Bobby Hurleys + 1st Day

3rd Day – 12 Merkins + 2nd Day + 1st Day

4th Day – 12 LBC’s + 3rd Day + 2nd Day + 1st Day (You get the idea of the repeated sets just like the song goes)

5th Day – 5 Buuuuuurrrrpeeeeessss (sung just like 5 Golden Rings with a much higher, out of tune voice) + first 4 days

6th Day – 12 Flutter Kicks + first 5 days

7th Day – 12 Squats + first 6 days

8th Day – 12 CDD’s + first 7 days

9th Day – 12 Hillbillies + first 8 days

10th Day – 12 Mountain Climbers + first 9 days

11th Day – 12 Side Straddle Hops + first 10 days

12th Day – 50 Moroccan Nigh Clubs + first 11 days

As the days stretched on, the mumble chatter became less and less as did the personal space intrusion during the squats.  This can mean a number of things, the workout sucks or the PAX is just mad.  Not sure what this one was.  I must admit the last few sets of Bobby Hurleys and burpees were not fun.  I will be sore.

However, we still had a few minutes so plenty of time for a set of my favorites at the picnic tables:

Dips X 15

Step UPS X 20

Derkins X 15

Mosey back to the Schiele for a quick round of Mary before the bells ring:

LBC’s X 20

Flutter Kicks X 15

Times up.

Good work this morning men.  I wasn’t sure how the multiple 12 reps would go and how long it would take but it turned out to be a good workout for myself.  I hope it was a worthwhile endeavor for everyone.

Announcements (there were some but it turned out to be a disaster).

Unfortunately we had several prayer requests including remembering those that may be experiencing their first Christmas without a loved one.  This can be difficult.

We finished off with Name-O-Rama that included the FNG – Emoji plus a quick note from a book I just finished – Wooden on Leadership by John Wooden.  His Father gave him a notecard when he finished elementary school with the following instructions on it that was the 7 Point Creed as a guideline for living each day:

  1. Be true to yourself
  2. Help others
  3. Make each day your masterpiece
  4. Drink deeply from good books, including the Good Book.
  5. Make friendship a fine art.
  6. Build a shelter against a rainy day.
  7. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings each day.

Good words to live by.

For the Christmas Eve Eve effort, I handed out a copy of a book by Andy Andrews – The Traveler’s Gift, as a token of my appreciation for the attendance and the push all year.  If anyone else in the region would like a copy, just PM or text me and I’ll be happy to get you a copy.  I think it’s a great book and has helped my along the path.

Many thanks again for allowing me to lead the group this morning.  It was an honor.

Merry Christmas to all the Gastonia Region PAX and your families.  I’m grateful for each and everyone one of you.  Keep pushing the rock.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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