Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 1, 2017


12 PAX joined YHC downtown in the gloom this morning. Two mornings in a row there has been a forecast of 100% chance of rain and I have signed up for the Q! Two mornings in a row there has been little to no rain. Fantastic! This being my 38th birthday the mumble chatter was strong right out of the gate. I, being a mumble chatterer myself, do enjoy it but figured I could stop it. Let’s get on with it.



Don Q’s x 10ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Goofballs x 10ic

Los slow squat x 8ic


Now for those of whom were at my Thursday Q I apologize for this one. None will ever live up to “The greatest spectacle to ever be seen”!

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking deck. Mosey to the top doing Joe Hendricks on the ramps. Man that got tough on the last few! I noticed a few PAX were doing Jane Hendricks but I won’t mention any names. Mosey back down 1 level and partner up.

11’s of sort. We only used the numbers 3 and 8 and did 10 rounds. 3ic patty cake merkins or hand slap merkins where we started. Then P1 runs up to the far end of the next level to the wall and does 8 donkey kicks. P2 does the same but goes down 1 level. Return and meet your partner for another round. This time you switch which way you run. Having an odd number I jumped in as the third wheel. My group struggled a bit with the ic merkins. We had it down by round 4 but lost it again by round 6. By round 8 we had it in perfect form and finished strong! Now I’ll give my partners some slack because they have much more important things to think about like saving lives and protecting the community. I noticed shortly into this exercise that the mumble chatter stopped.

Mosey down to the lowest level doing crabwalks down the ramps.

Partner up with a different partner. P1 runs up the deck to the top via the ramps. P2 runs up the stairs and runs until he meets his partner. We did 10 patty cake WWI’s then ran back down. Switch and do it again.

Running low on time we only did 1 round of my prison cell workout. 5 Burpee’s then a wall crawl to BTTW.

Start the mosey back. We stopped at the steps near Main St for 5 calf raises on each step. Finish the mosey back.

Circle up for one of my favorites The Iron Hulk(Jack Webbs at a 1:4 ratio). Why are my hands so heavy? That’s time!


Announcements-SFN get signed up for Christmas town 5k, Burpeethon get signed up early see The Mayor or YHC, JJ5K September 23rd in Stanley, Possible serve opportunity coming up to go  help with Harvey cleanup.

Prayer Request and close with Prayer


Even though I’ve been involved with F3 for several years now I still see myself as a recovering sadclown. That guy is always there nagging at me to go back to my old ways. I guess it is like sin that you always have to battle with to do better. It’s always there it just gets easier to deal with.  The best tool I have to deal with it is my brothers. The old me would not have wanted to start his birthday like this. Thanks to the guys I now surround myself with I couldn’t think of a better way to start the day. As a matter of fact I’m writing this at 3:00pm at work and that has been the best part of my day so far. Well beside my kid giving me a card she made with a gift of sky diving. I’m still deciding on whether my wife paid enough for the parachute or not! Anyway thanks to all the PAX for the birthday wishes and helping me be better than I was yesterday.


Double Omaha

It seems here lately that YHC has the ability to bring the rain. Literally. The weather has been rainy the last few times YHC has led the group at Midoriyama. At first, it looked as if the rain would slack off long enough for the original weinke. As the afternoon progressed, the weather looked as if it wasn’t going to cooperate. YHC Omaha’d to a “Rainy Day” weinke and instructed the PAX to post at the picnic shelter. After YHC arrived on site, he was greeted by brother Tool Time, Def Leppard, Lil’ Sweet, and lastly, Blart (who came out of the turd shack like he was shot from a cannon). The rain was light at best, and Tool Time REALLY didn’t want YHC’s rainy weinke. YHC really didn’t want it either, so YHC Omaha’d back to the original weinke (that he left sitting on the bar back home, of course). 5:30 rolled around, so here we go.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Merkins x 3 IC
  • Staggered Merkins (right in front of left) x 3 IC
  • Staggered Merkins (left in front of right) x 3 IC
  • Werkins x 3 IC
  • Diamond Merkins x 3 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x 20 IC

The Thang:

Grab the shovel flag and mosey up past the playground to long parking lot and back to the playground for the beginning of a 1/2 Murph.

  • 1/2 mile run (just completed)
  • 10 rounds of: 5 Pullups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats
  • 1/2 mile run (will be performed at end of workout)

After the Pullups, Merkins, and Squats, YHC led the men to the parking lot for:

Route 66 Mountain Climbers IC

Next, PAX lined up on one curb for some Burpee Dans. Pockets introduced this exercise to Midoriyama a little while back. Starting at one side, perform one Burpee, then Lunge forward one step per leg, the repeat the Burpee/ Lunge cycle until PAX reaches the other side. Come back with 2 Burpees/ Lunge 2 steps. Repeat back and forth up to 5 Burpees. This one really takes a toll on the body (especially after the 1/2 Murph work). Excellent work by all PAX. They really worked their tails off. The cool temps and light rain really helped prevent any passing out/ Merlot splashing. Tool Time voiced his disgusted pleasure (if there is such a thing) with Pockets for bringing these to Midoriyama. Also a shout out to the other men- Def Leppard pushing hard to “keep that butt down” during any Merkins/ Burpees. Blart quietly keeps pushing the rock and knocking all exercises out like Floyd Mayweather on that McGregor guy (sorry Tool Time). Lil’ Sweet actually cheers any time a Burpee exercise is called! Outstanding! And Tool Time pushes hard every time he posts. No matter how tired he is, he is always slinging out the mumble chatter!

At this time, YHC spoke very briefly about Matthew 5:37 : “But let your communication be, Yes, yes; No; no: for whatever is more than these comes of evil.” As  a HIM, our word must be solid. YHC commented that it seems the value of a man’s word has diminished over time. If you say it, do it. Be the example of this especially in front of younger men who need to see that type of behavior in us. Be a man of your word.

PAX then grabbed the shovel flag and moseyed back to the picnic shelter (last 1/2 mile of the 1/2 Murph) for:

The PLEDGE, and

22 Merkins for the Veterans.


  • Speed for Need (sign up now. It’s going to fill up quick after this weekend)
  • JJ5K in Stanley Sept. 23rd.
  • Burpeethon Sept. 16th.
  • Dry run of the Gas House AO run. DM Pizza Man if you are interested.
  • Sparky has contacted Samaritan’s Purse about helping the victims of Harvey. Tentative date is early October. Sparky will have more details soon.


Prayer requests: The victims of Harvey in Texas and Louisiana, our Country, and a young 9 year old that Def Leppard mentioned. After hearing his story, this young man has gone through more sickness and pain in his short 9 years than any of us have in our lives combined.

Keep lifting each other up in prayer!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! Had a great time pushing the rock with my brothers!




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