Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 5, 2016

Qwest West – A F3F Scholarship Opportunity

F3 Qwests West: May 17 –  May 30
An Amazing Opportunity for the F3 College Pax

Through a F3Foundation grant, Qwest West, Inc. and F3Foundation have joined forces to offer a full, needs-based scholarship to a deserving F3 college male to join the Qwest West, May 17-30.

The Qwest West gathers young adults (18-22+) across denominational and collegial lines for a Maymester spiritual journey in the American West.  It’s a camping road trip -F3 style!  Using AOs like the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, and Yosemite, Qwest West helps students scale new heights in faith, spirituality, and leadership.

Think communion, fitness, fellowship, hikes, campfires, COTs, BOM/Ws, worship services, and foot washings.  And very few burpees.  Check it out at and

The F3 Qwests West scholarship is open to college-age males.  Applicants should be active F3 pax and have demonstrable financial need.  Interested applicants should apply ASAP by emailing Seeker (John Cook indicating interest in the F3 Qwests West scholarship and requesting a Qwest West application form.

Deadline for applying is Tuesday, April 26.  Preference will be given to early applicants who meet the scholarship criteria.  Contact Seeker with questions.

Grateful Tclaps to F3Foundation and Qwest West for providing this wonderful opportunity to the F3Nation!


Who doesn’t like poker? Why not a little F3_Stud?

8 PAX braved the windy gloom for some improvement this morning.

20 Hillbillies IC (Appalachian Americans)
20 Merkins IC
25 LBCs IC
25 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Short mosey to the picnic table.


As many rounds as time would allow, the YHC pulled out a deck of cards. There were immediately moans from the PAX and before instructions could be given, ideas were flying on what face card counts should be. In order to help keep the PAX from mutiny the Q asked one of the PAX to shuffle the deck and then quickly deflected the barrage of comments with his own plan, as follows:

Pull 1 card from the top of the deck and deal to the PAX, we are all playing the same hand, in the Stud fashion. This card would represent the number of exercises to be done, and the suite would give the exercise.

Face value for number cards with J=11, Q=12, K=13 and A=14
Hearts = Burpees OYO
Spades = Squats IC
Clubs = Merkins IC
Diamonds = WW2 Situps OYO

After each set of exercises the PAX would take 1 laps around the parking lot Approx. 1/4 mile.

Not in order:
J-Spades, 8-Hearts, J-Diamonds, 8-Diamonds, A-Spades, 7-Spades, A-Clubs, 10-Diamonds, 6-Spades.

Finished with a round of Peoples Choice Mary.

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