Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 14, 2015

Wyatt’s Warriors

Support Wyatt’s Warriors & the Hopebuilders 5K benefiting Levine Children’s Hospital!

In the spring of 2012, just 20 weeks into our pregnancy, we received the devastating news that our son, Wyatt, would be born with three congenital heart defects. Aortic Coarctation, a Bicuspid Aortic Valve and an Atrial Septal Defect.

Because of the early diagnosis, we were able to plan for Wyatt’s surgery and treatment prior to his birth. Dr. Benjamin Peeler, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Levine Children’s Hospital, carefully walked us through all of our options. Wyatt was born on September 12, 2012 and less than two weeks later, Dr. Peeler performed surgery to repair his Aortic Coarctation. After 9 days, we were able to bring our sweet baby boy home where he has continued to inspire us with his bravery and sweet spirit ever since.

We will be forever indebted to Levine Children’s Hospital for the care and support that we received while there. I am 100% certain that Wyatt would not be where he is today- a thriving and healthy toddler- if we did not have access to such an amazing hospital. Today we raise funds to support other patients at LCH by participating in the annual HopeBuilders 5K. Our team members have collectively raised over $5,000.00 for the hospital to help ensure that other families receive the same compassionate care where they need it most- close to home.

The 2015 HopeBuilders 5k & Stroller Roller is Saturday, October 10 – it is a beautiful course that starts at the hospital and goes through Myers Park. We would be honored if you would join Wyatt’s Warriors that morning to run, walk or push a stroller (we’ll be doing a little of all 3)! Just click on “Register as an Individual” on the right hand side of the page.

If you are unable to make it but would like to make a donation to help us reach our goal – click on “Support Jason” located on the right hand side of the page.

We are so incredibly thankful for each and every one of our family and friends that have prayed for, loved and supported our little family since Wyatt was born.

Click Here to Support Wyatt’s Warriors!

He has come so far since surgery!

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Happy Heart Day – 2014!

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2013 Team Wyatt’s Warriors!

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2014 Team Wyatt’s Warriors!

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Run Forrest Run – The Forrest Gump

10 PAX braved the gloom (that’s right, 10 – the fewest I have seen at the Gashouse).  Maybe it was the scheduled Q??

Warm Up

  • SSH in cadence X 15
  • LBC’s in cadence X 20
  • Imperial Walkers in cadence X 15
  • Freddie Mercury’s in cadence X 20
  • Mosey to Flag for the Pledge


Run to Station 1 – The Church (Took a right out of the Schiele)

  • Merkins In cadence X 15
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 20
  • Mountain Climbers in cadence X 20

Run to Station 2 – Hillbilly’s BBQ

  • Hillbillies in cadence X 20
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 20
  • Mountain Climbers in cadence X 20

Run to Station 3 – Lineberger Park Flag Circle

Partner up for some ladder work.  One runs up the sidewalk hill and steps and back while partner 2 exercises for a cumulative count:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Plank Jacks
  • 150 Flutter Kicks (Stroganoff audible – I’m 45)

Run to Station 4 – Up the hill to the upper playground at Lineberger Park (Past the Pool) to find a bench.

  • Single Count dips in cadence X 20
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 15
  • Derkins in cadence X 15
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 20

Mosey back to Lineberger Park Flag Circle for a Ring of Fire – 8 Merkins

Run to Station 5 – Back to the Church on way to the Finish Line

  • Merkins in cadence X 12
  • Prayer Squats in cadence X 20
  • Flutter Kicks in cadence X 25
  • Moroccan Nightclubs in cadence X 30

Mosey/Run back to the Schiele for the Nameorama and Prayer.

This 10 showed me something on Saturday.  My guess is we ran between 2.5 – 3 miles.  As usual, I was honored for the opportunity to lead the group.  Until the next one….Aye!!

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