Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2015 (Page 3 of 3)

#GoatIsland Backblast – “No Running”

Nine PAX gathered this morning in the #gloom for another running-free workout from Godfather. After a few jokes about #45minutesofmary and a short debate on whether or not to just skip the workout and get coffee, the consensus was that we should get started with the beat-down…

The Warm-Up was a round of six exercises in-cadence to 15 reps. Exercises included Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Merkins, Little Baby Crunches, and ended with Don Quixotes. After a short mosey to the end of the parking lot, it was time for…

The Thang

Part 1 included four trips across the parking lot. For each trip, the PAX completed an exercise to the midpoint and mosey’d to the end, planking until the six arrived. The first trip down started with Bear Crawls to the midpoint, second came the infamous Zombie Walk (which revealed one Brown Streak’s only weaknesses: his short legs), third came High Knees, and Part 1 concluded with Backwards SkipAdmittedly, I wrote down that we would do ten burpees OYO after the second and fourth trip, but I completely “forgot” to do that.

After a quick count off (#tclaps for getting it right both times) and a short mosey to first bridge, where the Godfather revealed the PAX would not TAKE THE BRIDGE as they were accustomed to, but would rather do an Inch Worm across. For those of you out of the know, and inch worm is like a Bear Crawl, except you keep your hands stationary until your feet meet them, then you extend hands out as far as they go and repeat. #Omaha was called about half way across the bridge, and a mosey took the PAX to the other bridge.

For this TAKE THE BRIDGE, the PAX were introduced to a new exercise called Batman & Robin. To complete a successful B&R, you must partner up and get back to back. After locking arms, both partners squat and begin to walk. One will be facing forward and the other will be walking backwards. Half way across the bridge, partners switch. Notes from B&R: height matters!

At the end of the bridge, it was time for another round of Dora 1-2-3 with 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, and 300 LBC’s. With the same partners as before, one person would exercise while the other ran across the bridge and tagged a bench before returning. With the use of aggregate counting, the PAX finished with about 10 minutes left to spare.

Before heading back for the COT, there were a few more tricks up Godfather’s sleeve. When the PAX arrived to first plank of the bridge, they were instructed to Duck Walk across. Moans and groans ensued, but with time still left on the clock, there was a quick detour to the park benches for 10 Step-Ups, 10 Dips, and 10 Derkins before moseying to the bridge.

Pausing at the bridge, it was decided the PAX would TAKE THE BRIDGE by Bounding, rather than moseying. Back in the lot, Godfather passed Q responsibilities to LC who lead the men in Squat Jacks, which is just like Side Straddle Hop but from a squat position.

COT featured the Name-o-Rama, a few announcements and prayer requests, and Top Hat taking the group out in prayer.


9/19 Workout at Billy Graham Library

The Billy Graham Library reached out to F3 recently about partnering with them for an event they are going to have on Saturday September 19th. They are looking to encourage guys to make it out to the Library to see all the facilities/resources that they have. If you or anyone outside of F3 is interested please check out the information below. We are going to have a 45 minute workout on the BGEA campus prior to a breakfast/speaker event and if you’re interested, a facility tour. Tickets are $15 for the breakfast, workout, as always, is free.

Where: Billy Graham Library (Link to the location)

– When you arrive head straight towards the library and park in that parking lot; you’ll be able to see a few shovel flags.

When: September 19, 2015

6:30 am – 45 minute F3 workout (Completely Free)

7:30 am – Men’s Breakfast w/ Speaker ($15)

8:30 am – Tour the Library

What: F3 is going to host a 45 minute workout at the Billy Graham Library prior to a Men’s Breakfast event they are having. After the workout, enjoy a buffet breakfast, fellowship, and a message from The Benham Brothers. You are welcome to stay for a guided tour of the Billy Graham Library after the breakfast. The facilities they have on campus are very impressive and certainly worth checking out.

*Update*: The Benham Brothers foundation is going to sponsor some tickets for the breakfast for those in F3 that would like to attend. If you want to be a part of the breakfast/speaking engagement please send me an email at I’ll get you on a list so that the breakfast and admission will be provided free of charge. As of 9/16 They have 20 tickets, about 10 of which have been claimed thus far, available for us so please let me know asap if you would like to attend.



11s and 55s. Or…Counting With Bandit

7 faithful PAX post at Martha’s House for #DownPainMent.  No frills.  No fuss.  No toys or coupons.  Just getting down to business. It went like this…


  • Warmup (IC)
  • SSH x 30
  • IW x 25
  • Merkins x 20
  • Squats x 20
  • MC x 20
  • CH Squats x 20
  • LBC x 20

The Thang

Indian Run to Pavilion

11s – Burpees and Flutter Kicks across parking lot.

Run to Field #1 (Linus style clockwise around Fields #2 and #1)

55s – Squats (top of hill) and LBCs (bottom of hill). Start w/ 10 reps, decrease to 1.

Run to Brewsters through parking lot.

4 MOM – Tabata Style
Times up!


Finished with COT and BOM

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