Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 8, 2017

A Pax of Muscle Ts

We had 3 brave warriors sporting the  Muscle T during this crispy 55 degree Friday morning.   I almost started of with a crop top, but cold feet and a bit of humility kept my in the good graces of Gastonia’s finest.

Let get to this already >

20 IC – Side Staddle Hops,  10 IC – Merkins hold position, 10 IC – Planjacks, 10 IC – Squats,  20 IC – Dying Cockroaches,  30 IC – Flutterkicks

Mosey to the trunk for the bricks.
Lawn Chair Warrior:  Wall Sits,  20 IC Shoulder Press (screaming at ref), 30 count Speed Bags forward, 30 count Speed Bags reverse

Mosey to the parking deck

Wild Party: Keg stand (Hip Slappers) & Six Pack ( 1 pull up, 5 merkins then 2 pull ups 4 merkins…..similar to 11’s)
Rinse and repeat add some Dips 15 IC at the end.

Bear crawl up the ramps, sprint the flats all the way to the top.

10 IC – Squats, 10 IC – Sleeping Hillbillies(each side), 10 IC – Low Slow Squats

The Incarceration: 20 IC – Box Cutters,  10 IC – Mike Tysons,  15 IC – SLOW Box Cutters, 10 IC – Mike Tysons,

5 burpies for the train

Mosey to the bottom level and grab the bricks.

Mosey to the Wells Fargo steps for, 15 IC – dips, 15 IC – monkey humpers and 5 Steps deep sea divers.

To the pavillion: Partner up.  Lunge to the end of the stage and back, other partner hits Mountain Climbers, switch.
rinse and repeat x 2

10 IC – LBC’s
10 IC – flutterkicks




September 3rd F Preblast, Restoration and Forgiveness

This month’s theme is on Restoration and Forgiveness.  YHC was consumed in August with both work and vacation so I must make Cobains (all apologies) for not posting a preblast.  I appreciate those who stepped up and stood in the gap for me.  This month I have felt it is important to share on the Forgiveness and Restoration that our Lord has provided for us through his Son.  There has been much turmoil with Hurricanes, Fire raging throughout the country, political and social unrest; like everyone in our great country suddenly hates his neighbor. In all the focus on the spec in our neighbors eye we lose sight of one fact: We who judge the other are far from perfect ourselves.  Thank God that he has provided a way to reconcile us to Himself.

Week 1 I planned on sharing on Daniel 6: King Darius was a king who loved his servant Daniel but was bound by the law and forced to put Daniel in the lions den, but God had another plan.  In John 8: A woman was condemned to die by the law of Moses for adultery,  but Jesus had another plan.  How do these 2 people condemned for breaking the law find restoration and forgiveness?  Unfortunately I did not blast this out so only JJ arrived in time for the 3rd F gathering.  I will share on this in week 3


Week 2, Hushpuppy will be celebrating his 16th anniversary with his M and will not make Saturday 9/9.  This opportunity is open for anyone who would like to step up and share.

Week 3:Daniel 6 and John 8

Week 4: Luke 15:11-32 “While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion. His father ran to him, hugged him, and kissed him.21 Then his son said, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. ” We all know the story of the prodigal son, but who restored who? The story of the loving father and his 2 sons will remind us of God’s love towards us and the end we may ask, “Which son am I?”

Week 5: Hosea Chapter 2: Sometimes God allows us to go through turmoil when we are stubborn, but his desire is always to restore them.


Beginning Tuesday 9/12 We will begin reading “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel at the Crusade.  Join us from 6am to 6:30 every Tuesday at the Starbucks in Harris Teeter at the corner of Robinwood and Kendrick.  Get your copy here:

See you in the gloom!

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