Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 4, 2017

A Brickwall and Coupon Laps

While in Tennessee over Thanksgiving, YHC posted at Stonewall which is an AO of F3 Nashville. After that hour, YHC was about as spent as he’d been after a post. It could have been several days of constant eating and watching football, or it could have been the beat down that was placed upon us. No matter the reason, YHC thought it was a workout that needed to be shared with the PAX of the Gashouse. YHC couldn’t bring back the massive duct-taped bricks that we used as coupons or the Stonewall surrounding the park in which my sorry carcass was dragged, but YHC had some ideas on how this could work.

Under the light of a super moon, a good crowd started to gather at the Black Knight.

Disclaimer for the FNG. This weinke was being brought across state lines so any injuries could result in federal charges if things got out of hand.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
Moroccan Nightclubs x 15

The Pledge

Mosey (watch out for the hole) to the KFC rock quarry to pick out a coupon.

Mosey with coupon to the parking lot of the old Harris Teeter. As the PAX started to line up in the parking lot, I quickly realized I would have to Omaha on some things from the TN workout.

In groups of 2 to 3 (at first I had the bright idea that we might do this one at a time, uh no), the PAX ran a coupon lap around a section of the parking lot while holding the coupon above their head. While one group ran, the others stayed in line and did Squat Lifts with the coupons. When a group returned, the next group ran the coupon lap. After all groups ran, we cycled back through the groups with each one running another lap. During the second coupon lap, the other groups did flutter kicks while holding the coupon above their chest.

Mosey with coupon to the wall of the old HT (not a Stonewall, but a Brickwall will have to do). Line up against the wall for Dragonflys. What are those you ask? Lie on your back with your head against the wall with your legs extended. Pull your feet over your head and touch the wall. Good for the core. YHC called for 50, but that was met with groans and bellyaching so YHC being the merciful Q, we Omaha’d to 25. In hindsight, 25 were probably enough.

More Coupon laps. The PAX got in groups of 4 (or at least 4 was called; there was a group of 3 and a resulting group of 5 to make things add up and maybe some actual groups of 4; YHC lost track) and ran to the other end of the parking lot with their coupon and did 5 Merkins. To prove we could actually get into groups of 4, we tried the routine one more time except this time we only ran to the first curb. Once the group got to the curb, this time they did 25 Merkins.

Mosey around the back side of the building to the front of Bellacino’s. The PAX got back into groups of 4 (successfully to our credit this time) for one more round of coupon laps. This time each group would choose an exercise for the other 3 groups to perform. While the other 3 groups performed that exercise, the group ran to the dock, jumped the wall, and bear crawled back down the walk way and returned to the group. Once they were back, the next group ran, jumped, and bear crawled while the PAX did their called exercise; rinse and repeat until all 4 groups had ran, jumped, and bear crawled.

Group 1 chose Sumo Squats; Group 2 chose Leg Lifts; Group 3 chose Burpees (funny, hunh?); Group 4 chose Merkins.

To return the favor for Group 3, YHC called for a reverse. This time, the group would perform the exercise they chose for the other 3 groups, while the other 3 groups ran, jumped, and bear crawled. We cycled back through all 4 groups.

Mosey to the wall in front of the bank (watch out for the hole).

Coupon Step Ups x 20

Mosey to return the coupons to KFC

Back to the wall for Dips x 20

Mosey back to Snoball’s

Finish off with 22 Merkins for the vets.

Advisory meeting on 12/17

Prayer Requests
I don’t think any were mentioned, but if they were, I apologize. I failed to type them on my phone.

Naming of FNG Bookman. In hindsight, this was appropriate at a Q by JJ (different JJ, but still). Dynomite!



After a weekend of fellowship at the Bi-Annual Christmas party and Convergence, it was great to see so many out on a Monday morning. F3 is truly a special group made so by the men who make it up. I was reminded of this in Nashville in my two attempts to work out. On Thanksgiving, I went to the gym with my nephew. I’m sure the gym serves its purpose, but it just felt empty. No mumble chatter; no jokes about a man walking into a doctor’s office covered in… Anyway, I didn’t look for the plant mentioned in Freed to Lead, but I did see a guy who looked just like a slim version of Kelvin Benjamin. I never actually saw him lift a weight in the hour I was there, but he seemed to know how to strut around. Contrast that to the F3 post at Stonewall. I immediately bonded with four other guys that I’d never met because we were there to push each other and make each other better.

Thanks for the chance to lead this morning. Aye!

Gashouse Convergence for OperationSweetTooth

Earlier in the year it was decided we would try and do a convergence once a qtr since we now have workouts spread across Gaston county. The 4th and final one this year was held at the original AO Gashouse(Schielle Museum). The timing on this one was to collect items for the Boys and Girls Club in the name of OST. We did this last year and everyone at the club was very grateful.  If you are able, come out on the 12th to help take these items to donate them and see for yourself. Bandit will be sending out the time. This one was also scheduled the morning after our Christmas party so that we could keep each other accountable at the party. It worked for some and some it didn’t but all that could made the workout anyway. So below is how it went.


YHC talked for a few minutes about building leadership during F3. Something we sometimes lose sight of. It takes all of us participating and stepping up to lead to keep this thing going.


Let’s mosey! We went up to the track. I figured everyone would think we would stop once we got there so we went on around for a lap.

The Thang:

YHC read a story called That’s Not My Job(Google it). It’s about Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. I’ve had this hanging in my office for years and read it at least once a week.

Partner up and line up down the sideline of the football field. For the next while we did the same thing and just swapped out the exercise. P1 runs across the field and back while P2 does the exercise then switch.

100 Merkins

200 In/Outs

100 Squats

200 Plank Jacks

200 Def Leppard Merkins

Even though there were so many of us and we were spread out on the field the mumblechatter was still very strong! Great job everyone!

We circled back up in an uncomfortable close sweaty circle. YHC talked. I do that every once in a while. I mean I don’t really like too but sometimes I will. This is what I said in a nutshell:

Thank You to everyone for supporting me in my time as Nantan. Thanks to Whoopee for giving me the opportunity to lead and learn. Mostly I learned. I learned what I believe the Nantan should be and that I’m not quite there. I struggle with how to motivate others to lead. I believe I can and do lead but not in the true fashion of a leader. A leader shouldn’t just get people to follow him but should be inspiring others to lead. My promise to you, with your help, is I will continue to learn and grow as that kind of leader. For now I will hand the position over to a man that inspires us all. This guy is always pushing and supporting the PAX. He is always looking out for the six. I saw him jump out of a car and get the six at a workout he wasn’t even at! For the past 6 months or so he has pushed us all with his involvement in SFN. I am proud to call him my friend and brother and know that I’m way better off now that he is in my life. TOOLTIME!!!!!!!!

Ok so I may not have said it just like that but something like that. At this point Tooltime took over as Q.

After Freight handed the Q over YHC explained that Brownstreak was a guy that YHC always looked up to. That even though he was a quiet guy he would ALWAYS bring it when it came to beat downs. So in honor of Brownstreaks return this past week YHC gives you….

The Dirty 30!

30 Squats

30 Merkins

30 Jump Squats (for Dolph….shouldn’t have shared that info on our ride to meet Austin brother!)

I think YHC heard a train here 5 Burpees OYO (YHC hearing not so good could’ve been and ambulance)

30 CDD’s (you’re welcome Def Leppard)

30 Lunges each leg!

30 Burpees (for Slaw)

30 LBC’s

30 Mountain Climbers each leg

30 WWI sit-ups



Mosey back to the Shiele to meet up with the Pain Lab for some Mary


Bandit called of course Dying Cockroaches 20 IC?

Short Sale called Ski Abs – 20 IC?

And Gastone was selected (YHC apologizes for that!) 3,000,000 Flutter Kick IC (at least it seemed like that many!

Finish off with 5 Burpees OYO



YHC is honored and humbled that Freight has selected him to take over as Nantan Next year. YHC prays and asks for prayers for wisdom, strength, courage, humility, grace so that YHC can serve the men of Gashouse well this next coming year. Thank you Freight for your service and dedication to F3 Gastonia this past year as Nantan …..YHC has a tough road ahead following you. It is truly an honor to call you a brother and a friend!


Announcements: Operation Sweet Tooth toy collection to happen immediately after Prayers. ( Contact Bandit if you still want to donate YHC believes you have this week to still support), Joe Davis 5k/10k Jan 6th SpeedForNeed will be there, Pizza Man taking over as First F and Q and SpeedForNeed Gashouse Regional Q,




Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Freight / ToolTime

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