Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 21, 2017

the W workout

So as YHC mentioned in his last backblast, I printed off the latest list of exercises on the F3nation website last week. It’s like being a kid in a candy store! To my surprise and joy there are lots of new routines and exercises to be found that we haven’t experienced before. Being the kind of guy who likes to try almost anything at least once, when Qing I like to throw in a couple new things each time. This is what I remember…


Morrocan Night Clubs x15 IC, Monkey Humpers x15 IC, maybe something else

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey toward the car that came in hot and do a couple quick laps to welcome Madoff to the workout then head up to the wide sidewalk.

Wheel of Animals (from the W section in the exercise listing)

From the full trash can over to the knobs near the entrance to the school, the PAX will:

Frog Hop then do 10 Merkins

Bear Crawl back then do 10 Merkins

Duck Walk to the knobs then 10 Merkins

Crab Walk back then 10 Merkins. This was a pretty quick routine but got the blood pumping real fast.

Mosey up to the softball and baseball fields, get a count off then mosey back to where we started for

The Thang: Walls of Jericho (also from the W section in the exercise listing)

Using the practice soccer field fence as the “walls” of Jericho, the PAX would work it’s way around doing 7 exercises with 7 reps of each for 7 circuits around the “city”. The exercises were:

  • Mountain Climbers (led by Madoff)
  • Don Quixotes (led by TimeFrame) Certain unnamed members of the PAX made mention that this isn’t really an exercise but instead merely a stretch. YHC contends that if it is just a stretch and not worthy of being elevated to actual exercise status, why do so many PAX fear and avoid said EXERCISE? Nuf said.
  • Burpees (led by previously mentioned unnamed PAX)
  • Lunges (led by Tesla)
  • Rockette Dips (led by Boudin) These will definitely go down as having been the most fearlessly and effectively led Rockette Dips any of us have ever performed.
  • Goofballs (proudly led by Dr. Seuss)
  • Dying Cockroaches (led by Steve Lawing)

This was a pretty cool and fun routine that kept the PAX together which led to much mumble chatter and good times. Unfortunately my extended moseying and stuff made us run out of time and only achieve 5 circuits. Q fail, YHC will do better next time.

Mosey back to the start for 15 Nolan Ryans IC. We’re done.

Prayer requests and announcements.

Thank you for the company this morning men. It was a blast! Merry Christmas!!!

Inchworms and Broad Jumps

The guys started showing up around 5:20 a.m.  I noticed a few cars, but its not how many cars show up its how many people get out them. 2 cars 5 PAX. The Stanley crew showed up in one vehicle than began ribbing each other about who lived in the nicer neighborhood.

Let’s do this!


Warmup: 400 meter run to get the blood flowing.  There was some mumble chatter that this may turn into a running work out.  Not today, but maybe closer to the Joe Davis run.  SSH x 20, Don Quixotes x15, evidently these are Tool Times favorite. The mystery is still unsolved, are they stretches or exercise?   The PAX were quick to let the Q know YHC was counting way too fast. Note to self count slower.  Some PAX even said they felt a bit dizzy.  Finished warmup with Burpees x5 (OYO).

Mosey to the Gazebo for 5 pull ups, 10 plank jacks, and 15 LBC’s rinse and repeat 3 times.

Mosey to the basketball court with a quick stop for a wall sit under the train tracks before completing mosey to the court.

At the court:

15 squats on end line, Inchworm with 5 Merkins at the bottom until you reach half court, Burpee Broad Jumps to the other end line, 15 CDD’s. Mosey back to starting point.  In the demonstration of what we would be doing for the work YHC mistakenly said Derkins which Sargento was quick to correct to CDD’s.  Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow Sargento.   The plan was to rinse and repeat 5 rounds, but YHC Omaha (Sometime things look better on paper) after round 2 to replace the inch worm with Goof Balls to half court going forward.  On round 4 replaced Burpee Broad Jumps with Lunges to end line.

Finished work at basketball court with shuttle run:  free throw line, half court, free throw line, and end line.

Mosey back to the Gazebo with another quick stop for a wall sit under the train tracks before completing mosey to Gazebo.  25 dips on wall before hitting the Gazebo for a little Ab work.

30 flutter kicks

20 crunchy frog

15 heels to heaven

10 shoulder taps ( Total of 20)

YHC believes there was one more Ab exercise, but the YHC cannot remember. It may have been some LBC’s.  YHC will do better to remember next time.

Mosey back to parking lot for 5 Burpees (OYO).  With a minute to spare the Q asked Tesla for an exercise, so we end with 20 SSH.



Remember the Reason for the Season.

Joe Davis run, January 6th.

Tool Time Q at the Black Knight on Monday.  Not sure of time.



Great work this morning men!  Thank you for everyone who came out.  It was an honor to lead.  I went back and forth about stepping up to take the Q for this morning when Dolph offered it up.  I look at this as my VQ.  My first Q was at running AO at the Storm when it existed which was pretty easy right.  You just go for a run.  I have grown from the experience of planning and leading the workout and writing this Backblast.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead, and I will see you in the gloom.

Boudin  (AKA: The Big Deal, Bluedin)




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